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Stop Sex Slavery Money Is Stolen By Hate Crime Gang Stalkers By Slanderous Letters

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I channel wrote a letter below that explains how Hate Crime Gang Stalkers are robbing my money by this slanderous letter as readings have said they steal my open vessel Medium For God Prophet thank you writer and speaker pay and Thank You Prophet gifts sent for my Medium For God work I do for over 15 years as an open vessel medium for God, Jesus, and Virgin Mary, and Passed On American Presidents, and famous actors and musicians who died as I communicate for all of them and send my Medium work out on the internet since 2010 and faxed it in 2009 to stop sex slavery internationally and I work night and day to stop Dead Child Trafficking, Kiddy Porn, Snuff Films, Human Sex Traffick, and Exploation, and FGM Sex Torture murder crimes and readings say they steal money sent for my work thats for me to Stop Human Sex Traffick and Sex Slavery Internationally from my Medium For God business I set up in 2009 to stop trafficking and sex slavery. Readings say they have stolen 15 years of my Fox-Taylor Victims money, and my Angel Board reader money etc. for over 19 years by a group of Hate Crime Gang Stalkers who did me in because they hated me, and because they wanted to rob my money.

I was 4 time home owner and bought a million dollar house in 2005 I planned to never move from and I made a good living in my life as a Emmy Nominee Costume Designer, and worked on 100 Feature Films and Television Productions, and sold 100 estates and homes as a California Realtor from 1999 to 2009, and readings say they plotted to ruin everything I worked hard for in 2005. I am sober in AA since Feb. 9th, 1985 and live a spiritual God life, and as a child I was reserved and quiet and a poet, and I am a introverted writer type much of my life, and I live a spiritual 12 step life and I am in my 40th year of sobriety, and I studied and read many spiritual books starting at age 18, and I worked hard at advancing my spirituality and connection to God and am a free spirit type person, and worked hard to advance my psychic ability by books and studying, and by my living a spiritual life, and was on top of the world in 05 feeling so connected to God, and just being myself Happy Nancy Fox, I lost weight, bought new clothes, updating our house to sell it, bought the style of house I visualized and created what I planned for by working hard and readings say they wanted to ruin everything I had accomplished that I was so happy about and set out to do me in an over nice Mom in the suburbs whos life revolved around family. In Feb 05 I was told in an angel board reading ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” and someone who died brought the message to someone on an angel board an it was a real miracle that took place. I started channeling on an angel board everynight due to that when we moved into the one story house I bought where Church Bells chimed every hour, where it felt so spiritual and serene with three laden Oak trees, and I started channeling God and Jesus and Virgin Mary there in summer 2005 and many Blessed Angels, and posted it online, and readings say this devil ripped my Angel Board jobs in generated to my name and address right off the front porch by a spy camera they put on it, and robbed money sent by spy cams on trees, and cased out the property, and plotted to frame me an over nice mother to The Department of Child Family Protective Services to do I D Theft to me, to steal my jobs and money to lie they got a big important Son of God job when of course that would be my job as I channel the Son of God. The mail box was smashed onto the ground two times, in 05 and 06 in front of the one story house, and a car break in theft was done there, and our cats went missing when stalkers swarmed, and then in spring 09 I was lied about to DCFS, and the case file was opened based on lies and the lies were DISMISS without prejudice in court in 2009 and my older daughter was DISMISS from case as she turned 18 years old and became an adult in 09 and the case was closed in July 2010. and readings say they planned it all out to set me up and to frame me the day I had my 20 year sober AA party Feb 27th, 2005 and at our House Warming party Oct 8th, 2005, and did not like I lost weight and was dressed stylish and readings say they planned it all out to do me to rob my money and to make me stuck, and they rob my money that I try so hard to make to stop sex slavery internationally with crooked shady slanderous papers they give to banks and post offices etc.


