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Warning: The Worldwide Flu Retrovirus Is Really the Zombie-Rage Apocalypse Retrovirus That Will Be Fully Activated Via E.L.F. Extreme Low Frequency Digitally Modulated Microwave Energy Pulses Via Cell Phone and Gwen Tower Dispersion Grids

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Warning for All: I Saw Zombies Wolfing Down Burgers at Burger King and McDonalds – Also, Please Avoid “Flu Buddy!” This Evil “Zombie Buddy” Won’t Let You Go Because He Loves to Wear Your Genes! 


The Flu

2013 ‧ Disaster Film/Drama ‧ 2h 2m


The Flu 2013 BRRip XviD MP3-RARBG Torrent › Download › The-Flu-20…

Movie Rate, Votes. Imdb Refresh. Imdb Rate. 6.7/10. 3,753 vote(s). This site. Site Rate. 5/10. 2 vote(s). Video. Video Rate. 9.1/10. 1 vote(s). Audio. Audio Rate. 9/10. 22,205 downloads of total 32,007 downloads …


Contagion (2011) YIFY – Download Movie TORRENT – YTS – … › movie › contagion-2011

Jul 10, 2016 · Soon after her return from a business trip to Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff dies from what is a flu or some other type of infection. Her young son dies later.


The flu 720p | aiiioes | Flickr

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Sep 29, 2017 - 15 Aug 2013 Flu full movie torrents – The worst epidemic ever seen is sweeping through Bundang, the suburb Flu 720P TORRENT Flu 1080PTORRENT. 2017. jul. 26. A(z) “INFLUENZA …

  1. 6.8/10IMDb45%Rotten Tomatoes40%Metacritic

    94% liked this movie

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    Chaos ensues when a lethal, airborne virus infects the population of a South Korean city less than 20 kilometers from Seoul.

    Director: Kim Sung-su



That’s entirely plausible,” Andreansky said. But for the rabies virus to trigger a zombie pandemic like in the movies, it would also have to be much more contagious. … A faster mode of transmission would be through the air, which is how the influenza virus spreads.Oct 27, 2010


“Zombie Virus” Possible via Rabies-Flu Hybrid? – Latest …

National Geographic › news › 1…


About this result


“Zombie Virus” Possible via Rabies-Flu Hybrid? – Latest Stories – National Geographic

National Geographic › news › 1…

Oct 27, 2010 · That’s entirely plausible,” Andreansky said. But for the rabies virus to trigger a zombie pandemic like in the movies, it would also have to be much more contagious. … A faster mode of transmission would be through the air, which is how the influenza virus spreads.





Massive Outbreaks Occurring Nationwide! Is This Precursor to Operation Depopulation? (Video) (I Don’t Take Credit For This Post)




In the Flu Battle, Hydration and Elevation May Be Your Best …

The New York Times › well › live › flu-…

Jan 12, 2018 - The map, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shows that it is a particularly wicked and widespread virus. And the currentflu vaccine seems to be mismatched to the virus — in …


Are There Zombie Viruses In The Thawing Permafrost? – NPR

NPR › goatsandsoda › 2018/01/24 › are-…

5 days ago · What pathogen would be next? Smallpox? The 1918 flu? The media took the idea of “zombie pathogens” and ran with it. ” Climate change … could awaken Earth’s forgotten pathogens,” The …



YouTube · Loonatrix


Zombie rabies flu virus attack

Jun 14, 2012


YouTube · freedom4kaz2


Ebola Rabies Flu Hybrid Zombie Virus Possible

Aug 4, 2014


YouTube · Marygreeley1954


Zombie Rabies Flu Virus Cover Up Story By Homeland Security Dated 2007

Jun 3, 2012


YouTube · jon clem


6/5/2022,zombie virus spreads( rabies)

Jun 5, 2012


YouTube · Roe ojo


Zombie Virus possible via Rabies / Flu Hybrid ?

Jun 16, 2012


YouTube · Michael D Willis


Zombie Flu Virus

May 26, 2014


YouTube · FRESH Movie Trailers


THE FLU Movie Trailer

Aug 2, 2013


YouTube · Osmosis


Influenza – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Apr 20, 2017


YouTube ·


Top 10 Movie Outbreaks

Mar 9, 2014


YouTube · Movieclips Trailers


Contagion (2011) Official Exclusive 1080p HD Trailer

Jul 14, 2011


New H1Z1 “Zombie Flu” Said to be “Highly Virulent,” Causing “Rabies-Like” Symptoms – ZKETF | Outbreak Task Force › 2014/02/27 › ne…

Feb 27, 2014 · ( Josella Chrysalids-Harris-CNN) The CDC says it is tracking a new strain of so-called “zombie flu,” serotype H1Z1, which it describes as “highly virulent” and which presents with “rabies-like symptoms.”An unidentified H1Z1 zombie flu victim, moments before she was siezed by health authorities.The Centers for Disease …


How could a zombie apocalypse actually happen? « Why-Sci › zombies

The influenza virus, though, can be contracted through the air. If rabies somehow took this trait from influenza, this could begin the makings of a zombie virus. Viruses are indeed capable of exchanging genetic …


Spanish Flu and Zombies | Mysterious Universe

Mysterious Universe › 2013/10 › spanish…

Oct 17, 2013 · It is the horrific affair of what has become infamously known as Spanish Flu. This was no normal kind of flu virus, however. Rather, it was one that mutated to such a degree that practically no-one  …


