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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Live: New Michael Jaco: The Deep State Nazis are Going to Pull Everything from Their Tricks Bag Now as Their End is Near - Massive Hurricanes, UFO's, Earthquakes, Nukes, Bioweapons...

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Live: New Michael Jaco: The Deep State Nazis are Going to Pull Everything from Their Tricks Bag Now as Their End is Near – Massive Hurricanes, UFO’s, Earthquakes, Nukes, Bioweapons and More…


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Total 5 comments
  • F16Hoser

    HAARP weapons should have been taken-out years ago. My guess, too many Black Hats in the Air Force which by the way, can’t be trusted.

  • Yeah, I said it

    Reversal of the Chevron Doctrine and the Corporate Transparency Act are movement in the right direction.
    People claiming discernment can only do so with what they know.
    We don’t know everything. We only know what is shown to us.
    Chevron Doctrine allowed the IRS to make up their own enforcement of taxes and do things against the law under the power of having “authority from the supreme Court”
    The supreme Court has back off a power it didn’t have.

    A delegated authority cannot again be redelegated.
    If Congress has the power to do a thing they cannot delegate that power to an agency.
    The appeals court for Chevron got it right and the supreme Court didn’t.
    Now this will probably stop imminent domain, IRS garnishment (selective enforcement), as someone wrote the ATF overreach into the 2nd Amendment, FDA issuing emergency use of vaccines not tested into the public and claiming immunity because they were supposedly acting with authority of Congress towards the country health and safety.
    Discernment means being okay with not agreeing with “great speakers, or ” influential speakers ” who do a lot of throat clearing and pepper their supposed information with, ” I think”, ” I believe”, maybe, if, and many other words people over hear and think someone gave them good Intel.
    When they thought gold was going to $50,000 silver to the moon, dinar, Nesara, and more, people flocked. The plan to save the world didn’t tell you you’d be waiting from 2017 to…

  • Yeah, I said it

    The plan to save the world didn’t tell you you’d be waiting from 2017 to 2024 and suffering. Yet, all of this movement is on the backs of a collective, where you went one you went all, who will put Trump back into office as a felon when given the chance. If this country is on the right track, you’ll find out Trump is not the same one who sat in office before. His name is a trademark the family uses to make money and stay rich. Melania was everywhere in his first campaign. People ignore the obvious absence. When Germany has inflation, no one talks about gold holders rising as the new German rich sector. No one talks about Germans bartering and trading in gold and silver. You hear about the dutch trading tulips more than their population trading gold and silver. Rome fell and there is no history of gold and silver holders rising to the top.
    All you have done is sold your energy for colored beads, no disrespect to the Indigenous population. But the land was purchased in some instances with colored beads and items in abundance that the indigenous population didn’t have access to and believed was scarce. While you watch the market replace itself and think the gold or silver dealer down the street is going to buy your gold with his profit and he has no seller waiting to buy, you will be like the car dealerships. Lots of cars for sale and no buyers. But you thought you were first.
    Ther first shall be last, the last shall be first.
    If the bank rolls over to a new…

  • Yeah, I said it

    If the bank rolls over to a new currency, what’s in the bank rolls too. Of course they want you to take your money out of the bank and hold it in gold or silver because when it rolls I er, you’ll be holding a d the money in the bank will be converted and you will rush to put your money in and it will not be converted the same as what was already counted and you will sell your silver and gold to unlock your wealth and no one will give good money to have gold they can’t use. Dealers won’t buy it no one is there to buy it off them. Dealers need to sell. They buy what will sell. Car dealer, dope dealer, gold dealer, coin dealer, etc. we are in judgment and you are missing the information thinking you know everything.

  • Adi Da Samraj

    🌹The Free Declaration of The Universal Moral, Social, and Political Laws of True and Necessary Civilization🌹
    👐🏻 The old moral, social, and political “order” of humankind is now dead. A new and true and right order of humankind is, now, and forever hereafter, necessary. This Free Declaration is the Seed-Utterance of that new and necessary true and right (and truly globally, totally, and universally cooperative) order.
    👐🏻 This moment in human-time—July 23, 2006—is the precise and decisive moment of the uniquely new human necessity for all of humankind. Therefore, all signs say and illustrate that, if the new Way of true and right and truly human civilization herein and hereby Freely Declared is not now and everywhere chosen and enacted, the return to a natural and ego-based and inherently immoral chaos of separateness, division, mutual opposition, deadly competition, global conflagration, universal suffering, universal darkness, and universal death will have its global mandate of indifference—to move by nature’s “twos” of human species’ double-minded left and right of hands, to terminally and conclusively replace the civilization of this always fateful all of humankind.
    👐🏻 One and all, consider this Free Declaration of your possibility on Earth.
    👐🏻 One and all, Be of this Free Wisdom Blessed and made all right—together and at once. 👐🏻

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