Why President Trump will not Save America
Why President Trump will not Save America
Over the last several days I have been contemplating writing this article about what we can expect from President Donald Trump during his 2nd term in office. I know it will be very controversial to some, but I felt like the Holy Spirit was nudging me to write it anyway, because the truth must come out in some capacity. I know many people are excited about President Trump and what the next 4 years holds for America and the world. Many feel that the last 4-year nightmare with Biden and the Democrats is finally over and we can start to rebuild a prosperous America again for the future. I understand feeling this way, but I do not think that is going to happen at all. The Bible says in 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 there will be a time of strong delusion coming on the world, during the end times and many would believe the lie. I think President Trump is part of the delusion that is coming and many will follow his lead right off the proverbial cliff into the long planned New World Order, which is almost upon us. While I think President Trump will do some good things at first, such as close the border to illegals, increase energy production, try to reduce the size of government, get rid of DEI and transgenderism, and maybe end the war in Ukraine, there are also four areas he will work on to complete the final pieces of the New World Order puzzle. The four areas I am talking about are more MRNA vaccines, greatly accelerating the depopulation agenda of the globalists, the much talked about Peace Plan in the Middle East, that will create a Palestinian State and allow the Jews to rebuild the third temple, the implementation of the new digital control system, which will turn into the Mark of the Beast talked about in Revelation 13:16, and the merging of Canada, the US, Mexico, and Greenland, creating the North American Union a long awaited merger the elites have wanted. The North American Union will be one of the 10 regions the Bible talks about the world will be divided into during the Tribulation timeframe. President Trump has only been in office for three weeks as I write this and he is working on all 4 of these initiatives with his staff and advisors already.
I believe the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 was a dry run to bring in the Mark of the Beast System very soon. The Corona Virus was enhanced in the Wuhan Lab of Virology through gain of function research and unleashed on the world in early 2020 (1). I believe now it was deliberately released to begin the globalists depopulation agenda. Whether it was deliberately released or an accident makes little difference at this point, because the results speak for themselves. This enhanced virus started to spread throughout the world and with the help of the main stream media a panic set in. People started rushing to the stores to buy essentials like toilet paper, so they would be stocked up for whatever happened. Within days after the media began to fuel the panic, country after country across the planet started to implement lockdowns, social distancing, and requiring their citizens to wear face masks. Never mind nothing like this had ever been done before in world history, not even during the Black Death of the Middle Ages or the Spanish Flu of 1913 was pretty much the entire population of the earth under lockdown. During past pandemics the only ones put in isolation, were people sick with the virus or illness not the rest of the population who were healthy. The virus or pathogen would spread quickly throughout the population and a heard immunity would develop over time. By locking down the entire population for Covid, the heard immunity took much longer to happen and thus the pandemic lasted longer. People’s immune systems are weakened through isolation, because they are no longer being exposed to as many pathogens in the public as before and thus the immune system loses some of its robust response. To stay as strong as possible the immune system must be continually working and fighting off new viruses and pathogens all around us. It is sort of like muscles in the body that need to be continually worked out and used to stay strong. Once people stop working these muscles, become weaker and do not work as well. The wearing of a mask for long periods of time also weakens the immune system, because the body is not getting the proper oxygen flow it needs to stay at 100 percent effectiveness. As the virus spread and mutated across the world it became more virulent, but less deadly as all viruses have done throughout history. Most people followed all the advice from health officials and stayed in their homes as much as possible only going out for food and essential supplies when needed. The entire planet was on lockdown for a virus with a 0.26 percent mortality rate the CDC had on its website the whole time (2). For comparison’s sake the Spanish Flu had about a 3 percent mortality rate, so it was much more deadly than the Corona virus. After about a year in lockdown mode, suddenly a new type of vaccine hit the market hailed as a cure for the deadly virus.