“Is A Rabies-Flu Hybrid (“Zombie” Virus) Even Possible?” – The …

The Miniatures Page › plus › msg

May 21, 2017 · 10 posts · 6 authors

I know this article was from 7 years ago, but have things progressed at all since then, to the point where an airborne form of rabies virus might be possible now? link. And by “zombie” I mean the  …


Would it be possible for a rabies and influenza to combine to form …

Quora › Would-it-be-possible-for-a-rabie…

Most viruses that infect animals are already kinda zombielike. The virus attaches to a host cell “bites” the cell and injects its own RNA or DNA into the cell. This overrides the result of the cell (its nucleus & DNA …


Obama Was Taken as a Child by Government Agencies and Underwent Various Phases of Ancient DNA Infusion Concerning Fallen Angel Hybrid Leaders of Antiquity Enabling Him to Understand Dark Occult Knowledge Obtained From Their DNA/Genetic Records…


Catching Flu From Money – The New York Times

The New York Times › blogs › well › cat…

May 1, 2009 · The story goes on to explain how money could theoretically spread a virus. Three things must happen for a flu virus to be transmitted from one person to another via money. First, a person who is …


Dirty money: Can the flu be passed on dollar bills? – Scientific American Blog Network

Scientific American › blogs › news-blog

Jan 5, 2009 · Wealth may not be the only thing people spread when they fork over funds. Researchers warn that banknotes may be reservoirs for the common flu virus. Researchers report in the journal Applied …


The Flu Is Far Worse Than We’re Being Told: Tens of Thousands Are Dying(I Don’t Take Credit For This Post.)


Vaccine industry in PANIC MODE as *vaccinated* children keep dying from the flu all across America (I Don’t Take Credit For This Post.)


This Weaponized Zombie Rage Apocalypse Flu Retrovirus Can Be Received Through The Postal Mail Service Under Certain Conditions. Biological Or Biochemical Weapons Are Of Choice For The Evil Depopulation Control Agendas Of The Powers That Be Which Are Not Their Brothers & Sisters Keepers, Cunningly Following In The Error Of Snow White Leprous  Cursed Cain And His Wicked Descendants Destined For Utter Extermination From The Face Of The Earth And Hell.


Object Information

Features: Flu
First Appearance: Marge in Chains

The Osaka Flu is a illness that took over the city of Springfield in the episode Marge in Chains.



A factory worker on a assembly line in Japan, which was assembling the “Juice Loosener”, a juicer sold on a shopping show and invented by Dr. Nick, sneezes into the box that was headed to Homer, filling it with airborn germs. When the juicer arrives at Sprignfield, theSimpson family and the rest of the town get the Osaka Flu.

Marge, stressed by the fact that she has to take care of everyone, ends up shoplifting a bottle of Bourbon from the Kwik-E-MartLionel Hutz defends Marge at the trial but loses the case and she’s sentenced to the Springfield Women’s Prison. In her absense, Homer struggles to cope with the family without her and the family is in a dreadful state. Without her guidance at the bake sale, the town went to a riot due to the fact that they didn’t raise enough money for a statue of Abraham Lincoln, and buying one of Jimmy CarterMayor Quimby intervenes releasing her from jail and revealing the statue being president Carter’s with Marge’s hair on top of it.[1]


Trump: Flu Shots Inject Bad Stuff! (I Don’t Take Credit For This Post)


The Zombie Rage Apocalypse Flu Retrovirus Was Derived From Ancient Anthrax Which Originated From The Time Of The Exodus Of The Israelites/Hebrews-Negroes Of The Original 12 Tribes Of Israel From The Land Of Bondage/Slavery Known As The Land Of Egypt. This Ancient Blood Rust Anthrax/Murrain Rained Down From Mars The Destroyer As Red Diseased Blood Rust Pestilence Dust Known As Murrain Which Turned The Waters To Diseased Blood Rendering It Undrinkable And Also Rained Down Upon The People And Animals That Acquired Horrible Loathsome Sores That Would Not Heal, The Same As The Flesh Eating Bacteria Disease That Has Been Resurfacing From The Ancient Past Because “There Is Nothing New Under The Sun”, Meaning All Of This Stuff Has Been Here Before. The Surface Of The Earth Was Red From All The Diseased Iron Oxide Blood Rust Dust That Rained Down Over Egypt And Throughout Various Regions Of The Earth As Mars The Destroyer Passed Blazing Overhead As Its Gigantic Volcanoes Erupted White Hot Lava, Fiery Irony Stones, Torrents Of Fiery Cinders, And Blew Like Eardrum Shattering Shrilling Trumpets. The WORD Spiritual DNA Of The MOST HIGH In The Form Of The ” WORD Made Flesh” Which Is Also The Spirit Of ISHI Within Us, Will Protect The Righteous, Because This Version Of Ancient Anthrax Has Been Weaponized In Order To Try To Hurt Our People Specifically But It Will Only Kill Those Of Our People Who Are Not Rooted In The WORD And Billions Of Others Who Have Weaker Immune Systems That Bear Different Degrees Of The Snow White Leprous Genetic Curse Of Cain, Wicked Seeds Known As Tares. But We Hebrews/Negroes/Wheat Are Chosen As Well As Our Natural Seed Gentile Brothers And Sisters Who Are Righteous Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of ISRAEL. SELAH


