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Our Strange World And The Mystery of Humans Under Influence Of The Watchers.

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Written by: Marlene*
Tuesday 11th June, 2024.

Greetings and Peace to You all in the Name of Christ Jesus.

I want to say Thank You to All who read my words, I really do appreciate it. The need to write is very strong.

Several years ago I had a dream-vision of sorts, where I entered a great library and met was a very ancient man there sitting behind a desk. He gave me a talent, which is a golden coin, as well as a golden quill. I have been writing since I was approximately nineteen years old when my journey began, in nineteen seventy-nine. Writing has always been important to me because I read a lot of words and I have to get them out of me, especially if they were not the food I wanted. I did write down what I gathered from them, sometimes I even  wrote letters to the Authors of these books, which I never posted. 

So where am I going here? There has always been the need to have the readers of my words understand them exactly as they are written, which is very challenging. I decided that I would write about Human things, so in that way we can all relate on some level. I love being Human, but I really hate this world-system, mainly because evil is insanity and chaos, and I do not like to have to think about this evil that is squarely in front of me all the time. 

When I write about Human things, it is always sad and insane things, because the Human Race has become rebellious and insanity is celebrated here, along with all manner of ungodly practices I was about to name, but… There is also destruction all around us, lives and properties are being destroyed everywhere at an alarming rate. Even at times when my thoughts rests on my Christian brothers and sisters around the world, there is so much persecution taking place at this moment. They truly need our prayers, so they will continue to remain strong in their faith through their persecution, even unto death.

I have always written about my journey and what is the desire of my heart, and that is to experience what it means to be Human on the highest levels, ones Human can reach in this earthly life. I did find what I was looking for- the WAY, that is, and even though I sometimes do have a heavy heart, I love my life and I really do want to reach the places that I currently stand in. There really should only be one real true desire in the Human heart, and that is the desire to experience who you are, in Perfection… to become known as a Son of God. 

Being Human is very challenging indeed, so many dangerous things lying in wait to kill us… no one gets out of here alive! There are many things that I have found and come to understand, and God’s Grace and Mercy are desperately needed in order for us to exist. Personally, I believe that this generation of Humans here at this time are probably the most lost, disobedient and ignorant of all those who came before us, especially the medical and scientific community. They really believe that they are the smartest of all those who came before them.

We are granted Mercy because our Lord is long-suffering and does not wish that any should perish. So many people are dying while being unsaved. We cannot pray to save the Souls of those who have died without Jesus. This world is the only place Humans can save ourselves, because Jesus did die for the whole world; all those who believe in Him and follow His commandments
shall be saved. The Lord grants us Mercy so that we get the opportunity at some point in our lives to hear the Word of God and be saved through Repentance. We get our whole lives to turn away from sin and our love for this world, however after death comes judgment.

It is also very challenging when you are a seeker and you find all manner of words, even some hidden words, but many times there is no real profit to these words for your own personal journey, however you do learn about some of the things others believe and ancient history as well. From all the information I have read about PYRAMIDS, I came to the conclusion almost ten years ago, that they were power-plants of some sort and I am sticking with that, unless or until proven wrong.
There were photos of one smaller Pyramid that was destroyed as if in an explosion, and there are many who believe that they were for generating power to the people. I also believe that the Pyramid builders had technology we do not understand. Personally, I understand that my opinion really does not matter in the grand scheme of things concerning Pyramids, however I do believe that they used some form of laser or plasma weapon, most likely solar-powered to cut the boulders from the mines and for the perfect fit. They also had levitation technology for lifting and moving large stones.

There were Giants and other Nephilim involved in these huge construction, including Fallen Angels, so anything would be possible with Heavenly influence. A heat weapon that easily cuts through stone, being also readily available and widely used by many civilizations all throughout the world in ancient times, even those Pyramids hidden under the deep oceans. These Pyramids were built by Nephilim as power-stations. The Fallen Angels- the Watchers did live on Earth as kings and leaders after their fall. They built many structures here, including the Pyramids.

This is also a time when we will be looking into Mythology for answers, even delving into ancient history and ancient aliens who apparently were very instrumental in our past civilizations. Many believe that the Human race was created by ancient aliens who came from the skies to our planet and created a slave race of Humans. We know about Enki, Enlil and the Anunnaki and the rest of the Sumerian and Babylonian gods and their religions. There were also many gods in power throughout the ancient world, in every corner of the planet for hundreds of years.

