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By Dr Richard Ruhling
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If We Fight, We Die in the Coming Civil War

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Yes, godly men fought for this country and braved death to establish it’s freedom in 1776. But contrary to what many believe, this is not 1776. We hate what we see happening to America–too much “change” that millions unwisely voted for.

Colonel Ammerman (under General Schwarzkopf in Desert Storm) cited unclassified information to say there were a million UN troops in North America, mostly on closed military bases (more than a decade ago, so you might double it).

Department of Defense Confirms Russian Troops To Train On U.S. Soil Although this is the first time Russian troops will train on U.S. soil, soldiers from other nation have done so for more than a decade.

Perhaps this is because they won’t hesitate to shoot U.S. citizens when U.S. troops (already having a high suicide rate) might have a problem with that.

“History repeats” and the following parallel should be instructive to us. When Israel failed to honor God as America has, God allowed the Babylonians to take them captive. The prophet, Jeremiah, said, If you resist, you will die, “but he that goes out and falls [surrenders] to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live.” Jeremiah 21:9.

Those words were for the people of Jerusalem but they could also be for people living in U.S. cities who may be tempted to resist martial law and the suspension of Constitutional rights. But it’s better to surrender those rights and accept the law of bigger guns than to fight and die. This is not about being cowardly; it’s about recognizing God’s larger plan.

We want to think of America as our land but we failed to keep it as pioneers said. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams.  No longer a moral and religious people, we have lost America.

God isn’t taken by surprise, and those who seek a biblical solution can have an opportunity for freedom in the kingdom that will parallel what He did in the Exodus. Consider this brief summary:

God’s people went to Egypt in a time of famine. Pioneers came to America in a time of famine for the Word of God. Israel prospered in Egypt and Christians prospered in America. But another king came along who knew not Joseph and who enslaved the Israelites. Another king has come along who knew not Jefferson and we are headed into bondage.

God heard Israel’s cry and afflicted the land of Egypt. He attacked their gods. They worshiped the Nile River, the basis of their economy, and it turned to blood. Most Americans worship (serve) the dollar, and like the Nile, America’s god will fail. God took Israel from calamity in Egypt to a covenant relationship at Sinai and later said, “I am married unto you,” Jeremiah 3:14.

Paul included the Exodus when he said, “All those things happened for examples… ends of the world,” 1Corinthians 10:1,11, but Christians don’t understand. Christ even implied the invitation to the marriage would be scorned and ridiculed, Matthew 22:3-6.

“If you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise [of land]” Galatians 3:29. When New World Order is set up and you can’t buy or sell without being compelled to worship falsely (Revelation 13:15-17), the land of the covenant that God made with Abraham will be the only place for true Christians. Going to Israel is also the context of the New Covenant Promise to write His laws in our hearts, Jeremiah 31:8,10,17,31.

I know it’s an awesome thought. That’s the last place we might like to go now, but after Zechariah 14:1-3 when God begins to fight against those nations, it will be safe to go, also promised in Ezekiel 36:24-28–”I will take you from among the heathen (America is getting that way!) and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land. THEN (we get a new heart and right spirit without which we will not be ready to meet Christ in the sky)..and you will dwell in the land that I gave your fathers (hint–it’s not about America anymore!)

We might not want to go there, but there really isn’t any choice because it’s the land of the covenant (promised by God to Abraham’s seed and “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise [of land]” Gal 3:29. And when the whole world is under New World Order and can’t buy or sell without fall worship (Rev 13:15-17) which will receive the wrath of God (Rev 14:9,10), God will defend His covenant-keeping people in the land of the covenant–Exodus 34:10,11.  Paul said those things happened for examples to us at the end of the world, 1Cor 10:1,11

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    Total 161 comments
    • GrandDaddy

      Then I die.


        The preacher is a jackass follower of the false apostle and anti-Christ Pharisee Paul; and he makes ridiculous and untrue connections between God bringing Jews out of Egypt and what he calls pioneers coming to America.



        The truly moronic believe Romans 13 is true, that all in government are of God. A gem thrown in for the Roman rulers so they would support the Pharisees and the Roman ruler Constantine did support the Pharisees presiding at the Council of Nicea where the Roman Emperor threw his muscle behind their Bible, which included writings of the Pharisees, thereby putting a muzzle on Pharisee opposition that rejected the doctrine of UN-Circumcision of Pharisee Paul for Gentiles, which doctrine is anti the doctrine of Circumcision of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:7, Romans 15:8, Matthew 5:17-20 versus Colossians 2:14).

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          I’m not a preacher; I’m a retired physician who may have more time to understand that God isn’t taken by surprise in this, but it will test our faith to see that He “declares the end from the beginning” (Isa 46:10) and the book of beginnings ends with His people in Egypt, not in the land that He gave Abraham for Abraham’s seed. “If you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” [of land] Gal 3:29. “All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God and is profitable” 2Tim 3:16. If you think you can pick and choose (eliminating the man God chose to write nearly half the New Testament and evangelism the Gentiles, I think you are bending things to suit your views. Please reevaluate–the Bible reveals God has a great plan, and we are coming to a time of testing when tender plants (no deep roots in the Word of God) will wither, Matt 13:6


          Jesus calls who obey him to be teachers and doers of God’s commands. Ruhling is supposedly preaching Christ, then despite his protest otherwise, he is a preacher. He is actually a worker of iniquity and a false prophet who makes the prophesy that good men who may have to fight to preserve the freedoms granted under the US Constitution shall die.

          Ruhling is a liar, for the end is Jerusalem when Jesus returns and the nations go before the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem to observe the feast of tabernacles (Zechariah 14:16). You liar child of Hell saying the beginnings end with His people in Egypt. Child of Hell Ruhling, the Lord was crucified symbolically in Egypt and Sodom (Rev. 11:8). But that clown Ruhling says the book of beginnings, whatever the heck that is, ends with his people in Egypt, a total lie. The man is evil.

          The clown Ruhling commits blasphemy by claiming that Gentiles who obey Christ are of Abraham’s seed (Rev. 2:9). It is blasphemy for Gentles to call themselves Jews. The evil Pharisee Paul brought Gentles into God’s Temple and polluted the holy place (Acts 21:28); and these Gentile converts to Pharisee Paul’s doctrine are supposed to be the true Jews according to the lying doctrine of Pharisees, which the child of Hell Ruhling subscribes to (Romans 2:28-29). Yet those Jews of Asia who the Lord is with know the truth and Gentiles brought into God’s Temple polluted God’s Temple. Gentiles are never Jews and Jews are never Gentiles.

          And the blind fool Ruhling quotes the writings of Pharisees, as Galatians is of the Pharisees, the lying writing that says Gentiles are Jews and that there are two gospels (Galatians 2:7-8) when in fact there is one everlasting gospel for all, Revelation 14:6!

          Ruhling hates Christ by dismissing Christ’s warning that Pharisees are of the Devil, cannot escape Hell (John 8:44, Matthew 23:33) In fact, Jesus uses Pharisees and scribes as an example of how NOT to be in order to make it into Heaven (Matthew 5:20). Jesus says Pharisees are children of Hell, of the Devil, but the evil Ruhling does not give a damn about the Lord. Ruhling shall be among those who Jesus shall say, I never knew you (Matthew 7:22-23). Ruhling promotes the writings of the Pharisees, he promotes the lie that all writings in the Bible are of God.

          Converts to the doctrine of Pharisees are twice the children of Hell than the Pharisees (Matthew 23:15). Ruhling is a Pharisee convert. He loves that lying doctrine in Romans 7:16-7:25 that says sin that dwells in the flesh does the sinning, when Jesus says the desire to do evil comes from the heart, not from sin dwelling in the flesh (Matthew 15:18-19). Ruhling agrees that one can do evil and be of God because that is what his beloved Master Pharisee Paul teaches: “…I DO EVIL” (Romans 7:19), yet the true apostle John says he that does evil has not seen God (3 John 1:11).

          The child of Hell Ruhling quotes yet another writing of the Pharisees, 2 Timothy 3:16. Well, child of Hell Ruhling, your freak man of Satan and master Pharisee Paul says all of Asia rejected him (2 Timothy 1:15). Who is in Asia? None other than the Jews of the Lord who are represented by seven golden candlesticks in Heaven (Rev. Ch. 1). These same Jews of Asia had Ruhling’s beloved Master Pharisee Paul thrown out of God’s Temple (Acts 21:27-30).

          Child of Hell Ruhling claims I am “bending” things to suit my own views, when in fact I am quoting from the writings of John and Matthew! The child of Hell Ruhling does not love Christ, he prefers men of Satan, the Pharisees.

          Acts 23:6 “I am a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee.”

          Even after Paul’s alleged conversion to Christ, which is a lie as all Pharisees and scribes go to Hell (Matthew 5:20), the man of Satan still maintains he is a Pharisee.

        • ZombiePlanet

          Mr. Ruhling is a fine example of why our nation is in the trouble we no have. And it all started in the pulpit, with panty waste preachers more concerned with the collection plate and “offending” someone, rather than teaching Biblical truth and getting a “backbone” and standing like a man.

          Lu 22:36 … and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

          1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (KJV)

          Is Mr. Ruhling’s mindset the same as George Washington’s when faced with superior numbers of Red Coats? Did Washington say “run and be a coward and let the oppressor use us as a rug, and rape our wives and children?”

          Mr. Richard Ruhling reminds me of the DHS program that signed up thousands of “church” leaders to persuade their congregations to “turn in their firearms when the anti-Christ government said to do so.” And apparently (as I understand) these so called “church leaders” were placed on the DHS pay roll. (30 pieces of silver for their efforts)

          Mr. Ruhling ramblings definitely misquote scripture and bending them to serve his purpose. God does not say “surrender ourselves” to Satan, Evil, Tyrants, Demons, Anti-Christ dictators, etc. WE ARE TO RESIST EVIL AT EVERY TURN IN LIFE.

      • whitebear

        Looks like a data mining post to me.


        152 more to round up

        on the other hand. . . If you don’t fight, you’ll likely die anyway

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          Thanks for your comment and interest. I believe there’s a better way out and I plan to post a follow up to this Saturday.

        • meee

          Matthew 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. (KJV)
          Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
          Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
          Micah 5:15 And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.
          Luke 21:22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

    • arpes

      You can die on your knees as a subject. I for one remain true to 1776… and if I die, so be it!

      • tayronachan

        1776 could come again if they come for the ball and powder.


      Going to the illegally occupied land of ‘Israel’ at the moment isn’t going to do anyone any good. Israel is going to be FLATTENED in the coming conflagration, as will be the United States. There is no place to run to that will be a safe place to hide from what is coming.

      If there is to be shelter in the wilderness, our Father will lead us there at the appointed time. The model for this will be found in the verses of the Old Testament, which none of us understands sufficiently at the moment.

      The land of Israel is presently occupied by a colony of presumptuous usurpers. They are not the tribe of Judah — far from it. If I am wrong about this, then of course I would repent of my errors and beg forgiveness from my brothers, but none of the available evidence indicates anything other than that Israel has been usurped by pretenders. Be that as it may, it is certain that there are many actual children of the Most High living in the land at the moment, thus the order to flee Judea when the abomination that makes desolate is seen standing in the holy place (a redux of a previous similar event in history). Israel is likely to be one of (if not the premier) WORST places on Earth to be in the coming Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

      Our orders are actually quite clear — and they DO NOT include fighting in any war — civil or otherwise — which has not been expressly sanctioned by the Almighty Himself. Included in our orders is the standing statute: Thall shall not kill. We ignore that Commandment at our peril. It is far better to BE KILLED than to disobey the direct, black-and-white Commandment of our Father in Heaven. A pacifist I am not: I would be delighted to be given the order to slay my enemies. But I have been given no such order. My orders in hand read: Thou shalt NOT.

      Again, the orders we have in hand include preparing for our Master’s return. Is our house in order? Is the Temple (the Body of Messiah) cleansed and sanctified? Are we following the Instructions of the Most High? Are we even aware that we are expected to be obedient to certain statutes and ordinances? (I know YOU are aware, brother Rhuling.)

      Not only is fleeing to Israel not the answer we need at the moment, it is also a very bad idea. He who seeks to save his life will surely loose it in what is coming. We would better concern ourselves with other things. Our safety and the security, if it comes, and the safety and security of those in our charge, will come by His hand or not at all. There is nothing any of us can do to ensure our safety in the face of this rising Beast. Study the Instructions. Obey the Law. Clean the House. Sanctify the Temple. Make ready the Way of He who is coming. When it is time for us to pick up and flee — He will let us know. It will be a place of gathering at His choosing. It is NOT Israel. YHWH Himself will lead His sons and daughters into the promised land — just like last time. Until He brings us in — I would consider it off limits. It is going to be destroyed. Those who He leads into it are going to have to rebuild it.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Dear Brother,

        You obviously have a good level of commitment to God’s Word and since “All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God,” it is well to consider a broad picture, even of some things we may not be familiar with, but like the Bereans, we are to “receive the Word with all readiness of mind, and search the Scriptures daily whether those things are so.”

