Hated Gang Stalker Women Are Framing More Nice People
I have been doing in depth psychic detective Prophetess writing to crack this I D theft case and piece information together with new tips I get daily to piece it all together and readings have explained the following:
That in earl to mid or later February 05, which could have been February 5th a 6 ft 8 serial killer, a man in his mid 60′s then, around 66 probably stole a psychic crime tip job out of the mail box on a post, and it may have been taken from a post mans truck of post office or ups office etc.and readings have explained he took to his hotel suite at the Hyatt and had many hotel suites at fine hotels is the way the serial killer human traffick clan describe it, and say not so many now as they have been found out so they change things around alot to not be seen and caught and the clan wear many disguises and thats uniforms that are bought and rented, and Nurse uniforms and Medic scrub outfits to lab coats and some are golfers and tennis players and some were outfits from the Gap who frame nice parents for the serial killer to take their whole entire family to human sex slavery, and to be caged for human trafficking and kiddy porn and so on unfortunately. Readings say he took the stolen psychic crime tip job to the person who later stole Angel Board jobs off the porch of the one story house I bought in summer 05, and readings say he told her to go take the Son of God jobs off the porch sent by ups and or fed ex and said he could assign her the big large important Son of God job top secretly, and readings say on Feb 27th, 2005 that person and another got many to vote them in to do the stolen crime tip job, and said they could receive a whole lot of money later on for being in on it with them, and they lied they could assign a stolen psychic crime tip job to themselves that he stole early to mid February to do crime tips by professional spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras instead of psychic crime tips, and readings say many got in on it that day of February 27th 2005 when I had a 20 Year Sober Celebration at the two story house, and the one who later stole Angel Board jobs off the porch said she planned it out to slander Nancy Fox and to just make up stuff to lie she was better suited for the utmost important job position sent, and they lie they can stolen jobs to themselves, and he said I am assigning the job out, and he and others told banks money sent was for a crime tip job they got, when they stole the jobs and had no such job and when its not their money, and the one who stole the angel board ups fed exes off the one story porch in early July 05 and CIA Northern California told people they wanted to set Nancy Fox up to take custody away, and to frame her to do I D Theft is what it really meant and means, and they lied to people and made false reports and ran around lying to people and text lies everywhere the readings have said, and said ” Oh my God you guys Nancy Fox has such problems she spent too much on her house and got new carpet. paint tile just to look good for a party she had, and bought new clothes, and was all done up and spent too much for a single Mom so we are setting her up to the CPS Secret Court hearings and to DCFS by calling and lying, we think thats a bad Mom who would spend money on themselves, their skin and clothes, and the house and she just did all that without thinking so we are setting up her up to get a hold of her finances” etc. and readings say they planned to frame me that day when I had a 20 year sober A A Party to do I D Theft to steal psychic crime tip jobs and money sent to banks when a nice Mom who’s a long time sober who does carpet and paint and tile to the family home is good Mom and a good home owner, and caring about yourself to loose weight and to buy new clothes is also seen as good by most as its all positive and a normal nice person would have said the complete opposite and said ” Nancy Fox is doing so great, she lost weight and had cute clothes and celebrated being sober 20 years, and had new carpet and paint done to the house, she’s doing so great as a Realtor and is such a nice Mother” and readings say a false liar report was done to some in February 05 that lied Nancy Fox spent too much money and she’s got big problems as she did all that so fast and she just sells a couple homes here and there and makes forty thousand a year. When I made $140,000.00 a year. and sold 5 to 7 homes a year, and always had Listings and Buyers as I was a busy single Mom realtor who provided well for my family and I spent a couple thousand a month on my daughters, and for 8 years from the time moved into the two story I planned to do tile in the kitchen and smooth ceilings, and got it done in February 05, and I had updated the house since 2000 for 5 years with plans in the back of my mind to sell it and buy a house in the same area, and started shopping for a one story home in around 2001 when I showed my Mom properties to see if she wanted to buy one to live near us, and she said ” No I want to live with you and your girls” so I said I would sell the two story and buy a one story and started shopping for a house on the MLS everyday as a realtor looking for their own house, and wrote offers and all the while I was