Hate Crime Gang Stalkers Criminals Slanderous Papers Are Given To Banks and Post Offices They Are Robbing My Money With

SEPTEMBER 22, 2024

Readings say some who have been taking my money for 19 years are telling banks and post offices we are taking her money , her earnings because of the way she acted in 2005, she first spent far too much money updating her two story house on shiny tile, sparkly carpet, smooth ceilings that were not needed or necessary at all in any way, and spent far too much money for a single Mom, to impress guests at a party she gave for her so called 20 year sober AA birthday that we say is very wrong, as how could anyone like that stay sober so long? someone who got all done up at the party she threw in a short cropped sweater and low cut hip hugger jeans at her age was ridiculous to many so they said tie her hands so she can’t spend money as she spent too much in their opintion, and they wrote letters and reports explaining all this and then said when she bought a house so fast for about 1 mil, far too much for a single mom whos pretending to be sober as some say she took pain medication for two c sections, and a root canal and a back sprain tail bone injury we say is quite wrong by logs kept , we say that she tripped and fell because she was wasted and that that thats a lie she tells, that her cat ran under her feet when she was going down the stairs, in around 2001 or 2002 and we say thats just not so and no one is she almost 40 years sober now as she claims, and we say she just had the so called 20 year sober party Feb 27th, 2005 to be with a guest she invited, and we say thats why she lost weight so fast and probably had liposuction as how did she back to her regular size so quick? to look good in hip hugger jeans by dieting we say no way, and we say she did some plastic surgery to look that way and had a face lift to look great all done up with new hair and make up and that that was a big pharse to show off and to impress guests and to be a hot shot show off and acted this way at the house she bought in mid 05 for far too much and wore a Barbie Doll outfit Christmas Day and reports said it make guests sick to their stomach the way she looked and acted all done up acting like a hot shot, and some said pretend we need to investigate how she bought her house, and start transferring her money out of her accounts and put it in a floater account, and lie she should loose banking privledges because of the investigation, and we started funneling out her earmed money she made selling homes, and her equity from her 2 story home she sold in 05 fall, and say how did she buy another house without selling the first one? its a game to us she pulled that out, not a brilliant real estate agents know how as she claims she got a swing loan from the two story to buy the one story, and we said no way someone could do that and said tie her hands because shes acting so sickening to everyone prancing around after lipo suction in True Religion jeans, no way she looked that way just from dieting, so the end of Feb 05 the day of her so called 20 year sober AA celebtration Feb 27th 05 they all decided to set the bad Mom to DCFS first to the CPS Secret Court for being like that because it made them so sick to their stomachs she lost weight so fast and wore hip huggers at her age in her mid 40’s then, and we said that was so wrong to do that and to pretend your a nice family Mom as she had a hot time party the end of Feb 05 with music and rented tables and chairs and spagetti, and had the house so gaudy looking and was all done up ina short cropped sparkly sweater with sparkly carpet with not needed smooth ceilings, so we started funneling her own money out of her own bank accounts, and said we are getting control of her money for being like that, and took two thousand out and five thousand at a time for a four year period for 4 years from 05 to 09 of her owned real estate commision money she made selling many homes and estates, we say thats a lie that she did not even make 140 thousand a year and 150 thousand a year as she so claims we say it was more like $40,000.00 and we say thats so and a fact by our records we kept, and say see the DCFS case file papers this is why we are taking her owned money and say do not listen to Miss N Fox saying the lies told about her to DCFS in spring 09 were Dismiss in their entirety as we say they were not, as DCFS made papers after the case was closed in Court in July 2010 and put a Dismiss without Prejudice lie back in, and we say thats their call, so we go by that, and say the case file was very needed by the way Miss N Fox was acting all dressed up in a suit and pearls texting and running in and out the door to show homes, her listings, we say thats wrong, that she ran to meet someone, a man probably as we see her as a sex phen by the way she dressed at her party Feb 05 and at the house warming party Oct 8th 05 and Christmas Day 05 and 06 was it we say she had a Barbie Doll outfit on, and was prancing around the million dollar house she bought in a a sparkly red shirt a cowl neck top that showed her tiny figure off and how did it get like that? we say lipo suction plastic surgery probably was why as no way a Mom in her mid 40’s could look that way by just dieting, thereby we are taking all her earnings still her pay to her owned paypal cash app venmo, her postal money mail, ups fed ex money etc. and money on bank delivery trucks so please to not listen to one word she says as shes a pure bull shit artist and we say we got control of Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor and her two daughters money this whole time and wont stop taking it or telling banks our version of this, and too bad if shes broke we dont want her to have money to spend it the way she did on her looks, clothes, on a house or anything as it made us sick she first updated the two story so fast then bought a house then updated it and bought furniture for it, and bought new clothes becaues of a diet we say thats a bull shit artist so we are taking all her pay away, and transfer it to Denise S. Foxs account since 05 and transfer it from there, and say we run the Fox Family Trust fund account, and put her owned money in accounts and pretend we manage them, and pay her old bills that are already paid 10 more times to make her suffer for looking that way and for acting so proud as we say thats not a nice Mom at all who would get all done up with hair and make up and new clothes and trot around, so keep deposting her owned money in these accounts.

