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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Dead Sea Scrolls Foretell Jesus and the Apocalypse (Video)

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The Rockefeller Foundation, who lays claim to the Dead Sea Scrolls, literally fought over what should be included in the limited releases and what should not. The truth remains that many of the scrolls are kept hidden to this day. According to the highest authorities in charge, they will never see the light of day.

These “self appointed” individuals do not wish the world to know the whole truth regarding the messages contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Perhaps there is far too much verification contained in the Scrolls directly attesting to the God who came to Earth clothed in human flesh. Far too much evidence regarding the Divinity of Jesus Christ which would finally overturn the applecart of religion and its practices would be exposed.

This is very sad. There are those in the religious hierarchy in that part of the world who simply refuse to share with lay people as well as learned men and women (scholars) many of the truths contained within the folds of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I firmly believe that in the due season, the entire truth will be revealed.

Those who have both confiscated and hidden the truth will be utterly dismayed. Truth has a habit of surfacing, if not through conventional means then perhaps through your efforts and determination to bring all truth to light. It is highly essential that the entire truth be known regarding the Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I host the Church of Mabus radio show and it is going on 8 years. I’ve been in the paranormal community for 20 years. I provide content from a network of sources and guests and allies. Ranging from Politics to the Paranormal and the Spiritual. You can check out my other articles here at my BIOGRAPHY at BIN and you can check out my free radio show at this link HERE. Thanks for showing your support and stopping by.



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    Total 8 comments
    • Anonymous

      No it does not.

    • The Watcher


      • Alan Schuetz

        Wow! That’s a bunch of garbage! SMH

        * Only belief in Joshua the Messiah (Heb. Yehoshu’a HaMashiach/Gr. ‘Iesous Christos) is required; the Holy Spirit was sent to be our Helper and Teacher.

        * Gehenna and Belial are REAL!
* Less than 1% of the Bible is false — including additions and subtractions. Key words in study Bibles: “not found in early mss” (=manuscripts). Esther makes NO MENTION of God and was not found among the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS). 1 Enoch and Jubilees were the third and sixth most frequent manuscripts discovered among the DSS; see Jude quotes 1 Enoch. Jasher was also excluded yet mentioned in the OT among others.

        * Heaven is NOT the domain of humans — only the Elohim! True believers will tabernacle with Christ in New Jerusalem on the New Earth.

        * Lucifer is a manufactured name by the RCC; his name is Belial.

        * There will be a “gathering of the elect” (=chosen ones) AFTER the Tribulation.
* “Jesus” is the transliteration from the Latin — NOT the translation! His Name is Yehoshu’a, ‘Iesous, or Joshua, and He was certainly conceived of the Holy Spirit on the Feast of New Oil in 5 CE and born on the Feast of Weeks in 6 CE during the census of Quirinius ( when Herod Archelaus ( was “King of the Jews” (ruler of Judea). Herod the Great died a decade before. The Herods were Edomites (descendants of Esau).

        * Yahoah (true pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton) was the firstborn of Creation; everything was created through and for Him, and through Him ALL things hold together! He was born incarnate as Yehoshu’a (=Yahoah saves). According to Reuben Alcalay, a famous Hebrew lexicographer, Yehoshu’a is closely related to “Let there be…” In Koine Greek, His Name is ‘Iaw (iota-alpha-omega); He is truly the beginning and end…

        • Greybeard

          same applies to you…..and most importantly you still got nothing at all concerning your retarded jesus christ crap!!!!!!!!!1

          Jeremiah 44:26

          “Nevertheless hear the word of the LORD, all Judah who are living in the land of Egypt, ‘Behold, I have ….sworn …by My great name,’ ……….says the LORD,….. ‘never shall …..My name … invoked again by the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, “As the Lord GOD lives.”

          meaning you have no name that can be called upon!!!!!!!!!!1….makes your jesus and whatever you try to twist to say jesus is just that…twisted!!!!!!!1
          Israel prays for rain to end drought