The Covid Vaccine as it has been called was first given publicly in December 2020 after only 3 months of trials. During the Pfizer trial 1,223 people died according to their own documents released to the public several months later, after a court ordered them too (3). The new type of vaccine was called MRNA, which is RNA coded instructions inside a nano lipid particle. These instructions after injection into a human cell would reverse transcribe into the DNA and instruct it to make spike proteins, which is the part of the virus particle that makes people sick. The idea of the new vaccine is the injected person produces these spike proteins and the immune system would recognize them as foreign destroy the proteins, then build an immunity if the virus is later encountered in public. The problem with this method is that there was no shut off switch, so the body continues to produce these spike proteins indefinitely. Since the MRNA reverse transcribes into the DNA of a person it means when the body produces new cells, they can start to make spike protein, thus creating a perpetual spike protein producing factory in the body (4). After a while the proteins start to build up in the blood stream and can cause all sorts of problems such as blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, pericarditis, turbo cancers, and many other life-threatening issues. If you do not believe me, just look at the following document the FDA had on its website, before the shots were given emergency use authorization for distribution (5). The shots also caused an unprecedented number of spontaneous abortions to take place in pregnant women. According to the Pfizer documents about 82 percent of pregnant women who took the shots in the trials lost their babies during utero (6).
There is only one reason why these shots were ever released to the public and that is to begin the globalists depopulation plan across the planet. Before the Georgia Guidestones were taken down after an explosive device destroyed one of the pillars, the first statement insinuated that the population must be kept at no more than 500 million people at any one time for the planet to maintain a sort of homeostasis with nature (7). One of the globalists main goals is to drastically reduce the population of the earth, because 8 billion people is way too many to manage for their one world system. There are UN documents talking about reducing the population and they do not even hide the fact any longer. There is a clip of Bill Gates talking about reducing global population using vaccinations several years ago in a Ted talk (8). President Trump during his first term became a big advocate of the new MRNA Vaccines and has never to this very day said anything negative about them. He has called himself the “father of the vaccine” many times over the past 4 plus years (9). I have long called these shots death weapons and believe they should be banned in the US and globally, because millions upon millions of people have died from these so-called vaccines across the world. We know from a recent Yale study over 1 billion people have what is called VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) (10). This basically means a person’s immune system is greatly compromised. I personally believe well over 4 billion have at least some level of a compromised immune system. We know approximately 6 billion got at least 1 Covid vaccine across the world and about 4 billion of those had the MRNA delivery system platform in them. We think there were some placebos at least in the first set of shots, but I believe everyone who got at least 1 real shot has some level of a weakened immune system. All the globalists need now is another pandemic to sweep across the world and a large percentage of these people, with a weakened immune system will probably not make it. The globalists can reduce the global population by maybe 25 to 50 percent in one fail swoop.
In the last few years, we have seen illnesses rise by a huge amount across the world and people seem to be getting sick more often, and it takes them longer to get over an illness. We have also seen huge increases in so called turbo cancers, which are rapidly developing and can kill a person very quickly. While most cancer used to take years to go from stage one to stage four, the new turbo cancers can often kill a person in matter of months or even weeks in some cases. These rapidly growing cancers are happening at record rates in Covid vaccinated people across the world. I believe this has a lot to do with these MRNA shots that continue to be administered to anyone who wants to get one at their local pharmacy.
We know now that Covid shots were completely unnecessary, because many studies show the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin would have reduced the death rate from the virus by about 80 to 95 percent, depending on which study is being looked at. Instead of administering these cheap life saving drugs that have been used for decades around the world as antiviral medications, the government and main stream media started a smear campaign against them, saying they were dangerous and no one should be taking them to treat the virus. They called Ivermectin horse paste and dangerous to humans, but conveniently leaving out that humans have been using the drug since the 1980s with virtually no side effects. Ivermectin even won a Pulitzer prize for being one of the safest drugs on the market. The reason for the smear campaign against these drugs is that the US has a law saying if there is a safe and effective drug to treat a virus or illness then a vaccine is not allowed to be developed for it. Instead of using a perfectly safe and effective drug to treat Covid, they had to demonize it so the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson could make billions of dollars developing a new experimental vaccine. These vaccines to this very day are still under emergency use authorization and have never been fully approved by the FDA. Comirnaty was approved by the FDA, which is like the Covid Vaccine, but these shots have never been made available to the public. If the shots are under emergency use authorization there is no liability concerns for the companies or the government for harm or death caused by the injections. Most Americans and citizens around the world just accepted these new experimentally shots and rolled up their sleeves without even questioning any of this. Those who did question it publicly were demonized, censored, and many prominent doctors either lost their licenses or were threatened.
