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Girls are Dead Child Trafficked Who Are Born WIth a Certain Gene

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They are dead child trafficking girls with a certain gene

The cult thinks they are saving life on earth by killing mothers and children born with a certain gene and they kill babys under the freeway every day at 9 am under 9 freeways in an area the readings have said for ages.

The cult is composed of many types of people some who do the molesting and murdering, and they call themselves ” The Udder Girls” because they suck on vagina udders of every age person until they are dead and bleed to death in their mouths and ” The Udder Girls” say their tainted blood with bad genes passes through their saintly bodys which purifys them so they reincarnate as a different sort of person”

They were sent brochures and information on graphs and charts the devil sent them in 2009 to trick them into thinking they are saving life on earth by offing people with a certain gene. They were told these types are too passionate to live on, the mom who orgasm once or three times in a row are named very bad persons, the ones with passion within seen when they dance and sing even are named very bad persons, these are mothers born with too much totastorone, they are ones who have wild sex and who love intercourse, who have many orgasms by their enternal sex drive that is like a mans, and due to this they are named very bad persons. Also, the Moms who have certain body types are named very bad persons born with the gene and they have large aroelas, thick brown pubic hair, and every color that is thick and coarse built with slim hips, and a buttocks that pops out as their clitorus does, they are named Serpents with bad dna, a certain gene that makes them enthusthastic and spontaneous and free spirted. We spot them by in home investigations, by spy cams placed on ceilings over beds to see who is laying flat on their back in the day and orgasming while the kids are away at the Dads as many are single Mothers we prey upon to get them to force orgams on them by oral copulation and penetration til they die and fly to heaven to return a different type of person to end womens orgasming or the human race may die off, as they are crowding it as many have children by two fathers who are on the list, many are unwed moms, and pregant unwed moms we prey upon, and moms and dads having intercourse in the shower we see in spy cams placed in shower heads. Our mission is to find them by our scouting on security cameras in shopping malls, parks, and everywhere a person is to see who looks sexy and slim hipped but volupteous, with medium to large breasts, as they are ones who talk alot or not at all or who sit quietly to then be steamy in a bedroom, and they are ones to infect the population by the gene they are born with, and their kids are born with the same gene is why we kill them off. Your job is to learn to spot them in a crowd, to get their photos from security cameras, to vote among yourselves with the spy watch cam cps secret court committee on spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras also to decide if a mom is sexy looking, then the spy cams are installed by the in home investigators secret service relatives named service men for spy cam observation installation, we meet at houses and apartments with our cps secret court case worker relative, and our DCFS relatives, and 89 of us go to a family residence to set up the operation to investigate the mom is what we say to many who think we are doing citizen protecting work, we say we take people out of their element who are a rucus in their community as they sit there so quiet, as there is an old law that states you can take people underground if they cause a rucus in their community, and that may mean by music played or tight jeans or for any reason at all, as we say we decide by a Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission crime tip job which we pretend is our job position as we take them all, put white out on them type our names on them, and lie thats our important Son of God job with authority so all will do as we say, We often first place spy cams over doorways on porches in the roof t over hang, and over bedroom doorways and say its to see what is going on in a family home such as yelling and so on, and make false reports by a mortgage broker woman pretending to investigate finances who marks up records cuts them apart pastes fraud in, and does everything to make them look bad, to set them up to be not needed case files at the cps secret court hearings behind their back, and the mortgage broker takes money from their accounts to a floater account and gets mail at post offices that is put in bins that say, ” hold for the Secret Service banking division investigator” and the mail is opened, money is taken , deposited, and a fake evaluator woman bugs cells, and houses and frames moms to look like they do things without thinking to lie we need control of the mother and childrens money by the CPS Secret Court case file and by all called to set up a not needed CPS DCFS etc case file, then those papers are taken to banks, and bankers are told ” see, these moms are very bad persons, put their money in another account, we are runnin the family trust fund accounts” so they don’t have their own money or mail, and the fake evaluator gets eight work calls a day by bugging phones and ruins mothers income this way, by woman on patrol, five an hour who take their mail and money when they speed around houses and apartments and park and they write fake framing notes, and we do them in to set them up with fraud to hand cuff them to force shots in them, to take custody away by you girls and women who show up surround them and force shots dressed in medical uniforms, and we pretend we take people to help them, when really its to go oral copulation to them until they die, and for men to stoop hump grind their living lights out in hotels by men the spy cam shots are sent to and your job is to find sexy looking mothers, and moms who orgasm seen in spy cams, and the evaluator charts orgasms and body parts, and we decide by how their clitorus is, is it wide? fat? long and thin? does it pop out? and we say thats a mom with the bad gene, the ones we are getting rid of to have them gone, and we pretend we take the babys and kids to adopt them out and really you girls and Moms will do oral copulation to their vagina udders and clitoruses and to sons penises, as the idea is to make them orgasm so much fully restrained that it will end this in the world as ones who have orgasms and passion within will infect the entire population, so our mission is to find them, to set them up. to get them taken away any way we can, by one hundred tricks we use through the real Government System and this is our save life mission to kill each and every one, including brand new borns. You children receiving these important instructions will practice by licking your friends private areas, and you will do round and round clito and go up and down on your friends clitorus to prepare to do this to babys and children, and you youths shall do the same, and some of you will do this with your Moms, and you will get energy vitamin e oil shots beforehand to excite you to learn to force orgams on every age person that we name to do that to. We say this type who looks sexy and who orgasm with passion within are very bad persons, and you shall ride the bus to the kiddy porn dug outs, and take your clothes off or put a costume labled with your name on it, and do what the scenes say in our Movie Call Sheets, and we lie we do really fun films underground for boys and girls to have a jolly ol time, and say the poor things have bad moms, and send out edited spy cam footage all over town and say ” see what the bad mom was doing, she was laying flat on her back and cumming in the dam daylight while the kids were outside a playin” and we say ” we gotta take these very bad moms away to remove their clitoruses” and lie ” they are wasted crack whore old hag welfare bum women case files” and really they are not that at all in any way as its all a game.

