Q Anon Photographs Decoded! An Ex-DOJ Contracted Analyst Breaks it Down! Q Predicted CNBC False Flag (Video)
Wow! The last two days have been huge Q days! Q Verified once again that he was the real deal: Back on Sunday the 14th (1.14.18) he called a False Flag Attempt and used the word “NEWS”. On 1/18/18 a CNBC news crew aka Operation Mockingbird AKA CIA agents, tried to sneak an IED aka BOMB onto a NJ Airport.
MSM is going to try and pass it off as a prank or reality show investigation, but rest assured- it was a False Flag attempt yet again by these Deep State Bad Actors working for the Pedo Elite NWO globalist Satan Worshipping Luciferians.
Thanks to Dr. Jerome Corsi, we have a quick guide to “who’s who” in the photos Q posted on 1.18.18.
It would seem the growing mystery as to the background of the anonymous poster on 4chan, that goes by the moniker of Q, now seems to have deepened, with a picture that might have been taken from Air Force One.
I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.
On board with the Q clown car, are you.. This is all blatant deception and as stated before, Q posts are replete with equivocation.
DEMONSTRABLY SO. ( this means it is proven crap)
A false flag you say? Frickin HILARIOUS. You people are the best CLOWNS, EVER.
BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.
Ha Ha!! Q IS the “false flag”. OPEN your eye, Ha Ha.
DRAINOSCRIPT…Fact: you are a shill… “False flags” in liberal abundance soon.
Equalizer, shit for brains.. just so you know: you’re a moron. Learn your place.
Ha Ha.
Blame the Liberals lol And then the Liberals are Blame the Republicans. lol Same ole Sportsteam mentality of stupid. My team is better than yours whilst rich asshats rob us blind. I seem to recall 911 happening under the rights watch.. yet you still worship them.. I would not put it past this current administration to pull off a false flag to keep in office come election time. Trust no one. Worship no politician. None of them seem like friends to me anymore.
lol q anon lol
so dumb
Define “Major False Flag” ..you can use past reference to “false flag”.. in the context of Q posts.
Ask yourself, what does “this week” mean?
Get a brain that works.
and fuck off, idiot. your discernment is shit.
Rainscrypt use to be nice to people in the comments must have had a break up over the holidays. =( I know I know times are hard. And all the rules you keep breaking with cursing.. what about the children?
You might want to try a little ‘ tea my friend, your blood pressure seems high to me
Ssshhhhh, Q is Obama