For anyone who had hopes of Robert F Kennedy Jr coming in and banning the MRNA shots from the market, all indications look like that is not going to happen. President Trump’s Chief of Staff Susan Wiles, his pick for the FDA Commissioner Marty Makary, CDC director David Weldon MD, Deputy Secretary of HHS Jim O’ Neill, and Surgeon General Janette Nesheiwat are all very pro vaccine (11). A few weeks ago, President Trump, Susan Wiles, RFK Jr, and Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) had dinner together and after the meal, President Trump and RFK Jr said there will be no major changes to current vaccine policy (12). Albert Bourla was very happy with the dinner and wants to work with President Trump and the administration going forward. Pfizer and Moderna have already been working on new MRNA vaccines to be released soon. About a week after this dinner with Albert Bourla, President Trump had a one-on-one three-hour dinner with Bill Gates and during the meal they discussed new vaccines (13 and 14). President Trump was very proud of the Covid Vaccines and how fast his team was able to bring them out on the market. The shots were hailed as the savior of humanity from the virus when it only caused more death and destruction of the human body over a longer timeframe. Excess mortality and a huge decrease in the birth rate in all highly vaccinated countries have occurred over the past 4 plus years, since the shots were rolled out, so the globalists depopulation plan has already begun across the planet. If you read the Deagle Report this depopulation agenda will greatly increase this year with estimates of many western countries populations greatly reduced by the end of 2025 (15). We will have to wait and see how it plays out, but this plan is well under way and President Trump is very much on board. President Trump’s financial disclosure information shows he does own Pfizer stock, although I could not find how much. If he owns a lot of Pfizer stock that could be one explanation why he continues to supports the shots. Money is very important to President Trump and if he is making millions from new shots coming out, it could very well dwarf his responsibility to make sure they are safe to have injected into humans. We know from all the data, including VAERS these shots are completely unsafe for humans and should have never been approved in the first place. It is a combination of making money and reducing the population of the planet are the two main reasons these shots were approved after only 3-month trials.
On January 22nd 2024 President Trump has a press conference with Sam Altman (Founder of Open AI), Larry Elision (founder of Oracle), and Masayoshi Son (CEO of Softbank). During the press conference President Trump touted AI (Artificial Intelligence) and how good it was going to be for the country. He said that the three men in the room pledged to build several AI data centers across the country starting in Texas and spend up to 500 billion dollars doing so (16). President Trump asked Sam Altman what would be some of the benefits of AI? Altman said one of the benefits would be that AI would be able to run a gene sequence of a person’s blood with a sample. After running the sequence AI would then determine what diseases, cancers, or illnesses a person could potentially get in the future. With this information AI could then develop a customizable MRNA vaccine in about 48 hours and administer it to the person potentially curing the disease or cancer (17). With what is known thus far about MRNA vaccines, it will only increase the mortality rate of people who take these death injections. It is very clear now President Trump has fully bought into the MRNA lie and intents to deploy many more of them during his presidency. In the future these shots will likely be mandated at some point either through the government or possibly insurance companies requiring people to get them to keep their insurance. The globalists want a large depopulation of the earth and they are going to use all the tools at their disposal to achieve this goal.
The next part of the plan for global government is a peace plan in the Middle East between Israel and its neighbors. This plan as talked about in Daniel 9:27 will be confirmed by the “Man of Sin” or “Anti-Christ” when he comes to power. The plan will divide Israel creating a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem being its capital. During President Trumps 1st tern his son in law Jared Kushner wrote up such a plan that would create a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as the capital and allowing the Jews to stay in the settlements of the West Bank (aka Judea and Samaria). In addition to this peace plan Kushner came up with the Abraham Accords, which added several more countries normalizing relations with Israel in addition to Egypt and Jordan who had done so many years prior. I believe the Abraham Accords is the “Many,” part of the Daniel 9:27 prophecy. Since 2021 when President Trump left office there has been a lot of talk about creating a Palestinian State in the Middle East alongside Israel, but no new plans have been released to the best of my knowledge. The globalists plan all along is to use President Trump’s peace initiative when the time is right. Saudi Arabia has setup a coalition of nations to work on creating a Palestinian State and the new Trump administration is working with them (18). President Trump wants peace in the Middle East to be his legacy when he leaves office. He wants to be known as the person that got it done, when no one else could. Jared Kushner and his team are working on getting more countries including Saudi Arabia to join the Abraham Accords and normalize relations with Israel. He is also working on the details of the “Deal of the Century Peace Plan” as it is called and revising it.
