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“I heard the word “Lincoln”, I saw and felt it sinking ” – Trouble at the Strait of Homuz – Prophetic Word Caroline Diadem

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Trouble at the Strait of Homuz – See this video here

Caroline Diadem

Word from God 7th June 2019

From the transcript:

I got a word from the Lord yesterday. Just when I was in prayer, I just asked the Lord, do you have something? Would you give me a vision? Basically, I just asked the Lord straight up. I got this, I think it’s a very important word.

I have seen a confirmation on it. So that’s why I didn’t hesitate to come on, because I believe it’s, it’s from the Lord.

Now, I just want to say this, that I, you know, I’m not into I don’t watch the news, or I don’t keep really politically updated. A secular sense, you know. This information that I received from the Lord was, all the information I got was completely from the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t anything that I even really knew about. To be honest, I didn’t know anything about this. I know some of you are much more up to date politically than I would certainly be. I’m just going to deliver this as I got it, and I got it on Friday, seventh of June. Today, Sunday.


I saw some warfare on the oceans. I kept seeing the ocean. I knew there were ships. I also saw a small fleet of men and a small, high speed boat.


I sense there was conflict. This was out in the deep ocean. I asked who the people were, and I had heard “ Soviet, and military “. Then I had heard ” aircraft carrier “.

( I was asking questions in my heart, ………….the Lord was giving me answers. )

I knew the military was the USA, I wondered where this was, and I heard ” Straight ” (Strait) .


I heard the word “Lincoln”. I saw and felt it sinking.

Then I sensed Iran. And maybe involvement or troops. Not sure.

I was seeing the ocean for some time, large waves, then I saw activity. I saw white Horse waves bubbling. I did not know what it was. I didn’t know whether I was actually seeing tsunamis and I just didn’t know what that was.

Then the word “submarines” came to me. I knew they were Russian subs.

(Note by Meranda – this “subs” note matches another prophetic dream from Robert L. WIlliams Dream in 2012 )

I saw what seemed like a parking region or a parking kind of station. I think for American cars, I think they’re American cars. I saw quite a few cars, some men, there were men were parking up, it could have been NATO or something. I felt like there was people coming to a place to observing something or they were involved in it. I don’t know. It just felt like NATO that sort of felt like to me.

Then something unusual caught my eye in the sky. I saw this big formations that was like a cloud formation in the sky just a bit of a distance. At first I thought it was a weird formation or rapture even. I realized it was a bomb that going off in the distance from this particular parking area.

There’s something going on a few nations involved.

” Subversion” was a word that came to me. I didn’t understand what it was. But I’ll give you the meaning. NI looked at research to afterwards.

Highlight this of importance.

Watch this, this place.

Watch these nations being grafted in strange locations.

“Subversion” again- that word and “subterfuge” was a word I was given. I need to look that up. I didn’t know what these words meant myself.

Secret stations. That crafty snake and the grasses under the ocean. He will boycott the USA.


He will boycott the USA pressure in hard times. He will play same game as Trump and eventuality and he knows it.

He will exert pressure on the USA. He will push a hard line. He will play a hard ball to tougher than Trump.

He’s waiting to avenge, he’s waiting to seize his moment for power, his moment for opportunity, he will be a tough opponent, he never lose sight of the ball or the price.


That was the word I was given. And now I looked up these words.

” Subversion” – act of trying to destroy an established system or government.

“Subterfuge” trickery, deceit or cunning, to achieve one’s goal.

“Boycotts” means a withdrawal from commercial or social relations with a country as a protest or a punishment.

Now, the Lincoln the aircraft carrier was the Abraham Lincoln. I looked that up because I that was what God has spoken to me in the in the vision.


Listen to more of Caroline’s comments on this video



“The heart of the U.S. Army was wiped out in one blow” Iran Nukes U.S. Army – A 1983 Prophetic Vision Given To Chuck Youngbrandt

See this post here

Vision Given to Chuck Youngbrandt on 10-14-1983, Text – 2-02-06

Then JESUS spoke to me, saying, “Come – let me show you more“.

This is when I saw the Persian Gulf region, and there was a whole lot of activity.

I saw Russia invading Iran, and another invasion of troops into Iran, coming from Afghanistan. Jesus revealed that Russian troops were having a hard time, being blocked by fanatical Iranian troops in the mountain passes. I saw American troops being rushed in by air and ship and assembling in Saudi Arabia.

Jesus then said, “FLEETS“. And I now saw fleets of war ships, many nations, assembled in the Arabian Sea and near the Strait of Hormuz.

Then, from Iran, I saw a missile being fired which streaked over the Persian Gulf, from Iran, and exploded over the masses of assembling U.S. troops – a nuclear fireball consumed them in an instant, and many of the oil fields caught fire – the whole land was ablaze in this deadly holocaust.

