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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Trey Gowdy Is Going to Unleash Hell! Judge Rules Fusion-GPS Must Turn Over Bank Records (Video)

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U.S. District Judge Richard J Leon ruled today that Fusion-GPS must turn over their banking records as required under the existing congressional subpoena.

Fusion GPS had sought an injunction from the federal court blocking the U.S. House Intelligence Committee from forcing them to provide banking records related to their 2016 opposition research work on Russia related matters.

In a 26-page-ruling (full pdf) Judge Leon rebuked each of the Fusion GPS reasons for the injunction and ruled the subpoena from the congressional committee was appropriate, proper and lawful.

This is critical and presents a joint approach toward the entire scheme.  At the same time the Judicial Committees are focusing on the DOJ and FBI and how they used the FISA court, the House Intel Committee is focusing on the underlying documents, research and evidence behind the manipulated FISA warrant.  Splendid.


I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.



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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 5 comments
    • Andy

      trey the toothless tiger won’t do squat

      • Anonymous

        You know it. And I know it. The remainder should.

    • harry

      Trey now has the floor – and if nothing comes of it the current administration is toast. The bad guys willwin.. again?

    • Ideas Time

      It is all a scam. These well paid traitors work for the Cabal as controlled opposition.

      They will never call out the constructive fraud or the 911 Scam.

      Tray is so entrenched in fraud as a good guy it is a a joke.

      Come clean they will never do as corporate employees of the dc corporation that pays the to live like Gods with fiat money and ripe off we the sovereign people.

      When these corporate employees can explain why a dc origination, a foreign state per their own statutes that are nothing more than corporate rules have have any authority, over the union, I will listen.

      • The Troubles

        :idea: :arrow: Smoke and Mirrors is what we have here Folks. It looks great on the surface. These are Thespians. The Drama People. Pull back a few layers and we discover that these fools in Congress have been compromised so very long ago. This is really no surprise. The dis-functionality of CON-gress is evident, in our face. :eek:

        News Flash: When the people elect GODless leaders, (aka Reprobate Minds) this is the end result. :eek:

        Note: Tar, Feathers, and a Good Torch. A Torch to light the way, a bucket of warm tar and a bag of Grandmas Plucked Chicken Feathers should do the job just fine. :mad:

        :idea: One more time for the newbies. OUR Father is watching everything and everyone. Like it or not, HE is taking detailed notes on all ACTS. Like it or not, that is the way the cookie crumbles. Believe it or not, it makes no difference. :lol:

        :arrow: Nothing new under the sun. More Elected Publicans spewing lie after lie, committing unthinkable ACTS towards Fathers Children. (HIS little Ones) It will really suck to be one of these “Reprobate” Godless fools when their day of Judgement arrives. NO One escapes JUDGEMENT. NO ONE. :mrgreen:

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