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Written by: Marlene*

Thursday 27th July, 2023

The journey of the Christian, the True Christian is covered with all manner of emotions and it is very important that we pay attention to what is happening within us, especially our minds, as we find ourselves right in the middle of a global battle between good and evil. Perhaps the White Hats are correct in their assessment in that ‘we could not handle the truth, because it is too evil to contemplate’. In my personal experience I have been seeking and finding information for many decades and have discovered many really disturbing things, that quite literally break you in some way, because never in your wildest imaginings would you ever have thought of such an evil thing.

This world is the way it has been for a couple of decades now, and if we are really honest, we can look back and see how we got here, except for the part where the Satanists secretly indoctrinated the children. There is also some evidence that the drinking water supply is contaminated with drugs that cause a change in chromosomes, and a male can take on female characteristics and females will take on that of males, so perhaps it is not only in the head, but also a diabolical plan to alter the physiology of the Human body for the sake of destroying Humans and separating us from God; and God will destroy those whom He calls ‘an abomination’.

I really want to try and focus here on mental health issues relating to all these evils being revealed. We are the ones who are just learning about these things, which have been happening for even thousand of years. We are the feet of the Image that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon and the world saw in his dream when the Jews were taken captives. He was the golden head, and today we are of the feet mixed with iron and clay, or perhaps what is more accurate is that we are the generation who will see the fall of the Image, which is Babylon the Great. They will mix with clay, take on Human bodies, or even marry Humans, but the LORD will destroy all their kingdoms and seize all of their kings.

Over the years I have discovered many hidden things, hidden because they are not at all new, but newly discovered. These practices have been here for a long time and sometimes you are truly shocked by what you discover. Have you ever discovered something that the evil ones are doing that caused you to break down and cry? How many times? Some of these new discoveries are truly traumatic in the worst possible manner. This is truly evil on another level when you begin to understand the plight of the stolen children and other kidnapped Humans. Some of the discoveries you have a difficult time processing, because evil deeds and thoughts are not found on the road we journey along.

We know that evil exists and some of us have been exposed to more of it than others. As Christians we all know that the Devil and evil ones have power here and we Humans have been under their influence since the beginning. Only Jesus Saves! It is so very important to be mindful of how you are feeling because of the things newly discovered. Remember always that Jesus Christ is there for you and if you have burdens, you can give them to Him and He will free you. Do not let your heart be troubled, for His burden is Light. I see Him as shining and He takes our burdens and cares and worries and fears and they disappear forever in His Light. Trust in the LORD only, and trust no man.

All the hidden things will be revealed and in the last days knowledge will increase. It is very challenging to process all of this evil being done to Humans. Are we not free or is it all an illusion, as we are told? ‘The truth shall set you free’. How many times have you heard those familiar words spoken by so many, however the words do not really convey the true meaning in the proper context, because the words that came before those words carried the real meaning.   

JOHN 8:31-36

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

33 They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever:but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

We are only free in Christ Jesus and the freedom we receive is one from sin and the penalty for sinners which is Death. Our true freedom is rooted in Christ Jesus and without Him as our Saviour and Redeemer, without Him abiding within us, we are still captives to the world-system and the Devil and his minions. One of my main concerns as I journey through this world is not to be deceived, because the whole world will be, except for a few. If we trusted no one, we would not likely be deceived. There is also sorcery being used and witchcraft and who knows what other kinds of ‘powers’ they are using and experimenting on us. Are we then in some sort of prison being fed upon and killed, knowing what is happening? Yet we remain in the same predicament as the days go by, while more of us go missing daily, especially the children and more of us are dying of unknown causes because of deliberate poisoning of Humans by way of Big Pharma.

The Image of Babylon represents the Nephilim kings who have ruled down through the Ages. It seems to me that king Nebuchadnezzar was also Nephilim, in that his judgment was pronounced by Watchers and we know that their bloodlines have continued down through their generations along side Humans and they do not mix with us, except in the last days… iron and clay feet and toes. Who are the ones ruling in the world today and who are the ones at the top, those in high places? We basically know who they are and we watch as their minions introduce these insane ideas and rules that are always anti-Human.

