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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Blockbuster: CIA Faking Iranian Protests To Provoke Uprising In Iran via Jim Stone Freelance Reporter (Video)

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via Jim Stone Freelance Reporter

“Uprising in Iran” is now a proven pure work of fiction fronted by the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

I thought it was awful strange for there to be an uprising against the Iranian government from the Iranian people, with the country having a very good standard of living and certifiably honest and open political system (read the Iran post farther down this page) and as it turns out, I was right.

Iran does not have a state run press any more than the U.S. has PBS. Iran has a totally free press, that has accountability if it intentionally lies. And here is what Iran’s press is saying:

There were enormous marches in several major cities, where absolute teeming masses of people marched to show their solidarity with the Iranian government, which every single Iranian can confirm is legitimate because they get a copy of their ballot after voting that matches a tracking number that proves their votes were tabulated without corruption. THE IRANIAN PEOPLE THEREFORE KNEW THE VIOLENT PROTESTS WERE STAGED B.S. AND TOOK TO THE STREETS, SHOUTING DEATH TO AMERICA, SAUDI ARABIA, AND ISRAEL FOR STAGING IT ALL!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, EPIC BACK FIRE!

So while truthful genius TRUMP, who can’t be a master of everything and got suckered by the neocons sits at his desk babbling the bs they fed him about how Iran is so repressive, real Iranians are out in droves proving they are very happy with the way the country is being run (they ought to be) and proclaiming that they will fight to the death to defend their nation. Not a peep about this from oh so honest Fox, CNN, and everyone else in the MSM, it is times like this when they prove they are all part of the same coat of many colors.


Well, it is time for a reality check.

P.O.S. Press TV, the rock sucking bottom of Iranian media that panders to the west at least got this story right.

And then there is IRNA, which is pretty flat line boring reliable with zero spice saying the same thing and WOW, if you hit their front page where it is all being discussed from all angles they REALLY nail it

And then there is Fars News (which sort of sits between IRNA and PressTV) saying the EXACT SAME THING (and their report is beautiful and gives you really good context)

And Low and Behold, Tasnim news, which is so far right the Ayatollah may as well run it is in lock step with left leaning PressTV with exactly the same outlook on the protests, (really nice extensive photo collection there that really proves Iranians love their country) which can only mean Iranians ARE NOT STUPID, they saw everyone else around them go down after getting sucked under by a wave of Western sponsored “change” and they are buying NONE OF IT. After all, if you live in a nation which is a virtual paradise compared to elsewhere and have enough left over cash to travel (many Iranians do) it is pretty damn hard for the West to make you think you live in a hell hole.

And it is a sweet thing to see if you don’t want a war, let me tell ya!

Contrary to the camel dung that gets slung on scam media venues, Iranians travel all over the place completely freely, no one needs permission to leave. So if you read all about how Iranians are trapped and can’t leave and therefore hate the “regime” – if you saw that posted anywhere (I have, lots), remember the source and throw it straight in the trash. People who post that type of thing can’t ever reach above c-rate “truth” with anything and if Iran is the topic, they fail straight into a black hole.

It is really really good to see that yet again, in lock step, the entireity of the American MSM lied.

Prediction: Iran got strengthened by a Western fronted psy op and will now be 5x as hard to beat. Way to go CIA!



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    • Anonymous

      SGT report already said that sort of.

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