Total lies they rob my money by according to my reading channel writing above.

As in Dec 04 I started a low carb diet, and I lost about 40 pounds by dieting, and I lost about 25 or 30 pounds by Feb 05 and planned it out to get back to my regular size and did a planned make over on myself. and never have had any plastic surgery or liposuction in my life, nothing of the kind. I got back to my regular size by dieting, as a normal size for me is a womans size 2 or 4, and I wear a petite on the top, and a regular weight for me is 119 to 129 pounds. and I am almost 5 ft 5. and I did rystlyne to my skin to look younger that worked great, and bought new clothes when I lost weight in 2005 that were in style, such as True Religion Jeans and a Free People spiritual sweater I bought a Nordstroms, that I wore to my 20 Year sober AA party at our house Feb 27th, 2005 and I am in my 40th year or sobriety, and always one who likes music and fashion in my life, as I was a movie business person for years, and a Costume Designer an Emmy Nominee, and I decided to do a make over on myself to look my best and did, and I decided to do my two story house to sell it as a real estate expert who knew smooth ceilings are very important to help sell a home, as people do not like cottage cheese ceilings, and as a real estate expert I knew to do nuetral paint, smooth ceilings and nutral carpet that was not sparkly, it was off white with tan flecks so dirt would not show, very practical for selling a home, and the tile was not gaudy at all it was very classy tile I had done in the kitchen it was expspensive glazed Italian tile off white to sell the house and looked great and it was very tastefully done and I am sober almost 40 years and had to take prescribed pain medication for pain in my life but did not relapse, I have not drank or done drugs since Feb 8th 1985. I got sober Feb 9th, 1985 and do not drink or do drugs since then and I am an easy going 12 step spiritual person, and live a sober life. I had to take prescribed pain medication for my 2 c sections in 1991 and 1995, and when I fell on my tale bone three times on the stairs when my cat ran under my feet, and I went to the E R and could barely stand up, and was laid up for months with a back sprain, tale bone injury, and siatic in my leg, and thats a fact as I am over honest and do not lie, and I had to take prescribed medication and did for a root canal also, and I did not ever relapse, I do not drink or do drugs for almost 40 years and thats a fact. I bought a house for about 1 million by a swing loan from my two story when it was listed for sale and this is a common way to buy real estate, you buy your new house with money from your house you are selling, and that went well when I bought a house and sold our house in 2005 as I was a real estate agent then, an expert in selling and buying homes, and I usualy had 4 real estate listings and 7 buyers, and sold many homes and anyone could look up the real estate ads in the L A Times newspaper Nancy G. Fox-Taylor Realtor 1999 to 2009. I sold about 100 homes from 1999 to 2009, and made a great living as a single mom Realtor, and I had no sex at all for almost a decade from 1999 to the end of 2005 when I got together with a man I dated in 1988 who I started talking to in 2004 and he was my boyfriend Dec 2005 to Dec 2007, and thats the only man I have had sex with since my ex husband 1997 and have not had sex for over 12 years, as I was also with my ex boyfriend in 2010 to 2012 a few times as he lived out of State, and I saw him about 10 times from 2010 to 2012 and no one since, as I do not have casual sex or flings, and I have only been with 2 men in 34 years. ex husband ex boyfriend, and that’s it. I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 and the lies were DISMISS without prejudice in Court in 09, and a dismissed lie was in papers after the case was closed in Court July 2010 and once a lie is DISMISSED its DISMISSED, so readings say they hated me for being myself, a spiritual AA lady, free spirit who loves fashion, and decortaing music and having partys and rob me blind because they hate me as I was just being myself in 05 happy as could be at my 20 year sober AA party, and House Warming party to celebrate the house I looked for four years, and worked hard to buy and I planne d for it to be the last house I ever bought and my life was nobodys business to be in at all in any way, as I am one whos spiritual in touch with God, and felt so spiritually connected and happy, and created our exsistence that was great and they didn’t like it?






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