Written By: Marlene*
Monday 24th February, 2025.
We truly are living in strange times indeed. I will also admit that these are also very stressful times because you find yourself questioning the things that are happening in the world- we are living in the last days, and more importantly you are also doing a lot of self-evaluation. This blog is going to be more personal than the rest, because this is where I am. My emotions are bubbling-up to the surface and my thoughts are rising up and I must be completely honest and resolve this.
Firstly, I must say that I believe that my issue here is that I do not write all the things I have found and know on many of the important things I address in my blogs. I am not sure why but I still do not feel that I should, yet I do mention these things in my blogs, especially my spiritual beliefs. There are also times when you come to a very biased opinion, but you do not see it as you write it, however you do realize after that you possessed much more information to add, that would have given a more comprehensive account.
The world continues to change very rapidly and I do not know what is happening in your life, (yes You reading these words. Thank You), but I really do hope that you are thriving and not being laden down with worry and stress. We are all here experiencing this thing we called Life, and we experience through our hearts and minds, which directs our thoughts and actions. I also hesitate to write about my personal experience in my journey as it relates to my thoughts and mainly my ‘feelings’, because really, no one really cares about my feelings, except Christ Jesus.
There is actual spiritual-warfare in the realm of the Demons and there is also warfare here in this world on so many levels, and the subtle attacks are usually the ones that affect you the most. My life experience is very sacred to me because I know why I am here, where I came from and where I am going to, I also know who I am in my Heavenly Father and in Christ Jesus. I have a purpose and a mission to fulfill. I have a race to run and I must also never stop writing, because eventually it will all be revealed.
‘This little life of mine, I gonna let it shine’… I have come to understand that not all Followers of Christ Jesus have the same experience as per our journey in this world. There are those who belong to Almighty God, there are those who belong to Christ Jesus and still there are those who belong to CHRIST, The WORD of GOD. I also understand that some Christians worship Almighty God as their Father, while others worship Christ Jesus as their Father, both are established.
My words are not about complaints or difficulties, perhaps wanting something, not sure what, however I do want to express my current feelings and I guess you too will know how I feel, but it is difficult to convey, because I am consciously choosing what I should write, which I don’t usually do. I simply let the words flow, when I write. It is challenging to keep the balance with spiritual needs and living in this world where evil and chaos and confusion rule the day.
At this time in my journey all of my dream-visions are awakening and rising up. The world is changing and so am I, and I do not know what is happening, but I do pray that my mind is being made more sound everyday and my heart will always be pure. I have to be honest with my feelings and write the words that need to be written. This is my personal testimony and it belongs to no one else but me. There have been some strange thoughts in my mind lately related to my spiritual battles.
In previous posts I did write about the warfare I waged alongside Jesus against the evil ones from the Gates of Hell. We had victory over these demons and I also know that after the second attack when they were defeated (they actually tried to steal my Soul, by pulling me out of my body through the top of my head, by means of speaking dark words, while the other demon stood not a foot in front of me waiting to inhabit my body. Those evil bastards! After they were defeated, I believe they had a meeting about me being able to defeat them by calling Jesus to deliver me from their evil.
They devised a plan to prevent me from calling on our Lord to save me and they sent a demon witch, who I believe is and was of the Pleiadeans, who are not Extraterrestrials as they want us to believe, but Inner-Earth dwellers under the leadership of a Fallen one who is imprisoned inside the Earth, and will rise soon and enter our world, to rule and enslave and kill us. I have seen several of them in their fallen state and they have also seen me in dream-visions.
In these dream-visions they were aware of my presence, for I was looking at them and they were looking at me. One was chained over the Abyss, and when he saw me he spoke and asked me how I was going to cross the dark-waters of the Abyss to get out. He was, is a prisoner there. That was Apollyon or Abaddon who is the Angel over the Abyss. He is a great Beast creature. Jesus did appear and took my hand and led me out of that place.
There was also the other one who fell from the heavens like a fire-ball and crashed on the ground in front of me. He was the first sun of seven suns in the sky and was dislodge and fell to the ground burning like a comet. From the smoke and the commotion stood a type of Dragon-man, very tall, like forty feet or more. He looked at me and saw me, but paid no attention to me, since he had bigger problems. He seemed very annoyed that he was cast down from the heavens.
The demons who attacked me were not like the two I previously mentioned of course, for these were their minions. I have been thinking about these fallen ones a lot lately and I have this ‘feeling’ that they are thinking of me as well. What does that even mean and how do you wage warfare against these ones in the physical? They can kill the body and remove you from the world, change the plans of what you have believed is your purpose and how your experience will unfold in these last days, unto the appearing of our LORD and KING for the Gathering and the Judgment.