        You may have overlooked my paragraph above that says, I know it’s an awesome thought. That’s the last place we might like to go now, but after Zechariah 14:1-3 when God begins to fight against those nations, it will be safe to go, also promised in Ezekiel 36:24-28–”I will take you from among the heathen (America is getting that way!) and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land. THEN (we get a new heart and right spirit without which we will not be ready to meet Christ in the sky) Exodus 34:10,11 also shows God as defending His covenant when He has those (not usurpers, I agree) who commit themselves to Him.


          Matthew 23:15 converts to a doctrine of Pharisees are twice the children of Hell than the Pharisees.

          Any one who believes the lying doctrine of Pharisee Paul, as set forth in Romans 7:16-7:25) that when one sins, it is not he that sins but sin in his flesh does the sinning, is a child of Hell.

          If it were true that all flesh is captive to a so-called “law of sin”, then how is it that God said:

          Jonah 3:10 “God saw their works that they turned from their evil ways ….”

          While your beloved Master and man of the Devil, Pharisee Paul says, I don’t want to do evil, but evil is what I do (Romans 7:19), the true apostle John NEVER says any such thing of himself, that he does evil and cannot help but do evil. To the contrary:

          3 John 1:11 “… he that does evil has NOT seen God.”

          Telling the workers of iniquity (lawlessness), as their beloved Master says “Christ nailed the law to the cross” (Colossians 2:14) and Jesus says, “Think NOT that I have come to do away with the law” (Matthew 5:17-20), that they are not of God is a waste of time because those fools of the Gentile churches will even argue with Christ in Heaven:

          Matthew 7:22-23 “Many shall say to me in that day, Lord, Lord we did many wonderful works in your name … And I shall profess to them I never knew you, depart from me workers of iniquity.”

          The workers of iniquity argue with Christ, they put forth reasons why he should know them, but Jesus does not know them and they are forced from his presence with the command, depart.

          Zechariah 8:23 “Thus says the Lord of Hosts, it shall come to pass that ten [Gentiles] shall take hold of one Jew saying, we will go with you for we have heard that the Lord is with you.”

          All the Gentile churches with that unholy altar and unholy ritual Eucharist are offenses to God and shall be no more when Jesus returns to reign on earth; and so too the workers of iniquity will be no more as Christ sends his angels to remove all things and all people who offend (Matthew 13:41).




        • MarkedbyHeaven

          Dear Brother Richard – It is easy to discern those who are walking according to the flesh rather than the Spirit, for man always wants to strive out of self, fighting the battle in the natural rather than in the Spiritual. I thank you for your clarity and confirmation of scriptures, as eye has not seen what plans the Lord has for those who trust in Him. As for me, I will follow the Lamb where ever He leads and like Esther, if I perish, I perish for to be absent of the body is to be present with the Lord. In my heart, I hold on to the promise He will snatch me out of this New Mystery Babylon and protect me in His way, in His place reserved for me. Whatever that looks like, I am not sure, however, since His word does not return to Him void – I know that He will do it! May He do it for you, as well.
          Blessings & Peace! :)

      • rrd724

        Absolutely you are correct……this is in accordance to the same study I have given to this and thus the understanding to which I’ve come to believe through Holy guidance. Despite all previous indoctrination by false doctrines in present day religion, my study has lead me to these exact conclusion for now. We are being instructed to “wait on the Lord” and make not one move on our “own” cognizance. Faith and intuneness to Him are “key” and “vital” to safety.

      • Realist

        Beef Supreme: you’re obviously a pathetic, snivelling little worm. Say your empty, worthless prayers to your uncaring God if you want. It won’t do you any good. I’ve no doubt that the elites are going to love your attitude.

        And i most certainly don’t give half a f**k about the orders and commandments of your wretched God.

        • ZombiePlanet

          The first sign that this post is based in deception.

          Notice the “title” … “If We Fight, We Die in the Coming Civil War.”

          I guess Mr. Deceiver forgot that in Jesus there is “no death.”

          Notice how Mr. Richard Ruhling professes, under “color of clergy,” a complete “rambling” and “mishmash” of scripture at an attempt to convince you to lay down your “arms” and take a beating.

          Look at the pitiful “contributors profile” next to his name at the top of his post.

          This person is either a dis-info plant here to deceive or, he it a near complete idiot.

          And don’t forget is cohort … Mr. Beef.”

        • trashman


      • MarkedbyHeaven

        God Bless you brother for such an encouraging and confirming word! You excellently articulated exactly what the Lord has shown me as a seal upon my heart!

    • Volcano

      BEEF SUPREME Well said. Those who do not follow his will with all thy heart, He will not lead there path but blind them because of there own evil

    • Dr Richard Ruhling

      You don’t have to die so soon, and you can be part of a bigger plan. “He will make [us] ruler over all that He has” (Luke 12:44) if we meet the conditions in this obscure wedding parable, but wedding parables are about making and keeping a covenant with God, and you wouldn’t want to do that if you aren’t really surrendered to Him. “Ruler over all that He has” is not some cheap internet promise of making a million. It’s from the One who hung the stars in space and who died for us. Do we want to live in harmony with His will so He is glorified in us?


        Yo moron Child of Hell Ruhling, your beloved Master Pharisee Paul instructs you to:

        2 Corinthians 5:4 “For we do groan being burdened not that we would be unclothed … that mortality be swallowed up in life.” :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Your evil master Pharisee Paul says he can’t wait to die, and you Gentiles follow his example. Oh well there’s that little thing of dying required first, but heck skip over that, we just want an immortal body.

        The child of Hell Pharisee Paul is moaning and groaning and burdened that he get his immortal body. Are following his example, child of Hell Ruhling?

        According to Ruhling’s evil master Pharisee Paul, Jesus did Lazarus a great disfavor by bringing Lazarus back to life!

        End up in Hell Ruhling, there is no other place for a Pharisee convert. But to tell these workers of iniquity they are not of God is futile, because they will argue with the Lord in Heaven and judgment insisting that he should know them because of their wonderful works, their prophesying and casting out demons (Matthew 7:22-23).

    • desert owl

      Dear Brothers,
      At this stage the situation does look grim indeed, but not yet as bad as that of the Jews in Persia, who had no constitution protecting their rights to self defense. So I beg you to ask Him, our Shepherd, to open your eyes to the prophetic side of the book of Esther, which is hidden in the history of the Jews.
      When we follow the orders we have, to wear the full armor of the Holy Spirit and be ready to stand against the onslaught of evil at any time, we will be blessed with the oil of Joy and Happiness at this time in 2013.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Dear Desert Owl,

        Thank you for your use of Scripture which we should look closely at–just as the Hebrew alphabet has sets of look-alike letters–God wants us to look closely at issues. I acknowledge the truth of bad government (that the Bible represents as beasts of prey in Daniel 7) moving toward Revelation 13:15-17 that will force compliance and mean death for those who don’t comply, but the wrath of God will fall on those who do, so it’s a huge crisis.

        Krisis is the Greek word for “judgment” in Rev 14:7, and I believe it will come this spring after a sold-out congress complies with hidden agendas to try to make “gun control” look lawful, and then they could use HAARP to create a huge Katrina-like gun grab (totally “successful” then–almost nobody protested)

        But a huge earthquake is also the kickoff to the book of Revelation. It’s the “sudden destruction” that brings “the day of the Lord” (Old Testament apocalyptic period seen in Joel 2:10,11; Zech 14:1-5, Isa 2:12,19. In Joel 2:15, the appeal to God brings His help and anointing. And He will defend those who covenant with Him as in Exodus 34:10,11.

        You mentioned the days of Esther. Yes, God delivered them miraculously, and He will either do so again for those who didn’t know better or many will die–”Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.” Rev 2:10.

        But notice those words are to only one of the seven churches, a small segment of believers. The huge problem is that most Laodicean (lukewarm) Christians in America think they are ready to be raptured to heaven, but “the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked” and trouble would start all over in heaven if He took us now.

        We MUST have the New Covenant Promise fulfilled in us that He will write His laws in our hearts. They are laws of self-government, not big government that ruins everything it touches and can’t even run a postal system profitably (going broke). Now they want to run “healthcare”? I’m a retired physician and see medical care as (but hugely profitable for Big Pharma and congress that gets $400 million a year toward their reelection campaigns from drug companies.

        But the context of Bible references to getting a new heart, include going to the land of the covenant. We can marry the Bridegroom (Christ’s ending of Matthew 24 when the evil servant begins to smite his fellow servants–”THEN shall the kingdom of heaven be like 10 virgins who WENT FORTH to meet the Bridegroom. And at a calamity that causes a midnight cry like in Egypt (Exodus 12:29,30) God wants us to see it as they did, an opportunity to leave Egypt (or cities where martial law will be set up) and flee to the country as shown in Rev 12:6, preparatory to verse 14 where we are given the wings of a great eagle (US?) to fly to the wilderness (Sinai maybe?) In the meantime, God is going to waste this land as He did Egypt.

        When the sudden destruction of 1Thess 5:3 comes, it’s also the “knock” of Luke 12:36—an earthquake destroyed the church of Laodicea–it’s the only other place Christ “knocks” so the Bible helps interpret itself. At that “knock” we open to Him by keeping a Feast of Unleavened Bread (imagery of Luke 12:37) but it’s not about crackers. It’s the Word of God that is not refined by easy preachers–it’s like whole wheat toast that needs chewing, as this information does.

        The book of Daniel has a double application as seen in the left column of (The Medes and Persians are today Iraq and Iran) and after a decree to rebuild Jerusalem (next chapter, Dan 9:25) there’s 69 weeks to Messiah (anointing) but this time it’s for us (my studied opinion) and God will use us like Christ to reach those who are seeking–like He used Philip to reach the Ethiopian.

        I would far rather seek that experience and be part of what God is doing to fulfill His Word than to be “afraid” of the Promised Land and take my chances with the puny gun that I have in obedience to Christ, Luke 22:36. But fighting to keep it may make us like Peter who used the sword that night, but also denied His Lord that night.

        The main thing is surrender ourselves so fully to God that whatever He reveals in His word is fine with us. God always gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him. If we are so intent on having it our way, He lets us have it, but in what’s coming, I want it His way.

        He says, “Come let us reason together” Isa 1:18, and in the next chapter “the day of the Lord” begins with is a huge earthquake, Isa 2:12,19. “And in that day, the Lord shall set His had a second time to recover the remnant of His people.” Isa 11:11.

        There is really too much to write here. Please visit and get Apocalypse 2013, and if you are not happy with it, I’ll send you (or anyone reading this) $2.99 back by PayPal email. I guarantee you will find much of interest. God bless you!

        To the intent that “He will make [us] ruler over all that He has.”
        Richard Ruhling

        • rrd724

          Richard, you are dead on CORRECT!! You have conveyed in black and white what I have gathered from deduction of thought and diligent study of scripture combined with understanding science alongside God revealing his “true nature” by bringing to mind the historical context of Constantine’s part in the matter as well. I’m so glad to see my suppositions confirmed by this posting….thanks for taking the time to write this post.

    • NickNick

      For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see:

      Our corrupted bought off Government has hired many Religious leaders for the last two years.

      Their purpose is to facilitate our introduction of servitude to the State.

      Do not under any circumstance believe that they are here to help you, your family or the United States.

      These leaders have been trained in all faiths and are ready to serve their masters.

      Look into your hearts and ask why they the few elite need so much protection. Why do they need to pass so many laws so quickly? Without approval of Congress?

      There are worse things than death. Maybe a life of slavery to serve those who have sold all of us out.


        Romans 13 is a lie of the Pharisees, men of Satan. Pharisee Paul teaches Gentiles to be subservient to secular and spiritual rulers (Romans 13, Hebrews 13:7, 13:17).

        The Trojan Horse in America bringing it down is Jesuits who train the intelligentsia of this nation in its 24 universities and colleges who go on to hold position in government and other influential positions. It is professors of the Jesuit owned and operated universities and colleges who trash the US Constitution calling it an “ancient and outdated” document


        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          We surely agree re Jesuits. For a great overview showing their control of this country from the inauguration of Reagan taking his oath of office facing the obelisk, take a look at

        • Levi

          To call part of the Holy Bible “a lie…” reveals your true identity.


          Levi, you worship the Bible. I stand on individual writings of the true apostles and prophets of God.

          So what Bible you read? If a writing is in one Bible and not another Bible what does that make Bibles but not of God! Take you pick of Bibles, from a low of 66 writings in the Protestant Bible to a high of 81 writings in the Ethiopian bible with varying numbers in between in others bibles.

          So which Bible do you worship? :grin: :grin: :grin:

          The evil snake Martin Luther of the Reformation also agreed that the Roman Catholic Church is in error. John 16:2 burning of Synagogues and killing the Jews and all who do such never knew God.