          JAN 12, 2018, 3:20 PM Like Dislike Report SPAM 0Reply

          Christ…….just means “of the Light”

          ……with Christ in New Jerusalem on the New Earth.

          with those of the light in the new city!!!!!!!!!!…..nothing to do with a jerusalem

          Salam or salaam (Arabic: سلام, salam) is an Arabic word that literally means “peace”, but is also used as a general greeting, above all in……. Arabian countries and …….by the Muslims,…. but also in other countries where hamzaIslam is important.

          so jeru salem……so how does your Jerusalem belong to Israel???????

          Shalom: Peace in Hebrew | My Jewish Learning

          The Hebrew word for peace, shalom (שׁלום) is derived from a root denoting wholeness or completeness, and its frame of reference throughout Jewish literature is bound up with the notion of shelemut, perfection. Its significance is thus not limited to the political domain — to the absence of war and enmity — or to the social ..

          so should it not then be….Jerushalom?????????

    • Alan Schuetz

      It’s okay that we won’t get all of what’s documented in the Dead Sea Scrolls; we received the most important pieces of information:

      1) confirmation that Qumran and Damascus were the “sect” called The Way in Acts and
      2) the calendrical documents.

      Qumran Calendar:
      Course of the Sun:

      The importance of 1 Enoch and Jubilees were demonstrated via the frequency of manuscripts discovered:

      Shema Yisrael!

    • Alan Schuetz

      Who penned the Dead Sea Scrolls?

      The answer is exceptionally easy as to whom penned the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS); the mystery is revealed in the Book of Acts. Luke and Acts were written to Mattathias ben Theophilus (recorded simply as “Theophilus” — just as Yosef ben Caiaphas was referenced as “Caiaphas”). Theophilus was the kohen gadol (=chief priest) in Jerusalem in 65-66 CE at the start of the First Jewish-Roman War that lasted from 66-73 CE. Luke was explicitly written in chronological order taken from eyewitness accounts; see Luke 1:1-4 concentrating on v3.

      The “sect” was called THE WAY (Heb. HaDerech) in Acts. Josephus, a self-described Pharisee (and we know what Christ thought of them in The Eight Woes recorded in Matthew 23) coined the derogatory term “Essenes” (=pious ones). These “wise men from the east” of Jerusalem — 15 miles as the crow flies — in the desert wilderness of Qumran had resided there for nearly two centuries before Christ’s conception on the Feast of New Oil in 5 CE and His birth on the Feast of Weeks in 6 CE. (And, yes, I have confirmed what the “star of Bet Lechem” was with our local planetarium.) Yochanan (John), who was a Levite, went to study in Qumran; see Luke 1:80. Recall that he was “the voice crying out in the (desert) wilderness.” The Feast of Weeks is when The Way made new covenants; Yehoshu’a (Joshua, falsely called “Jesus” from the Latin transliteration — NOT translation — of His name) ushered in the ultimate New Covenant with His birth.

      Malachi was the Teacher of Righteousness, and John Hyrcanus, the first Jew to “proselytize by the sword,” was the Wicked Priest when this “sect” was in its infancy. Malachi explicitly speaks of The Way and of the coming of Yochanan before Yehoshu’a:

      Malachi 2:8 But as for you, you have turned aside from THE WAY (emphasis mine); you have caused many to stumble by the instruction; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi,” says the Lord of hosts. (NASB)

      Malachi 3:1 “Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear THE WAY (emphasis mine) before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of hosts. (NASB)

      The original prophesy in Isaiah:

      Isaiah 40:3 A voice is calling,
      “Clear THE WAY (emphasis mine) for the Lord in the wilderness;
      Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God. (NASB)

      Here is the confirmation to this prophesy focusing on Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, and John 1:23:

      The Congregation, or men and women of The Way, lived in Damascus, Syria, where there is a “street called Straight” to this very day. They would dedicate their first-born sons to the Lord and send them to Qumran to study. Where was Sha’ul (Saul) going to persecute the men and women of The Way under direct orders of the Great Sanhedrin? It’s all right there in Acts, folks! You just have to open your eyes and quit listening to “Biblical scholars” and their false machinations.