8 Die Of ‘Flu’ In 2 Weeks In Santa Barbara. 7 Had Their Flu Shot (Video) (Don’t Be Their Guinea Pigs, Wake Up!)


These Wicked Bastards Think Playing With Your Lives Is Just A Sadistic Game. You Have To Unify With The MOST HIGH While You Still Have The Chance. The Rageful Zombies Are Definitely Coming! Seek Shelter Under The Shadow Of The MOST HIGH, Psalms 91, Because HE Is Your Protection From Evil Through ISHI, Hosea 2:16, And The HOLY SPIRIT. SELAH


The Last Of Us Remastered All Cutscenes [1080p HD] – YouTube

YouTube › watch

Duration: 1:32:24

Posted: Jul 30, 2014


The Last Of Us The Movie All Cut scenes With Gameplay Full …

YouTube › watch

Duration: 3:23:51

Posted: Jun 23, 2013


VERY URGENT WARNING: The Worldwide Flu Retrovirus Is Really The Zombie-Rage Apocalypse Retrovirus That Will Be Fully Activated Via E.L.F. Extreme Low Frequency Digitally Modulated Microwave Energy Pulses Via Cell Phone & Gwen Tower Dispersion Grids. This Is the Same Microwave Technology They Will Cunningly Use to Shut Down Digital Meters on Your Houses Electrical Supplies, Digital Meters on Your Water Supplies and Digital Electronics Within Your Vehicles, Also Leading to Communications Failures Which Includes Cell Phones & Land Lines, TV & Radio Failures, Internet Failures, etc., All Designed to Deceptively Simulate Atmospheric EMP Blasts & Cyber Hack Power Grid Attacks, Cunningly Placing the Blame on North Korea, China, Iran/Pakistan and Russia Because They Are Trying Desperately to Instigate WW3. PLEASE WAKE UP and See Through Their Lies Designed for Systematic Depopulation and Military Roundups of Their Remaining Sheeple Live Property into FEMA Camps of Death for Mental and Physical Genetic Reprogramming Through a Fake Chimeric Antigen Retroviral Nanotechnology Enhanced Fake Cure-All for Cancer & Most Diseases as the Mark of the Beast/Chimera 666 Total DNA Genetic Corruption Protocol.

Psalm 91 KJV – He that dwelleth in the secret place of – Bible Gateway (The Righteous Remnant Will Survive And Live Eternally Within The New Heavens And New Earth Or Within Heaven On Earth In The Near Future After The Wicked And Unrepentant Are Exterminated From The Face Of The Earth. SELAH)


Psalm 91King James Version (KJV). 91 He that dwelleth in the secret … 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy … 9Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;. 10 There shall no evil befall …


VERY URGENT WARNING: The Worldwide Flu Retrovirus Is Really The Zombie-Rage Apocalypse Retrovirus That Will Be Fully Activated Via E.L.F. Extreme Low Frequency Digitally Modulated Microwave Energy Pulses Via Cell Phone & Gwen Tower Dispersion Grids. This Is The Same Microwave Technology They Will Cunningly Use To Shut Down Digital Meters On Your Houses Electrical Supplies, Digital Meters On Your Water Supplies, And Digital Electronics Within Your Vehicles, Also Leading To Massive Widespread Communications Failures Which Includes Cell Phones & LANd Lines, TV & Radio Failures, Internet Failures, Ect., All Designed To Deceptively Simulate Atmospheric EMP Blasts & Cyber Hack Power Grid Attacks, Cunningly Placing The Blame On North Korea, China, Iran/Pakistan, And Russia Because They Are Trying Desperately To Instigate WW3. PLEASE WAKE UP, NOW BEFORE IT’S TO LATE. SELAH


RESIDENT EVIL BIOHAZARD VENDETTA: They Think It’s Just A Game But Billions Of Peoples Lives Are At Stake. Please WAKE UP Before It’s Too Late, Stay Spiritually Sober. SELAH