So what kind of a place is this really and why is it a dangerous place for Christians? We certainly are on next level evil here, and that is only because we have come to discover that this level of evil really does exist and I expect that as moments pass, we will reach even higher levels, or lower levels which is more accurate. We have been experiencing what it is like to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, even though there may have been another way to get to this moment, one where we never got to experience the things of the Angels and gods, the things of Good and Evil. Have you ever thought what existence would be like for Humans if we were not cast out of Paradise and did not know about good and evil things, as we do now?

There are two sides and two roads and two choices, and each one of us must make a choice as to which road they will travel. I think we are born into this world and are placed on the road that takes us to all the places of this world where we can experience all the things of this world. The road is very broad and you will never be alone because most of the world also travel on the wide road. There is also the narrow road where only one can travel at a time. You cannot bring anyone along, for you must travel alone, as an individual, however you do have one who leads you along the way and you are never alone. Interestingly, there is a battle being waged here in our world, and it is a war being fought for the control of the Human mind. 

If your mind is not being renewed daily by Christ Jesus through His Word, then you are susceptible to  influence from the prince of this world, who has already been judged and is awaiting sentencing on the day of judgment. We must face the reality of the times and acknowledge the evil that is being revealed to us and we also have to deal with it, which is very difficult at times. Jesus told us to ‘be in the world but be not of the world’. We are not of the world but we can clearly see the terrible things being done here, especially to the children. This is a battle where a lot of prayer is also needed to combat the evil, and there is really nothing that is stronger than a good directed and focused prayer to destroy the enemy or render them helpless against you.

The ultimate weapon we do possess is the truth and when evil is confronted with truth it swivels up, it cowers and it dies, because truth does shine a light that obliterates the lies of the evil ones, for Satan is the father of lies. There is a war being waged against Humans by Fallen Angels who absolutely hate us and want to destroy us by corrupting our minds with Luciferian rebellion thoughts, that will ultimately separate us from God and Eternal Life. They hate us and it seems that more and more Humans are waking up and some are taking action against the Gates of Hell, in an effort to awaken as many Humans as possible, before it is too late.

Today, there is much talk and controversy surrounding the movie, ‘The Sound of Freedom’ that is currently out performing all other movies, and it is so obvious to recognize those who are on the side of evil in this battle as they expose themselves by criticizing the film, as well as trying to discourage the public from going to see it. There are those who are of the darkness and those who are of the light… and darkness will envelop the whole Earth. We cannot fix what is happening through laws and legislation, because even if we were to ban CRT, DEI, Drags in schools and libraries and all these insane ideas being taught to the kids, that are ruining their minds and destroying their Souls. 

We still have a really big Elephant in the room and that is there is a generation of kids who have been brain-washed and conditioned to believe that they can choose their genders and be transitioned into the opposite sex, if they feel like it. Those kids need psychological and Jesus help. Will they receive it?  What are we going to do with all those children all around the world? Actually this problem is mainly found in Western countries where in some places, parents can go to prison, or have their children removed from their homes if they should disagree with their children’s crazy ideas about their own genders; ideas promoted in secret and taught in schools to the kids by the WOKE movement, indoctrinating and conditioning them into this current anti-Human, self-hating Satanic world-view.

I do believe that there are other ‘Aliens’ species living among us, even ruling over us. When I say ‘Alien’ I simply mean not at all Human. Personally, I believe that all life existing in the Cosmos, in the Universe, all life which was not created by the Creator, were created by the Fallen Angels and some life created by other Angels. There are Alien armies prophesied to come to our world during the last days, as well as powerful Angels who are freed from their chains and their prisons to destroy millions of lawless Humans. Once the evil has run its course, then it will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth, however in the process of the cleansing, evil things will be used to destroy evil people.