The Bible says anyone that divides the land of Israel will suffer great consequences. It has been well documented by author William Koenig in his book “Eye to Eye” that anytime the US or another country pressures Israel to give up land a major disaster or catastrophe happens to that nation in 24-48 hours generally (18). Jerusalem is the big one and it is my belief, any country that tries to divide it will suffer severe consequences if not be destroyed. There have been many prophecies, dreams, and visions people have had over the years of massive earthquakes on the West Coast and the New Madrid Fault line after a peace plan is signed and Jerusalem is divided. Some have even seen a giant tsunami hitting the East Coast after this plan is signed or confirmed. Many of the major natural and man-made disasters the US has had over the years, have come right after trying to pressure Israel to give up land for peace. It is one of the things God is strictly against and we will suffer the consequences if this peace plan is forced on Israel.
A couple of days ago President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a press conference at the White House and they talked about the Gaza Strip. President Trump said the US is going to essentially take over the Gaze strip using US troops and help to rebuild it. He said the US will own the Gaza Strip for at least during the time it is being rebuilt, to the shock of much of the world’s press. If the US takes ownership of the Gaza Strip, which is part of Israeli land going back in Biblical Times will that ensure our destruction by taking over land that is supposed to belong to Israel? Only time will tell, but it is certainly a new monkey wrench in this whole thing. President Trump also wants the 2.5 million Palestinians to moved out of Gaza into Jordan and Egypt during the reconstruction project, which will take several years due to much of the area being destroyed. Moving the Palestinians out of Gaza caused fury around the world from many countries and groups. Jordan said today they are ready to go to war with Israel to keep Palestinians out of their country and Egypt has categorically condemned the idea. I am not sure if President Trump will try and force these countries to take in the Palestinians or not. We will have to wait and see how the situation plays out in the weeks and months ahead.
While saying all of that we know that Bible prophecy predicts the peace plan will happen and Israel will be divided for a short time. We know when the peace plan (Covenant with Many) is confirmed by the Antichrist, the 3rd temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount and animal sacrifices will start up again just like in ancient Israel. The Temple Institute in Israel has been planning for the temple to be rebuilt in Israel for many years now (20). They have all the plans, materials, and rebuilt artifacts ready to go for rebuilding the temple right now. Estimates are the 3rd temple can be rebuilt in a short period of time, once given the go ahead to start construction (21). They also have several Red Heifers ready to be sacrificed at this time. My understanding is the Red Heifers must be at least 3 years old to be eligible for sacrifice. There are 2 Red Heifers still currently eligible to be sacrificed and they will be 3 years old this Spring. There are a lot of rumors one of them maybe sacrificed around Passover of 2025. The Bible talks about needing the ashes of a perfect Red Heifer to dedicate the temple after it is built. A couple of years ago rabbis from the Temple Institute flew to Texas and bought 5 Red Heifers from a rancher named Byron Stinson, who was specifically breeding them for this sacrifice in the future. Out of the 5 the latest information I have is that 2 of them are still eligible for sacrifice (22). To be eligible, the cow must not have any white hairs on its body. There is a group of rabbis that regularly inspect the Red Heifers and determine if they are still eligible. Once the Red Heifers are sacrificed and the ashes are stored, they will be saved and used for the dedication of the 3rd temple after it is rebuilt sometime soon.
Another major part of the temple is the “Ark of the Covenant,” that is placed in the room called the holy of holies where God can dwell in and speak to the priest as certain times of the year (23). The Temple Institute claims to know where the original Ark of the Covenant is located and will bring it out after the Temple is rebuilt. I am not sure if this is true or not, but that is what is claimed. Even if it is not true there is a sort of backup plan. There is a company in the US that built an exact replica of the Ark of Covenant and it is now on display in Israel at the Temple Institute. What is interesting is before this rebuilt ark was brought to Israel, it was taken to Mara Largo and displayed in President Trump’s residence for a period before the election took place (23). Some in Israel believed it would help candidate Trump win the election at the time. Of course, when the election took place President Trump won and there was no real push back from the Democratic groups, who went crazy after he won the first time in 2016. In fact, even the main stream media sort of accepted the results and did not lose their collective minds, like they did after his first election victory. It makes me wonder if it was all setup for President Trump to win to deceive Christians and conservatives, so the final pieces of the New World Order can be implemented.