These ancient gods who wielded great power over Humans were in fact the Fallen Angels, the Watchers. The Watchers were on Earth for a long period of time. They walked among Humans, even took women as wives and gave birth to the Giants and the Nephilim race of Angel/Human Hybrids. Many of these were destroyed by the Flood during the time of Noah, however some did survive the deluge, by building a ship, some hidden in the clouds and others inside the Earth.  

The Ancient civilizations were ruled by the Watchers who were kings here and they were the ones who gave Humans all the knowledge we possess concerning all that we know. There were men of old who would travel the planet to discover tribes of Humans and world relate to them all manner of knowledge. Humans learned about agriculture and how to manage the land and rules  to have a better society. The world of the Watchers was very advanced compared to our world. 

There was even space-travel in those days and it is possible that Humans were taken to other planets who have today become our Extraterrestrials. We also know that they also sinned against the animals and all manner of hybrids were also created in those days. Angels are not Humans, although they can assume the form of a Human, as the Angel Gabriel did when he visited the prophets. The Watchers also had to take Human form in order to marry and become kings in this world, because their original forms were frightful and scared Humans. 

They did decide collectively to leave their Heavenly Estate, take on Human form and live in our world. There are no Aliens or Extraterrestrials as those who come from other planets or elsewhere in the Universe, only Fallen Angels, their off-springs and their science experiments. The ancient gods also possess the heads of birds and animals. Why is that? It is because these Fallen ones are all manner of creatures, except Human form. The animals of this world were created after their own kind, that is after the Angels who helped with creating animals resembling themselves.

The Cosmos contains Angels and all of their deeds, everything that exists or have existed will always lead back to the Fallen Angels. There are no Aliens or Extraterrestrials in existence anywhere who are not a result of the Fallen Ones. So when they arrive, actually they are already here, peering into the veil, still observing us, yet unable to enter into our world until the day when the veil is ripped from top to bottom and their world will then meld with ours. Many of them will have power here in this emerging Babylonian kingdom ruled by Fallen Ones.

The influence of these ones has remained on Earth throughout our Human history. The ancient kings are all descended from the family of the Nephilim, and the Sumerians, ancient Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians kingdoms were all ruled by Nephilim kings, even Nebuchadnezzar had a vision and was judged by the Watchers. They clearly still have influence over the affairs of Humans, even today and their minions have power in every level of this world-system.

Daniel 4:13-17
13 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven;
14 He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches:
15 Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:
16 Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him.
17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

Today, they control our food-supply which they have poisoned, along with our water and they continue to spray chemicals in the skies. Their greatest accomplishment is ‘Science’ which has become a sacred cow that Human should worship and trust. Big Pharma is constantly brewing up their poisons and delivering them to us a cures to whatever ails us. They poison us and then they create cures for our sickness. They hate us and want to kill us and enslave us.

All of this to say that when the space-ships do appear and they will, and the Extraterrestrials show themselves as our helpers and guides, with their offerings advanced medical technology, new financial system and rules to better govern, in order to move us to the next level, please be forewarned that these are all related to the Fallen ones and they are all set up against the Human Race. They are all interested in the LIGHT that dwells in us, because they do not possess it and they are unaware of its origins. 

They want to capture this Light because they know that it is more powerful than anything they possess, and they want its power. They do not realize that those are of the Darkness cannot interact with the LIGHT. They cannot seize it as they will attempt to do, which will be the death of many Humans, those who possess the Light of Christ. All of those Fallen Angels and cast down Angels will all be gathered here in these last days for the day of Judgment. It is all happening here, so the future days will be very strange and chaotic indeed. 

Babylon the Great is here and is a kingdom of Fallen Ones who will rule over Humans for a short and final time. It will also be a Sodomite kingdom and they have prepared a large number of Humans to support their evil ambitions. Every evil thing originates from the Fallen and cast out ones. They use deception and fear to coerce and enslave Humans in order to control and feed upon us. Christ Jesus has already defeated them and has provided us with weapons to also have victory over them, so no matter what happens in the future last days, do not trust any entity who come in space-ships with a message of having our best interests in mind, because you will lose your Soul, in one way or another. 
We receive Grace and Mercy mostly because God loves us and He does tolerate a lot of sin and disobedience from us. It is always interesting when the unbeliever tries to rationalize their unbelief by claiming that God should interfere in the deeds of Humans and do something to those who are doing terrible things to others. They do not understand that God can only judge according to the LAW and if He punished everyone who committed sin in the moment, the world would have been empty and extinct of Humans a long time ago, even from the beginning!