There is no anxiety or stress in my life, as it relates to something being constant and over-powering. I have found the Peace that dwells within and as a tree planted by the river, I will not be moved. I have not waged warfare in many years after those three battles, and like Jesus said: ‘resist the devil and he will flee from you’. He may flee from you because he cannot defeat you with Jesus and the Father at your side and the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, however the warfare does not end, because they will come after those who are closest to you and even try to upend your life by messing with your daily routine.
When you are aware of these things you can prepare to resist their evil deeds and return their evil back on to them. That is why we Followers of Jesus have to study and pray. Yes, Jesus will come to your rescue when you call on Him to deliver you from evil, even if you do not follow Him, for His name is very powerful, however there are many gifts available for us to receive that will make us ever stronger and more powerful, because we may have to do warfare against the powerful Fallen ones in this world. This is where my thoughts and feelings are, knowing that I am actually known among the demons and the so-called Extraterrestrials. WOW!
I believe that my mind is as sound as I can be. My visions were not fearful in the way that would leave me traumatized and I thank God for that, because some people have very violent and disturbing visions, like being under a guillotine during the time of Great Tribulation. I have always believe that this seven year period of tribulation is mostly about the Church of Christ, although the world will also suffer, it is about the great persecution of the Body of Christ and the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel, some of whom will make it to the Day of the Gathering.
In my personal experience I do not want anything to disturb my peace and you can maintain that by prayer, study and fellowship with our Lord. We also have to seek and find the hidden gifts that were left for us to possess, mainly to protect us from these evil ones. We already possess a ‘full Armor of God’, and we are covered with the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus who dwells within us. He is always there to help us in our moment of need. We also have the Holy Ghost fire which is available especially for those who are preachers of the Word, as well as the power of the Blood of the LAMB.
All these gifts are established here for us to receive when we become Followers of Christ Jesus and are protection for your Soul. Many, if not most of you do not know that there are more gifts to receive when you experience your journey from the Spiritual perspective. Here is were we differ in our journey. I have found my Spiritual Father, the one from whom the Thought originated. A Thought that was Perfect and True, and that thought was that I had to return to the ONE from where the Thought originated. I must become manifest in the LIGHT.
For more than forty years this thought has been a constant in my mind and for a good reason. I understand that in order to do what must be done in order to accomplish this mission, the thought had to be constant so that I must pay attention and seek after the knowledge to bring this thought to fruition. I also understand that in order to do so I must seek after the knowledge of this journey, since it is not really found in the known things of this world. It is hidden knowledge and the ones who seek after it are the ones who are called to go out and find the knowledge, so as to become manifest in the LIGHT!
Throughout my earlier days I was obsessed with finding knowledge, hidden knowledge, however I did find the FATHER of the Thought and I found the knowledge that explains what the Thought is and how to navigate the journey. All that I need for my journey I have already found, however I have yet to understand all of what I have found. You truly have to understand the journey as you labour to reach the Highest places. My personal journey requires that I experience not only by Faith, but also through knowledge, for the Perfect Father and the WAY of His sons are found only in hidden knowledge.
The political energy of this world is very exhausting to the Human. All of the world leaders are on edge, because of Trump who is doing and saying a lot of unorthodox things. The world leaders are still afraid of him, except maybe one leader I have seen thus far who is successfully defying Trump and is succeeding, his country is flourishing, except the success is powered mainly by China. It certainly is interesting to see what is taking place around the world and Trump trying to bring peace everywhere, while bombing the terrorists and making threats.
I am curious to see what he does with the Taliban. He ordered them to return the billions of dollars in US military weapons abandoned by Biden when he withdrew the troops a few years ago. The Taliban rejected his demand. I think perhaps Afghanistan is about to become liberated from the death-grip of those Taliban monsters. I am certain they are on high alert at this time. Look at what he did to ISIS in Somalia. Trump loves drones and he is going to use them and he has cave and bunker busting weapons, so there is really no place to hide.
Trump is also taunting Canada that they should become the 51st State with a Governor instead of a Prime Minister. He really does hate Justin Trudeau. I do understand his big picture objectives concerning Greenland, Panama Canal, and Canada, and to put it simply, he wants to stop China and Russia, mainly China from taking control of key strategic areas in North America and the Arctic and Greenland is very strategic for that purpose. The Chinese have great influence in Canadian politics and the Fentanyl problem Trump wants solved, as the drug is also going south to the US from Canada.
