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Uneducated Idiots Tell The Department of Child Protective Services Which Parents Should Loose Custody

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The Department of Child Protective Services are told:The following mothers will loose custody and full parental rights based on their investigation, to take any measures to remove full physical custody from the following individuals based upon their in depth in home investigation performed by The Secret Service Los Angeles County man who works for The Child Protective Services Secret Court with the CPS Case Worker woman, his relative who is in charge of the CPS Secret Court hearings done privately based upon their sound bugging, hard wiring in residences, spyware observation equipment, and security camera observation and their in depth background reports. This is their decision based upon the following information on the individuals named that we say are not fit to be parents based on what we have seen and witnessed and this decision is made by CIA Northern California who decides on parenting and who should loose full custody and full parental rights by how they are acting. Also, research is done on their background, and pasts when they were growing up and by the Evaluator who bugs phones, log notes, as do the women On Patrol who drive around family residences, and sit parked logging notes. This is also based on the banking division investigation by credit reports, loan balances, receipts, and bank statements, and by others On Patrol who sit in mall parking lots and make notes on marketing and banking mothers do. We name them ones who are unfit by their actions when they are not with their children, and by what they do in their spare time, such as when the children are at School, and compiled these reports as proof that the following named individuals, mothers, and fathers must loose full parental rights based upon our in depth in home investigation reports done. We decide thus by our work that is done secretly without the parents ever knowing, and we say we take any measures to remove custody as soon as possible or in the here and now immediately by our workers going to the property’s or to the parents workplaces and the chidrens Day Cares and Schools as this is our decision and our department to investigate parents habits, and whereabouts to decide by our unanimous agreement based upon our CPS Secret Courthouse hearings and no one may question our decisions or interfere with our investigative work as that is our Department, and therefore no other authority may run their own reports, or question what we say, and we say take full custody away from the following parents today or tomorrow or when the On Patrol women all call in to set up a case file, as fifty shall call in and say anything to set this up, to then detain custody of the children by our CPS DCFS etc. case workers without the parent being informed in advance, as then they shall have to appear at a Court, and we shall take many for medical treatment when they park even, and force them to CPS DCFS Department of Health and Welfare Family Group Therapy in hotels and motels reserved by CIA Northern California and by our spy watch cam committee workers who monitor case files secretly and who are covering on security cameras at intersections as we all communicate by texting and messengering, and we shall first have a group meeting in the family residences, then give them relaxing shots, and serve our papers on the parents, hand cuff them if need be by the banking investigations documents in many folders, and by Medical Court Warrants, and your CPS DCFS Medical Warrants, CPS DCFS Warrants to take custody away from parents, and by ten types of papers we take to family residences, to then force them to hotels. and motels to inform the parents they lost their parental rights, and to inform them their children will be adopted out. Thus, many never appear in a Court of Law as we take them away from their family residences, workplaces, Day Cares,Schools, from hotels and motel rooms we reserve, and from hospitals and birthing wards and from everywhere a baby is born. This may not be disputed as we decide and tell all The Department of Protective Services Government Agency’s which parents are to loose full custody of their family as we are the League of Saving Life on Earth and the CPS DCFS City County State Watch Dogs in our own private Unit Medical Observation Unit Vehicles we park in many Day Cares and Schools, and in many Shopping Malls and in many Park n Rec’s and everywhere a person is, as we also take mothers pushing strollers with their baby if need be, as we are covering the whole State of California this way, and many other States this way, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Tennessee, North Carolina, Ohio and