So we should all be very thankful and understand how blessed we are for God’s Grace and His Mercy. One of our major issue is that there are those who have power here and they consciously hide world knowledge and History from us. Why do they hide the truth of GIANTS? From what I have discovered over the years of looking into this subject is that there are still GIANTS alive on Earth at this very moment, mostly under/inside the Earth! 

This world-system is one of deception, illusion and cover-ups. Why is it that they hide all these things from us? Perhaps it is as simple as so that they are able to continue the way they have always done… keeping the herd in the dark as they continue to hide their true identity. All the hidden things will be revealed as the the light of truth continues to shine on the things and places and the evil ones and expose their agenda that is set up against Humans.

Our generation is so very lost and blind and very much still asleep and in captivity. There is a fire in my belly and the things I really want to say, I have always been somewhat self-censoring, however the time is come and is now when we must speak up and let the people become more aware of what is happening, especially to their own bodies. It makes me very angry that so many Humans were led astray through fear and took the sorcerer’s brew.

My issue is with trying to understand how this insane evil thing could happen!? Why would God allow the Human Race, created in His own Image and Likeness to be violated and even receiving a change in DNA, being not entirely Human, to take the brew that is a death sentence? What has happened on the Human scale is so unbelievable, that it is still very hard to process.

As we continue to be engulfed by Darkness and evil here, the light will continue to shine on the truth of the effects of the sorcerer’s brew as is currently taking place in Japan. Those in high places in the Japanese government are openly addressing the deaths and damage that the brew has done to the people. Remember also that even babies were poisoned, and there are videos out there with newborns showing all manner of advanced development, and other strangeness.

What have they done to us? Some say that the overlords want to turn us all into Human transmitters, connecting some kind of evil worldwide network that they have concocted in their evil minds. Others say that the new DNA changes us and we become more like the sorcerers. There are all manner of weird and truly alien things found in that brew, even identification tags picked up by Bluetooth. What have they done to us?

There are many Christians who took the brew and were also encouraged by many Ministers, Pastors and leaders to do so. All of the Pastors who encouraged their congregation to take the brew were rewarded handsomely by the sorcerers with their filthy lucre. I do hope that those who  were deceived have left those churches behind, but I somehow doubt it. The world of Christianity is filled with wolves at the pulpits, leading the people all the way into the pit.

Personally, I know a lot of people who took the brew, and some very close to me whom I did plead with not to take it, but they did, two of them. It is hard not to write about your personal experience because I know that we are all going through this together, even though we seem to have chosen sides, unconsciously, for the most part. One of them got three shots! Even had heart problems, the doctor told him that it was because he was getting old, and he accepted that diagnosis. 

In the earlier paragraphs I did mention receiving a gold talent and a gold quill in a dream-vision, and in that same vision, before I entered the library where I met the ancient man, the vision began where I was looking up at a small black dot in the sky, very high up and far away, like over the horizon. As I stared at it, it grew larger and was getting closer, when I saw that they were the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I speak the truth here and I am not making this up.

There is a point to this as you will see, because I did find a connection to the sorcerer’s brew. This vision happened some ten years or so ago, and even though at the time I understood it for what it was, I did connect a part of it to what happened in the world. The Horsemen were riding hard and as they got closer I could hear the hooves of the horses running in the sky. I actually thought that they were coming after me, because they seemed to be riding right down at me.

I turned around to find a place to run to and that is when I saw the back of this huge building in front of me. It was old and made of bricks or stone and there was no door at the back. I did not see any. I walked around to the side and then the front and I felt that I should also get my kids to hide them as well, or whatever I was thinking. I called out to my kids and all three appeared as younger than they were. Two were dressed in shining white onesies that were perfectly fitted, and the youngest had on one that was as if it was four sizes too small. It did not fit.