There is a major drug problem in western Canada, mainly in British Columbia and the provincial government there are the drug dealers. Fentanyl is produced there in secret labs and the government and law enforcement have done nothing about this horrible situation, and only now are they being forced to address it. Hopefully they will do the right thing and put an end to this evil that is taking so many innocent lives. The world is insane and this drug problem is an enemy tactic to kill and destroy more Human Lives and destroy the structure of our society.
I think it is all about the Chinese and the Russians, and Trump feels that both the Canadian and American cultures on every level have been infiltrated and infected by the Chinese Communist Agenda and programming, with their Confucius Institute in most of the Canadian schools and Universities, and we all know how anti-Human and insane that theory really is, since it causes division and hatred, even self-hatred, which are both anti-Human ideas.
In the Americas we are being told to believe that we are at war with China, who is waging war against the Canadian people, the Americans and every country China is allowed to enter and build their Belt and Road Initiative, and that most remain unaware that we are at war. Trump believes that Canada also poses an even great risk to America’s northern borders security… because of China’s deep involvement in Canadian politics. They are choosing who gets to become Prime Minister.
Trump is very exhausting to follow and I will confess here that I am becoming tired with this thing called WAR, mainly because it is not really a part of my personal journey. We are walking through this crazy world that is powered by evil forces and over-lords, whose main goal is to enslave and kill us, and war does a good job of that. Death and Hades are here collecting Human Souls and soon Hell will open her mouth even wider to swallow up all the Human Souls killed in these last days. Pestilence and famine and more wars are still ahead. If Christ does not return there will be no one left alive on the Earth, He does decide to return early to save His Elect.
So many lives lost in Ukraine and Gaza, and all the killings in Africa, especially the murder of the Christians. There is a peace deal emerging with Israel and Gaza, being led by Egypt and Qatar to resolve the situation, especially that of the Gazans and what to do with them. Trump did start the dialog over there because his solution is to turn Gaza into a Middle East Palm Beach Resort, but the Muslims and Arabs do not like that idea. At least now they are talking about this problem and looking to find solutions, which will not come to fruition. That Land belongs to one of the 12 tribes of Israel.
There is prophecy being fulfilled here with Israel choosing to depend or trust the council of the Egyptians and not in God Almighty. Their plans will not prosper. Only the evil over-lord can make peace, whomever he may be and we will soon find out. Is he Trump?!! I hope not because that would would be too much for MAGA and the world to handle. This man is an Assyrian and he is Lucifer himself.
The war in the Middle East will explode on all fronts and more armies will enter into this madness and death. I also realize that all of this must happen and I accept that, but I do not have to adapt to it because it is so anti-Human and mindless. All of the land, the minerals, the gold, the silver, even all Human Souls belong to Almighty God.
Interesting times ahead indeed. I pray that you have found that peace within that only Jesus Christ can give you, because that peace which surpasses all Human understanding is what is needed to journey through this chaotic world at this time.
The world is defying Trump and his orders or strong suggestions. Everyone is doing their own thing, from Canada to Europe to the Middle East countries. No one is really doing what Trump wants, so we will see what he does with his tariffs. New economic and trading alliances are emerging because of Tariffs threats from Trump. The situation remains volatile in the peace-talks between Israel and the envoys from Qatar and Egypt, although Egypt is currently threatening Israel and also amassing troops on its border with Israel-Gaza. All hell will break out, just as Trump said, and someone will enter and bring about a false-peace in the Middle East.
The world is in turmoil and people are suffering all across the planet; natural disasters are happening at an alarming and devastating rate. Soon we will be unable to cope and we must face the truth, which is that we are currently living in the last days of this physical world. Have you notice that time seems to be speeding up and everything is a bit strained, like we are being dragged along on some kind of time rip-tide. There is so much chaos here and it is actually quite exhausting.
It is very sad to see what is happening to the Human Race, especially when most of the world do not know that they actually have a Saviour who will lead them and protect them through these last days. We have seen the different governing systems applied here in our world and we see what the real results are, and that is division and separation into Tribes dominated by racial identities. As a Follower of Christ Jesus it is important that we study the Word of Scripture and do as He commands us, for we are to become like Him when He appears, and knowledge of the WAY will lead us through to the end of this world.