New York City where we have been doing this for many decades, the same as L A County where we began in the 1940′s and mid 50′s and 60′s and 70′s and increased our volume in 1978 and thereby say do as we say. Sincerely, The In Home Investigation L A County/Ventura County Line CPS Secret Court Watch Dog units along with our top secret CPS DCFS Department of Health and Welfare Services case workers, with our other County Workers, many Nurses, and our computer geek squad City Hall Computer Technicians, and they get warrants secretly from many City Halls to hack the parents by a computer device, and we thereby take their pay sent online to make it difficult for parents to get back on their feet, so that we may arrive with many papers on clip boards, and give them and their family members wherever they are relaxing shots, to take them to the hotel and motel Family Group Therapy with CPS DCFS Department of Health and Welfare R N Nurses who have a private storage unit pod office, as its all very top secret, and many mothers and girls need medical exams, such as pap smears. Do not question our demands. This is the way it is as we decide who looses custody and inform the Child Protective Services offices and DCFS and all of them where the family’s reside and appear suddenly without anyone knowing but the spy cam neighborhood watch committees, as we pay hundreds of people in each neighborhood, and in workplaces etc. to inform us of the mothers whereabouts so we can arrive and get this done fast, and the hundreds we pay around them are told to stay back, to keep people away from the family residence, to not interfere, so we can go in quickly and get children of every age removed, and take family’s to the hotels and motels where we make many reservations in all their areas in the USA in the States named above and we take them into our vehicles, and into our City Hall Computer Technicians Apartment Buildings we bought many of, and we have many homes we bought about main Parks, and say we cover family’s at Park N Rec’s in the USA, and we take them to our top secret rooms that are built under Drug Store and Market Pod Mall parking lots, down our stairs we installed to take them to our Medical Observation Unit rooms where we have Computer Squad rooms with many we pay who log texts and emails, as we keep a close eye on them to get them taken to not be seen again usually as the children of every age from birth to age 17 are adopted out secretly to a family without the blood parent knowing where they are, and many mothers named are ones on our underground Boot Camp List by the banking investigation unit reports that state the moms over extended themselves and have too high of loan balances, and that they funneled money into their accounts, the Evaluator woman describes as Kiking money, so many we say have Secret Service Investigator charges based on the reports and he hand cuffs them without informing anyone to take them away secretly to an underground boot camp or and medical facility.and some are sold to medical research even, as reports say they have a sex problem and are severely infected and need a full clitoral removal to save them, thereby we use many for scientific reserach and lab work in our underground top secret facility’s as we label the moms very bad persons based on the way they looked and acted in our investigation done by us the L A County Watch Dogs in conjunction with our CPS DCFS case worker women relatives, and the Secret Service relative who is only a Secret Service investigator for the CPS Secret Court and for all CPS DCFS case files in the Country, as that is his title he received by many voting by texts secretly, they decided to call him this many years ago to fool people into thinking he can hand cuff them instantly to take the Moms away and all their babies and children quickly without interference from real Authority’s, as they are told we are in charge of deciding who looses full custody and parental rights based on our CPS Secret Court in home investigation unit reports and never to be seen again are many of the Moms and many children and baby’s of all ages are adopted secretly, and names and birth places etc. are changed at The Hall of Records for years, and we change information on the DMV web site by our pass codes from CIA Northern California, and assign car gifts sent for the family’s to other people by forms with Pink Slips, and take their UPS Fed Ex delivery’s by our spy watch cam committee Nurses, City Hall Computer Technician woman unloading delivery’s they see in security cameras, and take the family’s money this way from banks, when they see the bank trucks in security cameras, as they have papers that read, the following individuals may not receive their own money, or mail , or ups fed ex delivery’s, or car gifts sent etc. and this way they disappear without a trace.