          Luther burned down synagogues, he sought to confiscate the wealth of Jews. He was a very evil man, an agent of Satan to spread the Synagogues of Satan when the Roman Catholic Church lost control of keeping writings of God and writings of the Pharisees out of the hands of the common man. Satan reconquered many Gentiles with the false gospel of Pharisee Paul under the Reformation.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Nick, I agree with what you said about some sold out to government, but not all are. Please read my comment to Desert Owl above, thank you.

      • apache5

        and take as many of those sicko’s with me as i can!!!

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          It is noble to be willing to die for what you believe in, but it’s even better to see that God has a bigger plan that could spare us. It includes marrying the Bridegroom by making a covenant as Israel did and the New Covenant Promise involves God’s land and He will defend us as suggested in Exodus 34:10,11. Willingness to die for what’s right is essential. but like with Abraham’s sacrifice, sometimes it’s a test, not for us to spill our blood needlessly.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Dear Nick,

        I agree with everything you are saying here.

        This morning I in two hours I have 25 responses that I should answer and more adding every 10 minutes, so I don’t have time to address each one specifically, so please consider this brief statement.

        God is not taken by surprise. “What is has been already and what is to come has been already, and God summons each event back in its turn.” Ecclesiastes 3:15, New English Bible.

        Egpt is the example of America. God’s people went to Egypt in a time of famine. Pioneers came to America in a time of famine for the Word of God under papal oppression. But another king arose who knew not Joseph in Egypt and another leader is acting like a king now to bring oppression as Pharaoh did. God afflicted Egypt and it’s gods (Nile and cattle) and He is afflicting the US and it’s god, money.
        And after a huge calamity with the death of many, God took Israel to a covenant relationship at Sinai and later said, “I am married to you,” Jeremiah 3:14.

        Christians fail to see that as related to His wedding parables, but the midnight cry in Matthew 25:6 is an echo of the cry at midnight in Egypt, Exodus 12:29,30. We are supposed to have our loins girded (Lk 12:35 like they did in Egypt, Exodus 12:11. When He “knocks” (the ONLY other place where Christ “knocks” is Rev 3:20, for a church that ended in an earthquake circa 63 AD) we are supposed to “open unto Him immediately” if we are “watching,” Luke 12:36,37. If so, “He will make [us] ruler over all that He has.” Luke 12:44. This is not some cheap internet offer. It’s from the Creator who hung the stars.

        The New Covenant Promise to write His law in our hearts has the context of “I will take you from the heathen [America is beginning to look that way] and gather you out of all countries and bring you into your own land [land of the covenant promised by God to Abraham for his descendents, and "if you are Christ's, you are Abraham's seed" Gal 3:29] and Paul included the Exodus when he said, “ALL those things happened for our example at the end of the world.” 1Cor 10:1,11.

        I can’t answer all the questions here, it would take a book, but I have a book that explains and I guarantee your satisfaction. Visit for Apocalypse 2012. It’s a biblical explanation of God’s plan to save us, worth far more than $2.99, but if you honestly don’t have it, email me and I’ll attach a copy, but I’m unable to keep answering questions for the dozens that are writing each day, many with similar questions. Thank you for your understanding…

    • sten

      You MAY die if you fight the awful tyranny being perpetrated but you WILL die if you dont. I cant believe such a pathetically cowardly article would even be allowed here.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Ultimately it is our motive that determines where we are with God. We must also “rightly divide” His word as we search our hearts. Please read my comment to Desert Owl and I hope you will see something that is not cowardly. When Israel left Egypt, they went through canyons that looked like there was no way out, but the Cloud that led them by day took them out on the other side and I’m seeing in Scripture that God has a plan and it won’t include cowards.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        The last night of Christ’s life which is a microcosm of impending events, shows it takes more courage to stay with Christ as John did, than to use the sword as Peter did and then be confronted with a worse situation than we thought and he denied his Lord. John lived through it all and was the ONLY disciple not to die a martyr’s death. Look deeper at Scripture…you have time now before it hits the fan.

    • Fox Maine

      I rather die fighting the corrupt than to crawl on my belly like a coward.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        The last night of Christ’s life which is a microcosm of impending events, shows it takes more courage to stay with Christ as John did, than to use the sword as Peter did and then be confronted with a worse situation than we thought and he denied his Lord. John lived through it all and was the ONLY disciple not to die a martyr’s death. Look deeper at Scripture…you have time now before it hits the fan.

    • Pix

      “Disarm them and subdue any uprising, with force if necessary.” That is the order given to the general at ‘wounded knee creek’. They slaughtered the lot of them, men, women, children, babies. Men of God my ass.

      Typically the religious don’t actually believe all their high and mighty talk, none of them walk it. What they do is role play being religious, so they can role play god, so they can do the judging for it. Everything from committing genocides to sitting idly by watching innocent children starve to death. As such they are not human beings, but being inhuman.

      • Pix

        Tolerance of intolerance = cowardice.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          “Tolerance of intolerance = cowardice.”

          The TRUTH is intolerant. The TRUTH does not tolerate falsehood.

          There is no tolerance in Truth. There is also no cowardice.

          Cowardice is to be found in compromise.

          Cowardice compromises with falsehood.

          Tolerance is cowardice.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        I have to agree with you. Perhaps God’s greatest embarrassment is those who claim to believe in Him but do such things that prove them empty. The end-times that are coming will test us all to see if “In God We Trust” or whether it’s some other god like the money that says it or our guns or our preacher talking smooth things. I do see solid answers from Scripture and I wouldn’t trade what I see for all the guns in America!

        • Pix

          Any all knowing IT could be nothing else but evil. It would have no need to judge at all, because it would all ready know the outcome of everything since the dawn of time. And yet it created our reality the way it is regardless of that foreknowledge. To then claim we have freewill to alter that foreknowledge is an oxymoron. We would have predestination and no freewill. Exactly like a preprogrammed Sim.

          The biblical god has declared it’s final punishment is a judgement and destruction. It would therefore be written in stone. No amount of good and kind acts, it wouldn’t matter if everyone on the whole planet walked their talk, it is not going to be good enough. Talk about deliberately set up to fail.

        • desert owl

          @Pix The very fact that you can only see the judgement and destruction and not the clear choice given, speaks volumes for your mindset, which is of him, the Destroyer.

    • Anonymous

      You have got to be kidding me! And the blood that our fathers shed for this nation for our right to be free means WHAT TO YOU? No Sir, I will not live on my knees to your SO called interpretation of the bible. You can take your government spit and deliver it back to where it came from. And as a man of the cloth you should be ashamed of your outlandish interpretation of Holy Writ. Men of the Cloth lead this nation into war for our freedom, and now you dishonor their memory. SHAME ON YOU!

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        I’m a physician who moved to DC to confront congress with medical literature than and one Senator said, You are wasting your time–they [pharmaceutical companies] own us.” ($400 million donation to reelection campaigns) so Congress is sold out and this country will not be free for your fighting for it. We already lost it because we did not “Honor our father and mother [pioneers] so our days could be long” (5th Commandment, Exod 20:12)

        Like it or not, there are only three choices.
        1. Go along with a system that will end in a mark of false worship (Rev 13:15-17) and receive God’s wrath (Rev 14:9,10)
        2. Fight and die (Jer 21:9)
        3. Be part of the wedding that Christians have a poor understanding of–partly because they are not strong in the Old Testament history, but “All those things happened to them for examples…ends of the world” 1Cor 10:1,11 and verse 1 includes the Exodus.

        The King sends His servants to bid everyone to a wedding but they are laughed at, ridiculed and scornfully treated. (Matt 22:1-11) This is no time for cowards. In Matt 25:5, those going to a wedding ALL slumbered and slept with their lights out. This implies we are asleep on this topic of the wedding and don’t understand that we can marry the Bridegroom as Israel did by making a covenant and He will spare us, and defend us as in Exodus 34:10,11, but it’s on His terms, not in the little cabin I had on 20 acres with fruit trees. I sold it in obedience to His Word in Luke 12:32,33, “Sell what you have.” We are like the rich young ruler who went away said, because we are inclined to fight. We should surrender our hearts to God and our lives to the best understanding of His Word.

        Please visit and get Apocalypse 2013 for a better understanding. Isn’t your life and destiny worth $2.99 for a closer look at Scripture? I’ll refund if you want it.

        To the intent that “He will make [us] ruler over all that He has” Luke 12:44
        Richard Ruhling

        • ZombiePlanet

          Notice the first sign that this post is based in deception.

          Notice the “title” … “If We Fight, We Die in the Coming Civil War.”

          I guess Mr. Deceiver forgot that in Jesus there is “no death.”

          Notice how Mr. Richard Ruhling professes, under “color of clergy,” a complete “rambling” and “mishmash” of scripture at an attempt to convince you to lay down your “arms” and take a beating.

          Look at the pitiful “contributors profile” next to his name at the top of his post.

          This person is either a dis-info plant here to deceive or, he it a near complete idiot.

          And don’t forget is cohort … Mr. Beef.”

        • BEEF SUPREME

          “And don’t forget is (sic) cohort … Mr. Beef.”

          Cohort? There are a few folks on this board who have taken the time to read the Scriptures without allowing institutions to interpret the Word, and without superimposing onto the verses something we would like to see written there.

          What did the Messiah say to do if someone comes to steal from you?

          What did the Messiah say to do if someone strikes you?

          What did the Messiah say to do if someone should force you to go a mile with him? What do you think it means to be forced to ‘go a mile’?

          Where did the Messiah say you would end up if you were concerned with saving your life?

          All of you angry, scared folks on this page are attacking the message and the messenger. And no surprise — because here is a message which says that your supposed faith in your Messiah will actually cost you something.

          Who are you arguing with? Who are you calling childish names? What message are you belittling? Do you think that the Doctor invented this message out of his own desire to see you assimilated, exterminated, and consumed by the Beast? Do you think that’s why I’m here?

          Answer the above questions if you can. Read your Bible.

          Are there women and children in your charge? Protect them. But if someone comes to take your life, he was sent to do it by the Almighty Himself. Nothing happens on this Earth which is contrary to our Father’s Will — or didn’t you know that? Do you not trust Him? If a street thug breaks into your house in the middle of the night to rob you — who permitted the thug to attack? If the government moves to assault us and to steal from us — who permitted the government thugs to do so? Who gave the thugs their power to do and to act in the first place?

          Nothing happens on this Earth without His consent. If you trusted Him, you would know that He brings about good from all evil deeds. What did Job say: “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” And what do YOU say: “Go get me my M1A Scout Squad with an extra 25 round magazine.”

          Deuteronomy 32:35

          To ME belongeth vengeance, and recompense: Their foot shall slide in due time: For the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.


          Any man or group of men in Scripture who spilled blood without the PERMISSION of the Almighty was considered a criminal and a sinner, and was forthwith terminated according to the Law. King David killed an innocent man and received forgiveness. Are you King David? Will you put the Almighty to the test? Will you only kill the men YOU decide are not innocent? Will you kill in His name when He has given you no such order?

          I don’t care whether you like this message or not. Look in the Book. See who has been paying closer attention to the written Word.

          It is written: Whosoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.

          It is Commanded: Thou shalt not kill.

          And you are complaining that the Doctor and I are agents of the Enemy? Who is your Enemy?

          You are planning to give vent to your wrath and to spill blood in the name of satisfying your own rage. If you do, then you will be obeying your own wrath and obeying your own passion. You cannot serve two masters. Serve yourself and obey your wrath — or serve your Messiah and His Father. It is one or the other. This world is as black and white as it gets.

          Do as you will. Just remember that the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, our JUDGE, is not particularly fond of excuses.


        Ruhling is a full fledged convert to Pharisee Paul’s doctrine and so the evil scumbag is a child of Hell, just as the Pharisees are (Matthew 23:15).

        An insane child of Hell who applies scripture to areas not applicable.

        Ruhling moron, are you following the example of your beloved Master Pharisee Paul by being anxious, moaning and groaning thinking when the hell am I going to die so I can get my immortal body :lol: :lol: :lol: :

        2 Corinthians 5:4 We do moan and are burdened that we get our immortal body (paraphrasing).

        All who teach people to follow the doctrine of a Pharisee are of the Devil. Ruhling is of Satan.

    • Anonymous

      After rereading your article I have to apologize, your not a government shill…your nothing more than a Lindsey Williams trying to SELL your insights. How anyone whould pay MONEY for this BS is beyond me.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Please read my reply to Desert Owl and take a closer look at Scripture.
        I have done my own study because each of us is betting our lives on our understanding of Scripture. And most pastors are not very deep into it, as suggested by Rev 3:17, addressed to the messenger (aggelos) of the church.


          Revelation 2:9 “… I know the blasphemy of those who claim to be Jews and are not; they are of the Synagogue of Satan.”

