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The Gospel of Jesus Was Replaced by the Pagan Gospel of Rome

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The Irrefutible History Behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s Ability To Implement His Pagan Practices Into The Bible Canons That Begun At The Council Of Nicaea In 325AD And Ended At The Council Of Carthage in 397AD When The Official Bible Rolled Out

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    Total 12 comments
    • j844

      The message of Christ was to His people, His sheep, the race from Adam (IE) the white Caucasian race

      • HypothesisFree

        The Hebrews were NOT Caucasians you ignorant fool. They have darkened skin and include blacks and Indians. After I got to the bottom of this, this was further confirmed in a conversation I had with an indigenous Nicaraguan who CORRECTLY claimed to be of the PURE BLOODLINE!

        • Patient4Him2

          @HypothesisFree — Someone(s) are having fun playing with your brain. Do yourself a lot of good, and buy the study bible ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV) that combines the “people, places, things, and events” to help readers make connections to learn and comprehend faster. Also, STEVE RUDD at provides maps, charts, text and graphics for “visual” learners that provides instant comprehension of the “people, places, things, and events” of humanity’s USER MANUAL / Holy Bible. Download everything Steve Rudd offers freely to a flash drive.

          I’ll just say this to encourage you: JESUS said in JOHN 8: “JEWS are not humans” “JEWS are offspring of Satan” “JEWS are worshipers of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch et al). Father God Jesus said, I GAVE the JEWS as SLAVES to My HEBREWS for MILLENNIA … JEWS [not human], HEBREWS [White humans] … the two are not interchangeable species and bloodlines! The discovery of “blood typing” became a science in 1901. JEW-”ISH” / JEW-”Approximate” are blood type-Rh that abbreviates Rhesus monkey blood strain. Father God Jesus said, ISAAC-HEBREW is “WHITE as cotton with rosy cheeks,” and JACOB-ISRAEL is “WHITE as milk” that means blood type-A, the ARMY OF GOD, missioned to “eradicate evil on Earth,” whereas non-White humans were missioned to “nurture and protect Earth.” There are only eight (8) WHITE HEBREW TRIBES of Jacob-Israel. The JUDAH Tribe founded ENGLAND, and his…

          • Patient4Him2

            @HypothesisFree — /continued….

            brothers founded SCOTLAND, IRELAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, and RUSSIA. They would later settle AMERICA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and many more WHITE nations. Therefore, JEW-Approximates scribbled their pathetic galactic lives into humanity’s USER MANUAL / HOLY BIBLE that Father God Jesus authored that the righteous men scribed for HUMANITY to know WHO the JEW is and to FEED THE EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES … either alive or dead as Father God Jesus commands in multiple Books of the USER MANUAL / HOLY BIBLE!

            Therefore, buy the study bible ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV) and download STEVE RUDD’s visual aids to a flash drive. You will easily comprehend that JEW-Approximate and the CIA usurping imposter clergy (since 1947) commandeered American Christian churches and have fully buggered the brains of Americans for too many generations! :-( Enjoy your education, especially on Sunday with Father God Jesus … HE just loves us joining Him on Sunday, His rest day, His Holy Day. :-)

      • Patient4Him2

        @J844 — YES, Father God Jesus is a WHITE skin man, blue eyes, light hair, and blood type-A. The first Creation began by ADAM, whom was WHITE skin, blood type-A. The second Creation was NOAH whom was WHITE skin, Blood type-A as well as his three sons SEM, JAPHETH, and HAM who were also WHITE skin blood type-A. However, following the Great Flood, Ham sodomized daddy Noah while he was unconscious by alcohol. Instead of curing HAM, Noah cursed Ham’s 4th son CANAAN. Father God Jesus was heart-sick because He had cleansed the Earth of sexual depravity and HAM re-started the practice. So, Father God Jesus said in GENESIS 6, that He would reduce humanity’s longevity to 120 years, and change human skin and blood type beginning with NOAH’s GRAND CHILDREN.