The above in channel written information as my Medium For God Prophetic work.

A person is not allowed to be handcuffed without reading them their rights, a person is supposed to be told they have a right to an attorney, then they go to Court, then pay a fine or do jail time for a real crime, like driving drunk, a DUI etc. the parent would decide who would have custody of their kids while they did jail time. A person cannot be hand cuffed and wisked away without the Laws being followed, they have to be read their Rights. In this example. a Judge may tell a parent with a DUI to do 60 days jail time, 1 year in a Sober Rehab for Alcohol and Half Way House, to get a Court card signed for AA Meetings, then a parent with 1 year of Sobriety would show a Judge the proof, and AA Court Card Signatures, go home and get their children’s custody from the person/relative they gave it to.This would be the normal and humane way this sort of situation would be handled.

My prophetic information has stated this is a big game to get babies, children, teens, and parents for human sex traffick torture, and they are murdered for depopulation and the Secret Service man takes them for his Kiddy Porn, Sex Torture Snuff Movies he directs, and they have real Movie Call Sheets with the peoples names who they set up not needed CPS DCFS case files on as its all a trick. 

The people are framed. They loop bugging, do voice overs by actors to frame people, they photo shop photos, edit spy cam footage, they mark up credit reports, bank statements and many documents by writing lines all over them, cut them apart, paste fraud in, back space, type fraud information in, and copy the fraud, and lie its a banking investigation done for the Secret Service In Home Investigator for the CPS Secret Court, and its all framing and fraud done to nice Moms, who have no spending problems, who always balanced their budgets fine, made a good income and provided well for their family, and the fake banking investigator person transfers the moms income out of her bank accounts to a floater account, and steals $2,000.00 or $5,000.00 at a time slowly when the Mom is busy and not checking their bank statement frequently, and $70,000.00 of the moms hard earned money is stolen outright to wear them down to set them up to be a not needed case file by lying and its all planned out and timed to wisk away family’s by their framing system.

The Framing System

The in home investigator so called Secret Service man and his relatives, brothers, Uncles, Cousins install spyware and bugging everywhere in family residences and say they are Spyware Servicemen, and they and their CPS DCFS case worker women relatives go to a family residence as ” The Mark of The Beast” to ” Stalk The Prey” and do this to Unwed Parents, Unwed Moms, Unwed Pregnant Moms, Divorced and Legally Separated Moms, Family’s who are moving into a new family residence who are attractive. They first place spyware over the doorway and over the bedroom doors, four spyware cams are installed instantly and porch bugging when a family is moving, then they lie they need to do an investigation in the residence by something they heard in the porch bugging, and its probably looped bugging, or nothing bad at all that a family member said.Then they start in.

The Evaluator starts brain washing the area the family is in. She tells people they need to do an in home investigation with the secret service on a Mom. She lies the parent bought a house that cost too much when the parent was qualified for the purchase price, and she lies they spent too much money too fast when its normal spending a Mom does by list’s, budgeting, and planning, she frames Mom’s buying what they needed to buy, such as furniture for a new house or apartment, such as new clothes a mom needs after she goes on a diet, such as painting and carpeting a house to sell it. She calls many and lies they need to do a secret service in home investigation and that the Mom has such problems when there is no problem a all, She is the Problem as she also steals eight work calls a day from the Mom’s phone, and takes their fed ex ups delivery’s off their porch at 9 am, and many times a day, and she pays people to set the Mom up to run them out of their house they just bought where they plan to stay the rest of their life. She pays 99 mean sneaky dishonest phony sinners to plant gin in the garage of parents who do not even drink, and she pulls many pranks, and pays people to do them to run the family’s out of their house and apartments, and lies it’s to help them as the house cost too much when the mortgage is the same as their last house, as its all a wicked game of pulling many pranks to ruin a happy family’s life. She bugs Moms and writes down fake framing notes in logs on purpose, and says anything to make a nice good mom look bad, she lies the moms do things without thinking when all they do is think. She sets them up and says she’s the Evaluator for the CPS Secret Court. and she tells Department of Health and Welfare fakes to open a secret case file. she lies the Mom’s have mental health problems and says she labels them gravely disabled by her notes that say they do things so fast without thinking, when they are just being their normal together selves, writing lists of what they need to buy that they measured for, did a budget for, and she thinks a person running around and getting what they need have problems? When she has the problem as she’s mean to destroy happy family lives on purpose, and she lies the Moms got Free money, that they are swindlers and kiking money at banks, if they got a Refinance or Second Loan Equity Line which is not free money, that is secured debt ,that is a loan to be repaid. She brain washes the whole City by lying ” these moms have such problems, they bought a house that cost too much, they spent money so fast without thinking, they got free money, they are kiking money” etc. and the spy watch cam committees text and messenger her lies 24 7 to brain wash everyone about nice Moms who are honest, good and forthright. She also lies Moms have a sex problem if they have an orgasm, that she hears in bugging, and she tells people ” oh my God they got a sex problem, they are cumming” and she thinks if someone has an orgasm they have a sex problem when they do not as research states orgasms are normal, intended and healthy to have. 