          Ruhling and the gang of children of Hell preachers who teach the doctrine of Pharisee Paul say:

          Romans 2:28-29 “A Jew is not one who is outwardly … a Jew is one who is circumcised in his heart.”

          People, Jews sat in the Seat of Moses who are of Satan (Matthew 23:2). A Jew is a strictly a physical descendant of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Whether good or evil, a Jew is a Jew and never a Gentile. A Gentile is never a Jew, whether good or evil.

          These truly idiotic morons say Jesus is referring to Askenazi Jews in Rev. 2:9. JEWS, you idiots, you calling them Askenazi “JEWS”, so how can they not be Jews. Oh because they are evil, well the Pharisees are evil and they are still Jews who sat at the highest place in God’s Temple!

          Since the blasphemous teaching of Romans 2:28-29 comes from the Gentile churches established for Gentiles by evil Pharisees, then all the Gentile churches are Synagogues of Satan, as Jesus says such teaching comes from the Synagogue of Satan, that Gentiles can be Jews.

    • Apollo is the A/C

      I don’t think so. Really?

      “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

      21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.”

      Go ahead and go. I’ll go when Christ returns.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Before Christ comes in the sky (Matt 25:30,31) He comes as Bridegroom in Matt 25:6 and we marry Him by making a covenant as Israel did, and if we are faithful to the New Covenant, we go to heaven, but the covenant has an overlooked context–please read Ezekiel 36:24-28 because it’s designed for when you can’t buy or sell here.
        And if we aren’t ready to make a covenant when He comes to knock (huge earthquake), we won’t be ready when He comes in the sky.

    • The Hot Gates

      Were what the good doctor says is true, his christ would never have bucked the Romans or the temple. There would never have been a confrontation with the money changers. Plus, his christ would never have told his followers to go and buy a sword.

      Forget Augustine, Doc. (He was a manichean and a follower of manes all of his days.) Take Constantine with a grain of salt. After Augustine and Constantine, everything became a lie.

      wrt the bible you now read, balance Paul with the works of the original twelve followers. Few of their works are found in the new testament, actually.

      Then, ask yourself why the followers of the original disciples were not represented at Nicea…and were, in fact, exiled.

      You’ve been following a lie, doc.

      You’ve been following the father of lies.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Warren and all,

        “The government under which Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive; on every hand were crying abuses,–extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty. Yet the Saviour attempted no civil reforms. He attacked no national abuses, nor condemned the national enemies. He did not interfere with the authority or administration of those in power. He who was our example kept aloof from earthly governments. Not because He was indifferent to the woes of men, but because the remedy did not lie in merely human and external measures. To be efficient, the cure must reach men individually, and must regenerate the heart.”
        The New Covenant the promises a new heart has an overlooked context for end-times that you can read for youself, Ezekiel 36:24-28. Not from the father of lies. If you believe differently, please check what you are standing on…


          Because it was not the time of Jesus to reign on earth, but Jesus did cause disturbance to the evil Pharisee rulers because so many people were being peeled away from control of the Pharisees to following Jesus (John 11:45-49).

          Freemasons want subjection of the population, both spiritual and secular. While the Freemason owned press ignored JFK’s exhortation to be the strength of the American by telling them of the grave danger they face and giving them choices, the Freemason press did give the masses Billy the Goat Graham for decades. Now they have many in their Synagogues of Satan and are full speed of ahead at bringing on secular enslavement too.



        Warren Bonesteel wrote:

        “Plus, his christ would never have told his followers to go and buy a sword.”

        You really think that the Man who spoke of all things related to the Spirit and the Kingdom of Heaven intended to signify a pathetic little weapon like a physical sword? Is it not far more likely that He intended to signify the SWORD spoken of throughout the written Word? Do you even know what that Sword is?

        And to suggest that Messiah would not have upset the Roman Authorities or whipped the money-changers is to betray yet further ignorance of what has been written.

        Who is the denier and who is following lies? The Doctor?

        Surely not.

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          I bought a gun in obedience to Luke 21:36, and Christ seemed to put high importance on a weapon–enough to sell your garment to buy one. But that same night, when they were “out-gunned” and Peter whipped out his sword, Christ said, “Put up your sword…all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword” Matt 26:52. I think owning a weapon is an important deterrent to crime, but when the soldiers come as they did that night, God has a plan that can deliver us without loss of life and it’s all in His Word. John did not run like Peter did after the sword incident. It took courage for John witness it all, but he was rewarded as the only disciple that didn’t later need to prove his love by dying a martyr’s death, though he was willing, God spared him.


          Moron, Peter has a sword on him. Now why did Jesus permit his apostles to carry swords? And Jesus did not scold that Peter should not defend, but rather told Peter it has to be that Jesus is captured. Jesus showed that it had to be that way:

          John 18:5-6 “… Jesus said to them, I am he … [and] they went backward and fell to the ground.”

          What a scene, those evil men had no control over Jesus, but Jesus laid down his life voluntarily to remove the penalty for sin (except blasphemy of the Holy Spirit). Gave his life and asks that those who do evil give up their evil deeds. Yet the man of Hell, Pharisee Paul, makes excuse for doing evil, says all flesh is captive to a so-called “law of sin” (Romans 7:16-25). So to Hell with Pharisee Paul and all of his converts, including Ruhling, there is no place else for them (Matthew 23:15).

          Peter was carrying a sword, but idiots say Peter was in the wrong, but Jesus permitted his apostles to carry weapons!

          Oh man check out the Jackass Ruhling, you scumbag Ruhling:

          “But that same night, when they were “out-gunned” and Peter whipped out his sword, Christ said, “Put up your sword…” FREAK OF HELL RUHLING, Jesus had complete control and he was not “out-gunned”, and evil Ruhling likens good men in America to being in the same position and do not fight or you will die!

          Ruhling, go follow the example of your freak of Hell Master Pharisee Paul and just spend the day wishing you could die so you get your immortal body (2 Cor. 5:4).

    • James Smith

      America isn’t going to fall to hard because our federal government and their new world order banker u.n. communist china handlers are under arrest for high treason, espionage, spying while engaging enemy-conquering constitutional circumventions. Allot of treasonous traitors are going to jail or worse, watch. Over 500 Sheriff’s are now asking citizens to posse up with them for the arrests. So about that STS camouflaged drones that x-ray see through walls and after face reconditions can fire on the victim subject through the wall. Dream-on sucker nice try but you lose.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        James, the disciple for whom you were named slept when he should have prayed and ran when he should have stayed with Christ. He later was martyred (good destiny, but John who stayed with Christ was spared and given visions of how it will be for us). I would encourage you to go deeper into Scripture and as a gift to everyone who reads this, I would like to thank them and offer to gift an ebook if you will email me direct so I have your address. Send to or go to and click on The Book tab.

    • Stevicus

      So when the jack boots turn up at your door to inject your kids the solution is to lie on your back exposing your fleshy underparts and all will be well ?

      Some dialogue from `Red Dwarf` is in order : “it is better to live 1 day as a tiger than a whole lifetime as a worm”.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        We need to understand more of Scripture. When asked about the end of the world, Christ said, When you see the abomination of desolation that the early believers understood to mean the military force of Rome. Rome is probably behind this push to New World Order so the pope can be in charge through the UN with their many Catholic member nations. But Christ said to flee and millions of Christians are living in large cities with no plans or intent to obey Christ when they see military/martial law being set up. We are coming to a huge crisis, but obedience to Christ will make the difference between good destiny and not so good…

    • Anonymous

      So what you are preaching is that our God never wants us to fight in defense of truth or Freedom…he wants us to be led by those who would destroy all that the blood of good men and women have died for…that he NEVER has used MEN and WOMEN in defense of those who are defenseless or in the procuring of lands that he has set aside for his people. That God will fight all battles? You have been deceived, and your knowledge of the BIBLE is as selective as that of our government when dealing with our constitutional rights. Our rights are NOT GIVEN by government, they are inherient of God’s children. Your point is that we should ALLOW government to decide what we are, when we should die, and who we shall become because of THEIR power to Kill if warranted. NO SIR, government is and always has been an enemy to GOD…if this was not so then WHY will he return and establish HIS GOVERNMENT NEVER TO BE TAKEN FROM THE EARTH AGAIN. Why would we need God to return if his GOVERNMENT is all ready here? Oh, and as for your being a DOCTOR, I wouldn’t use that title in certain circles…remember what Christ said about you…HEAL THYSELF PHYSICIAN.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        I agree with you that human government is represented by fierce beasts of prey in Daneil 7. The only good government is God’s and Israel became His kingdom when they covenanted to be His in Exodus 19:5,6. We must do the same and He will fulfill the New Covenant Promise to put His laws in our hearts, and it has an end-time context and involves the land of the covenant as well. We are to come out of the fall systems of society, medicine, education, government, religions that compose Bablyon (Rev 17:5; 18:2-4) God will take responsibility for us as He did in Exodus 34:10,11. Look up these Scriptures if you aren’t familiar with them

      • morris adams

        OUTSTANDING YOUNG GRASSHOPPA!! i didnt copy you, i reckon we thank alike! if this same god that saves ‘everyone’ is the same one who brought the great flood, then maybe, juuuus maybe he wants us to kikthafuk outta this communist POS!

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          Your language reveals a very shallow understanding of God’s Word. I hope you will dig deeper before you die.

    • morris adams

      THEN MARCH YOUR HAPPY ASS to the BUT-HOL OF THE EARTH! apparently you ain’t seen the GRAND CANYON! my God told me to fight, I’ll take my chances! if God doesn’t want me to fight THIS, then He wants no one to fight anything,,,, EVER! —— that being said, AWSUM ARTICLE. i very much liked it. thank you nonetheless.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Your language reveals a very shallow understanding of God’s Word. I hope you will dig deeper before you die.

        • morris adams

          what would patrick henry or thomas jefferson say about you? i would submit they were as versed as you in ”gods word”, and they did not choose to flee, retreat, cower, quit… never mind, all i shall say is ‘it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket’ for you to be a coward. hope you make it to ”your promised land”, I AM IN MINE.

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          Morris: The last night of Christ’s life which is a microcosm of impending events, shows it takes more courage to stay with Christ as John did, than to use the sword as Peter did and then be confronted with a worse situation than we thought and he denied his Lord. John lived through it all and was the ONLY disciple not to die a martyr’s death. Look deeper at Scripture…you have time now before it hits the fan.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          What would Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson say indeed?

          They would say: Know thyself.

          That is because Henry and Jefferson were Freemasons and were the enemies of the Most High. Freemasonry turns the entire Biblical Narrative upside down. Whereas the Masons serve another, and themselves — the people of YHWH are told to know and to fear their Elohim; to trust HIM and no other. What do you people trust in? Your firearms? The US Freemasonic Constitution? The false history of a nation which was founded on lies from the beginning? Amaruca is Satan. The US flag is modeled after the standard from the HMS Serapis. Guess who Serapis is?

          And your promised land? “I AM IN MINE.”

          You may very well be. It is unfortunate for you that you do not know where you are. Either that, or you are a willing servant of the Adversary.

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          Morris, I owe you an apology. we all come from different backgrounds and I shouldn’t judge you. I believe you are sincere and if we sincerely follow truth as we understand it and are open to consider more, we will be together in the end…God bless you….;

    • berserker

      Sorry. Students of scripture, indeed students of history will declare of the butchery, the unbelievable horror of The Jewish Revolution in Russia and atrocities against how many millions of Christians? These were New York City jews (lenin, trotsky, etc.) The cheka comprised of russian kazarian jews. The u.s. gov. is the same people, which are now bringing in 33000 drones, over how many billions rounds ammo “homeland” security of some czar, who “practice” LEGAL TORTURE. Molon Labe! The two most lied about individuals in human history Jesus Christ and Adolph Hitler

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        There’s no question that governments are represented by fierce beasts of prey in Daniel 7, a book that Christ singled out to understand for the last days and said when we see [military force] to flee, Matt 24:15. Sadly most people, even Christians who profess Him as “Lord” are not prepared to obey His words, and fleeing (Rev 12:6) is a temporary measure, buying time for the second, larger move in Rev 12:14. God’s people by the woman in that imagery.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Yes, the government is bad and bringing us to New World Order under UN (image beast of the Old World Order [papacy] in Rev 13 and they will force compliance to false worship (Rev 13:15-17) so the onlly options are
        1. to die fighting as a martyr
        2. Go along with NWO and suffer the plagues
        3. Opt out by seeking a covenant relationship with God, compliance with His word, first to flee military force/martial law and later going to the land of the covenant as seen in Ezekiel 36:24-28

    • anonymous

      Would one be fighting for something so small as just ‘your life’ as you put it? And wouldn’t one go into it, hypothetically, thinking one was already dead?

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        I’m sorry that I don’t understand your question well enough to answer. Please re-phrase it.
        Thank You!