I looked at her and keep repeating to her that her clothes does not fit, over and over and I was very sad and alarmed. It was after that when I entered into the front door of this building which was like the TARDIS inside. Perhaps it was the library of all the books ever written in the Universe, because it was huge inside. The Walls of books seemed to go on forever. Fast forward to today, my youngest did take the brew, even though I begged her not to. She is a world traveller and have been to more than twenty countries by now. Her clothes does not fit!

There are so many things we must face and come to terms with and I know that we are all having to personally deal with the fallout and the effects of this sorcery that was and is still being cast upon Humans; some still line up for the brew. How is it that this insane evil was allowed to happen? Some even say that the evil ones did this to separate us from God and many Christians who took the brew speak of feeling detached from God, and unable to find their way back.

So the future seems full of death and even more Chaos. So many are suddenly dropping dead all over the world, and the evil ones are still claiming ignorance. There will come a day and soon, when all of their lies will be exposed concerning what was really done to the Human Race. The sad truth about this is that it really does not matter if their evil truth is exposed, because there is nothing we can do to undo what has been done. We cannot fix this… maybe there is hope in the new med-beds, who knows.

They have actually succeeded with their diabolical plan to kill ninety percent of the population and this is clearly the work of the Devil. He wants to kill us all and Humans will continue to fall, even to the point where the dead will become too overwhelming as far as collection is concerned and many bodies will be put outside on the streets for pick-up. There is even some kind of black-goo in the brew that resembles the black-water from the Abyss. Apollyon and his demonic army does hurt those who do not have the Seal of God in their foreheads and also persecute Followers of Christ Jesus. 

The Church is also divided among those who took the Mark and those who did not. Are there any of those who took the brew not regretting their choice today? It is also possible that many of these doctors who pushed the thing and were richly rewarded for encouraging their patients to take the brew were also ignorant of the hell they were unleashing, because they also took the thing! So many doctors have died and are still dying.

Jesus and His disciples as well as the prophets did warn us about these Last Days, that perilous times shall come and this time will be the most evil of all, and if our Lord does not return, no one will be left alive. I do not believe that the Mark of the Beast is a physical mark, but something of supernatural means, as in being delivered by sorcery to the masses. There are so many demons and fallen ones  at play in our experience right now and their presence will be felt even more as the days go by.  There is a mark on your Soul, in your forehead and there is also the physical mark in your right hand, possibly related to the tagging ID found in the brew.

How many sorcerers are there, those responsible for the concoction of this evil thing? It is also possible and becoming clearer that many of the politicians who pushed the thing and threatened and chastised those who would not take the thing, even most of them also took the brew. No one who knew the true ingredients in this poison would ever take it, so it seems that they did not know.  Will there come a time when the whole truth will be exposed? What will happen when the masses come to accept that they have all been poisoned and their time is very short?

I tried looking for the News of what is currently happening in Japan to add a link and not one article was found. I even went to Goggle which was the first time in years and there was nothing. The Japanese Government did ban the use of the vaccine and there is a government member speaking about it publicly. The media is still covering it up, however many of those in public, these media personalities who pushed the brew on us, those who report lies and misinformation, many of them have admitted to taking the brew as well, so we will all see what happens to them.

This world is an evil insane death asylum and the ones who once lurked in the shadows and hidden in the darkness are in control of the world-system. They are found in every aspect of our society, all around the world, especially in the Western countries, and they are no longer hiding their evil agenda, which is their plan to kill most of us and enslave the rest. How are we supposed to get out of this predicament, especially when most of us have been poisoned?

On a personal side, my sister-in-law, ex, took the brew and last year she had a tumour the size of a basketball growing in her uterus and it grew to that size over a very short time, like a few weeks. She did have it removed and I was very curious as to what this thing was that was alive and growing inside of her. Wouldn’t you be curious to know what that creature was? She was cut open from her chest down to her pelvis to remove that thing… a lot of rehab, but she survived.

Do you know anyone who still does not want to hang out because you did not take the brew. I know one such person. Is it even possible to remove the strange ingredients from your body once you have taken the brew? This current situation we find ourselves in is so dire and diabolical that it is really very difficult to process. They are also trying to whip up a new fear with this new supposed bird-flu affecting cows and killed one person, which is a lie.

The real question is how many will succumb to fear and get another shot? Many years ago I gave my health over to our Lord, and if and when I perceive an issue, I simply bring it up with our Lord and give it over to Him, for He is my physician and the only one I will ever trust. He knows all the days I am allotted here in this world, for all of our days are numbered and I do not trust doctors or their medicine. I trust no man.