The heart of the U.S. Army was wiped out in one blow. I made a note in my record of October 14, 1983 as follows: “Does Iran have the bomb?”


America Shocked As 2 US Naval Ships Sink In Asian Conflict…

This means that the U.S. may have two carrier strike groups within striking distance of Iran, not just one as the U.S. media is reporting, and DEBKAfile may have leaked intelligence (archived.) Although Vice Adm Lisa Franchetti is the source of the story, this writer couldn’t find a source for any of the quotes external to DEBKAfile. Source :

Other Posts You Need To Look At:

I Saw an Aircraft Carrier Sink – A 2015 Prophetic Dream…

A Big Explosion! A US Naval Ship Sinks – A 2015…

Sister Barbara –

I could see that it was starting to sink; it was sinking. And I go a word of the name of the ship; It was a military ship and it was named after a United States President.

Jan 5, 2015
Transcript: “This is the vision I got this morning. It was about — probably about six o’clock in the morning and I was taken to a place and I could see water — it looked like the ocean. And then I could see a big explosion and smoke; and I didn’t know what it was that was exploding. Then I could see what looked like the smoke cleared. I could see like the front of what looked like a huge — some sort of ship, a naval ship. And at the time I could see the ship, I could see that it was starting to sink; it was sinking. And I go a word of the name of the ship; It was a military ship and it was named after a United States President. Therefore it’s a United States ship. I did go on to the military website; and I have no clue of anything that has to do with anything with the military or ships, the Navy or anything. But I did come across some active United States naval ships and there were several of them named after United States Presidents: USS Ronald Reagan, — all have USS in front of it — Jimmy Carter, George HW Bush, John Kennedy, George Washington, Gerald Ford — So those were the several of the active naval ships that I saw on Google this morning.


See this video here

“I heard of mine, the Strait of Hormuz later I heard, Abraham Lincoln. Then when I asked the Lord about Abraham Lincoln. I thought it was had some do with the person, … that actually had something to do with the USS Abraham Lincoln. This morning I got USS Nimitz” 

See the full transcript of the word given below that video on youtube.

Fire comes soon to fall upon her greatness as an enemy plots to overtake her; to plunder and to  pillage her spoils; and to scatter her people while Babylon the great’s military forces and fleet push on to commander the Persian waters to plot and scheme.  Trouble arises out the Strait of Hormuz.  An attack will pursue as they get into positions.  The ships will come under heavy fire.  The USS Abraham Lincoln, a power ship of all manners of vessels, operations and arsenal and equipment for heavy warfare will be struck with fire and attempts to destroy it will prevail.  All other ships in the vicinity will be struck as well to no avail as to avert disaster if they enter the strait with ill intentions.  I will allow it.  There is no peace.  My hand is stretched out in judgement; this  judgement is set no turning back now.  This nation is a rebellious nation steadfast in unrepentance and complacency in sin and knows no bounds thereof.  While this attack is happening and underway with much diversion in the middle east and elsewhere, your nation in folly will be surprisingly hit on its eastern forefront from forces of the north and the alliance of nations to attack her will be encompassed round about her to follow pursuit and precede to smash Babylon into pieces on all sides something wicked comes your way.

(Note- “as they enter the strait with ill intentions” matches a prophetic dream from Robert L. WIlliams Dream in 2012 )

War Will Not be Turned Back Now for it is Time- Jeff Byerly

Posted on May 17, 2019

“America, I no longer fight for you or protect your military endeavors and conquests. You have had your way with the weaker nations of the world but that is ending. The nations you seek to control now are backed by the ones who will unseat you from your throne, oh queen of nations! Your deceitful ways have been uncovered and you will be stripped naked for all to see. Your “false flags” only fool the blind and deaf of your own nation but your enemies see the truth and they will have their way with you.

America, there is no coincidence concerning the names of the ships Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan they will suffer the same fates as their namesakes. When you see this you will know that all that I have spoken is true and that the complete destruction is coming to the once greatest nation of all. You will become lowest of all because you have turned your back on Me your first love.”

Read more of this prophetic word at

Comment by Daniel says:

May 17, 2019 –Jeff, I note that at this time the US Abraham Lincoln is near Iran and the US Ronald Reagan is in the vicinity of North Korea/Japan. Considering what happened to both presidents I wonder if the Lord is indicating the US Abraham Lincoln will be completely destroyed and sunk while the US Ronald Reagan will be at least damaged by missiles. Both Iran and North Korea no doubt have weaponry from Russia and China which will penetrate the ship’s defenses. Both Russia and China have advanced their technologies greatly in recent times while the USA, under the son of perdition, fell behind. As the Lord has said to a number of prophets the Great I AM no longer fights for the USA. Pray for the military personnel who may be stepping into eternity in a moment of time.