More and more people are learning about what the ‘Elites’ have been up to and many of the celebrities are being exposed for who they really are… children of the Devil. They are actively working for the Gates of Hell and their main targets are the children. I became aware of child sacrifice about ten years ago after I saw a video of a young fifteen year old British girl who spoke of her life, when her mother gave her over to her aunt at around five years old and she was taken into the world of child-sacrifice, pedo-cannibalism, satanic rituals and other evil deeds. She was even given the job of dissolving kids body remains in large vats of acid after these rituals. She was also sexually abused and had a couple of kids who were sacrificed and eaten. How do we deal with these kinds of testimonies? Her aunt was also a witch and these people were all the so called Elites who participated in these evils.

This is truly a battle between good and evil, or is it. It is more so one fought between Light and Darkness, since good has changed to evil, and evil has changed to good. In a world ruled by the powers of Darkness, evil things are promoted as good things, because those evil things are what those of the darkness love to engage in, and they are highly motivated to spread their dark ideologies and corrupt us all, as they have been secretly doing with the children for the past couple of decades. I was interested in this Satanic witchcraft world and did do some research back then. I did learn about Hollywood and other strange rituals frequented by the elites.

What can I really post without evidence here… It was sometime around twenty-fourteen when I heard this story by a young male Hollywood actor. It is possible that you have heard of the ‘hog farm killings’ in BC, Canada, where evidence of the remains and DNA of nearly fifty women, mainly prostitutes were found on the farm of one Robert Picton, where he fed the remains to his pigs. There were actually over seventy women reported missing during that period from 1978-2001 in Vancouver, BC. The young actor said that Picton’s hog farm was wired and there were cameras there. His viscous murders and tortures were filmed and shown in secret underground places in Hollywood or other secret locations, where the Elites would gather for a price and would watch the killings. They could even pay more to have ‘special’ tortures done to the victims. These murders were all filmed and a source of entertainment for the ‘Elites’. Apparently, there were those in power who knew about what Picton was doing and that it was televised, even in law enforcement. Do you believe that?

So much evil I have encountered over the years and it is good the a film like ‘Sound of Freedom’ is doing so well today, despite all of the hissing from those of the darkness. Personally, I could not watch that film at this time, perhaps much later, but over the past several days, I have seen drugged children being unloaded from a tanker and other children in similar situations, real footage. This is really insane and all the while there are more than fifty thousand unaccompanied kids who crossed the US/ Mexico border under Biden who have gone missing. Where are they? This evil will not stop and will get worse no matter how many laws we sign against it. These evil ones need the blood of the children to sustain themselves and they love to consume the flesh of Humans. That is the truth, and they cannot stop, for this is who they are.

There are many photos and videos online concerning what is being done to Humans here. Like the Human meat farms. Yes they want us to eat bugs and lab grown meat, while they feast on us. If it were possible for the battle to be won over these despicable cannibals and all the kids were rescued, what do you think would happen? Unless these evil ones are dealt with and removed from our shared space, there will be a new level of evil experienced here. They need their adreno and their Human flesh, they cannot survive without it. There will be a time when they will be coming for your supplies and your kids, so be prepared. Strange that they are doing those things currently, however the time I am speaking of is yet to come, when they will become like marauders with weapons, searching out those with supplies and young children. 

All the hidden things will be revealed and the works of the Fallen ones are being exposed. All ‘Alien and Extraterrestrials’ are generations and creations of the Fallen Angels. It is possible that there is life on other planets, even in our solar-system, however these creatures are generations of Fallen Angels. Humans, those born of man and woman are the only creatures who are not of the Fallen ones, although their off-springs have mixed with Humans and survived down through the Ages alongside Humans. There are no good Aliens; they all want to kill us, enslave us or corrupt us, both or physical bodies and our Souls. They can also steal Human Souls and enslave us for whatever evil they do, in Psychic places. They will be coming at us from all sides, from the sea, from the Heavens, from the Earth, from the desert, even Angels chained for thousands of years, being let loose in our world to kill millions of sinners in the last days.