This Is Real Life And Its Not Just A Movie Or A Game: THE RESIDENT EVIL PROTOCOL CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retroviral Nanotechnology Enhanced Cancer Cure-All & Disease Cure-All) -T CELL Or CAR-T IMMUNOTHERAPY GENE REPROGRAMMING TOTAL DNA CORRUPTION PROTOCOL MARK OF THE BEAST/CHIMERA 666 CURSE: They Are Trying To Make The Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion More Active Within The Hosts Who Accpet This Level Of DNA/Gene Manipulation Reprogramming Of Their Flesh Cells. Right Now Natural Seed People Have About 10% Of This Satanic DNA Virus Of Rebellion Active Within Their Flesh Due To Curse Passed Down To Them Through Adam And Eve Who Were Deceived By Satan To Willfully Accept It Into Their Generations, But This Will Be Purged From Within Those Who Are Righteous By The SPIRIT/Heavenly Cosmic Energy Of The MOST HIGH Making The 12 Strand Spiritual ROOT DNA Currently Not Fully Active Within Our Bones FULLY ACTIVE Upon This Heavenly Cosmic Energy Burst Through The Brilliant Bright Blue DAY STAR/Sign Of The SON Of Man, As Foretold In Matthew 24:27, Matthew 24:29-35, Malachi 4:2, 2nd Peter 1:19, Joel 2:28-32, And Acts 2:15-21, All Describing This Special Rare Celestial Heavenly Cosmic Burst Event As A Supernova Within The Sirius Constellation In Conjuction With A Cosmic Burst Via Our Own Earth Sun. They Are Trying To Screw Up Our DNA/Genes Before This Heavenly Spiritual Cosmic Rain Event Occurs, As Foretold In HOSEA 6th Ch. Concerning The FORMER RAIN Or First Heavenly Cosmic Rain Which Occurs During The 3 Days Of Celestial Darkness And The LATTER Heavenly Cosmic Rain Or LAST Spiritual Rain That Occurs At The End Of The Great Tribulation That Will Be Used To Destroy Those Who Are Wicked And Unrepentant Who Bear The Fully Activated Descendant Of Cain Snow White Leprous Curse, As Foretold In Zechariah 14:12-15, Concerning The Vampire Like Destruction Of Their Flesh Bodies Via These Incredibly Intense Heavenly Cosmic Energies In The Form Of UV ExtraSolar Radiation Thus Destroying These Cursed Totally Corrupt DNA/Genetic Abominations In The Form Of Chimeric Hybrid People, Cursed Beings, & Cursed Animals. SELAH


Joel 2:28-32,Acts 2:15-21 KJV – And it shall come to pass afterward …(This Is The FORMER Or FIRST Heavenly Cosmic Rains That Will Jumpstart And Awakening Of The WORD/SPIRIT Of The MOST HIGH Within US, In Order To Purge Out The Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion And To Make Our Bodies Transform Into Higher Celestial Forms To Have A Full Spiritual Connection With The MOST HIGH Body And Soul, Thus Putting Of Corruption And Putting On Incorruption, Putting Off This Old Tent And Putting On Our New Celestial House, Putting Off Mortality And Putting On Immortality, The Two Men Which Is Our Soul And Body Finally Becoming ONE With The MOST HIGH Through The WORD MADE FLESH Within In, Which Is The DNA/SPIRIT Of ISHI Within Us, That Will Be Driven By The HOLY SPIRIT Higher Self And Our Righteous Souls To Steer/Guide One Temple/Vessel/Body Through The INSTRUCTIONS/WORD Of The MOST HIGH To Produce Much SPIRITUAL FRUIT Or Righteous/Faithful Works Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of Melanated Hebrew-Negro Israel. WE ARE CHOSEN. SELAH)…KJV


And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out …


Zechariah 14:12-15 KJV – And this shall be the plague wherewith …(This Is The Effects Of The LATTER Or LAST Heavenly Cosmic Rain Upon Those Who Are Wicked And Have Totally Corrupt DNA Due To The MARK Of The Beast/Chimera 666, Who Will Also Be Exterminated From The Face Of The Earth By These Ultra Intense Cosmic UV Energies As The Sun Amps Up To 7Xs Its Normal Output Along With The Moon, Stars, And Other Heavenly Bodies Upon ISHI’s Return Back To The Earth With HIS Glorified Saints To Rule And Reign On Earth During The 1,000 Years Of Rest, Which Is The 7th Day Sabbath Concerning The Day That Adam And Eve Didn’t Get A Chance To Complete Which Is Also The Time Of Renewal After The 6 Days Or 6,000 Years Of Man’s Fall From His Deep Spiritual Connection With The MOST HIGH, That Will Be Fully Reestablished Due To A Purging Of The Satanic Thorn Virus Of Rebellion And A Complete Transformation Of Our Bodies Into Glorified Indestructible Celestial Light-Spirit-Body Forms So We Can Exist Within The Extremely Bright New Heavens And New Earth Increased Cosmic UV Light Environment. These Necessary Changes Concerning Our Flesh/Temples/Vessels/Bodies Will Occur Through A Manifestation Of The Kingdom Or The SPIRIT Of The MOST HIGH From Within Us Through Full Activation Of The 12 Strand Spiritual ROOT DNA He Planted Within Us Through HIS SEED Which Is HIS WORD/DNA/WORD MADE FLESH. SELAH)…KJV


And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while….(Similar Effects Of An Ultra Intense Neutron Bomb But This Will Be Supernatural And Of A Much Higher Magnitude Which Will Desolve All Flesh Of The Wicked And Unrepentant Leaving Nothing But Bones To Bury, As Foretold In Ezekiel 39:15. The Brightness Of ISHI’s Return Back Down To The Earth With HIS Glorified Saints Will Be To Much Heavenly Cosmic Energy For Them To Handle Without Spiritually Refined Melanin Endowed Flesh Which Will Be Gold Clear As Jasper Stone Concerning The Righteous Who Will Be Able To Exist Within This New Spirit Filled Earth Environment. SELAH)



EZEKIEL 39:15 KJV “And the passengers [that] pass through the land …


And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man’s bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land.And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered …


REPENT….HOSEA 2:16, ISHI Is Our Only True Hope During These Horrible Chaotic Times. The Endtimes Are Upon Us.