Aircraft Carrier Sinking Warning Dream

Published on Dec 18, 2012

Robert L. Williams

See this youtube video here


Aircraft Carrier Sinking Warning Dream, I got this dream on 12-10-12. Today is 12-18-12. I felt that God wanted me to get this warning dream out. So we can pray that this will not happen. This could cause a war we don’t want that. Keep our Military personal lifted up in prayer.

Today is December the 18th 2012. I have a prophetic warning for you. I got a dream back on December the 10th, of 2012. I’ve been holding on to this dream for a while and praying about it. The Lord keeps bringing this dream back up to me to get this warning out. When I saw this dream, I saw myself on a submarine. It was sitting on the ocean floor. There was an aircraft carrier that was approaching. It was very close, it was in firing range. I saw that other personnel like other officers was talking to the captain to fire at this submarine.

They were setting there to sink this aircraft carrier. The captain said “no, we will longer wait till it turns and goes down this narrow canal”. The captain said if we fire now, they will see us possibly on radar, and they would destroy the submarine. So the aircraft carrier made a right turn down this narrow canal. Then the submarine made its move. But before it fired, I woke up from the dream. I do not know what country the submarine belongs to, or the aircraft carrier. But the submarine was waiting for this aircraft carrier to approach and to go down this canal. This was a planned attack.

This is something for all of us to pray against. Because if that ever happened or occurred as possible that could bring on world war three or major conflict in whatever region this is in. There’s a lot of conflicts in the Middle East right now. So we all need to pray against this attack on this aircraft carrier.

This is just a prophetic dream. So pray against it. And if anyone else has had any kind of dreams like this in the last week or two, please put a comment on the comment section. And let me know what dreams you also had. If anything, if anybody is picking anything up on this, please let me know.

This came up searching under the google images.  Interesting that this is what they want to have happen. 

‘Sink two US aircraft carriers’ Chinese Admiral’s chilling recipe to dominate the South China Sea

See this video here

Published on Jan 1, 2019

‘Sink two US aircraft carriers’ Chinese Admiral’s chilling recipe to dominate the South China Sea – They’re the pride of the US fleet: enormous 100,000 tonne, 333m long nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. But Beijing thinks they’re Washington’s achilles heel. Rear Admiral Lou Yuan has told an audience in Shenzhen that the ongoing disputes over the ownership of the East and South China Seas could be resolved by sinking two US super carriers. Taiwan’s Central News Agency reports Admiral Lou gave a wide-ranging speech on the state of Sino-US relations. The high-profile, hawkish military commentator reportedly declared the current trade spat was “definitely not simply friction over economics and trade,” but was instead a “prime strategic issue”.
His speech, delivered on December 20 to the 2018 Military Industry List summit, declared that China’s new and highly capable anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles were more than capable of hitting US carriers, despite them being at the centre of a ‘bubble’ of defensive escorts.
“What the United States fears the most is taking casualties,” Admiral Lou declared. He said the loss of one super carrier would cost the US the lives of 5000 service men and women. Sinking two would double that toll. “We’ll see how frightened America is.” Rear Admiral Lou Yuan is deputy head of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences.
In his speech, he said there were ‘five cornerstones of the United States’ open to exploitation: their military, their money, their talent, their voting system — and their fear of adversaries.
Admiral Lou, who holds an academic military rank — not a service role — said China should “use its strength to attack the enemy’s shortcomings. Attack wherever the enemy is afraid of being hit. Wherever the enemy is weak …” It’s not the controversial commentator’s first aggressive outburst. And its part of a steadily escalating war of words between the two nations.
The United States’ enormous aircraft carriers are considered the centrepieces of its navy and highly visible embodiments of that nation’s power. At $US8.5 billion ($A12 billion) each, they’re also a huge economic investment. And questions have been growing over their continued relevance to modern warfare. As with the ‘gunboat diplomacy’ of huge armoured and heavily gunned battleships before World War II, some military analysts technological advances have made these ships obsolete. Once, aircraft carriers were able to project military might (through their aircraft) while unseen and outside the reach of defences. Now, with modern satellite and over-the-horizon radar systems, they can no longer rely upon being unseen. And land-based missiles potentially out-reach their aircraft — forcing carriers to move into ‘danger zones’ before they can be effective. But heavily networked radars, decoys and antimissile systems aboard the aircraft carriers themselves and their escorts are believed capable of warding off attacks from current-generation missiles. However, both China and Russia have claimed they are rapidly bringing into service a new generation of hypersonic weapons which simply move too fast to counteract.

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      Deuteronomy 18:21-22 21
      You may say to yourself, “How can we recognize a word that the Lord has not spoken?” 22 If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord but the thing does not take place or prove true, it is a word that the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; do not be frightened by it.

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