While Israel has been at war with its neighbors since October 7th of 2023, when Hamas launched a large-scale attack into Israeli territory and killed over 1,200 people, in recent weeks there has been a ceasefire, both with Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Some of the hostages Hamas is still holding in the tunnels under Gaza have started to be released and the war has been put on hold at least for the time being. We know there are many war prophecies that are still going to be fulfilled, between Israel and its neighbors in the future, but at least for now there is a calm in the storm. I think President Trump is going to try and seize this moment to bring out the peace plan and add more countries to the Abraham Accords, greatly accelerating Bible prophecy.
The third part of the Globalist plan is the bring in the Mark of the Beast System, which is total control of the population. Eventually people will be forced to take the mark or not be able to participate in the global economy (Rev 13:16). This new system is well under way to being completed and fully implemented upon the world. It is currently being implemented piece by piece around the planet, with more and more countries introducing digital ids, digital currency, digital payment systems, and social scores for some. Elon Musk is very much a part of this plan. He owns Starlink, which is hundreds of mini satellites orbiting the earth creating the fictional Skynet system of the Terminator movies (25). Starlink basically creates an invisible grid around the entire world that will track everyone on earth. Starlink will be connected and run by AI in the future, if it is not already. I have written about this before in other articles but CSRQ or Obsidian as some call it, has been fully built and completed now (26). This is a system that will include a digital currency, digital id, social credit score, carbon score, digital vaccine passport, and a universal basic income. Once fully implemented after the “Great Reset” takes place, the entire planet will be under total control by the global one world system. This is the main goal of the globalists and Antichrist that will shortly come to power. Another part of this system was created by Palentir a company owned by Peter Thiel. They created an AI program called Lavender. Lavender is designed to track everyone on earth with AI running it. It is being used by Israel in their war against Hamas to target terrorists in the Gaza strip (27). President Trump signed two executive orders in his first week in office. One saying that the US would become the AI capital of the world and the other saying it would become the crypto capital of the world (28). Can you see how all the is coming together? If you look at JD Vance the current Vice President of the United States, he was largely funded by Peter Thiel during his Senate campaign, when he became a Senator from Ohio (29). Thiel and Musk were co-founders of Pay Pal and that is how they both became billionaires (30). JD Vance was chosen as VP because of his connections to Thiel. CSRQ will be connected to the Starlink Satellites, and will be run by the AI program Lavender or another AI system when fully implemented in my opinion. This is all very complex, but I will try to explain it in more detail below.
CSRQ is a social monitoring system that includes 4 different classifications (30). The 4 classifications everyone will be lumped into are Common, Sovereign, Restricted, and Quarantined. Most of the people on earth will be under the Common category. This means each person will have a Universal Basic Income of probably a few thousand a month of the new digital currency. It will be just barely enough money to survive on, but not get ahead. People in the Common classification will be required to have a certain amount of vaccines, will only be able to drive a certain distance each month, and a person’s social credit score will go up and down depending on what each one says and does in the public square. People who are under the Restricted or Quarantined categories will get less money each month and have much more restrictions forced upon them. They will have to get more vaccinations, and their carbon plus social credit scores will be lower. The elites will be in the Sovereign category and they will be free to do basically whatever they want without any restrictions or constraints. This system will essentially create a two-tiered society with the elites on the top tier and everyone else being almost slaves. Very similar to how a dictatorship or communist society is run. The book 1984 by George Orwell is a perfect description of how this type of society will be run (31).