The story is set in between the events of Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. BSAA agent Chris Redfield is tracking Glenn Arias, a death merchant who is on a mission of vengeance against the U.S. government for killing his family, friends, and wife in a drone strike at their wedding. Chris and his fellow agents infiltrate a mansion in Mexico, after Cathy White, their undercover source who following Arias’s organization, vanished along with her son, Zack. Inside the mansion, Chris’s fellow agents are ambushed by aggressive zombies (Zack included) and death traps, with Chris being the sole survivor and barely making it out alive. Chris then comes face-to-face with Arias outside the mansion and engages him in close quarters combat only to be swiftly defeated. He then finds out that Cathy has become a zombie, who now obeys Arias. As Arias leaves with his associates, Maria and Diego Gomez, the BSAA arrives just in time to rescue Chris by slaughtering Cathy and the remaining zombie horde with Chris vowing revenge on Arias. Meanwhile, Professor Rebecca Chambers, former S.T.A.R.S. unit member and survivor of the Mansion incident, studies a new virus coined the “Animality Virus”—”A-Virus” for short—that is capable of laying dormant inside any individual until the right trigger is presented. She identifies three components to the virus: the base virus, the trigger virus, and the vaccine. The research labs are soon attacked by Maria, who releases the virus via aerosol form. While her colleagues quickly turn into zombies, Rebecca is able to formulate a vaccine that she administers on herself, immediately rendering herself immune to the gas. After fending off some zombies, Rebecca is then rescued by Chris, who briefs her on Arias’s plan and motives.


Rebecca recognizes the zombies loyalty to the host and makes a connection to Las Plagas, the bioweapon used by the Los Illuminados, and theorizes that the remaining members of the cult are providing information to Arias in developing the A-Virus. Both identify the need for an expert on the matter and make contact with DSO agent Leon S. Kennedy in Colorado. But Leon, drinking his sorrows away, is hesitant to join their mission after his fellow officers were ambushed and turned into zombies from receiving poor intel about Los Illuminados. Chris and Rebecca try to get Leon on board the mission, but the trio are soon attacked by Maria and Diego. They succeed in capturing Rebecca, while Chris and Leon, who finally agrees to help, team up to plan a rescue operation and decrypt Arias’s plan of a large-scale attack on New York City.


Arias intends to make Rebecca his bride as she shares a striking resemblance to his late wife. It is also revealed here that Diego and Maria are father and daughter, and close friends of Arias who also survived the wedding massacre. He develops a new strain of the A-Virus that is not affected by the vaccine and injects it into Rebecca. Arias then challenges Chris to rescue Rebecca within twenty minutes, after which the virus will take full effect on Rebecca. As Arias’s associates initiate their attack on New York City by releasing the gas form of the virus via tankers, Leon and Chris’s new BSAA team—D.C., Damian, and Nadia—manage to destroy the vehicles, contain the virus and incapacitate Maria in the process, although Damian is brutally decapitated by zombie dogs in the process. Chris then infiltrates Arias’s safe house, defeats Diego and rescues Rebecca. On the terrace, he is confronted by Arias, and a brutal gun-kata and close quarters fight ends with Arias falling through the glass terrace below to his demise. Diego then arrives and, despite being badly injured after being defeated by Chris, merges with Arias to form a new Tyrant monster. Chris is no match against the Tyrant until Leon joins the fight after working his way through the safehouse, mowing down zombies. With the assistance of D.C. and Nadia, they manage to trap the Tyrant, at which point Chris finishes it off with a grenade launcher. They are then able to locate the antidote that Arias kept and cure Rebecca just before the twenty minutes run out before escaping by helicopter, wondering what may lie ahead.

The epilogue features Maria being alive and vowing vengeance for her father’s and Arias’s deaths.


Warning for All: I Saw Zombies Wolfing Down Burgers at Burger King and McDonalds – Also, Please Avoid “Flu Buddy!” This Evil “Zombie Buddy” Won’t Let You Go Because He Loves to Wear Your Genes! 


Warning: Dormant Retroviruses Are Lurking Inside of Billions – Weaponized Cell Phone Technology Will Be the Death of Billions Worldwide! 


MAJOR GOVERNMENT DECEPTION: A Soon To Be Released ……/major-government-deception-a-soon-to-be-released-cancer-cure…


Mar 21, 2017 - RESIDENT EVIL PROTOCOL CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retroviral Nanotechnology Enhanced Cancer Cure-All & Disease Cure-All) -T CELL IMMUNOTHERAPY GENE REPROGRAMMING TOTAL DNA CORRUPTION PROTOCOL MARK OF THE BEAST/CHIMERA 666 CURSE: Designed To Modify The Genes Of The Flesh Body To Become Fully Compaitble For Hosting Demonic Spirits Of The Nephilim Giants Without The Soul Having The Will Power To Fight Back. The Fallen Angels Desire Their Wicked Hybrid Corrupt DNA Children To Live Again …


The FDA Just Approved the Mark of the Beast 666: The Chimeric ……/the-fda-just-approved-the-mark-of-the-beast-666-the-chimeric-…


Jul 12, 2017 - Resident Evil All Trailers 1 2 3 4 5 (Full) · kunumai. 4 years ago; 680,564 views. Resident Evil – Infection (2002) Resident Evil – Apocalypse (2004) Resident Evil – Extinction (2007) Resident Evil – Afterlife (2010) … 2:42 … Stories contributed by wakeupmypeoplespiritrain | Contributor – logo.


