Obama Filmed at Bilderberg: ‘US Must Surrender to New World Order’ - NWO (Video)
Some debate if this was taken out of context or not. We will let you decide. J.P.
Former president Barack Obama has been caught on video at the shadowy Bilderberg Conference saying that “ordinary Americans” must “surrender to the New World Order” because they are “too small-minded to govern their own affairs.“
During his top-secret speech at the Bilderberg Conference held in Turin, Italy, this week, Obama described the New World Order as an “international order we have worked for generations to build,” before concluding that “progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign [the New World Order.]“
This is Obama as most have never seen him before, speaking candidly before his elite globalist peers, completely unaware that his words may one day be disseminated to a wider audience of “ordinary Americans.”
The secretive annual Bilderberg Conference, attended by the world’s liberal elite, is always protected by anti-terror police, military and a no-fly zone. All media is strictly banned and reporting on what goes on inside the tightly controlled venue has proven impossible during the 64-year history of the world’s most elite secret society.
However, this year one brave Bilderberg attendee, who wishes to remain anonymous for the sake of their safety, managed to covertly record segments of Barack Obama’s highly disturbing behind-closed-doors speech, and the resulting footage has the potential to open everybody’s eyes to what is really happening behind the scenes.
If you mention things like the New World Order or suggest Barack Obama is actively driving us towards a one-world government, you generally get treated to a roll of the eyes, a deep sigh, and an offhand comment about being a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
But times are changing, and more and more mainstream folk are starting to wake up and smell the coffee being brewed by Obama and the global elites. Rolling Stone magazine, discussing the New World Order, has even issued an apology to “conspiracy theorists,” admitting that “you were right all along.”
“Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game.”
And it’s no wonder more and more people are waking up, considering the outrageous abuses of power that occurred under Obama’s rule, and the staggering amount of “conspiracy theories,” once held up to ridicule, that were proven to be as true as the day is long.
NSA surveillance, the marriage of banking and government, mainstream media as the propaganda arm of the liberal political elite, cannabis as medicine, rigged commodity markets, the petrodollar, 9/11, election fraud… The list of “wild conspiracy theories” proven true goes on and on. Mentioning any of these issues would have earnt you a roll of the eyes, a deep sigh, and an offhand tin foil hat comment in the past. But now they are mainstream facts.
And now our freedom-hating, promised-a-seat-at-the-grown-up-table former president, is giving speeches openly declaring that we need to give up some of our personal liberties in order to pave the way for the New World Order “conspiracy theory” to come to life.
And it’s far from the first time Obama has been caught promoting the ideology of the New World Order totalitarian regime.
Addressing the United Nations in NYC in 2016, Obama said:
“…But I am convinced that in the long run, giving up some freedom of action — not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term — enhances our security. And I think that’s not just true for us…”
Giving up some of our freedoms? Binding Americans to international rules? Sorry, Obama. That doesn’t work for me at all.
No wonder he saves these New World Order speeches for his appearances at globalist events like UN General Assemblies and secretive Bilderberg meetings attended by the international elite.
But, if you’ve been paying attention, this is going to seem like deja vu, because the year before, on September 28th 2015, Obama said nearly the same thing:
“…The increasing skepticism of our international order can also be found in the most advanced democracies. We see greater polarization, more frequent gridlock; movements on the far right, and sometimes the left, that insist on stopping the trade that binds our fates to other nations, calling for the building of walls to keep out immigrants.”
Obama wouldn’t dare utter these treasonous words before a homegrown American audience. He is a traitor and a menace to the United States, our freedoms, and our way of life.
I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.
That Bilderberg clip is not from this year. Obama is now mostly grey and the above video is clearly from when he is younger. Maybe 2008?
he gets paid to give speeches to bigmoney meetings
Obummer is gone, he’s out. Move ON!
Trojan Horse Drumpf who was infiltrated by the zionists, socked it to us again. He passed the INTERNET RETAIL tax so that now there is nowhere to buy anything without tax. Just like he signed the law allowing ISPs to sell one’s search history – a total mind rape if there ever was one. Even Obummer didnt pull that crime. Then there is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wkWQuGOzPE
That is why al QIAduh team emerged. To keep the base from noticing how Deep State Drumpf is screwing us left & right.
Trust the SCAM!!!
Spoken like a true Democrap. You are too stupid to know anything. Only us `elite are worthy of ruling you. We sodomites and pedophiles and rapist know better than you.
After all, we got brainwashed and indoctrinated longer than you have at college. We are worthy to rule you because we believed in the crap they told of us by demons.
Hence, we wear the badge of Demoncraps with utter pride.
Not Bilderberg.
Bullshit lie you idiot phoney!!! And I hate Obummer but you take the cake for BIN BS Moron Would call you Pinocchio but there are many others….
AJ it says plainly in the article this may have been taken out of context. Go barf in YourNewsWire’s inbox. Who is the source. I personally think you are just defending Obama because you secretly love him. There is an Obama dressed as Satan article on the wall now.. how does that make you feel?