When this new system first comes online it will be on people’s phones and computers, but eventually everyone will have to get a microchip injected into their forehead or right hand to keep participating in the society. Everyone who refuses this mark will be completely shut out of the economy and eventually hunted down and killed by the New World Order system. The microchip will be connected to the Starlink satellites that are orbiting the earth, like how a phone or GPS device picks up a satellite link and directs a person what direction to go in while driving today. The microchip will have an RFID tracking chip in it and work through your bodies energy to stay powered, so it never has to be recharged. The patient number 060606 explains how the microchip will work in detail (32). The Starlink satellites will track a person wherever he/she goes and whatever they do. There will be no escape from it anywhere on the planet. AI will then be monitoring everything a person does and if they are doing something not approved by the state, will most likely dispatch police or drones to investigate what is going on. There will be a network of drones flying around with full surveillance in every major city of the world looking for suspicious activity, and the drones will be run by AI supercomputers. This may be why we are seeing all the drone sightings in recent weeks and no one from the government can give us a straight answer on what they are (34). These maybe the introduction of the drones that will be surveilling us in the future and probably already are to some degree. The elites always do things incrementally, so people get used to them over time. At first people fear the drones and wonder what they are, but over time if there is no harm done, people will get used to them being there and not worry anymore. This has been done with many other things throughout history and we as a people are slowly losing our freedoms and becoming more enslaved over time.
This is all coming online under a President Trump administration, not Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any other Democrat. The globalists know the people most likely to reject this type of control system are Christians and conservatives because, they are more freedom loving and want to live a peaceful life without government interference. Most conservatives would fight against this type of control system normally, but if President Trump is promoting it many will go along with the idea, just like many of them took the Covid jabs because, Trump was promoting them as safe and effective at first. The controllers will try to hide some of this at first probably saying the digital currency is decentralized crypto and outside the reaches of the central bankers rather than calling it a Central Bank Digital Currency. They may even advertise the new digital currency is gold backed, because many conservatives know the only way we can have a sound money system is to have commodities backing the currency which stops inflation. There have been reports in recent days of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York increasing their gold stockpiles (35). Maybe this is preparation for the digital currency being introduced soon and the media will say it is gold backed. All of this will be smoke and mirrors however and very soon after the roll out people will realize they have been lied too. There may be a small percentage of people that tries to fight back against this, but they will be quickly crushed under the all-powerful state control of the global surveillance system. All resistors will be treated harshly and most will be publicly killed I am afraid. period of the time known as the Tribulation in the Bible, will be a time of unimaginable death and destruction the likes of which the world has never seen before and will never see again.
President Trump is also building the North American Union, which the globalists have long wanted to do. The Bible says in Revelation 17:12 that the world will be divided up into 10 regions during the tribulation and there will be 10 Kings that rule over those regions. Those 10 kings will then give their power over to the Antichrist, when he comes to power. One of those regions will likely be Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Greenland. During Trumps first tern he signed the USMCA trade bill, which essentially setup a trading block between the three countries and created the framework for merging them together (36). Before Trump took office for his 2nd term, he floated the idea of buying Greenland from Denmark and making Canada the 51s State (37). He also wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. Trump has also floated the idea of sending the military into Mexico to go to war with the drug cartels. Since the cartels pretty much control Mexico if they are taken out, with US troops it would be much easier for the US to merge with Mexico in a regional union kind of like the European Union is setup today. The 3 countries would still exist separately, but will have a regional government that would oversee the 3 national governments, like Brussels overseas the European Union today. I think Trump is likely going to be one of the ten kings that gives his power over to the Anti-Christ and the Beast System when he rises to power soon.
One of the architects of the USMCA trade deal was a man by the name of Wilbur Ross who was President Trump’s Commerce Secretary in his first term. Wilbur Ross used to be head of one of the Rothchild banks back in the 80s and 90s. Back in 1989 Trump’s Atlantic City Casinos were failing and about to go bankrupt. Citizen Donald Trump at the time went to get a loan from the bank Wilbur Ross oversaw. Wilbur Ross then gave Trump 3.2 billion dollars to save the casinos approved by the Rothchild family of course (38). If you are not familiar with the Rothchild family they are probably the richest people on earth and own stocks and assets in almost every major company and corporation of the world. They own assets all over the planet and are worth many trillions of dollars according to most estimates. They are also the ones who started the Federal Reserve Bank along with a group of other top bankers back in 1913. The Rothchild’s along with about a dozen other families control all the money flow in almost every country on earth with the use of the Central Banking system, which our forefathers warned us never to get involved in (38). The book “The Creature of Jekyll Island,” written by G Edward Griffin explains how the central banking system works and how it was setup to control the entire worlds money supply.