Urgent Warning: A Government Formulated Weaponized Zombie Virus ……/urgent-warning-a-government-formulated-weaponized-zombie-…


Jul 17, 2017 - An EVIL Cancer Cure That Turns People Into Nephilim Hybrid … … Bywakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, July 14, 2017, 13:23. The Powers That Be Have Been Cunningly …Resident Evil – Infection (2002) Resident Evil – Apocalypse (2004) Resident Evil – Extinction (2007)Resident Evil – Afterlife (2010) …


Urgent Warning: The Simpsons Made a Hint at Putting the Zombie ……/urgent-warning-the-simpsons-made-a-hint-at-putting-the-zombie-apoca…

Many Evil Forms Of DNA Are Already Embedded In The Genes Or Flesh/Cell DNA Structures Of Many People And Will Be Activated Via Microwave Radio … Do You Remember T-Cell Immune System Therapy Or Immunotherapy In The Resident Evil Series And What A Mutation Of The Immune System Cells Within The Body ..


Flu & Ebola Map | Virus & Contagious Disease Surveillance


HealthMap brings together disparate data sources to achieve a unified and comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases.


Urgent Warning: The Simpsons Made a Hint at Putting the Zombie ……/urgent-warning-the-simpsons-made-a-hint-at-putting-the-zombi…


Sep 8, 2017 - URGENT WARNING: The Simpsons Made A Hint At Putting The Zombie Apocalypse Virus In Hamburgers, I Also Saw This In The Stephen King Movie “The Stand”!


VERY URGENT WARNING: Millions Of Melanated (Black) Women ……/very-urgent-warning-millions-of-melanated-black-women-arou…


Oct 21, 2017 - Satan, The Fallen Angels, & Demons With Their Wicked Children Who Follow Their Evil Orders Are Trying Very Hard To Try To Destroy Us Chosen …. Resident Evil: Vendetta – YouTube (Heads Up, You Can Watch This Very Telling & Predictive Programming CGI Movie By Downloading It For Free Online.


Urgent Warning: You’re on the List for Special Military Roundups if You Have a Pure RH- Negative Blood Type and You Will Also Be Included in Underground Horrible Genetic DNA Experiments Governed by Fallen Angels and the Elite! The UFO’s Are Coming To Abduct Many RH- Negative Hybrid People! 


Zombie apocalypse? Only in your dreams – Harvard Health Blog ……/zombie-apocalypse-only-in-your-dreams-2012103…


Jan 28, 2016 - It doesn’t take more than a few sneezes and coughs to produce a full-on zombiepandemic that efficiently wipes out two-thirds of the world’s population. True to his medical roots, Dr. Schlozman gave the hypothetical disease a complicated name and an acronym: ataxic neurodegenerative satiety deficiency …


Release Of The Zombie Apocalypse Virus Is Imminent. A Fake Cure ……/release-of-the-zombie-apocalypse-virus-is-imminent-a-fake-cur…


Sep 7, 2017 - Share on Reddit · Headline: Bitcoin & Blockchain Searches Exceed Trump! Blockchain Stocks Are Next! Release Of The Zombie Apocalypse Virus Is Imminent. A Fake Cure For Cancer: The Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retro-Viral Nanotechnology Enhanced Cure-All For Disease Used To Deceptively Fight …


ObamaCare And The Mark Of The Beast A.K.A. The Chimeric Antigen ……/obamacare-and-the-mark-of-the-beast-a-k-a-the-chimeric-antige…


Jul 10, 2017 - ObamaCare And The Mark Of The Beast A.K.A. The Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retro-ViralNanotechnology Enhanced Cancer Cure-All For All Diseases, A So Called Cure, But From HELL!!! The Powers That Be Are Also Going To Try To Use This To Fight Against The So Called Zombie Virus That They …


An EVIL Cancer Cure That Turns People Into Nephilim Hybrid ……/an-evil-cancer-cure-that-turns-people-into-nephilim-hybrid-mo…


Mar 20, 2017 - An EVIL Cancer Cure That Turns People Into Nephilim Hybrid Monsters: Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retro-Viral Nanotechnology Enhanced Temporary Cure-All For Cancer & Diseases, Which Will Be Used To Fight The Soon To Be Government Released Ebola-Rabies-Demonic Possession-ZOMBIE Virus!


MAJOR GOVERNMENT DECEPTION: A Soon To Be Released ……/major-government-deception-a-soon-to-be-released-cancer-cure-all-scientifi…

MAJOR GOVERNMENT DECEPTION: A Soon To Be Released Cancer Cure-All Scientific Breakthrough Will Be Used To Fight Against The Zombie Apocalypse Virus! … An EVIL Cancer Cure That Turns People Into Nephilim Hybrid Monsters: Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retro-Viral Nanotechnology Enhanced Temporary …


Urgent Warning: A Government Formulated Weaponized Zombie ……/urgent-warning-a-government-formulated-weaponized-zombie-virus-will…


Please, Listen Very Closely/Carefully To The Voice Of Joe Biden On The Radio Announcing The Outbreak Of A Mutated Form Of “The Krippen Cancer Cure” Which Is Tied To The Zombie Virus. Remember Will Smith Cunningly Portrays Obama In “I Am Legend”. Also Remember This Movie Was Released In 2007, But I See …


Obama-The Cloned IMAGE Antichrist & Hillary Clinton-The ISIS ……/obama-the-cloned-image-antichrist-hillary-clinton-the-isis-matriar…

34. 0. By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain … Obama-The Cloned IMAGE Antichrist & Hillary Clinton-The ISIS Matriarchal False Prophet Will Try To Force A Cancer Cure-All Upon Millions! … Neurotoxin Cocktail) And Then Cunningly/Deceptively Release The ”Fake Cancer Cure-All” As Something That Can Stop TheZombie Virus.