Only Dip-shits, Losers and Morons listen to this Ass-Clown.
If this jackasses said those words hang his fly drawing ass for Treason ! It’s time to deal with all these Treasonist jackasses ! Our Constitution plainly states no entity shall own or posses America or its citizens and anyone push these actions are to die for Treason !!! It’s time to rid America of all Treasonist !!! Those spraying us with chem trails , those poisoning our food supplies and water with chemicals that are akin to arsnic like Aspertame and those akin to nerve damaging agents like Asuflame and floride which is deadly one drop will kill you , those drugging our citizens with illegal drugs and over the counter drugs , those running frequencies with ELF towers . All this has been proven yet it still is being used on America , Why ??? Those who have ordered this need to be dealt with ! All these foreign entities running America like the federal reserve , CIA , natzi pope , UN , NWO luciferian order and whoever else should not have dominate positions in America because they are serving entities of foreign countries . No wonder we are having such stupidity in America . They are taking us down from within ! They need to go !!! Trump needs to call on the Militaryand round up everyone involved with Treason against America serving foreign interest and draining and making laws and rules to help take down America ! Bill Clinton had laws made to separate illegal children from the parents . Yet when Trump follows what our Constitution tells him to do to keep America safe , Treasonist jump up and yell foul play and how degrading his actions are . Yet is was there Treasonist president that signed it into law to separate the families . Every president since Reagan has been a NWO president . And everyone of them has committed Treasonist actions against America and its citizens . Just read their executive orders which is not legal by our Constitution which tells us to not allow them to do these executive orders or ductatorship laws . They make new laws which are truly not laws according to the Constitution ! Only the house and senate can make laws . The greatest Treason committed using executive orders was Obama ! May 2012 he use ordered 15,000 special force Russian troops to surround him in region 3 ( Washington DC and surrounding states ) to protect him from the American people ! Talk about Russian collusion , here you go ! He then told Putin that soon as he was re- elected ge was going to rid America of its nuclear weapons , so ge come up with the nuke button pushers might have cheated on their tests . He replaced them with his muslim buddies . Then I saw him allow Russian nukes bombers land and take off in South Carolina . I saw one myself . That night the news stated he was allowing them to land there as a friendly jesture . The next year I went to South Carolina Russians was everywhere working in hotels , restraints and stores . Most of them were riding bikes as transportation . My guess was they were unloading as the nuke bombers where landing and dropping them off . It is said there are now over 150,000 of them in America . Then jackass showed Chinese officials our power grid in 2013 thanksgiving and how to shut it down . He said in case we needed help . 2015 Christmas he signed a treaty with the UN to take over America . UN troops began arriving in the closed down bases he had closed . 2016 he pushed Jade Helm on the states surrounding Texas and Texas included . Foreign troops made up of Russians and UN troops ran thru their back yards playing war . Really they were getting ready to round up guns . But Texas and the states called up their guards . He declared they had committed Treason . They responded No Sir you have committed Treason by bringing in foreign troops , having told American soldiers they could no longer carry their guns , but you have allowed foreign troops to carry them and run thru our back yards in hopes of removing our guns . You sir have committed Treason !!! They ought to have shot him on the spot ! This jackass has created more destructive actions and immorality in the American people than all the presidents put together ! This sodomite Treasonist even used our children for his pleasure . When ask did he like ketchup on his hot dog , he responded not above the age of 12 . In other words this bastard bites off children’s dicks and sucks the blood out of them ! I have seen photos of him with children in the White House alone with them . The reptilians ( negative blood types ) make up the NWO . Check out every president since Reagon and see what their blood types are . Then check out what science states about negative blood types . Some others include Rothschild , Hitler ( Rothschilds Son by maid ) , Angela Merkel ( Hitlers daughter by mistresses sister ) the pope , the queen just to name a few . These are your NWO reptilian negative blood order ! now go do some digging and find out how many have made their ways into the law and government realms . Then look up negative blood types eat humans , children and aborted fetis . The look up NWO agenda , depopulation by 95% with Georgia Guide Stones backing it up ! America will never have peace until all the Treasonist are removed and dealt with !
It doesn’t say the year this video was made-the fact this guy is so psycho he doesn’t even see everything thing bad he talks about, squashing journalist, freedom of speech, tolerance was exactly his calling card and his leaving card. A communist Marxist this man is poison right from the skull and Bones Bottle. Demon worker.
UTTER NONSENSE, CLICK BAIT! you wonder why we have a hard time being taken seriously? its lies like this. Click bait titles and when you get there, absolutely nothing of any substance to suggest obama even atteneded the bilderberg meeting.
235 people that are far from awake recomment you as a contributer… FAIL!
You seem like a pusstoot snowflake that’s taking me very serious right now throwing a rat baby lips tantrum.
Truth hurts. You had it coming this time. Your headline was a pusstooter rat baby-lips if there ever was one.
Yes and in the post I made a comment about it being discussion as to its context. That has been there since day 1.
#BREAKING legal makes you a criminal? Can’t argue legal facts #IDsillegal.