      Of those in Qumran, the last vestiges of them were discovered at Masada according to research via the Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS). Scribal remnants were crossed matched at both locations (

      So, how does The Way factor into prophesy? They are the 144,000 of Revelation! What other Jewish males in that number (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel) were chaste? Neither the Pharisees nor Sadducees were celibate. The DSS clearly state that those in Qumran were. This “sect” separated themselves from the corruption being practiced in Jerusalem, and they lasted for just under three centuries (early second century BCE to 73 CE). The generation that existed in the time of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection in 36 CE certainly witnessed the destruction of the Second Temple.

      Modern day Israel/Jerusalem follows the Babylonian mysteries. They place more faith in the Talmud Bavli (Babylonian Talmud) than they do in the TaNaKh (OT); they follow a Babylonian calendar in which the fourth month is named after the Babylonian deity Tammuz (; and they recite “Adonai” for the Tetragrammaton, which is a reference to the Greek Adonis and the Babylonian Tammuz. They are “Mystery Babylon” from Revelation, and Jerusalem will certainly be destroyed! After the new Heaven and Earth are created, New Jerusalem, the bride of Christ, will descend from Heaven! So be it (amen)…

      Shema Yisrael! (Hear, Israel!)

      Copyright (C) 1995-2018, L. Alan Schuetz
      The Way in Acts

      So, where is the “sect” called The Way (Heb. HaDerech) mentioned explicitly in Acts?

      * Acts 9:1-31
      * Acts 19:8-10, 23-27
      * Acts 22:1-16
      * Acts 24:1-16

      The following bears repeating from the words of Paul the Apostle:

      Acts 24:14 But this I admit to you, that according to [T]he Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets;15 having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. (NASB)

      Recall that (Titus Flavius) Josephus (né Yosef ben Matityahu) — a Jewish historian, Roman citizen, and self-described Pharisee — applied the term “Essenes” (=pious ones) to this “sect.” He even had a spurious claim of living among those in Qumran before deciding to practice pharisaism; however, his timeline does not mesh up (i.e., he lied on his résumé). The Dead Sea Scrolls mention “the way” repeatedly in significant manuscripts.

      The Damascus Document describes how the Congregation of men and women lived. They sold all their earthly possessions and donated the proceeds to the collective — living a communal lifestyle. This is confirmed in Acts including some of the problems they encountered:

      * Acts 2:44-47
      * Acts 4:32-37
      * Acts 5:1-11
      * Acts 6:1-6

      John (Yochanan) was instructed in the desert wilderness of Qumran based on Luke 1:80:

      Luke 1:80 And the child continued to grow and to become strong in spirit, and he lived in the deserts until the day of his public appearance to Israel. (NASB)

      Do you think that John’s parents — whose father was a Levitical priest — would allow their only son to roam aimlessly in the desert? How would he become “strong in spirit?” The Holy Spirit had not been sent yet!

      Like it or not, THIS was the early church… And, for the Catholic folks, Peter NEVER visited Rome, but as a Roman citizen, Paul definitely did! Again, that is documented in Acts et al.

      Shema Yisrael!

      Copyright (C) 1995-2018, L. Alan Schuetz

      • Greybeard

        Jeremiah 44:26

        “Nevertheless hear the word of the LORD, all Judah who are living in the land of Egypt, ‘Behold, I have ….sworn …by My great name,’ ……….says the LORD,….. ‘never shall …..My name … invoked again by the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, “As the Lord GOD lives.”

        meaning you have no name that can be called upon!!!!!!!!!!1….makes your jesus and whatever you try to twist to say jesus is just that…twisted!!!!!!!1
        Israel prays for rain to end drought

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