All of these ones who wield power and control over us believe they are the ‘Elites’ of this world. They obviously gave themselves the title. They are not the Elites, for they do not belong to the family of EL. They have no idea who the true Elites really are, and they are not them. Lucifer is always usurping all the we hold dear as Humans and changing them into evil and vile things, with opposite meanings in order to push forth his insane and evil agenda on Humans.

The days ahead look very daunting and we are being bombarded from all sides. There are wars and rumours of war, and all over the world the people are raging. The darkness is spreading, and evil and its fruits are very visible. I believe that we are still living in the ‘time of sorrow’ and we have not yet come to the end, when we go into Tribulation years. The Tribulation begins when Anti-Christ performs his abomination in the Temple, and as mentioned previously, the years of Tribulation is about the persecution of the Church, those who did not take the mark and those who keep a testimony of Jesus.

Remember also that the evil ones are actually given power in this world at this time, to persecute us and imprison us and kill us. Have you ever wondered why such a thing is permitted? Many will die, and I believe that there is a specific number of Saints or Martyrs who must be killed and placed under the Altar of Almighty God, as being something that is established, like the 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel, or the 24 Elders.

Our Lord did comfort those who were already killed, to wait a little while longer for all the martyrs who are left in the world to be killed as they were is completed. There were a great many found in Heaven who came out of great tribulation and most likely heard the Gospel from those of the 12 Tribes, who will be preaching during these last days… many will be killed by the Anti-Christ in this new great Babylonian kingdom.  

This new merging world-system will be steeped in Sodomitish ways. This demonic curse that is upon the Earth concerning this way of life will only end in a blaze of fire, just as it had in the past times… remember Sodom and Gomorrah. So many will be lost because of unbelief and disobedience, and Hell will open wide her mouth to receive them. How very sad because in this world the powers will imprison you and persecute you for obeying the LAW. They will even arrest you for thought-prayer, without you ever saying a word! Crazy times indeed.

In my studies the Apocrypha plays an important role, even though the Christian scholars rejected those books as being uninspired by God, even though those 14 Books were used during the early Church years. There are a lot of revealed prophecies in those books. Here are some verses from the prophet Esdras:

2ESDRAS 2:33-48
33 I Esdras received a charge of the Lord upon the mount Oreb, that I should go unto Israel; but when I came unto them, they set me at nought, and despised the commandment of the Lord.
34 And therefore I say unto you, O ye heathen, that hear and understand, look for your Shepherd, he shall give you everlasting rest; for he is nigh at hand, that shall come in the end of the world.
35 Be ready to the reward of the kingdom, for the everlasting light shall shine upon you for evermore.
36 Flee the shadow of this world, receive the joyfulness of your glory: I testify my Saviour openly.
37 O receive the gift that is given you, and be glad, giving thanks unto him that hath led you to the heavenly kingdom.
38 Arise up and stand, behold the number of those that be sealed in the feast of the Lord;
39 Which are departed from the shadow of the world, and have received glorious garments of the Lord.
40 Take thy number, O Sion, and shut up those of thine that are clothed in white, which have fulfilled the law of the Lord.
41 The number of thy children, whom thou longedst for, is fulfilled: beseech the power of the Lord, that thy people, which have been called from the beginning, may be hallowed.
42 I Esdras saw upon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs.
43 And in the midst of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and upon every one of their heads he set crowns, and was more exalted; which I marvelled at greatly.
44 So I asked the angel, and said, Sir, what are these?
45 He answered and said unto me, These be they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned, and receive palms.
46 Then said I unto the angel, What young person is it that crowneth them, and giveth them palms in their hands?
47 So he answered and said unto me, It is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord.
48 Then the angel said unto me, Go thy way, and tell my people what manner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy God, thou hast seen.

It is so important that we increase our Faith and get closer to our Lord and Saviour. This world will drive you insane if you try to figure out what is really happening. The big picture scheme is clear, they want us mostly all dead and the rest enslaved, however when it comes to the individual players it can become very confusing. Keep in mind that the fallen Angels have power here over us and they have recruited a very large army of Humans to assist in their diabolical plans. 