The Central Banks are a scam setup to steal all the assets of the world when the global financial system crashes someday. Central Banks create money out of thin air and loan it to governments, then expect to be paid back with interest. It is the same thing as if you went to a local bank and got a loan to buy a house or car. The problem here is since the central bankers create all the money and expect to have the full amount paid back with interest it is not possible. Only the principle exists, not the interest so it can never be paid back ever. Everything people buy with Federal Reserve Notes is collateral for the bankers when the “Great Reset” occurs and the world defaults on all its debt. central bankers will take all the collateral to pay back the loans. The collateral is literally everything people own. This may sound completely crazy, but it makes sense when you think about it logically. Klaus Schwab the head of the World Economic Forum famously says “You will own nothing and be happy,” and he is not kidding. bankers will own everything including your home and charge rent to people to stay there. When the digital control grid system is fully in place no one will have a choice, because all rent, bills, and taxes will be taken out of your universal basic income each month automatically and without you having any say in it.
When I look at this from a big picture point of view the globalists are using the Hegelian Dialectic once again. For those that do not know the Hegelian Dialectic is the concept of problem, reaction, solution. The elites create the problem, but blame some other phenomenon for it, then wait for the public to have a reaction, and later come in with a solution that is always worse than the original problem itself. They did this with the Corona Virus, when it was created in a Wuhan Lab with gain of function research, then released onto the world. The public reacted in a panic with the main stream media fueling the fear and the world largely shut down. After about a year the globalists came in with a solution, for a problem they created in the first place. The so-called solution was much worse than the problem, because it killed at least 10s of millions of people globally and caused billions to have compromised immune systems.
In this case the globalists on the left have created a huge problem in the US and the world with this woke ideology. Over the past several years the far left and main stream media have been promoting the ideas of DEI, ESG wokeism, lgbtq, transgenderism, environmentalism, the green new deal, electric cars and bicycles for everyone, black lives matter instead of all lives matter, de-funding the police, open borders, abortion on demand, the destruction of the nuclear family, no bail laws, climate change, and global warming. These ideas have been destroying the very fabric of society we live under including all truth and morals that comes from God and is explained in the Bible. This insanity finally hit a tipping point with many Democrats saying enough is enough and a lot of them decided to vote for Candidate Trump in 2024, in hopes he would put an end to it. President Trump won the election and he was hailed as the solution to this moral decay in our society.
In his first 3 weeks in office President Trump has blown into Washington like a tornado and is now acting like a wrecking ball to all the left-wing ideologies plaguing the government for decades. He has signed hundreds of executive orders trying to change the whole fabric of Washington DC. All the Christians and conservatives are thrilled of what President Trump is doing, so far as well they should be. The problem with all this is what will replace all these ideologies and will the replacement be better or worse than the problem itself. What is becoming abundantly clear to me and others is the replacement to the left-wing insanity over the past several decades, but especially the last 4 years is the digital control grid with AI running it. This system will bring humanity into total enslavement, which is what the globalists have wanted all along. While this digital system is being fully implemented the Christians and conservatives will cheer it on, because President Trump is promoting it. The left will easily go along with this control system either way, but normally the right would fight against it if a liberal is pushing the idea, not necessarily however if it is someone they trust. This plan is very sophisticated and the globalists have been working on it for a very long time. Now this is the time to implement it. So many conservatives took the death shots after the Covid Pandemic, because President Trump was pushing it and I think the intake would have been far less if a Democrat was supporting it. President Trump deceived a lot of people during the pandemic and he is going to dupe a lot more people this time into taking the biblical Mark of the Beast on their right hand or forehead. I see it every day where the conservative media is praising President Trump for everything he is doing right, but completely ignoring things he is doing wrong. Christians need to stop worshiping and trusting in a person and start trusting in God only. All people are sinners and none of them can save a person, nation, or the world. Only Jesus Christ will save the world when he comes back to the earth after the tribulation period.
In conclusion President Trump is not going to save America and stop the New World Order. He is on board with 4 main goals of the globalists including depopulation, the “Middle East Peace Plan”, setting up the “North American Union”, and the implementation of the “Digital Control Grid System” (aka Mark of the Beast System). Despite the fact President Trump is doing some good things like deportations of illegals, trying to reduce the government size, getting rid of DEI and transgenderism in government, and increasing energy production, he is very much a globalist and is following their plan to bring in the New World Order. Bible Prophecy is being accelerated greatly now that President Trump is back in office. The end time Tribulation period is on the way, so please get prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually. From here on out anything can happen and we must be ready for unexpected events to occur at any time.
