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By Jeffery Pritchett
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New SGT Report: The Vatican & Satan & The Pope - Michael Hichborn

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ArchBishop Vigano was right, the Vatican has been infiltrated by a Communist Pope and the spirit of the anti-Christ. Michael Hichborn, founder of the Lepanto Institute joins me to discuss the horrifying evidence.


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      A lightning bolt strikes the top of the Vatican’s St Peter’s Basilica, just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his surprise resignation on Monday. The pontiff’s decision came as a bolt from the blue that shocked the Catholic community worldwide. The departure will make Benedict the first pope to resign since the middle ages

      Tue 12 Feb 2013 13.31 EST

    • not-a-putz

      Interesting how Sean is on the same page with the Satanic Pope:
      “Pope Red Francis Goes from Meeting with Transgender Sex Workers in the Vatican to Accusing Jews of Terrorism”

    • trumster 79

      Pope Benedict Had to resign Real Pope Frances is not there Thats cgi and a Double . Arrests were made That will come out. They Took Out 659 Planes loads of Gold From Vatican 50 Miles ofBooks they taken out 771 Books They took Everything out Except 66 That went with the Rituals vatican is Full of ASatanic Symbles,
      vatican was a Big Pedophile Ring they kept at the 3 gorges Dams Money was Laundered through the Vng Hiddenatican. St Peters chair pope sits on is the E Tongue Religion was a Big Lie It will Come out Jesu was not born on Dec 25 Nimrod was Goes with There Rituals

      Read up The Ninth Circle Club Blackeye club Naked Hunters Club. RED SHOES CLUB Tunnels and Underground Child Sacrifices. The Books They Found Theye Kept hidden under Lock and Guards.
      Pope Frances Started Bankruptcy The Final about 2020. It Makes me sick to hear this How awful They Been.
      The rods of God is goin g to take The Vatican down with 30 Other Satanic Buildings Take a Good Look at the Statues there Real Close up.
      Since The year 200 They Were Arguing about How to keep Everything.The first Gospel was Gospel Of Q Matthew and Mark Copied and made into There Own Words, Gospel Of Thomas,daniel,Juda,Gospel Of mary Magdalene.Gospel of Mary, Gospel Of Nazarenes, Jesus and Moses Had went to TheMystery School Thats where They Learned The Miracles. so much more im waitinh for it all to come out.Jesus is in You chest at all Times Dont need to sit in church to receive Him He didnt celebrate Religious days Saints day Holidays. Those are all The Satanics Holidays. They Took Our Calender away There Were 13 Months, didnt celebrate holidays The Satanics do there Rituals then.

    • Gray_Matter

      Other than me…has anyone else heard about *YIKES* popeboy Francis being rumored as…umm…queer as a basketball glove?
      Oh my…I refrain adding any comment/s about same sex marriages, per se. I’m sure with ‘Francis’ and that former last name ‘BerGAGlio’ includes absolutely no derogatory connotation whatsoever. (o_0)

      OR…the quite ironic stories about sooooooooooooo many WWII Nazis who escaped into Argentina…and now….a Jesuit, maybe even a commie, from all places in the world ARGENTINA…well….every picture tells a story, don’t it!?

      Maybe look into being the ONLY Jesuit papacy….things could be showing a storm cloud gathering on the horizon, yes?

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