Later This Year The Government Is Going To Deceptively Unleash ……/later-this-year-the-government-is-going-to-deceptively-unleash-someth…


This Fake Cancer Cure Will Turn Many People Into Animal Human Hybrids Once It Mutates Within The Hosts. You Will … A Real Life “Zombie Virus” Will Soon Be Released Upon The Unsuspecting Public Sheeple, Which Is A Weaponized Mixture Of MRNA Strain Airborne Ebola, Rabies, And Rage Neurotoxins. People’s …


Osaka Flu – Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki › wiki › Osaka_Flu

Jul 23, 2017 · The Osaka Flu is a illness that took over the city of Springfield in the episode Marge in Chains.




The Simpsons: Tapped …

Osaka – Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki › wiki › Osaka

Aug 21, 2014 · Many Springfield residents bought Juice Looseners, and ended up getting sick because the packages also contained the Osaka Flu viruses. The Simpsons were in Osaka while they were working …


Osaka Flu | The Simpsons Tapped Out TopiX

The Simpsons Tapped Out TopiX › me › …

Mar 8, 2017 · Posts about Osaka Flu written by LetsPlayNintendoITA .


Destination Springfield: Osaka Flu | The Simpsons Tapped Out … › 2017/02/06

Feb 6, 2017 · Visiting friend towns, you can get the Osaka Flu, it’ll spread on your town, with tourists getting infected (this gives you more Pins when… … the-simpsons-season-4-episode-21-5-2703.


Around the World 101: Act 1 Neighbor Visits (Including Osaka Flu Breakdown)The Simpsons Tapped Out AddictsAll Things … › around-…

Feb 2, 2017 · How do I get this flu everyone’s talking about? Well don’t sweat it, we’re here (as always) to break it all down for you step by step, piece by piece until the Osaka Flu slowly takes over …


juice loosener | Simpsons-A-Day › simpsonsaday › tag › j…

Synopsis: Osaka Flu has hit Springfield and everyone is sick. … The ep utilises a classic Simpsons trait of having something seemingly irrelevant and linking it to the main plot- in this case, Homer buys a Juice …


It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as “SpanishFlu” or “La Grippe” the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster.


The 1918 Influenza Pandemic – virus



About this result

People also ask

What strain of flu was the 1918 pandemic?


What is the flu pandemic of 1918?


What caused the flu pandemic of 1918?


Why was the 1918 flu so deadly?




1918 flu pandemic – Wikipedia


The global mortality rate from the 1918/1919 pandemic is not known, but an estimated 10% to 20% of those who were infected died. With about a third of the world population infected, this case-fatality ratio means 3% to 6% of the entire global population died.

1918 flu pandemic · ‎List of 1918 flu pandemic cases · ‎2009 flu pandemic vaccine


The 1918 Influenza Pandemic – virus


It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as “Spanish Flu” or “La Grippe” the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster.

Graphs of the Influenza … · ‎New sciences · ‎The Public Health Response


1918 Flu Pandemic – Facts & Summary –


The influenza or flu pandemic of 1918 to 1919, the deadliest in modern history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide–about one-third of the planet’s population at the time–and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims. More than 25 percent of the U.S. population became sick, and some 675,000 …


The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 – National Archives


Hard as it is to believe, the answer is true. World War I claimed an estimated 16 million lives. Theinfluenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people. One fifth of theworld’s population was attacked by this deadly virus. Within months, it had killed more people than any other illness in …


1918 Influenza Pandemic: Insights for the 21st Century | The Journal …


by DM Morens – ‎2007 – ‎Cited by 333 - ‎Related articles

Of these, the 1918–1919 “Spanish flu” pandemic was among the deadliest public-health crises in human history, killing an estimated 675,000 people in the United States and an estimated 50–100 million people worldwide [4]. This pandemic’s explosive and still-unexplained patterns of rapidly recurrent waves and …


1918 Influenza: the Mother of All Pandemics – NCBI – NIH


by JK Taubenberger – ‎2006 – ‎Cited by 1519 - ‎Related articles

Jump to Could a 1918-like Pandemic Appear Again? If So, What Could We Do … - In its disease course and pathologic features, the 1918 pandemic was different in degree, but not in kind, from previous and subsequent pandemics. Despite the extraordinary number of global deaths, most influenza cases in …


How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America | History | Smithsonian


The toll of history’s worst epidemic surpasses all the military deaths in World War I and World War II combined. And it may have begun in the United States.


Influenza Epidemic History: Why Was the Spanish Flu so Deadly? | Time › History › health


Mar 11, 2015 - Red Cross volunteers fight the flu pandemic, 1918. Apic—Getty Images. As soldiers fanned out to fight World War I, however, the virus made its way around the globe, from European battlefields to remote areas of Russia and Greenland, spawning two more pandemic waves that were even deadlier than the …


1918 Flu Pandemic That Killed 50 Million Originated in China ……/140123-spanish-flu-1918-china-origins-pand…


Jan 24, 2014 - The worldwide flu pandemic that killed 50 million people in 1918 may have originated with transported Chinese laborers, archival records suggest.