The 7-year tribulation is on the way and you need to get saved before it is too late. The only way to escape what is coming or be protected from accepting the Mark of the Beast is to believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior right now before it is too late (John 3:16). I firmly believe the time is upon us and we are about to see all these events fully take place any day now. We seem to have pulled the rubber band as far as it can go back before is snaps and nothing can stop what is going to happen on this earth. The evidence is very clear if you look around to see it.
If you decide to become a believer in Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior, please say this prayer below or something similar. I copied this one from a you tube channel called Midnight Hour Oil.
SALVATION PRAYER: Father God, I recognize that I am sinner in need of forgiveness. I ask that you would cover my sins now with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask that Jesus would come into my life now. I surrender my life to Jesus and acknowledge that He is now Lord of my life. I ask that you would guide me into your perfect will and plan for my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Amen Salvation is free, but it is not cheap. Choosing to follow Jesus is simple, but it is not easy because the world is completely against it, thus your faith will be tested daily.
God Bless to everyone.
- https://www.infowars.com/posts/must-watch-next-level-interview-dr-david-martin-issues-an-emergency-warning-to-president-trump-the-people-of-the-world
- https://archive.cdc.gov/#/details?url=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios-archive/planning-ccenarios-2021-03-19.pdf (page 5 has the mortality rate scenarios on it).
- https://nationalfile.com/pfizer-documents-reveal-1200-vaccine-deaths-90-day-trial-period/
- https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-03-extermination-machine-unmasked-vaccinated-people-are-making-healthy-people-sick.html
- https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download (page 5 shows the side effects)
- https://expose-news.com/2022/05/09/confidential-pfizer-docs-90percent-pregnancies-miscarried/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaF-fq2Zn7I
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzI016h61Tw
- https://old.bitchute.com/video/dbTlJrOIAiit/
- https://healthimpactnews.com/2025/rfk-jr-supports-operation-warp-speed-distances-himself-from-chd-and-wants-ai-robots-to-replace-nurses/
- https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/robert-f-kennedy-jr-betrays-entire-health-freedom-movement-for-personal-gain/
- https://people.com/bill-gates-was-impressed-donald-trump-8776851
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piLNqdMP54Q
- https://seemorerocks.substack.com/p/is-the-deagel-reports-2025-depopulation
- https://healthimpactnews.com/2025/trump-rolls-out-operation-warp-speed-2-0-during-first-days-in-office-with-project-stargate/
- https://www.indiatoday.in/health/story/ai-can-develop-personalised-cancer-vaccine-in-48-hours-oracles-larry-ellison-2668919-2025-01-23
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/riyadh-hosts-first-meeting-of-international-alliance-pushing-for-palestinian-state/
- https://www.abebooks.com/9780971734708/Eye-Facing-Consequences-Dividing-Israel-0971734704/plp
- https://templeinstitute.org/
- https://israelmyglory.org/article/preparing-for-the-third-temple/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDeIbr57IrI
- https://www.britannica.com/topic/Holy-of-Holies
- https://www.jns.org/with-eyes-on-winning-war-building-third-jewish-temple-ark-replica-shown-in-jerusalem/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMqSIXHxDbuzaBoLf_y8Q2KLFPxpY26E/view
- https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/
- https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/23/trump-signs-executive-order-on-crypto-digital-asset-stockpile.html
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jd-vance-trump-vp-peter-thiel-billionaire/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal_Mafia
- https://web.archive.org/web/20220729191604/https://oculumlabs.com/facts-about-each-csrq-sm-class/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four
- https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/WO2020060606
- https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/15/us/drone-sightings-east-coast/index.html
- https://www.newstarget.com/2025-02-02-london-gold-market-faces-shortage-prices-soar.html
- https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/usmca-will-place-average-american-feudalism
- https://www.npr.org/2025/01/26/nx-s1-5275375/trump-greenland-canada-israel-gaza
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/
- https://ammo.com/articles/founding-fathers-quotes-central-banking-americas-economy
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