updating the two story house to sell it, so I updated it for 5 years then topped it off with planned smooth ceilings,tile in the kitchen and new carpet and paint to List and Sell it, and I had the 20 year sober AA party right after the work was done then listed it that week as planned, and these were all normal things a home owner does to get their house ready to sell and readings say they lied about all of it to steal my jobs and money that was sent and then October 8th 2005 the day I had a House Warming party at the house I bought in summer 05 readings say one put spy cams on the Oak Trees and on the mail box curb, mail box on a post, and garage door, 5 spy cams to case the house out to steal psychic angel board jobs and banking information and so on and on, and readings say the 6 ft 8 serial killer man put a spy cam on the porch over hang around July 1st 2005 and told her go take the angel board jobs off the porch and so did CIA Northern CAL the counterpart who saw them in spy cam equipment and he said he could assign them to them and to himself, and that they could lie they got the big Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission crime tip job and lie they had Son of God Authority and to lie money sent for Nancy Fox was for a big job they got, and they lied it was also 80 persons money who were named as suggestions to be hired as assistants, and readings say they say a truck with money on the Street in the spy cams and redirected it to a bank and took the money and lied thats money for a Son of God crime tip job we got and took it later from an alley behind a market in a pod mall where a bank was with fraud paper, and they sit watching for them in security cameras to get off freeways to unload the money and everywhere they are they see them says God and Jesus Christ and the one made up more liar stories and lied she was evaluating how Nancy Fox bought a house in 05 and readings say she ran around saying all dramatic “Oh my God I am so worried and concerned Nancy Fox bought a house that cost too much and she did all that without thinking and spent too much money too fast” and said ” You guys we gotta set her up to DCFS and run them out of the house because thats a bad person who spend money like that so fast” and the counterpart said ” that’s sick to spend so much time and money to decorate a house thats perfectly fine and to spend time getting ready with new hair make up and too many clothes that cost too much is bad to them and it’s so wrong for a nice single Mom to do that and those are the Moms we set up and hate because they should think only of their children and not themselves at all and any time off they have should be used for scrubbing and mopping instead of paying a stinken dam maid and to do all that to act important is sickening so we are setting her up as planned in Feb 05 as we all agreed she got too done up with new hair and make up and new clothes after a fast not needed diet and call her a skinny bitch this whole time and do that on purpose as really she’s so demure reserved and easy going and kind and nice and quiet usually and we hate that about her too, as we want people around who are just normal saying hey you guys, and things like come on lets get moving instead of her coy simple way of being so polite and considerate and said Dec 06 good bye AA goody two shoes life we are doing you in for being so done up and in tight clothes and for acting so nice that it makes us sick, so we are taking everything away she earned and saying its ours and pretending it is til hell freezes over as we planned to pretend that big large huge important Son of God job was ours by taking it and by setting her so stinken dam bad right up on purpose to run them out and to frame her to DCFS by lies cap on that cap YES and said thats wrong to first loose alot of weight fast that was not needed,, and to buy stylish clothes, to do line filler to look young at 45 years old in 05 and to buy a house so fast after spending too stinken dam much on the two story house, and to not think of family” When it was all for my family as I bought a one story for my Mother to live with us instead of an elder care, and I bought a house with large bedrooms for my daughters and I wanted a large bedroom for my younger daughter because she had a small bedroom at the two story, and her bedroom was as big as my master bedroom in the one story home, and I did the family room with furniture for my family and I to eat dinner and watch television and I found a house that was 5 minutes from our the two story house where we had lived for 8 years in the same City County and School District, and it was all for family, for our lives and I got ready in 35 minutes, shower, make up hair and dressed, as I let my hair dry wet, I did my same make up I did for years in 20 minutes, and watered it down, and I had the same hair cut and weave I always got every 4 months for years. I just went on a low carb diet in Dec 05 to get back to my regular size a 2 or 4, and I got line filler and let my bangs grow out but did not change my hair, and readings say they lie about all of this when I just did a planned make over on myself, and I shopped after the diet and invested in clothes to wear for years, and again these are things most people would see as positive and good.