What I am trying to say is that if you are a true Follower of Christ Jesus it is actually impossible for you to be racist and that is mainly because as you journey through this world, the WAY of Truth is established for you to travel. We are in the world but not of the world. We are passers-by. We also look forward to the coming and the establishing of the Kingdom of God in the New Earth. We live as though we are citizens of the coming Kingdom and we also know that the Kingdom is inside of us and outside of us. Followers cannot be racist, in believing that skin colour is relevant to social and cultural standings.
We also know that in this world-system, racism is currently playing a huge part in our culture and social dynamics. We are becoming even more divided and it is very sad to see, because as Kingdom citizens we know that when we are changed and are blessed enough to enter into the Kingdom of God in the New Earth, there will be no more physical bodies/clothing. There will be no Jews or Greeks or Blacks or Whites or Chinese, or Indian, or Indigenous, or any Human with a physical body entering into the Kingdom, so logically racism is for the fools and the ignorant and the godless, those who do not know they have a Saviour in Christ, or they know they do, but have rejected Him. That is my opinion.
I have not been writing very much lately; there is something in the air, something ominous and dark. Orbs are still flying around all over the world and we still do not know what they are. Trump has still not addressed them, and people are recording them all over the world. This situation is insane because no leader is saying anything about these mysterious objects which seem to be alive and aware.
You do not have to be helpless and fearful because Jesus will take care of you. These next words will be very controversial, but we live in a time when all the hidden things are being revealed, and these are mainly the secret evil deeds of the evil world-system and the evil minions who running the show. I would think that we have yet to get to the top of the heap where the master lies. Soon these evil ones will enter our world as leaders and rulers, they may be already here, we are not really sure, but soon we will find out.
I began writing this blog on 25th January and today a month later and have not been writing as much as I normally do. There is something in the air and I think it has cleared. Take care of yourselves and be safe. For those who hear the call, those whose hearts are open, I recommend that you get yourself an Authorized King James Bible, one with the Apocrypha, and start reading the New Testament.
Before you decide to find a Church, you should study the Bible and get to know Jesus. Please be informed that the words of the Bible will not be favorable to those who are not saved and do not know Christ Jesus, for it is a Book of condemnation and punishment to those who continue to live in sin, meaning those who are not saved through Christ Jesus.
When you are saved and have repented of this world and the chaos and madness, as well as the offerings and ask Jesus to enter into your life and save you, when you study the Word of Scripture it actually speaks to you and informs you on all the wonderful things prepared and establish for those you and all those who follow Christ Jesus.
Sinners will read about their judgment and punishment, and the words are terrifying and very hurtful, but that is just the way things are established here by higher powers. There are LAWS and we must follow them or we will die in Death.
The Bible is a great and wonderful Book, but you must also become aware that there are many copyrighted versions, so stay with the original translations like the Authorized King James Version.
All of the Nations of the world are under the LAWS of Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I suspect that the Nations governing here under this world-system of religion may choose to disagree. Should I go there? Many will find my words offensive in some way, but I only speak the truth.
There are many different religions in this world and religion influences governments, governments rule over people. Religions have been around for thousands of years, including such as Hinduism and Buddhism and Atheists from which many radical governments are born, with Communism, Fascism, Liberalism and other religions that actually hate the LAWS that are established here by a Higher power to govern and judge over us.
Only those who Follow Christ Jesus and obey the LAWS governing Humans will enter into the Kingdom. Hinduism has many gods offering different blessings. What the Hindus do not understand is that although their religion is a valid one, as a theology belonging to the world-system, all of their gods are Fallen Angels and their off-springs. They are still worshipping the gods who ruled during the time of Noah, before the Great Flood. Their gods are the Nephilim and the Fallen Watchers. Would they even want to believe this?
I pray that the entire Hindu religion will be released from the evil bonds of the Watchers and their Nephilim off-springs, and that the Light of Truth will shine through the Darkness and illuminate the minds of the Hindus, so that they can come to see and understand that only Jesus Christ can wash away their sins. They have been deceived into believing that once a year they can go to the Ganges River, which is one of the filthiest rivers in the world, and perform some from of ritual-cleansing and wash away their sins. I see it on the news every year, it is now that time when millions come to the river to wash their sins away.
Why does this make me sad? Firstly, I do see the world through a different perspective, being found in Christ. He renews our minds through His Word when we study and pray, and we do see the world from a different view, from that of a pilgrim, one who is passing through, one who is here as a student to seek and find the knowledge of the Way of Truth. What I witness with this yearly ritual is that these people know that they are sinners and they understand that sin needs to be washed away from their bodies. That is the LAW which is written in all of our conscience, the part of you that instinctively knows when you have done something wrong, that you have committed sin.