They have given us their teachers and politicians, ministers and medical professionals, leaders of industry and others, all of whom are carrying out their evil agenda against Humans. One of the most diabolical things happening right now is the use of Opioids, especially Fentanyl that cause a zombie-like state and skin sores, along with people bending over and not moving. Strange and evil things are happening all around and we are being attacked from all sides. 

This drug situation is getting worse and in some places in Canada these Opioids are even legal to use anywhere; the government supplies the drugs to the people. There are companies manufacturing heroin and other lethal and dangerous drugs with contracts to supply these drugs to the government that sells to the local government to distribute to the people. So many lives are being destroyed and lost because of this new insanity, run by the government.

There is so much corruption in the world today mainly because the evil ones are in power positions, having great influence on the peoples and maintaining a heavy hand, engaging in law-fare and political persecution. It was Edmund Burke who said: ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’. A very wise man indeed and there are some good men who are fighting against the evil that is spreading in our world. The parents have become aware of the secret indoctrination of their children into the Alphabet lifestyle that conditions children to hate themselves so much that they want to change their natural God- created nature and they are fighting back. 

These deviant ‘teachers’ instruct children on disobedience to God, even to hate their parents because they do not understand their children and they will most likely disagree with what the kids are being taught. They condition and brainwash the children in secret, without parental knowledge and consent. It is good to see some politicians abolishing some of these insane and evil practices, like child mutilation and prescribing puberty blockers, as well as exposure to books and ideas that are contrary to the LAWS, as well as common sense. 

The evil is everywhere always attacking Humans and so many are swept up in the insanity and chaos. Unfortunately, this movement will not go away and will continue to grow, because there is no way we can put that genie back in the bottle. Remember when those in power who saw this kind of behaviour as unacceptable behaviour and it was outlawed? There were institutions where these people were kept and ‘treated’ for their mental disorder. 

The only real solution is always Jesus, these people need Him so badly, however they do not want to hear about Jesus Christ, or that their lifestyle is an abomination in the eyes of God and He will punish them for their sinful ways. Have you seen those videos of street- preachers being confronted by Alphabet people?  They do not even want to believe that there are words spoken by God and the disciples and prophets directly concerning them and their lifestyle choice.

The churches have also opened their doors to the Alphabet people and many of the wolves teaching at the pulpits also belong to this movement. There are so many gay men in the church pulpits of the world. What is happening here? The world is becoming Sodom and Egypt, for we are deep in sin and captivity. Look at Israel. We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be at peace, only in the Kingdom Age and that is what I pray for… thy kingdom come, thy will be done.

We know that the world is currently in a downward spiral and time will continue to speed up. Evil is spreading and the curse is enveloping the whole world and the people. If you are not saved in Christ Jesus, you are currently under the curse and those who remain unsaved will be lost forever in Death, which is the separation from God and the Light for all eternity. We must trust in Christ Jesus and He will protect us and even though we may die in this world at the hands of evil, we will be free and have our place with Him in the Kingdom which is soon to appear.

Israel is also in captivity in the last days being called Sodom and Egypt in Scripture. I am certain that I saw a video recently where there were a group of Jews in Jerusalem marching up to the  Al-Aqsa Mosque- the Dome of the Rock and calling for its destruction to make way for the building of the Third Temple. There are also Christian Zionists, as well as Messianic Jews. I have not ‘met’ a Christian Zionist, but I have had dealings with Messianic Jews on a Christian Forum. They even censored me.

June is now designated as ‘Pride Month’. What kind of world are we living in? I tell you now that it will all go the way of Sodom and be consumed by fire out of existence. This is the final Judgment for this world and it will disappear forever. All flesh and blood creatures will disappear forever and the children of physical matter will be found no more at all in existence. All evil will be burnt-up and captured and contained and imprisoned in the places of the Outer Darkness. Humans were not meant for these prisons where the fallen ones will be held, but many will go there.

One of the biggest Pride festivals in the world is held in Tel-Aviv. Almighty God is drawing nearer to the Earth. The Earth is rattling in diverse places, the volcanoes are erupting all over the world, the weather is getting more and more severe. Strange things are appearing in the skies, signs and wonders, and the people throughout the world are raging in uprisings. Israel is at war on all fronts. All of the NATO countries are at war with Russia, which could escalate very badly and kill millions of people.

