Hawaii Missile Warning Prompts Many to Prep for Crisis - Make a Candle From Cooking Oil via Jim Stone (Video)
Via Jim Stone Freelance Reporter
Japanese broadcaster NHK released a warning that North Korea had launched a missile at Japan. Probably on purpose to cover for Hawaii
NHK could be compared to ABC News and is not part of the national emergency system. Having them issue a false alert could easily be arranged for a “me too” scenario after what happened in Hawaii. I’m not buying it, no other broadcasters issued an alert, no sirens went off at military bases and no texts were sent to people’s cell phones. This event was only a headline grabber to make people think GEE, MAYBE SOMEONE DID JUST ACCIDENTALLY PUSH A BUTTON IN HAWAII. I am NOT buying it.
My take on what happened with NHK is that Japanese media is as evil as American media and they are working hand in hand now to salvage a false flag prospect over the next few days. The attempt in Hawaii failed, but there are thousands of missiles and nukes, and NHK doing this is going to help salvage prospects of having the public believe a back up plan that has probably now been put into place.
Many are concerned about a big event in the next few days
There are stories going around the web which are spreading rightful concern over whether or not a massive false flag is going to be triggered on the U.S. mainland to prevent Trump from draining the swamp, now that it really is underway. Keep in mind that there have been many prediction dates in the past, but the big difference this time around is that there are indictments actually being issued for uranium one, indictments that are threatening to ravage the heart of the shadow state.
Anyone with three milliwatts or more of brain power ought to be able to add this situation up, and see a cause for concern. Yesterday a cryptic meme about various types of poisoning that would work against Trump circled the web, and gave specific details on how to make various poisons quite easily, with the encouragement to try to get it into Trump’s food. It was worded in a way that made it a clear deep state threat and not just an idiot in a basement. It appeared to have been issued by the inner circle. I searched for it today and can’t find it anywhere.
Obvious other concerns are out there, such as nuclear attacks on the mainland but no one has anything solid on any specific threat. I believe we narrowly avoided one recently in Hawaii – Keep an eye on Israel’s subs for that, time alone will tell.
Be prepared.
Just in case the lights do end up going out, here’s a neat trick.
You can make a candle with cooking oil. The way to do it safely is to get a straw lid off of a small drink cup, close the part where the straw got pushed through it, then push a thick cotton thread through the straw hole. Find a container this straw lid can float in when placed in that container upside down. Then put a couple inches of water at the bottom of that container and put a couple inches of CLEAN cooking oil at the top. It will float on top of the water. Then put the straw lid on top of the oil. The oil will wick up into the cotton thread quickly, you’ll be able to see it. Light that thread like a regular candle wick. If the oil runs out, all that will happen is it will self extinguish when it gets down to the water. The plastic lid will not burn as long as it is on top of the oil. Only the wick will burn, like a regular candle. This works GREAT and will give you a candle when you don’t have one. Important: Don’t use old oil that has been in a deep fryer, it has to be fresh. If you use old oil the wick will quickly clog up and stop working. Yes, I have done this and had it work great with fresh oil but it messed up quickly with the deep fryer oil. This produces a nice yellow light. If you have various oils (soybean, corn oil, canola oil) try them to see which one gives the best light. I used corn oil.
I quickly made this oil lamp to the left here in a couple minutes while typing this report. I used a lid from a Little Caesars crazy bread sauce container (I sliced a hole in it to pass the thread through) and floated that lid inside a larger container. You can use anything that will float and hold the wick upward.
This is very easy to do, and would be a great thing to know if a nuclear war knocked the lights out. Cooking oil lasts a lot longer than candles.
This lamp has corn oil, and the wick stayed lit on the first try and acheived a nice stable flame after about a minute of burning in.
Make sure the lid (or whatever else you use to float the wick) can float freely in the container you use. If it cannot float down when the oil goes down the lid will catch fire.
Putting water under the oil is not optional. You have to use it or there will be a fire when the oil runs out.
I used a plastic container for this, but a glass container would be safer. A frying pan will work for the container, but it is best to use a clear container because you will get more light.
Obviously if you have no choice other than used deep fryer oil, it would not hurt to try it.
I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.
You can’t mess around with nukes landing. The best options are in http://www.radfo.us if you want to escape the radiation.
With nukes landing around me, I really don’t believe I’ll need a candle.
Besides, when it all settles, I can just use my nuts for a nightlight.