        SEM’s WHITE skin, blood type-A progeny by Family / Tribes / Clans / Children continue until the end of time.
        JAPHETH’S Family / Tribes / Clans / Children changed to light BROWN skin, blood type-B. They settled around the CAUCASUS MOUTAINS on the northern Middle East and southern European border, and are nicknamed CAUCASIAN for the Mountains.
        HAM’s Family / Tribes / Clans / Children are mixed skins and blood types. Three of Ham’s sons were medium BROWN [Egypt] and dark BROWN [Arabia and Libya] skin, blood type-B, and one son was BLACK skin, blood type-O [Ethiopia]. WHITE, BROWN, BLACK skin humans are all COUSINS … 8 BILLION SOULS! :-)

        Our USER MANUAL / Holy Bible, Book of JOHN, Chapter 8: Jesus said “JEWS…

        • Patient4Him2

          @J844 — /continued …. “JEWS are not humans” “JEWS are offspring of Satan” “JEWS are worshipers of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch et al). Father God Jesus said, I GAVE the JEWS as SLAVES to My HEBREWS for MILLENNIA … JEWS [not human] and HEBREWS [White humans] are not interchangeable species and bloodlines! The discovery of “blood typing” became a science in 1901. JEW-”ISH” / JEW-”Approximate” are blood type-Rh that abbreviates Rhesus monkey blood strain. Therefore, the “not human approximate JEWS” are not the WHITE human species, not blood type-A hierarchy of Noah’s first son SEM [SEMite Family] progeny of Hebrews and Israelites. Buy the study bible ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV), that easily answers WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW, that reveals the edits that galactic JEW-”Approximates” scribed into the HOLY BOOKS after 77 AD to write themselves into human history!

          The eight (8) WHITE ISRAEL brothers TRIBES migrated from the Middle East to Europe. The TRIBE of JUDAH founded ENGLAND, and his brothers’ TRIBES founded SCOTLAND, IRELAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, and RUSSIA known as the WHITE WESTERN NATIONS [to include their colonized nations AMERICA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, etcetera.] All other nations are BROWN and BLACK species that APPROXIMATE JEWS WOULD INSTALL INTO WHITE HUMANS’ NATIONS to cause wars/genocide. Approximate JEWS have published for 100 years they came to “genocide humanity and destroy Earth” toward their…

          • Patient4Him2

            @J844 — /continued…

            6,000-year agenda that ends in the coming 79 years.

            Father God Jesus said to Mark Taylor (The Trump Prophesies, 2021) I shall cause an EXODUS that has never been written and experienced since Creation. ALL ALIENS in My favored nation AMERICA shall return to their Fatherlands SIMULTANEOUSLY for coming to America with UNWORTHY INTENTIONS.

            Goodbye JEW-APPROXIMATE and ALIENS that fleece, rape, and murder Americans … you shall experience Jesus’ commandment: EVERYTHING YOU SAY, AND DO, SHALL COME BACK TO YOU.

            IT IS SHOW TIME, FOLKS!

    • R-joona

      How to play the video?

      • Patient4Him2

        @R-Joona — To play the video, just click on the red circle with the arrow in the center, and then, the video plays just as other videos are played. Enjoy!

    • illumination

      gnostics books read them and the four winds journals and talmud that billy meyiers found in a cave with a bishop in the old days in the late 60s u be shocked. muhammad the beloved said christ became isa lived to 125 yrs where muhammad died around 62/ 1/2 years cause of a women of jewish blood piosion him but his uncle had meds and seeked the best doctors where muhammad lived extra time but died he would not take meds anymore got real ill.. look it up

    • iguardian717

      It is a true fact that The Gospel of Jesus Was Replaced by the Pagan Gospel of Rome.
      Christianity began in the pre-existence. After God the Father chose Jesus’ plan of salvation for His spirit children, over Lucifer’s, God and His Son Jesus Christ created the earth and placed Michael the archangel, in the Garden and named him Adam. Adam’s assignment with Eve, was to begin populating the earth. Each new child born was to become a mortal inhabitant housing a spirit child of God, created in our preexistence.
      They also gave Adam the Priesthood authority to perform saving ordinances for the mortal inhabitants sent into the bodies created by Adam and his offspring.
      The ‘Priesthood’ was named after the prophet Melchizedek. That Mechizedek Priesthood was then handed down from prophet to prophet until the time of Jerimiah. All those holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, from the time of Jacob, [who became Israel,] including Moses, and Joshua, were part of the tribes of Israel, and had that Priesthood. Being prophets they prophesied, quoting the Lord, of His coming, That he would atone for man’s sins and be sacrificed, and it was written in the Old Testament writings.
      Over a period of time, before the Lord was born, there were not any qualified prophets holding the priesthood. Like ALL RELIGIONS, there are those who take lightly the doctrine and the principles that make it sincere or sacred. And in Israel, the Priesthood was forsaken and lost with Publicans, Pharisees and…

    • Follows TheWay

      The true gospel of Jesus Christ has been replaced by the vast majority of today’s preachers and teachers.

      They teach EZ, instantaneous, broad way theologies as “salvation;” the “sinner’s prayer” lie being the chief.

      For a most-helpful guide to the narrow way and true, Biblical salvation, freely-download and prove out the PDF here, while there is still time:

      Matt 11:15

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