    • Anonymous

      UNLESS,you have heard the voice of the LORD,tell you to stand down,you are to fight,you are to protect your family,your friends,and neighbors with your life,this attack america is about to be in IS ,GOOD against EVIL,the forces of evil have come uppond america,THE demons from hell,will tell you not to fight,YET the lord told HIS followers,IF they had no sword,TO SELL their coat and buy one,many are decieved and will not protect their family,much less anyone else,the LORD will protect his own in battle,with angels fighting at their side,THE cowards will all die,as the lord consideres them to be lower then infidels,BELIEVERS in the LORD are fearless,because they know he’s at their side,GEORGE WASHINGTON,came back to camp,after a battle,while moving his clothes that night,HE FOUND SIX,spent bullets in his clothes,the LORDS angels had stopped them,THIS country was founded on GODS TEN COMMANDMENTS,george and his army knew this and he won out over evil,WE WILL TOO,HAVE NO FEAR,EVIL LOSES,THE COWARDS ALL DIE,and when the battles are over,everyone is going to really be surprised at how many people were demon posessed,cause their all going to be gone,you’ll be living in the 1850′s again,so what,the LORD is going to rid america of evil,it’ll be worth it…………………

    • brtanner

      To anyone using the so-called bible to argue about facts, have you done your research on where it came from? Word of G*d?

      For persuasive evidence that the New Testament was written by a Greco-Jewish literary team working for Roman Flavian Emperors Vespasian and Titus, check out the work of Joseph Atwill – google “caesars messiah” for his book and documentary

      Their purpose was to create a new religion that would make the Empire’s slave populations (and the remnants of the Jewish Zealots and Sicarii) docile and compliant. This appears to have worked, as the Empire is basically running the world.

      But maybe their time has come. Don’t accept that the-Powers-That-Were’s Prison Planet is a done deal.


        “For persuasive evidence that the New Testament was written by a Greco-Jewish literary team working for Roman Flavian Emperors Vespasian and Titus, check out the work of Joseph Atwill – google “caesars messiah” for his book and documentary”

        No need. Here at Before It’s News, we have PIX the commenter who hawks all the same wares.

        None of your argument is capable of withstanding more than the most cursory of examinations. An honest investigation into the origins and content of the New Testament Scriptures is an excellent way to become a believer. One need only be interested in the truth, to the exclusion of all else.

        NONE of the Roman Emperors and NONE of the so-called early ‘Church’ authorities had ANY interest in EVER permitting the New Testament Scriptures to reach the hands of the laypeople. The Bible was never intended to be shared with the believers — it was intended to be used as a weapon against them.

        The Almighty had other plans.

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          I agree that the church at Rome did nothing for the truth but came up with many counterfeits to almost every aspect and those who hid the Bible in their homes did so at the peril of their lives, but Guttenberg changed everything when the Bible became available. Now it’s available, but people prefer TV, etc. In the end, we’re all betting our lives on something, and I know enough about the Bible to find it credible as the wise man who builds his house on it (Matt 7)

        • PaulTarsuss

          Ascertain what means “Camp of the Saints”. Christ in His letters to the seven congregations in the book of the Revelation to John refers to various conditions in which He finds them at the end. Only two meet his approval. And both are materially poor yet Rich in spirit! Both have suffered, some have died….at the hands of who? Those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of satan. When David was yet in the Holy Land, God revealed to him that His people would go to the west as on the wings of eagles to a new land their forefathers knew not.

          America is a large part of the regathering. In fact, just as she grew from the Christian refugee flood from mother england, she again swells from another ‘diaspora’ from mother england and other nations. What means the “Camp of the Saints”?

          Much has transpired in fulfillment of God’s Word regarding the Nation and company of nations He promised would become of His people….and as we are in that Late Hour….we are reminded:

          “Except that those days were shortened, no flesh would remain alive upon the earth”.

          The faster the enemies of God succeed at their wicked schemes, the swifter their demise.

          Considering that the birth, life, and ultimate destiny of this globe and it’s peoples were accurately forewritten in God’s word, and considering also that our Father promised that the wheat would grow up with the weeds, to be separated at the end, I’d say that the present Signs & signposts prove the lateness of the hour!

          God promised that a “remnant” would be saved. Such is the way throughout History of our Father’s hand at work. He would that ALL be saved through repentance and obedience, but reality shows that not all can be counted worthy. There is an old saying to the effect that ‘God uses one half of the people to test the other half’. There is some truth there. Now is not the place and time to fully examine even a modicum of evidence that our nation, indeed the world is undergoing fulfillment of God’s Word to the letter.

          Here is much to chew on regarding the self evident realities of the shared situation in which the world finds itself today. One has only to remove a dollar bill from one’s back pocket to find a six pointed star ‘gloriously’ emblazoned above the eagle. It symbolizes that “they” rule “OVER” america. What is the TRUE history of the six pointed star? Who is it connected to and why? Who is really in who’s back pocket?

          Google – six pointed star mark

          Google – 666 talents of gold

          Google – D.C. Jerusalem masonic shrine

          Google – Shriner lucifer

          Google – lucifer telescope

          Youtube – walmart guard towers

          Google – Walmart six pointed logo

          Google – soldiers ask why six pointed star now on all officer swords

          Google – talmud truths

          The hour is Truly so Very Late…

          The story “Huge Media Blackout regarding earth and moon orbital changes” used to be hosted here at BIN but the story was deleted several times. This information is of vital importance to all who wish to make informed decisions regarding the lives of their loved ones and themselves. Many were warned, yet because of the “HUGE MEDIA BLACKOUT” when the great flooding on the missouri river took place last year as a direct result of the markedly increased solar radiation now hitting the northern latitudes in spring and summer months, were enough warned and who knew beforehand??? I attended the army core of engineers meeting after the disaster and addressed the Truth. The cowards sat silent and guilty, and there is no way they couldn’t have known well before hand as I and many others knew and tried to warn others.

          Study and see that Luke 21:25-28 is in fulfillment at this time. And see that when God says that the heavenly bodies will shake, and there will be signs in sun, moon and stars, while the nations will be in anguish over the great agitation of the oceans…..He Means It. Isaiah 24:20, He means it. Revelation 16:8, He means it!

          Christ also means it when He says, “When you see the beginning of these things, STAND UP and LIFT UP your heads, for your redemption draws near”. TOO many are instead doing just the opposite, sitting down and hanging their heads! IF ONE IS AFRAID of what is coming upon the world, it is only because, deep down, you believe YOU HAVE IT COMING to you!

          DO YOU? Kneel and repent of sin, live STRONG in HIS WORD, His SON, Jesus Christ, and be forgiven, and you will instead find GREAT REASON to stand and raise your heads, even your voices, to God and to your fellow man.

          He forgave Kirk Martin, He can forgive you too….Try Him. Soon.

          For those who truly seek to know God’s ways, If He exists, where is his signature on Creation….I tell you the time is short, the harvest is great, and the workers are few. See:


          Blessings friends, in Jesus Christ!

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          Dear Brother,

          Your latest comment deserves an answer, but this webpage didn’t give me a “Reply” button to it so I had to scroll up and find one of yours I didn’t answer.

          You asked, Why not 3 1/2 years from this spring. The Bible formats years into weeks of seven in Leviticus 25, just as it does for days. Joseph’s 7 years of famine, Babylon’s humbling for 7 years, two 3 1/2 year periods in Rev 11:3-7 precede Rev 13:5. With this we see that what happens at the end, happens in a similar way at the beginning of the last 7 years:
          Christ comes on a white horse in Rev 19:11, but 7 years earlier–
          A white horse is seen as a message of truth in Rev 6:2.
          Before Christ comes, Babylon falls in Rev 18:10
          At the beginning of the last 7 years, the papacy is besieged by lawsuits foreshadowing final fall.
          A huge earthquake precedes Christ’s coming when every island disappears, Rev 16:18-20.
          A significant earthquake divides “what is, what was, what is to come” for end-time, Rev 1:19 as it initiates 7 seals and thunders (encoded as a “lion’s roar,” Joel 3:16) and the trumpets, Rev 8:5.
          An earthquake ended the lukewarm church of Laodicea [means "judging the people"] ~63 AD
          Paul says, “the day of the Lord comes with sudden destruction when they say ‘Peace & safety.’
          DC leaders are promising ‘Peace and safety’ now in their push to grab guns (UN-NWO agenda)

    • LightandLife

      You people wish to stay in division, darkness, unforgiveness and do just the opposite of what Jesus taught, then go right ahead…

      For those who wish to move on and become loving, one, and a world without borders I applaud you because you have indeed awakene from your deep sleep.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Thank you, “Light and life” If we share the light we have, we usually get more. The wise in Matthew 25 had light to share, but some of us have more heat than light!

      • PaulTarsuss

        God’s Word is not chicken feed to be pecked here and there, such that it suits you. LightandLife, you seem to know OF Christ, But His teachings require adherence for benefit to be gained.

        As for a world without borders, which are those of which you speak? Moral borders? Spiritual borders? Sexual borders? Governmental borders? Social borders?

        Or physical borders?

        One MUST have BORDERS which one WILL NOT cross….at least to the point of wickedness, for we all stumble. For TOO MANY, “No borders” truly means, anything goes. And are antiChrists at heart.

        The UK opened it’s borders wide….and look at how it’s working for them!

        Millions are moving to the U.S. and other countries from the UK to escape her utter FALL into chaos…..for but a moment in time.

        You forget that Christ returns with a flaming SWORD….saying that the world will cry PEACE, PEACE, when there is NO PEACE!

        “I come NOT to bring peace, but a SWORD!”

        Christ returns to bring a new heavens and a new earth. ONLY under HIS banner will there be a world without borders.

    • Str8Talker

      @Ruhling… as a devoted believer in God & Jesus Christ and what they stand for… I am ashamed of you!
      In WWII, there were TWO Christian churches in Nazi Germany. 1. Those who praised & followed God… and were thus murdered or jailed later for RESISTING HITLER”S EVIL REGIME of mass murder & mayhem. 2. The STATE CHURCH who did not believe in God but played church; ignored evil and allowed that evil monster’s power to grow! With traitorous Pastors preaching on Sundays to “Obey Hitler” (obey evil) (do not resist evil) and be a good little citizen! Like you, they would sprinkle misquoted scriptures & stories like THIS ARTICLE as if Americans were God’s Chosen People?! IT’S NOT… NEVER WAS!

      God commands each of us to live at peace with others…but Evil like to fight, bully, rape, pilllage & destroy. GOD’S WORD COMMANDS US TO WATCH FOR, FIGHT & RESIST EVIL TO PROVIDE & PROTECT DEFENSELESS FAMILIES, FRIENDS, CHILDREN & WIDOWS! Violence is abhorrent to me, but any Christian who misquotes God the mighty warrior of the Old Testament & his peaceful son Jesus Christ who even told his disciples to sell their cloaks for swords to protect themselves…THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR!!!



      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Christ’s last night was a microcosm of what will replay for us, and He said, “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword” Matt 26:52. The Bible presents other options and we should study more. Peter who used the sword ran and later denied his Lord.


      You guys are all slightly confused. There’s is no god. The gods are just the foundations of mythology, which is an ancient form of communication used mainly to explain our connection to the cosmos and the universe. As we transcended into the dark ages this form of communication was quickly forgotten and misinterpreted by mentally handicapped people like yourselves. You’re all following blind faiths, and anyone who thinks that their faith isn’t blind because they believe that they’ve seen heard or spoken to god, truly does have some sort of mental instability. The only prophecies that can come true are those that exist because of the cyclic nature of the universe; and have therefore already happened. Ex… great floods. If your mental instability causes you to honestly believe in god and an afterlife, at least you can’t be disappointed when nothing happens after death – aside from rapid decomposition of your body and the process of it being recycled back into the universe. I do wish it was possible to say “told ya so!” to all of you unfortunate people that live in constant fear and base your entire lives on mostly fictional and metaphoric story books.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        You sound like the evolutionist who said that everything came from nothing!
        How do you think nicely rounded spheres exploded off the sun and came to orbit at varying distances from the sun, some with their own moons?
        Not to mention how life began, and Anthony Flew, famed atheist, came to believe in God when he understood something of the complexity of the DNA molecule. You might like to watch a short video on something quite complex–

        • BEEF SUPREME

          Nor again, the seven sevens of synchronicity between the lunar orbit and the rotation of the Earth. In blocks of 8, 11, 19 and 49 years, the phases of the Moon are the same on the same days of the solar year in virtual perpetuity. This inconvenient truth rules out the very notion that our ‘solar system’ came about from an ‘evolutionary’ process of Order Out Of Chaos. Chaos only births order in the minds of Luciferian doctrine adherents. Are you one such adherent, or have you simply allowed yourself to become hopelessly deceived by them?