The girls and mothers doing this are sitting parked all over many towns exploiting people on cells to human sex traffick them, and they have no underwear on, are drunk on Peppermint Schnapps, staring at kiddy porn movies that they are in molesting kids,and they have pubic hair toupes’ in every hair color in boxes, and they say they place them on their shaved pussys spread open, as they are vulgar and grose inhuman monsters, and they put the toupe on their private area with movie magic blood from make up stores for special effects blood, and mashed cottage cheese they buy at markets, and they video this on their cells, and send it all over town and lie ” these moms have infected vaginas we gotta take them to help them out, we gotta take their babys and children away Sir, we are County Workers in Nurse attire ready and waiting to do this” and they kidnap them by conning and fooling people everywhere. 

They have babys and kids they are eating alive now in their local work City Hall computer technician apartment buildings four  or five buildings on a residential block on many streets near each other, where they walk to the kiddy porn stations rooms with gyno chairs etc, and mac computer rooms under pod malls, and they walk to Greyhoud bus stations to pick up the straps they restrain victims with. They have ten victims restrained in many of their apartments, and underground in rooms and pipes etc. and are yelling ” lay down lay down lay flat you stinken dam brats, you were born to a sexy ma ma who cums, you got the bad gene so we are all eating you out til you bleed to death in our mouths, and we are biting your clitos off to chew them up as your bad gene bad person flesh and blood shall be purified by passing through our bodys, them you will die and reincarnate to not have the gene in you, and thats why we are doing this to you because we were trained and taught this years ago, a Mom who cums is named a very bad person,if she has a certain sexy body type and walks with a wiggle they go down to eat out, and we eat them out and all their babys and kids til they stinken dam die to rid the world of this type and then we are packin some of you in leaf crates for dead child traffick” ” and ” if you udder a sound we will kick you in the head, we are angry on our 9 shots of meth, and reved up to kill you stinken brats off as we do not want you in the world or your stinken moms, and our moms dont want you existing either as they hate moms who walk with a wiggle and who show their figures in tight clothes, they make them so stinken dam sick also, and they set moms up so stinken dam bad to the CPS secret court hearings”

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  • truck driver

    My mom’s mom’s sister was 9 Feet tall and had six fingers on each hand and had shark teeth. My mom had two hearts and a big liver and her eyes would turn black like a bird sometimes and would wear big sunglasses all day, once her tungh turned into a snake tongue and she asked me if she could eat me I said no

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