Readings say they used everything I did as good against me, and I planned for 4 years to sell and buy, and I had alot of equity in the two story to buy another house and my payment was $2650.00 a month with a $200.00 second by the neg am loan I got that was not going up for 7 years and I planned to refinance it before then and I planned to double my income when my daughters were adult ages in 2009 and 2013, I planned to double my real estate at the 10 year mark in 09, and everything was all planned out by me, and I got loan approval with Countrywide, and had the money down from real estate commission money I made selling homes and from my two story house equity and a 790 fico score, and years of work and planning went into the move and I am who always said ” work hard and pay a maid so you can make more money instead of wasting energy cleaning and I had maids starting at age 21 when I was a Costume Designer” and there I was just being my regular happy free spirited ambitious productive self and they sat plotting to ruin everything I worked for and our lives and planned to run us out of the house when we were celebrating our house at a House Warming party ? who on earth could be so mean to do that? is beyond me, and thats what the readings say, the one who stole my angel board jobs sent for a lifetime of work and my psychic gift put spy cams on our old laden large ancient Oak Trees to rob spiritual geru psychic medium channeling Angel Board jobs, as I posted online about my Angel Board readings in July 05, and I advanced my psychic ability and higher consciousness that I work hard on since 1985 in AA and by books and studying for years before then, and I worked hard on having a great connection to God, and sinners stole a spiritual persons jobs the readings say and lied they are so much better suited for the utmost important job positions when they are not suited at all are they? says God and Jesus Christ to say our eyes fill with many sorrowful tears to see so many tiny babys flying to our skies in heavens so dreary light each night at midnight sharp the devils say and yell be there or be square on messenger and in many texts that now read we are so caught, we pray that is so as many are dead to this Prophetic job theivery says I God again and Jesus too and guess what again and again? the same ones the two counterparts and their awful mean gang stalker cruel clan of hated Mothers in The Gap clothing, and many women at banks also, and a hated mortgage broker older Mom are saying exactly ” we got 59 Moms we are all setting up in our 89 zones, and dont say by zip codes not our areas we are sayin for a shoppin too dam stinken much says one, and the bankers say they dont really mind a Mom buys alot of clothes at once and spends alot like four hundred to one thousand even as we buy clothes and spend two hundred even that we planned to do go look our best for this work we do as banking investigators and really do not think Moms are good parents if they buy alot of clothes to look good for men, that is what we really hate, even for the Dad as many are unwed we are really Targeting as we all do hate Moms who are thin lovely and so young looking, and who change their hair and appearance, and who spend hours getting ready and we say Nancy Fox took one full hour getting ready to go out at night one time, and thats not it we say it was sometimes 45 minutes and w did not know she planned a natural look and did line filler to look young at age 45 and to many its normal and to us its not and we said she spent so much time getting all done up with new hair and make up when it was not new and we say thats a lie as we say she bought new cream too for thin lines under her eyes and used it around her lips and that we are reporting” when I believe the eye cream was free a gift with make up I bought, and I did use it on my face, and I always in my life often used serum and lotion and started doing that in my early 20s when I got a maid, and started getting my hair weaved , as these are things I did practically my whole adult life, and I did get ready when I was a realtor in 35 minutes flat and that was a shower, cover girl and maybelline make up, the same make up under eye foundation, and eye pencil I have used since I was 12 to 14 years old, and thats a fact and I spent $40.00 every two months on make up, and still do on the same make up, and I let my hair dry wet and blew dry it for one second, and got dressed in dry cleaned real estate clothes, and readings say they framed me and lied she spent too much time getting ready and too much money on herself, and say they decided to set her up in Feb 05 for dieting and doing line filler, and hate Moms like this who look their best. When I think everyone should look their best with weight and clothes as I was a Costume Designer for years and made people look their best for a living, and thats what I did, I shopped and did wardrobe fittings, and would choose which clothes fit the best, and looked the best and so on, and I happen to be an expert at fit and style and I even thought of having a Make Over T V Show once upon a time, and they hate Moms who look their best the readings say unfortunately and women shopping for clothes and make up make the world go round.