          The Creator’s Calendar is based on repeating cycles of seven sevens of years. So is the lunar orbit as it coincides with the Earth’s rotation. Did any of your oh-so-helpful science teachers tell you any of this during your sentence to mandatory education? Did NASA ever tell you as much? You can go to a NASA website for lunar phases to verify this for yourself:

          …Unless, of course, you would prefer to continue in your state of willful ignorance and continue to besmirch the intellects of honest seekers after the truth. Don’t look too hard though, we wouldn’t want you to upset your hard-earned delusion with the facts of existence.

          Do a little thinking of your own before you shoot your mouth off: You’ll have far less crow to eat later on.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          (Above comment intended for Mr. BEARSCARE.)

        • BEARSCARE

          BEEF SUPREME…

          Like I said, the gods are all references to celestial bodies and their movements, and the stories communicate how life on Earth is connected to and affected by their cyclic motions. If you think the Calendar came about before our solar system then you have proven your mental incapacity to think for yourself. I am not a Luciferian doctrine adherent. All your ridiculous labels are a waste of time; life is not black and white you fool. Also, I wouldn’t call yourself a seeker of the truth, since you have already excepted what someone else has told you is truth. Your god is your sun, nothing more. Yes, the sun is the creator of life. It’s a cosmic metaphor, and you can find that it repeats itself throughout history, even much farther back than current archeology and history wants to accept. The holy writings are just overly rewritten and plagiarized myth, which probably initially served to teach us stories and give us warnings of how seriously life and consciousness changes as we travel through our galaxy from point A to B to A. It has clearly and uncontrollably taken on a more contagious method of thought destruction and mind control effectively targeting individuals like yourself. My favorite thing about people like you, is that you all immediately become aggressive towards anyone that challenges your lack of unique thinking, and attack their intelligence while claiming to be much much more of an intellect yourself. You’re not the smartest person in the world. You may be intelligent, but that does nothing for society since you have a complete lack of self control. The zombie apocalypse has already began. It’s people like you that are the zombies.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          BEARSCARE –

          You and your kind would be much easier to deal with if you didn’t always initiate a conversation by insulting another’s intelligence, and then proceed demonstrate yourselves to be unmitigated hypocrites (every time) by taking offence when your intellect is likewise challenged in the response to your reply. And it is nothing but typical. If you had anything truly useful to contribute, you would be doing something other than what you are doing — which is complaining.

          Go read your initial comment again and stop whining. It is getting very old. If you are such a weak and bitter little man, then keep your mouth shut to avoid getting replies you don’t like. You live in a world you can’t figure out because you are lazy and because you enjoy being told how to think. As usual, you and your ilk have your parties all muddled up. Nothing surprising there.

          Maybe you thought you could just walk onto a ‘pro Christian’ comment section and take a few swipes at guys who are supposed to just absorb your gas. I’m not a Christian. So now you get what you get.

          When you draw out the tongue and wag it in the face of men who are in pursuit of truth, don’t whine like a little child when you get handed back a little of your guff. Grow up. And get busy searching. You haven’t even started yet. You don’t know anything. Come back when you’ve earned the right to an opinion and stop listening to Jordan Maxwell.

    • Nebraska TPP

      OK, as strong as my faith is, I immediately become suspect when the beginning of articles like these begin to use facts that provide the need for awareness of possible need to resist, then about face and every other line has the word “God” in it. Soon these authors are only accepting of anything that deals with their brand of religion. I have seen this develop first hand, and more than one time.
      If given their leeway, they will only accept those who accept only their beliefs. It is amazing how terrible this degenerates when pressed.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        You sound a bit jaded. Maybe you’ve had a bad experience, but rather than going through life afraid someone is going to mislead you, we are challenged to be like the Bereans who “received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11 is a good position for us to take, regardless of whether they are people we know like our preacher (too many smooth talkers) or someone we don’t know.

      • PaulTarsuss

        Think about your statement for a while….”As strong as my faith is”.

        In Whom do you place your faith? In Whom Should you place it? In brother, in mother… how many others?

        All IS belief. The very stability of the axis of our spinning planetary home depends upon FAITH. We demand faith from the family pet, that it won’t bite the hand that feeds it. We expect faith from our mate. Our friends. Many a degree and stripe of faith.

        Faith in one’s Creator through Christ, calls for Willful adherence to a Written Code. Of Law and Honor, sure. But greater of Love, Forgiveness, Mercy, not just toward those we call our countrymen. Our neighbors. But enemies too! Many place their faith greatest in superior firepower. Tactical, Strategical, superiority.

        This thinking is rather like Assyrians, who, being superior in number and ‘technology’ over our ancestors, the Israelites, lost 185,000 soldiers to an Angel of God in a single night.

        The old saying, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” is true enough. But when one recognizes with accurate Faith, to Whom they truly belong….

        They know enough to let their Teacher, the Lion of Judah, fight the dog on their behalf.

        Just as He has done in the days of our forefathers.

        Read the Book of the Revelation to John again, prayerfully. And see how Christ fights. For even the smallest and weakest of His sheep.

        The weapons of man all too often serve greater as a weakening crutch and a corrosive to Faith. In the coming days, those in power are secure in the knowledge that their controlled chaos, and asymmetric protocols, along with their arsenal of tech toys, will easily defeat any perceived ‘rabble’ that choose to engage them with a hail of comparative bb guns!

        For how does one shoot down the Chemtrail plane that sprays the masses with gasses? The drone that knows when you’re alone? The satellite, exotic cloaked aircraft…etc…etc..etc…

        “The world will wonder after the beast, saying, “Who can wage war with it?”



        Those who know their shepherd…will leave the Fighting to Him. For He advises us:

        “He that would live by the sword, will die by it”. “Be as cautious as the serpent, yet harmless as doves”. And….”He that would save his life, will lose it. But He that would give up his life for my sake, shall save it.”

        “If they come to take you into captivity, GO WITH THEM”. – Jesus Christ

        Those that come against the children of God, will have their battle. And it will not come on the day or hour of their choosing. But on the day and hour of His Choosing. And Christ, who comes on the ‘clouds of heaven’ with His army will do the fighting.

        Clouds of HEAVEN, not earth….

        Blessings in Christ

    • DennisB

      We will give this false government a chance to surrender first. If they choose not to then we will take action to remove them.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        That would be great, but November would have been better. I’m quite sure, based on numerous signs, that America as we know it is gone.

    • Anonymous

      Woa! Wait a minute…where is this land that we all should flee to so we don’t have to fight against the NWO? Don’t tell me its across the Big Pond! WHERE IN THE SAM HILL DO YOU GET THAT FROM THE SCRIPTURES?

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        We should take the Bible just as it reads. The New Covenant Promise is necessary to write His laws in our hearts so we don’t have to say like Paul,”The good that I would, I do not, and that which I would not…I do” Otherwise we aren’t ready to go to heaven–we would start trouble all over again. Our characters must be changed and victory over the devil gotten here on God’s terms. They include Ezekiel 36:24-28, “I will take you from among the heathen (America is beginning to look that way) and gather you out of all countries and bring you into your own land. THEN [new heart, right spring and I will cause you to walk in my laws and you will dwell in the land that I gave your fathers” Not easy, but doable if we aren’t afraid like Israel was when God took them from calamity in Egypt to a covenant at Sinai.”

        • desert owl

          @Richard If you really need to know where the wilderness is, where Lord keeps His sheep safe and sound from all calamity, you need to ask Him. I know I’m right there right now.

    • Confederate

      So if you fight in a Civil War you might die! If you don’t fight you WILL die in a concentration camp! So die fighting or die like a gutless, spineless wimp in the gas chamber! Which do you prefer?

    • Anonymous

      I am sorry RICHARD! But your light bending just doesn’t make it here. As for me and my house we WILL follow the Lord, we will never begin an offense, but we will NEVER back away from EVIL. The citizens of ROME were placated with BREAD AND SPECTACLE just as we are now…with all that is about us…and many will follow your advice…But believe this, 20 million armed citizens equals the size of the 5 largest armies of the world…and we will not go quietly into the night, and if the Lord sees fit to not have us… for defending our homes our families and our freedoms, then I guess 20 million of us will not be joining him in his eternal home.


      Mulon Labe


      NOW, WAIT JUST A MINUTE, PHARISEE.ORG!…you are calling Paul, the Disciple of Jesus Christ – a Pharisee?…give us a break!…we have read the Bible and it IS INSPIRED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT!…so, what you are doing is saying that God is lying in His Word, when he says that Paul was a Disciple of Christ.
      Better be careful with that one…it could get you in a lot of trouble with the Lord.


      bearscare…you’re oh, so tiring!…another one who thinks he is the ‘centre of the Universe’ – HE says there is no God, THEREFORE, IT’S A FACT!…LOL.
      How egocentric and empty art thou! The reason you don’t believe in God, is cuz you have never encountered an experience with HIM…but, just becuz you have NOT, does not mean HE does NOT EXIST…does that help your pee-brain a little?…you are just a speck…but, if you should lower your inflated opinion of yourself, to the level of the rest of us, HE might just reach out and show you how REAL HE REALLY IS.
      I HAVE HAD SUCH AN EXPERIENCE…and there are others that have too…so, I think we are well qualified to speak on the veracity of the Biblical account.
      Not only are you speaking from egocentricity, but, from pure ignorance.
      And, to add, how disrespectful of others who HAVE encountered the Living Christ in their lives.
      Let me paint you a word picture – you are the novice tennis player, trying to show a tennis pro how to do a backhand.

    • predictability

      Its astonishing to witness countless minds fall under a god that only believes in selfish acts. for example u breath air that is given to u but u haven’t even figured perspectives of a divine being yet. dont all babys cry at birth?. have u ever seen deaths presents in person? cause ive talked to alot of individuals that have been marked by scientifically known professional docs of the system claiming they should be dead but still alive 10 years later? peace predictability.

    • desert owl

      @all commenters here: The question in this article is whether to fight or flee in the coming civil war.
      Since the book of Esther prophetically applies to 2013, it contains all the light needed for us now.
      Once again I advise you all to read what Ishua’s Holy Spirit wants you to know. As He opened it for me (see Purim), He will open it for all who ask Him.

      As the Jews were given the right to defend themselves, so Americans are given that right in their constitution as well as in Scripture.

      The bride of Christ, however, is given something far stronger and better than an idol of metal. She just needs to wear the full armor given her and use it. Peace to you!

    • MegaYacht

      Uh! Well what was written above is a bit too steeped in religion than I am comfortable which and while the author makes some valid claims his assumptions are what I question.

      Having served this country from Vietnam to Afghanistan and risen through the ranks I can say with complete conviction that at least 70% of the standing Army will not fire on the American people. At least half of the 70% will side with the American people against the government and the other half will take a neutral position which will likely mean they will set up safe zones for non-combatants.

      What is coming will be a true Revolutionary War where the Patriot forces will be purposely trying to depose and replace a corrupt government. Who will win is up in the air but if my sons (who are active Army) and I have anything to say about it will be one hell of a fight.

      I and tens of thousands of others will fight for our freedom and our children’s children’s freedom just as our forefathers did in 1776.

    • Sid

      You are a whack job.

    • frosty

      I agree with your opinion that God does not support, nor did Jesus teach, violence as a means to an end. God created mankind and does not take killing one lightly. But, on the other hand, God takes into consideration the motivation behind the violence and that aspect should not be left out of the equation.

      For example, under Mosaic law, people were put to death for committing outrageous and willful sins because the routine acceptance of such sinful acts would quickly pollute a righteous society. The motive here was altruistic and not selfish.

      In America, God blessed our nation after our forefathers fought and died committed to the belief that our human rights are given to us by God and not bestowed by other mortals claiming to have sovereignty over us. The motive behind the violence was supported in truth and against the selfish conspiracies of arrogant and proud psychopaths.

      What would the world be like now had not resisted Hitler and let him have his way?

      Your plea to a scriptural support of complete passivity in the face of evil neglects the significant issue of motivation. Would God prefer a passive coward who allows another man to break into his home to rape his wife and kill his children or would he prefer a man who dies a violent death trying to defend them?

      • PaulTarsuss

        Frosty stated:

        “Your plea to a scriptural support of complete passivity in the face of evil neglects the significant issue of motivation. Would God prefer a passive coward who allows another man to break into his home to rape his wife and kill his children or would he prefer a man who dies a violent death trying to defend them?”

        Think on Christ’s Words, not mine, for they speak explicitly TO MOTIVATION. The battles of His children have always been His. If one doubts the Biblical narrative, inclusive of many Divine interventions on behalf of His children, without their need of resorting to arms, then one must lean upon one’s own understanding and fight accordingly.

        If, however, one’s faith is strongest in Christ, then that one will do as He is told by His Master.

        It is one thing to surrender to military forces and go into captivity. QUITE another to defend one’s home or family against attack. If one is attacked, one is certainly within one’s rights to defend.

        At any rate, we must all act according to that which most strongly motivates us, in the end.