There is also much talk recently about UFO disclosure. Personally I have been waiting for this for about ten years now. During that time many years ago, we were collecting all UFO NEWS and videos and posting them on the Forum. I did come across Dr. Steven Greer sometime around twenty-fourteen when he was doing videos of how to contact aliens. He had groups who went to high places to search for space-crafts that were in the skies. He knew a lot about aliens and after the Forum was removed, I did not do as much research as I did for those five years, so I did not really see much of Greer until recently. He is now an expert on UFO’s.

The first time I saw a video of Greer, heard his voice and saw his face, I never trusted him. I did post a few of his videos on the Forum because, even though I did not like his face or trusted him, I believed what he was saying. I think that Greer is not who he claims to be. He is actually working for the aliens and always has, he is one of them. In his earlier videos I saw some ten years ago, he always spoke well of the aliens he was in contact with, and he encouraged others to make contact as well. He seemed to have a way to contact them whenever he wants. I did read an article about him and this UFO disclosure  conference recently. There has also been a few articles with videos posted as he is known as an expert. I still cannot watch his face and listen to his voice, because I really believe that he is one of them.

Today he is attempting to desensitize the public to the presence of UFOs living among us and interacting with us. I have not heard him speak recently, but is he encouraging you to meet the aliens he   has been in contact with for more than a decade? Is he talking about friendly aliens? Steven Greer has always been a promoter for the ‘Aliens’, whoever they might be, and he should not be trusted. He does speak the truth, however he works for them and therefore is one of them. That face and that voice, I cannot trust. ‘Aliens’ will be in our future, like a time when we all become aware of their presence in our world. All of these ‘Aliens’ will have to get permission to come here and rule over us. I believe that Almighty God also has an ‘Alien’ Army that cannot be killed that will invade the Earth and kill millions of Humans.


1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.

3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.

4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.

5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.

6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.

7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:

8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.

10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:

11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?

12 Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:

13 And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is  gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

We are living in times where things grown here are very strange to us and most do not want to eat of the poison fruit, a fruit that kills the Human Soul. A poison being fed to our children who become deranged and confused, self-hating and suicidal. So many have been poisoned and there truly is a war on for the minds of Humans. We can clearly see what evil teachings and conditioning does to the Human Mind and Soul. These hidden parts of our being must be under the control and power of God, because in reality Humans are slaves and prisoners of the Luciferian and Satanic powers ruling here in this world and have no real freedom.

All of your life choices and goals are because of worldly influences. You do whatever you want when you want and you have no one to answer to for any of the choices you make. You are the one responsible for your own life and you are a god, creating and living your own experiences, and with no one to answer to, because you do not believe in a Creator God, or you may believe that there is a God, but He is not for you, mainly because His Laws do interfere with your lawless lifestyles. Remember that the Devil is always looking for a victim to destroy, especially in these times. Look at what they have done and are doing to the children and those who are not saved through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  

1PETER Chapter 5:6-9

6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

9 Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

Christ Jesus is the one who renews our Minds and we must study and pray and fellowship with our Lord, especially concerning the amount of evil we are currently being exposed to. It is important that you increase your faith and get really close, even closer to our Lord, because evil can also be disguised as good and darkness can appear as light. The whole world is deceived… are we all being deceived at this time? Trust no man, read your Bible on a regular basis which is very important, because the words are food for the Soul and you need to study them so that Christ can renew your mind in truth and light and eternal life, so you can have a discerning mind. Our Lord provides all that we will ever need to navigate through this darkness. We are children of the Light and the Light dwells within us. M.

Peace to you all in Christ Jesus- our Lord and King. 

 Written by: Marlene*

Tuesday 25th July, 2023

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      • Marlene*

        Thanks for the link. I should add that this was one of the videos I watched on youtube many years ago, when I was really searching to find info about these things. I do not know if the video still exists, but the actor spoke about these viewing rooms and the farm in BC. So many things have been removed from Google Search and YT.

        Perhaps I will do a blog on some of the things I have found over the years, in books and on the Internet that I have yet to put into words. I do remember them. Ten years ago, even fifteen, there was a lot more interesting info online concerning UFO’S than there is today. Thanks, M.

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