Why was 1918 flu pandemic so deadly? Research offers new clue


 Rating: 4.5 – ‎31 votes

Apr 29, 2014 - In 1918, as one global devastation in the shape of World War I came to an end, people around the world found themselves facing another deadly enemy, pandemic flu. The virus killed more than 50 million people, three times the number that fell in the Great War, and did this so much faster than any other …


Medical experts predict worst flu season in history –…/…


Jan 9, 2018 - Get ready, the worst flu season in history may be coming 1:32 PM ET Tue, 9 Jan 2018 | 00:54. Medical … Also known as the Spanish flu, the worldwide outbreak infected an estimated 500 million people, nearly a third of the planet’s population then, and killed between 50 million and 100 million victims.


People also ask

What is a flu pandemic and what is its cause?


What is the difference between influenza A and B?


Why the 1918 flu was so deadly?


What are the symptoms of the pandemic flu?




The big one is coming, and it’s going to be a flu pandemic – CNN


Sep 14, 2017 - (CNN) Experts say we are “due” for one. When it happens, they tell us, it will probably have a greater impact on humanity than anything else currently happening in the world. And yet, like with most people, it is probably something you haven’t spent much time thinking about. After all, it is human nature to …


Flu 2018: What you need to know about the tough H3N2 virus · 2 days ago

More for global flu pandemic 2018


Opinion | We’re Not Ready for a Flu Pandemic – The New York Times

A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did to 14th-century Europe, but on a global scale. Like the Black Death, such a pandemic … A version of this article appears in print on January 8, 2018 , on Page A23 of the New York edition with the headline: A Flu Pandemic Is Coming.


WHO | Global Influenza Programme – World Health Organization


The Global Influenza Programme (GIP) provides Member States with strategic guidance, technical support and coordination of activities essential to make their health systems better prepared against seasonal, zoonotic and pandemic influenza threats to populations and individuals.


1918 flu pandemic – Wikipedia


The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918 – December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people around theworld, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five …

Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 · ‎Cytokine storm · ‎Influenza pandemic · ‎Aspirin


Influenza pandemic – Wikipedia


An influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the world population. In contrast to the regular seasonal epidemics of influenza, these pandemics occur irregularly—there have been about 9 influenza pandemics during the last 300 years.


Flu 2018: What You Need to Know About This Deadly Flu Season … › Health › public health


Jan 8, 2018 - The 2018 flu season is shaping up to be bad—potentially the worst one since 2014-2015, which was “the most severe season in recent years,” as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says in its latest flu outbreak update. “The number of jurisdictions experiencing high activity went from 21 states to 26 …


Pandemic Influenza | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC


An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a new influenza A virus. Pandemics happen when new (novel) influenza A viruses emerge which are able to infect people easily and spread from person to person in an efficient and sustained way. The United States is NOT currently experiencing an influenza pandemic.


Will the World’s Most Worrying Flu Virus Go Pandemic? – The Atlantic


Oct 19, 2017 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) keeps a Most Wanted list for fluviruses. The agency evaluates every potentially dangerous strain, and gives them two scores out of 10—one reflecting how likely they are to trigger a pandemic, and another that measures how bad thatpandemic would …


WHO recommendations for influenza virus vaccine composition for the ……/who-recommendations-influenza-virus-vaccine-composition…


Oct 3, 2017 - The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the composition of the trivalentinfluenza vaccine for the southern hemisphere winter 2018 influenza season in a report published 28 September … WHO’s recommendations are based on knowledge of the viruses currently circulatingworldwide.


Influenza pandemic – Wikipedia


An influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the world population. In contrast to the regular seasonal epidemics ofinfluenza, these pandemics occur irregularly—there have been about 9 influenza pandemics during the last 300 years.


Flu season 2018 data shows two interesting facts: a… – MedPro Disposal


Oct 2, 2017 - The answer to both questions often depends on another, “When does flu season 2017-2018 start?” In past years, the effectiveness of flu vaccines has been reported at 43% to 73%. Effectiveness depends heavily on whether the World Health Organization (WHO) and the FDA select the right viral strain. Also …


WHO | Influenza update – 306…/en/


Influenza update – 306. 08 January 2018, – Update number 306, based on data up to 24 December 2017 … Worldwide, influenza A(H3N2) and B viruses accounted for the majority of influenza detections although influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were predominant in some countries. In North America, overall influenza …


WHO | Influenza updates – World Health Organization


Influenza updates. The summaries of global surveillance are based on data gathered through globaland regional data sharing platforms, and direct reports from Member States. If you wish to be notified when this page is updated send an e-mail to Regular influenza updates. Latest. 8 January 2018 …


International Influenza | International | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)


Jul 25, 2017 - The U.S. CDC, located in Atlanta, Georgia, was designated a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Influenza in 1956. Since then it has played a leading role in the global network. The network, now called the Global InfluenzaSurveillance and …


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    • Anonymous

      *** SNORT *** LOLOLOL!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      I just LOVE these guys!!! Typical BIN!!!! You just can’t beat BIN in the morning!!!!!

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