        Blessings in Christ

        • Dr Richard Ruhling

          Your supposition implies disobedience to Christ to begin with. When the Roman army came to Jerusalem in 66 AD, the disciples recognized the fulfillment of Christ’s warning, “When you see the abomination of desolation…flee” Matt 24:15,16, and they fled the city.

          Martial law with its military force and loss of Constitutional rights would be the modern parallel and this will focus in the cities initially so that going to the country would be like “wilderness” in Rev 12:6 where the woman flees. This is not a long term thing because God has a plan and we will look more at it in another article.

    • mrREDpill

      If you fight back you live…, if you get on your knees and beg for your life they shpot you on the spot..

    • Anonymous

      A coward dies a thousand deaths. The NWO agenda includes 95% population reduction. You have nothing to lose.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        God is not taken by surprise, but we lose if we go by human instinct (fighting a corrupt gov’t) and not seeing the larger plan that God has. Take a deeper look at Scripture.

    • FNPmitchreturns

      the offer of slavery by this asshole is disgusting … evil prevails when good men do nothing! are you working for the government pastor?

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        I understand that many pastors have been approached by FEMA to calm down their people for take over, but obedience to flee martial law (military force in Matt 24:15) is also part that we must do.

      • ZombiePlanet

        Take pity upon Mr. Richard Ruhling and Mr. Beef.
        Place them within our prayers… for the are fine examples of that which we should not become, within the guidelines set forth, by God our Devine creator.

        Know them by their fruits. Both are of their father, liars from the very beginning.

        • BEEF SUPREME

          That’s what you’ve managed as a response to my reply? Why don’t you try offering a few answers to what I posted above; prominently displayed right underneath one of your duplicate comments.

          Try the direct approach rather than ignoring the issues I raised, and the specifics from Scripture which I provided. Demonstrate from Scripture how it that I am a liar.

          Or you could just keep talking without saying anything. You’re pretty good at that. (Not too good at proofreading though.)

    • Mo Money

      You guys fight, Im going to Wal Mart

    • Amess

      Sigh……Gotta die sometime…rather die fighting…than murdered a coward……

    • Anonymous

      Dear Richard: GIVE IT UP…God created us in HIS likeness, and the last time I looked I wasnt growing wool, and neither are 20 million americans and service members.

    • chrismcphail

      Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. – Ben Franklin

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        The information is not about accepting UN/NWO, but about complying with Scripture so that one isn’t faced with Rev 13:17 (taking a mark of false worship would be like Peter, denying his Lord after he took the sword to defend Christ and Christ said, If you take the sword, you will die by it, Matt 26:52)

    • survivialoutpost_2015

      physicians Have no Honor Most of you are Scam Artists you Screw the People and the System I will die Fighting and FREE WITH HONOR…..

    • masterrazz


    • survivialoutpost_2015

      Well if all We Patriots Offer them a 3 for 1 Deal that’s 3 of them for one of US IT should not take to long to Take Our Country Back You Cowards will be dealt with later Just a Thought and hopeful Idea :twisted:

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        Half this country is on government support with more flooding our southern border daily.
        “Taking the country back” won’t change their vote–it’s gone…

    • Fox Mulder

      More religion? Come on man. All religions are BS and you know it. There’s more proof of aliens.

      • Fox Mulder

        There is no evidence of god. Only a bunch of human writings composed to instill fear in the populous in order to control behavior. The bearded man in the clouds concept is far removed from reality.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        This is to anonymous below: No evidence of God? You sound like Dawkins–that everything came from nothing! It comes down to what are we willing to believe, and as Dr. Bill Bright discovered on college campuses, most scholarly critics of the Bible were quite ignorant of the Bible and it came down to their not being ready to accept the moral obligations of belief in Him.

    • Robbie

      Don’t give up on the United States yet. God may have a reason to protect the USA from much of the world government. Those who live on earth during the great tribulation will need to re-evaluate what they believe. All the Holy Bible must be believed. We can break the yoke from off our necks. If our nation repents God will provide the protection. Without God there is no hope.

      There are a lot of evil people. There are lot of people who hope there is no God. Yet there are still a lot of Christians who are not afraid of death. Even if we are killed we can have eternal life.

      John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

      People use Matthew 26:52 to say what you just said. But also read Luke 22:51 ‘Suffer ye thus far.’ It doesn’t say suffer forever. Jesus said that God could take care of Him. Always trust God rather than the sword. The sword should not be a way of life. Yet Revelation 13:10 states, ‘he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.’ Who will kill those with the sword? How can you defend yourself or kill with the sword if you don’t have a sword?
      Genesis 27:40 And by thy sword shall thou live, and shall serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when you shall have the dominion, that you shall break his yoke from off your neck.
      Jeremiah 48: 10 Cursed be he that does the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keeps back his sword from blood.
      Matthew 26: 52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
      God gave us this command: Luke 22: 36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that has a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
      There are examples in the Bible of when weapons should be used. The sword should only be used for defense. Sometimes the best defense is offense. Flee if you can. Matthew 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee you into another: for verily I say unto you, You shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. (The cities of Israel may not just be in the country we call Israel today but the lands in which most of the twelve tribes of Israel live today.)

      Fear only God. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;

    • Anonymous

      Then I die.

    • corpofacistcommudemacracy

      your belief is faulty. God shows compassion, forgiveness, love, and yes also punishment. but God or not when we are forced to fight and yes it is clear at this point we will succeed. God is not something i like to talk about on bin but you are making a point that disgusts me. in fact i think you are interpreting The prophet, Jeremiah, said, If you resist, you will die, “but he that goes out and falls [surrenders] to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live.” Jeremiah 21:9. wrong im not saying im right but to me it sounds more like he is giving them a choice to be broken but alive or in God’s arms. its a test with no wrong answers type deal fight in gods name or fall for his mercy. anyhow you put it if what you say is true that if we dont submit than we die than i guess i will die but i’ll die for what i dream and what i believe and for that i do not fear death death itself will fear me

    • Pix

      I really don’t understand the religious. They claim there is a merciful god that is all knowing, but then judges after the fact. Claiming that IT’s both all knowing and not all knowing at the same time. Their logic being that until a crime or sin is committed it shouldn’t/can’t be judged and that our free will is the driving force of our actions. But that would not be the case if there was an all knowing god. There would be no way to change the foreknown future, no matter how much free will you think you’ve applied. If you did manage to do something else, you would prove the all knowing IT wasn’t all knowing.

      The bible also claims that IT deliberately creates everything for a specific purpose, that it knows your every thought and action before you do them. And then judges after the fact. You can’t have it both ways, IT is either all knowing, OR, IT isn’t all knowing… which is it?

      If IT’s all knowing then it can’t be anything else but evil. Because it judged before it created anything. And then set the future judgement in stone by deliberately creating it.

      • Pix

        An all knowing creator god is a dumb concept. It would be like a movie director following a script and then getting all anti and judgemental because the ending didn’t turn out differently than the one deliberately created.

        Dumb beyond belief actually. :wink:

    • Blackie the faithful border collie

      Everyone been trained in John Wayne Hollywood talk on here? Brainwashed :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Mike

      It doesn’t matter if you die in battle or die due to other causes; in the end you will die. Are you aware that the vaccines that were injected in you as a child had cancer causing viruses in them, that the food you eat is irradiated to destroy necessary enzymes, that the water you drink is poisoned, that the air you breathe is poisoned, the economy you’re a part of was designed to collapse so you would starve, the media you experience corrupts your mental faculties, the healthcare system drains you of what little money you have as you die slowly without dignity in a cancer ward, that the military was built up to be used on you, that the world council of churches is run by luciferians, that the bible wasn’t meant to be taken out of context?

    • Patriot_101

      “The truth will set you free..” This is something I have always believed in.  In today’s unfortunate world, there are too many smoke and mirrors to sort out the fact from the fiction. The one thing I am seeing even within Militia Groups is in fighting. Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians. In early days, as it applies to today, the one mind set, of “we” and not “me has been lost. Imagine an infantry unit with a bunch of “me”s in it. The only time there is room for a “me” is whenever we/I am the only soldier remaining. The attacks we face are economic, Social (divisions), trade, oppression  main stream media, non-believers and New world Order (Illuminati) if you would. No conspiracy theory needed, because it is right out in the open. Perhaps, this is what is the most troubling. Recently, we have had a series of false flag attacks, beginning with Oklahoma City and ending to this date with twenty innocent children being murdered in Connecticut. Of course, 911 created the largest loss of life, ultimately spawning the pre-written Patriot Act. As these events unfold, it is difficult to imagine that there are so many people whom refuse to believe what they are seeing. This is a result of pre-conditioning to believe whatever we are told, and not to seek out the facts for ourselves. Our children are being indoctrinated to assure that there will be no will and certainly no resistance, thereby assuring that there will be no future. It is sad that the liberals (for lack of a better term) are willing sheep being  led to slaughter. Accordingly, whenever there is martial law, no food and complete and total tyranny, who will those blind people turn to for protection? Are we to feed them to the wolves they so dutifully supported? I am leaning toward allowing those who believe in the ‘almighty’ tyrannical NWO get what they have coming. As we can see by the past, it did no good for all of us to fight for the freedom that so many care nothing about. Imagine spitting in the face of soldiers after Vietnam? Now they have bred and re-bred and will want our food and protection so that they can spit in our faces once again. This will never chang so long as we keep coddling them.. Imagine: Jesus died in front of peasants, soldiers, clerics, priests, Rabbi’s and the like. Before dying he cured the sick and gave life to those whom had died. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. Now seeing all of that, there were still legions of non-believers.  My point is this… Even when absolute proof is evinced in the face of those whom will not believe, they will still deny. So what is the point in fighting for those who would just assume stab you in the back rather than take up arms to defend our god given rights? Those who will be eradicated  will be just that. The law of survival  (we are mammals, remember) is the strong shall survive. That stated, I will always protect the weak from tyranny. To me the weak are those who cannot help themselves, not WILL NOT help themselves. There is a vast difference between ‘a hand out’ and a hand up.  Like Welfare, the more you feed those not willing to pull their weight, the more slaves you create.  To all of my brothers out there willing to give their lives for the sake of our god given right to life and freedom, I am with you in body and in spirit. You can count on me to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to assure this reality. May God be with us.

    • Heath

      All that is required for evil to triumph, Is for good men/women to do nothing! What this guy is asking is that we be sheep, Sorry don’t think so! This IS our Country and good men/women died to keep it and us free. And it would be a shame to lay down and let our rights and freedoms be stripped without a fight. (If God forbid it comes to that). I have no problem answering to my Lord for that. I have faith in my Lord, And I have to believe he doesn’t expect me to be a sheep.

      • Dr Richard Ruhling

        My perspective only works if you believe the Bible as God’s Word. Like the Constitution only worked for a “moral and religious people” (John Adams), the Bible only works for those who have sincerely tried it and found it to be solid.

        In one imagery, Christ sent His followers out as sheep among wolves, so we have to recognize big government for what it is. Another time, He told Peter, “Feed my sheep” so we have to share truth as we know it. Under this imagery, God says, “I will gather them (as sheep) out of countries and bring them to their own land…and feed them in a good pasture” Ezek 34:11-14.

        I’m seeing how this can happen but it’s more than I can explain right now. Hope to post another article this coming weekend.

    • Don't be hating!

      Consciousness is the divine God you all believe in. This is why we all exist. We only manifest what our future will become of, and not God. Universal Consciousness is divine. We are ONE!

    • trashman

      This guy can kiss my ass!!!! Even if thier is 2 million of them, their is over 200 million of us!!! their is also a crap load of veterans, who are from all branches and special forces who are WELL armed. Too just give up is too aclimate too the devil!!!! I personally do not want too have too shoot another human, but will do too protect my crippled wife in a heartbeat. BTW Gods word says too obey mans law until it violates Gods word. Then we are too obey Gods laws. Personally if i see U.N. troops mowing people down in the streets, especially if they are unarmed, then that is genocide, and clearlly life is precious, and a gift from our Father Jehovah. Nowhere have i ever seen in his word where it says too stand their and get mowed down!!!! I personally wont go on the Offensive, but will DEFEND!!! I dont recognize their authority. GL and God Bless

    • wodave

      One day we will all answer for no ones but our own deeds!