When I think of Israel and the 12 Tribes, I think of the Kingdom Age, because today Israel is also under a curse and will be deceived and betrayed by the Anti-Christ, even destroyed. The only peace will be a false-peace of three and a half years under Anti-Christ rule, and then suddenly, destruction. The 144,000 are of a spiritual nature and not flesh and blood Jews. Also the number of Israelis who can trace their bloodline back to the 12 Tribes is less than fifteen percent of the population today. Israel is a nation of proselytes. 

All of what exists currently will be destroyed including the peoples, with only a remnant remaining and I am certain that those who are sealed of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel are located all throughout the world. The Seal of God is stamped by a lightning bolt from beyond the clouds in your forehead, on your Soul. I do not believe that it will be a visible thing, although there may be those who could see the seal. Many are sealed yet they are unaware of when it happened, for it takes place in the spiritual and supernatural. It is hidden in this world.

Many of those whose ears are shut and eyes closed cannot hear nor see the truth because they will not be saved. We will not all be saved and all those who believe that they are Christians, especially those who sit in the congregations of wolves in sheep-clothing, they should run as far away from those places, even today. That is why it is vital that we study the word of God, so as not to be ignorant of the truth and the LAWS. 

There was a report about the United Methodist Church split losing over a million church-goers recently, because they opened their doors and welcomed the Alphabet people. There was previously a ban on this lifestyle which was not compatible with church teachings, but now they have lifted the ban, and even removed the teachings condemning this sinful behaviour to accommodate the lawless ones. The Devil has entered into the churches and his ministers are leading the congregations to Hell!

This should be a great time for the churches to bring these people to Jesus and be saved, instead they are accepting their lifestyles and even encouraging it by performing weddings and other church rituals. The ‘falling-away’ could also be from the people leaving the Babylonian Church, as well as Christians being deceived by the one who comes here to our world and claims to be Christ Jesus. He is accepted by the whole world, except for the Elect few who really cannot be deceived. His evil power and sorcery has no effect or influence on the few, however many will abandon Christ Jesus and follow this new world leader.

This world is a place of death and it is near its end of existence, ready to give birth to the new Earth. This world must to be totally consumed by fire, in the same way that Humans have to be consumed by fire in order to enter into the new Earth and Heavens. Not all will be refined, some will be taken in the Harvests, while others will die in this world because of Chaos and war and all manner of death. Those who will remain until that great and terrible day of the Lord, will loose their physical clothing which is our flesh and blood bodies, for all the temporary things will burn up and vanish and only the permanent ones will remain.

The battle is waging between good and evil, light and darkness and the powers are conditioning us for ‘Aliens and spaceships’. These evil ones are completely insane with absolutely no sense of humour. Some of our world leaders are also demon-possessed and you can identify them by their anti-Human policies. Everything they do is designed to either kill us, sometimes slowly, or enslave us by taking away our God-given Human rights, but we will never bow down to them and accept their evil madness. We will not partake in their satanic ways.

It is clear that Babylon is a Sodomite Kingdom and with satanic sexual rituals and Human sacrifice. ‘The Chemical Wedding’. Perhaps all the Babylonian kings are engaged in these rituals as well. These evil Beasts will enter our world and have power over us… they are not even Human! As Christians we must always remember that Christ has already defeated these Evil ones and nothing they can do to you will ever prosper, when you trust in the Lord.   The day will also come when all evil will be removed from upon the Earth.

ZEPHANIAH 1:14-18  
The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

NAHUM 1:2-9
2 God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.
3The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
4 He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.
5 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.
6 Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.
7 The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
8 But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.
9 What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.

 We will suffer in this world because we love our Lord Christ Jesus with all of our Soul, Mind, heart and strength and we also love our neighbours as ourselves. We certainly do not want anyone to perish. We must trust that the Lord will work in the stony hearts of the unbelievers and turn them into new hearts where they can hear the word and through their faith they are healed and be saved.

REPENT! For the Day of the Lord draws near. Be certain that you are always clean and spotless, through repentance and the blood of the Lamb. Do not let evil silence you from speaking the truth and do not loose hope in the promises of the Lord, for He is called Faithful and True. He is always there when you need Him and we should call on Him more to help us in this difficult life. Keep the Faith and pray for your Faith to increase. Trust in the Lord and you will walk in the Light and not be affected by the Darkness. Christ Jesus Lord and King. M.

Written by: Marlene*
Posted on: Tuesday 11th June, 2024.

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