It makes me sad because they all go down to that filthy river to wash their sins away, when the stain and the stench of sin is not on their physical bodies, but on their Souls, and the waters of the Ganges cannot wash away the sin which leads to the death of the Human Soul. It is the same as with the Catholics who sin during the week, then they go to church and to the confession booth, where they confess their sins to the priest who gives them penance in the form of prayers to absolve them from their sins. No priest, not even the Pope can wash away your sins, only Jesus Christ can. So I pray that Catholics read their Bibles and get close to Jesus and understand that their confessions do not wash away their sins.
Only Jesus Christ Saves and there is no name under Heaven and upon the Earth who can save you from your sins and the judgment and the penalty, which is the death of the Human Soul. Death does not mean ceasing to exist, it means being separated from the LIGHT and God, and being thrown into the Outer-Darkness forever. This is the Death of the Soul and no Soul covered in the crimson stain of sin can enter into the Kingdom of God.
No Human Soul who does not know Jesus Christ will enter into the Kingdom of God. Soon all the Nations will be judged and not all Nations will have a place in the Kingdom of God, some ungodly Nations will be removed from the Earth and will not be found in the New Earth. Almighty God is a Jealous God and is angry at the Nations that do not follow His Laws and acknowledge Him as the Judge of the Nations, while they worship Pagan Fallen Angels gods.
These are the stakes here in our world. There are two paths established for us to travel. The worldly path leads us through this world with no real protection from death, whether from the physical elements killing our flesh and blood bodies, or from the penalty of sin which kills the Soul. There is no help for you here, because eventually death comes for us all, and when your time comes, you have to go, but do you know where you will be going to?
There is only one TRUTH and that is Christ Jesus, and His WAY is the only journey that actually leads to the Human Being experience of achieving the state of Perfection, a gift that is established here in this world for Humans to seek and find, so that we can experience who we truly are, not in this world of chaos, sin, evil, chaos and uncertainty, but experiencing who we really are in the things of the LIGHT and LOVE and TRUTH and Perfection. We do not need the things of this world and the experience, as we feed and eat from the things of Darkness.
The prince of this world does not like to see these words and Christians are being persecuted all over the world. I believe the Trump recently signed and executive order banning anti-Christian prejudice in the government. Apparently the Biden people were infiltrating Catholic Churches and spying on church goers, in America. I believe they have also burned down more than a hundred churches across Canada and the same thing is happening across Europe. We also know what China does to Christians.
I pray that the Chinese Christians receive a doubling of their Faith, so that they can remain true to Christ Jesus and overcome the violence of the Red-Dragon. Soon it will be slayed by the Sword of the Word, but the persecution will continue until the Judgment.
Did you see the News a few days ago about the 70 or so Christians who were beheaded in the DRC- Congo by Islamist murderers and the world is silent about it?! 70 people beheaded by the enemies of Jesus Christ and the promise is that they are currently with our Lord and Saviour in Heaven, waiting under the Altar of The Almighty for the rest of the Christians to be killed as they were, in the coming Great persecution of the Church, when the Beast-system is in place and Anti-Christ, the Beast and False Prophet are rulers here.
I pray that all Christians receive a double increase of Faith so as to resist the blows of the Adversary whose desire it is to kill us all, especially the Christians who will not bow down to the Beast-system and the minions. I also pray that our JOY will be full, for the Joy of the Lord is our strength. Jesus told us that we should not ever fear those who can kill the body, but fear the one who can kill your Soul… Almighty God, for He is the LAW- Giver, and both Angels and Humans are under this LAW.
All of the gods who rule over world religions here will be judged and destroyed in eternal punishment. There are Fallen Angels who rule in the lower Heavens who have power over the Nations. These are the Principalities and the Powers established here. They are usually at war with each other since they are fallen and so the Nations they rule over will go to war as well.
The Fallen Angels under the leadership of Lucifer have always ruled over us, since the beginning and they are still doing it today. Soon their time will end and they will have to vacate the premises and be cast into the lake of fire which is their forever prison. All of these gods, including the Hindu gods and all the other counterfeit evil Fallen Angels, their time of evil influence over Humans will end… in a consuming-fire.
Please seek after Jesus while He can be found, for soon there will be a drought of the Word and people will search for it, but it will not be found so easily. It will be the worse drought the world will experience because the hunger for food is felt by the Soul and not the body, and unless this heavenly food is found the Human Soul will die in Death and become separated from God forever. Do not let that be your experience. Only Jesus saves. Peace to you all in Christ. M.
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