    • HfjNUlYZ

      This is what I feel what will happen
      I personnel feel that the whole world will convert to Christianity including the Jews
      Here is what I see:
      Obama becomes a lame duck president in 2016
      Since Obama wants desperately to leave a decent legacy he will somehow succeed in establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian Nation before he leaves office.
      Shortly after I see the following scenario happening.
      God will not tolerate dividing the Israeli nation and will bring destruction to the Nations who participate in such an action. And since the US will be instrumental in establishing a Palestinian Nation God will split the US in two.
      Secession Scenario
      Government seems to be falling apart thru a perceived misappropriation of finances.
      In the Nov 2014 Elections the people have voted to put the Republicans in control of both houses of Congress.
      In the 2016 election the country elects a Republican to the white house. This new president and his Republican administration with the help of congress and the Senate start making cuts in government benefits, and by reducing government.
      The unemployment is over 10% after 8 years of Democratic rule. In California it is over 15%
      The cuts are hurting people all over the country especially those who have become dependent on some form of government assistance.
      Major riots explode all over the US due to government cut backs on government assistance.
      The National Guard is called out in many major cities.
      Talks of secession are all over the internet.
      Democratic Liberal California feeling neglected and abandoned by the Federal government and feels that all the federal taxes sent to the Federal Government would be better spent at home decides to secede from the Union. California is tired of subsidizing the United States for up to $8 BILLION per year! Even with all of that disaster relief, California is still subsidizing the USA!
      California has its own military forces, independent of the National Guard, called the California State Defense Forces. Commander-and-Chief is the Governor now calling himself the President of California.
      Washington sends in Federal troops. A large battle ensues and the Federal troops are defeated by the California State Defense forces backed by the California National Guard and California retains its independence.
      Conservative Republican Texas having spear headed a Republican takeover in Washington thru an election puts out the word for a voluntary army to take back California. Many in Texas heed the call.
      Meanwhile Independent and sovereign California is joined by Nevada, Oregon and Washington State.
      Hawaii follows suit by declaring itself independent and sovereign.
      There are rumors all over the internet reporting a Russian military buildup in Siberia.
      The rumors are implying Russia plans to take back Alaska.
      Washington having its hands full asks for Canadian and British help in protecting Alaska.
      Thousands of Canadian and British troops are sent into Alaska for the express purpose of defending Alaska from an implied invasion of Russia.
      Texas troops along with Federal troops invade southern California easily capturing conservative San Diego they continue the march up the coast and enlisting volunteers. Texas & Federal troops along with local help attack Los Angeles and after a fierce battle Los Angeles is taken.
      Next is San Francisco and Sacramento and another fierce battle and San Francisco and Sacramento are taken. California is now firmly back in the hands of the United States. The Texas and Federal armies continue their upward invasion taking over and securing Oregon then Washington.
      Meanwhile in the Southern states there is a near racial war erupting.
      Federal troops are sent in but cannot contain the riots.
      In New York and surrounding states a voluntary army is being amassed to quell the riots and stop the rumor of a second civil war with the south.
      This Liberal Democratic army invades the south taking over the south and quelling the race war as many will come to see it.
      But the leader or commander of the Northern Liberal Democratic army takes over the government and puts out an order to arrest all the conservative Republicans in the white house for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
      The Conservative Republicans with the help of Federal military loyalist flee to Austin, Texas setting up government to take back the white house.
      The Conservative Republican Texas army is now at war with the Liberal Democrats who have taken over the Federal Government.
      This war between the Western States and the Eastern States goes on for another two or three years with neither side gaining much ground.
      The civil war stays a war of secession or a war between conservatives vs. liberals or the West vs. East so to speak
      The vast majority of people are relatively untouched unless you live in a city that is occupied by the military of either side or work in a factory that makes weapons.
      Martial Law would prevail thru the duration of the civil war and a few years after it ends.
      Almost all the killing or fighting would be on the battlefield or seas if ships are involved.
      There will be acts of sabotage on both sides.
      The average person stocks up on essentials to get thru the civil war like maybe a year’s worth of food because there will be disruptions in food distribution and some kind of off the line power source because of periodical power outages as well as stocking up on toilet paper and medications for the people who need them. Most of the people who live in a city or town in the line of fire move in with relatives who live in cities and towns that are not in the line of fire until the fighting is all over and go home afterwards provided there is a place to go home to that is.
      Hopefully and prayfully this civil war does not turn into a race war? That’s really scary That very well could lead to using weapons of mass destruction and you could see or hear of men, women and children being rounded up and slaughtered just because they are of a different race or ethnic group on both or all sides.
      Canada fearing an invasion of Russia enters the war on the Texas side asking for nuclear ability to defend Alaska.
      This alliance puts the Liberal Democratic Army in great peril considering that it now must send troops up north to defend its borders from Canada.
      The leaders of the Western States and the leaders of the Eastern States as well as the leaders of Canada meet in Paris to negotiate a United Nation sponsored truce.
      World pressure is being put on a truce or treaty because of a fear that this conflict is leading to a world war.
      In this truce or treaty it is decided that the continental United States would be split into two countries.
      One would be called the United States of Texas and it would go from Texas to California and Washington to North Dakota.
      The other would be called the United States of Atlantica and it would be from Minnesota to Maine and
      Louisiana to Florida.
      Alaska would be given to Canada and Hawaii and Puerto Rico would be given independence.
      The United States of America is now no more.
      Soon after the Nations surrounding Israel will attack and miraculously Israel will defeat their enemies and Jesus will be declared their savior. This will bring all the Nations into one world Christian religion and Jewish temple will be rebuilt.
      After many, many years the people of the earth will again fall into sin and call out were is the promise of his coming which will bring in the rise of the Anti-Christ.

    • MegaYacht

      With all due respect sir which God? Every culture believes in something different, so who is right? Even within a single faith there are may variations.

      To claim there is only one way to believe is foolhardy at best. Over the years I have met and dealt with many different beliefs and all are as valid as the other. Even the absence of a belief is not something to question or to try to change. This has been the bane of every major belief over the centuries, believe my way or suffer and die. History is rife with examples of religious persecution from most of the world past and current beliefs.
      Most beliefs have some form of oracle who predict this or that and promise a wonderful afterlife for whatever reason, but which one is correct or are they all correct? Maybe there is nothing waiting for us after we die, who knows, as I said every belief offers some form of hope.

      But what is “Hope”? Hope is all you have left when all else is lost. :idea:


      Doc — If big things happen this spring, why wouldn’t it then be 42 months (3.5 years) until His return?

      [You're doing a fine job dealing with the floodwaters you have unleashed -- even if it's far more than you expected. It's certainly more than I expected it would be (and you're likely several days away from being finished with the responses to this one article). The major problem I see is that angry Americans (perhaps rightly angry) plainly see how your message (the message of Scripture) can (and will be) used by the Enemy to pacify resistance. It is a hell of a position to be in, a conundrum, and a hell of a message to have answered the call to spread. May He give you all the strength you need to persevere.]

    • Dr Richard Ruhling

      Beef Supreme:

      This answers your question below, but there was no “reply” tab to answer there, sorry…

      The Bible formats years into weeks of seven in Leviticus 25, just as it does for days. Joseph’s 7 years of famine, Babylon’s humbling for 7 years, two 3 1/2 year periods–Rev 11:3-7 (1260 days for power to God’s side before Rev 11:7 implies the beast power for 42 months Rev 13:5.

    • ZombiePlanet

      Having read Mr. Richard Ruhling (add profile i.e. “Retired physician seeing http://LeadingCauseOfDeath…) [[ I like that part ]]

      Having read Mr. Richard Ruhling replies to those who have responded to
      his initial posted titled […]If We Fight, We Die […]

      It is apparent that:

      1) you are a deceiver, or
      2) you are deceived, or
      3) you are both.

      For good measure lets add Mr. Beef.

      If you expect all of us to truthfully embrace your obvious distortion of the Holy scriptures, you are either living within a self induced nightmare, OR you a purposefully attempting to deceive those of us here.

      Either way, you are useless in this lifetime.

      I will not use vial language to describe what you are, for that was presented beforehand by many.


      Oh look: Some more noise forecast abroad by ZombiePlanet.

      This will make three attempts I have made to ask for your direct response to what I asked you above. Clearly you have no answer, so I will make this my last query to you.

      (Your proofreading and your spelling still haven’t improved.)

      And since you enjoy including me in all of your weightless jabs at the Doctor, as if there should be some shame included with any association with the man, know this: When you see a man delivering an unpopular message, surrounded by a flock of nasty, abusive, foul-mouthed attackers…

      …prudence should be speaking to you. Charlatans are never attracted by the prospects of such abuse. But — your ears are clearly used to being tickled with smooth words, and you clearly intend to rely on the strength of your own arm to deliver you from the hand of your advancing enemy.

      I intend to put my trust in the Almighty, to the exclusion of all others. If He tells me to flee — I will flee. If He tells me to die — I will die. If He tells me to put the enemy under the ban, then the guts of the enemy will be dangling from the trees like the decorations you no doubt festoon your abominable Christmas tree with, despite frank and explicit instructions from the Almighty that such idols are an abomination to Him, as well are those who drag the abominable things into their homes. No matter what Scripture says: ZombiePlanet knows. Do you know better than He knows? Tell Him so to His face when you meet Him. Just don’t stand next to me when you do it.

      Unless you plan to address the specifics you have been presented with by me above, any more talk from you will be answered by the wind. Or not at all.

    • desert owl

      @Beef Supreme I like your summary of this apostasy which had to happen before Satan is revealed and his kingdom dumped into darkness in the 5th Bowl. It all adds up now. Satan’s time has EXPIRED.
      As to Richard answering this call: if there would be more Americans following the Holy Spirits prompting like Richard, standing strong in His full armor, the foretold catastrophe could be softened, though it has to happen to rid us of all satanic forces bent on destroying the world.

      He who called Richard to proclaim this message, will strengthen him to persevere to the end.

    • ZombiePlanet

      Notice how a simple “typo” can send Mr. Beef into another self induced delusion of distorted dissertation of deception.

      What a pitiful sight of wasted subhuman waste.

      A “swill” of sorts.

    • ZombiePlanet

      ” tickled with smooth words,”

      You do it well, Mr. Swill.

    • ZombiePlanet

      I quote Master Beef Swill…

      […] No matter what Scripture says: ZombiePlanet knows.[…]

      I never said anything closed.

      Therefore… I recognize the deception of Satan and his minions.

      Oh Great Barfco Swill master BEEF.

    • Dr Richard Ruhling

      Dear Friend,

      Good question! Since Christ said, I am the Truth (John 14:6), if we follow Truth as we know it, we will be brought to greater light. Many are ignorant of biblical truth, but “the times of this ignorance, God winked at” but commands repentance in a time of judgment (Acts 17:30,31) that I believe is impending for America. May God (Creator) bless and guide you.

    • Dr Richard Ruhling

      The Bible says in time of ignorance, God winks, Acts 17:30,31, but in a time of judgment we are commanded to go be the best info available. I think there’s been a lot of ignorance and winking but things will get serious soon.


      Hey you scumbag freak Ruhling, you ain’t dumb so why are you lying when Christ clearly says:

      Matthew 12:20 “Smoking flax shall not be quenched and a bruised reed not crushed until Christ sends forth judgment unto victory.”

      But the freak punk Ruhling lies says America is about to be judged. My Bible says, you scumbag Bible worshiper who knows damn well that Pharisee Paul’s doctrine conflicts with the doctrine of Christ – Matthew 5:17-20 “Think NOT that I have come to do away with the law….”
      But your freak of Hell Master Pharisee Paul claims Christ lied, Colossians 2:14 “Christ Jesus nailed the law to the cross….”

      Ruling promotes the Bible as being all of the word of God. He loves a Pharisee. What times of ignorance jackass Ruhling, seeing that God PERMITTED Gentiles to look at the heavens, upon other things of his creation and worship such (Deuteronomy 4:19). God let Nineveh continue Dagon worship, even sent his prophet to Nineveh from the belly of a whale (Dagon was part fish) and told them STOP DOING EVIL and they did. BUT YOU EVIL MAN know better that to commit evil renders one not of God, and your Master says he does EVIL!:

      Romans 7:19 “…I DO EVIL.”

      Jonah 3:10 “God says that their works that they turned from evil ….”

      But your freak of Hell Master Paul makes excuse for doing evil. How could those people of Nineveh cease doing evil deeds when the Freak Pharisees says all flesh is captive to a so-called “law of sin” and cannot help but do evil. Follow your Pharisee Paul’s example and say I do evil because sin dwells in my flesh and the sin does the sinning. So how did the people of Nineveh stop doing evil!

      Go to Hell Ruhling, it’s the only place for a convert to a doctrine of Pharisees:

      Matthew 23:15 “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees for you compass land and sea to make one convert and when he is made, you make him twice the child of Hell than yourselves.”

      Ruhling is a convert to Pharisee Paul’s doctrine. And most likely the punk is a Freemason. You freak Master had a mental breakdown in Romans 3:7 and confessed before Jews who follow the Mosaic law that he is a liar:

      Romans 3:7 “If the truth of God is being spread by my lie, why am I judged a sinner.”

      The sniveling little evil twit Pharisee Paul says truth can come from lies. Follow your Master Paul into Hell Ruhling because Hell is the place for those who make a lie and those who love a lie (Revelation 22:15).

      Ruhling, why don’t you spend you days moaning and groaning and just pray like heck that you can get your immortal body. Follow your Master and wish to die per his instructions in 2 Corinthians 5:4.

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