They have 59 Moms on the list in 89 areas in and around Los Angeles and they are saying they are setting them all up because they look so hot to them, they are saying they got spandex pants on, work out clothes, short halter tops on at many gyms and they are on tread mills and walking on High School tracts to look thin they say and they hate them for that and say they should not care about their weight but be making chocolate cookies at home instead, as they think thats what good Moms do, and they think they should be buying stickers for fun sticker games at home Not they say, they think thats frivolous spendin as thats who they are targetin and have been and they think a Mom should not spend a dime and they should not spend a cent on their weight at gyms or pilates yoga etc and it makes them sick to their stomachs they do this and do not think of their kids, as some kids are at home with the Dad, and many are unwed Moms and some who just delivered are ones they are watching in security cameras and in spy cams they placed on their clothes car etc. and they are working out to loose maternity weight, and we say thats bad they should not care” as many are fat, and many are cheap and stingy minded in the devils clan, and some are huge woman’s big lady plus sizes who wear a men’s size lab coat and many wear large woman’s dresses and pant and top sets who are size 18 to 27 to 45 plus again, as they are huge fat pretend case workers who say they are pretend Dept of Health and Welfare Case workers, and some are realtors who are very tall and they are some 5 ft 8 to 5 ft 11 realtor women, who wear set outfits with elastic waists, that come from tall lady departments, and some are very done up and voluminous who are very named hypocrites who take up to 5 hours some days doing their ten coats of make up and teased up ratted scrunched hair and thats the taller one of one or ten.
These are HATE CRIMES as according to readings packs of Moms conspire to frame good nice Mothers who are so nice to their kids, and they say they set them up so dam stinken dam bad for doing their hair, skin, and make up, for spending money on their looks and on clothes and they hate them for being that way and that’s why they scout out Moms who are pretty with great bodys and say ” set that bad Mom up because of the way she looks” then write framing reports about the Moms they HATE and lie the following individuals we see as very bad Mothers because they spent too much money on themselves and we say they are self centered by the way they all look and act at many Shopping Malls because they are buying alot of not needed stuff so we are setting them up to take full custody away by master manipulation as we do this to women we do not like, and say if they diet and look great we HATE them so dam stinken much for being that way as they should not care about make up or hair or how their clothes look and we do not care if their children are older teenagers of if they have been divorced for years and are single Mothers in love or like , we say too bad you blew it lady by a filin and that was so wrong to do that to the family when the Dads are often the ones who left the marriage and have a girlfriend, and they say no one can stop them? for doing HATE CRIMES or charge them for slanderous character assignation reports, for ruining happy familys lives and for stealing from them by Gang Stalker Hacker Bugging equipment or for looting or for car thefts or for driving drunk and on drugs they shot sitting parked STALKING or for CAT NAPPINGS WHEN NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW and I am sure everyone in America HATES them and wants them gone as criminals who harm people are not allowed in society.
They are framing people who do not floss their teeth 3 to 5 times a day, and say that means they do not care about themselves, and they are ones to set up, to say they are so concerned and worried about them to set up a not needed case file while they also sit framing Moms for taking too long getting ready as you a are Dammed if you Do and Dammd if you Don’t with evil dangerous cruel GANG STALKERS
They also BLACKMAIL People and that’s illegal too.
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