They brain wash people with the opposite of what Society says that women are taught and go by such as.

An orgasm is good for longevity and health. 

A mom should take ” Me Time” and have time for themselves. The Evaluator and women On Patrol lie a mom should loose custody if they get dressed up and go hear music with friends when the kids are at the Dads. and if they take a break when their kids are at School, say a nap for 15 minutes,or have meditation time, try clothes on, that is called ” Me Time” and Therapists moms should have 15 minutes or 20 minutes to themselves each day at least. 

They say the opposite of what Society Teaches.

Many consolidate debt by paying debts and credit cards off with a Second Loan, Equity Line, a Refinance on their house, and many are taught in Society Secured Debt is best to have, secured debt against their property or car. A parent may have five hundred in credit card debt a month. then pay it off by a Second loan say for $50,000.00, a Secured Debt Loan. and their payment may be $75.00 a month instead of paying $500.00 in credit card bills each month, and they would lie the Mom cannot afford her property, she got a second loan, a refi, that’s free money, we gotta run them out, she should not have done that, she should have made due gotten by etc. When the mom consolidated debt. lowered her monthly bills, and got a secured debt loan.

Whatever a person does that is Good they lie is wrong. They see everything Society says in an Opposite way.

They lie if a Mom has an orgasm she has a sex problem and should loose custody? 


Readings say they do secret sex therapy to the family’s, they force orgasms on every family member if they see or hear the Mothers have an orgasm, they lie thats bad when its Good. They lie they help them in sex therapy and its really Child Molesting. and Sex Torturing Raping Sex Crimes.

They say they take them to do what they call “Vagina Soothing” and it is “Molestation”.

They brain washed their cult with false information and they are mass murdering the population by their secret devil system by criminals who say they have Government Authority.



Information on ” ME TIME” for Mom’s

No, Moms: It’s Not Selfish to Make Yourself a Priority

If you feel guilty about self-care, know this, mama: Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s an essential part of being a good mom.


Information on health benefits orgasms 

Orgasms can have many health benefits for women, including:

Orgasms can have many health benefits for women, including:

  • Pain reliefOrgasms can significantly reduce pain, likely due to the release of endorphins, which are powerful analgesics.
  • Improved sleepOrgasms can help you sleep better and improve the quality of your sleep. The body releases hormones like oxytocin and prolactin after an orgasm, which can create feelings of relaxation and pleasure. Orgasms can also increase blood flow, which can help your face appear more flushed and rosy.
  • Reduced stressOrgasms can help reduce stress levels by decreasing cortisol, the hormone associated with stress, and increasing dopamine in the brain’s pleasure centers.
  • Increased focusThe hormones released after orgasm can increase brain activity, which can lead to better focus and the ability to think more clearly.
  • Improved fertilityOrgasms can increase the chances of getting pregnant by helping sperm retain. One study found that women who orgasm within a minute of ejaculation have greater sperm retention.
  • Improved digestionOrgasms can improve circulation to organs, which can help with digestion and mood, and may also help prevent cancer.
  • Increased DHEAOrgasms release dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an anti-aging hormone that can improve muscle strength, bone density, and sexual satisfaction. DHEA levels tend to decrease in your twenties, but sex can help increase them




Orgasms improve sleep

Orgasms relieve stress

Orgasms increase circulation

Better immune system

Orgasms boost your immunity

Orgasms boost moods

Decreased stress

Improved bladder control

Pain management

Cardiovascular disease

Improved heart health


Boosts fertility

Menstrual pain relief

Orgasms release endorphins

Orgasms strengthen relationships

Clearer skin

Helps prevent breast cancer

Improved sexual satisfaction

Increased body confidence

Increased focus

Increased intimacy

Increased libido












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