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Why Did the Puritans Leave England for America? (Video)

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Pilgrims going to church. Source: Public Domain

Now known as the Pilgrims, the departure of the Puritans from England was spurred by a confluence of religious, political, and social factors during the early 17th century. Emerging from the Protestant Reformation, which challenged the authority of the Catholic Church, the Puritans sought to purify the Church of England from residual Catholic practices. Their dissatisfaction stemmed from the sluggish pace of reformation within the Church, which retained many Catholic rituals and doctrines despite severing ties with Rome.

Queen Elizabeth I’s cautious approach to religious reforms, balancing between Catholic and Protestant interests, provided limited space for the Puritans to express their reformist zeal. King James I’s reign saw further tensions, as his clashes with the Puritans over issues like priestly vestments and Calvinist doctrine exacerbated their discontent. – Reconstructing the story of humanity’s past


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  • Patient4Him2

    One-third of the WHITE people of America are descendants of the colonists and founders of America (1559-1776). They worship freely Father God Jesus by His Holy Bible that He authored and righteous men scribed. The ENGLISH Puritan / Protestant Christians were intolerant of Catholics’ “religiosity of rituals” and social politics being forced upon them. Overall, the Puritan / Protestant ENGLISH severed their lives from the European PEDOPHILE JEWS, CATHOLICS, and MUSLIMS who still worship the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.

    The discovery of “blood-typing” as a science occurred in 1901. WHITE people are blood type-A, BROWN people blood type-B, and BLACK people blood type-O. JEWS are blood type-Rh that abbreviates Rhesus monkey blood strain. Jesus said in JOHN 8: “JEWS are not human” “JEWS are offspring of SATAN,” “JEWS worship the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.” Like Judaism, Catholicism and Islam are the same worshipers of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN because they rape, murder, and eat children for supposed personal fortune and glory by empowering Satan by human blood.

    Those of us in the world who read our USER MANUAL, the HOLY BIBLE, know ALL 8 BILLION HUMANS ARE COUSINS by Noah’s three sons: SEM, JAPHETH, and HAM. SEM’s / Semite Family / Tribes / Clans / Children are WHITE people, blood type-A, because Father God Jesus described SEM’s progeny ISAAC-HEBREW as “WHITE as cotton with rosy cheeks,” and his son JACOB-ISRAEL as “WHITE as milk” that defines WHITE skin, and blood type-A. JACOB-ISRAEL’s eight (8) WHITE sons migrated to Europe to found ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, RUSSIA, and later AMERICA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and more.

    • Patient4Him2

      @Patient4Him2 — / continued…. JAPHETH’s offspring and progeny are blood type-B (light BROWN skin) whose seven (7) sons Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras settled in SPAIN, ITALY, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, TURKEY, PERSIA. The JEWS hide among GOMER, son ASHKENAZ, and MAGOG lands. JAPHETH’s blood-kin are JEWS, CATHOLICS and MUSLIMS.

      HAM’s offspring and progeny are blood type-B (medium and dark BROWN skin) and blood type-O (BLACK skin); whose sons were Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. They settled ETHIOPIA, EGYPT, LIBYA, CANAAN. Ham’s blood-kin are primarily MUSLIMS. The JEWS hide among MIZRAIM (Egypt), and CANAAN (Arabia) lands.

      JEWS attached the suffix “ISH” to their namesake that means APPROXIMATE … APPROXIMATE JEWS are the renegade angels … the “not humans” who’ve published for 100 years in newspapers, books, conference speeches, and letters to world leaders that they came to “genocide humanity and destroy Earth” by a 6,000-year agenda that concludes in the coming 79 years. Hence, the world wars, democidal and genocidal vaccines, poisoning of the air, waters, sea-life, lands, animals, vegetation, and natural medicines, household cleaners, clothing … everything we see, smell, taste, touch, hear, and wear is poisonous to humans but not poisonous to “not-humans.” JESUS commanded, EVERYTHING YOU SAY, AND DO, SHALL COME BACK TO YOU.

      • Patient4Him2

        @Patient4Him2 — /continued…. So, when is humanity going to read their USER MANUAL / HOLY BIBLE and obey Father God Jesus to desist in worshiping the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN? When is humanity going to FEED EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES … alive or dead, as commanded by Father God Jesus?


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