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If you are a fan of the Terminator franchise, this is a decode you need to see. The video below provides all the evidence to prove that the series was written to depict the enmity between the serpent and Holy seeds going back to the garden in biblical history. Below are the show notes so you can follow along. Each name in the cast confirms the role that corresponds to it’s biblical counterpart. Simply put, no one else has drawn these associations or decrypted the Terminator franchise in this way. Strap on your seatbelts. You are in for the ride of your life.
Why does the enemy who controls Hollywood always including biblical themes and storylines in its theatrical presentations? Because, he is is attempting to key in on your familiarity with the Word, reharnessing it so that he may become master over you.
TERMINATOR is play on word
GERMINATE which means to begin to grow
Terminate really means ‘KILL THE SEED’
The T-4 program was a Nazi genocide program
Schwartz means BLACK and NEGGAR means BLACK
Terminator 1
SARAH means happy pure princess of the multitude
The mission of the serpent was to kill EVE, the mother of the multitude. But, he FAILED.
Sarah was also of course wife of ABRAHAM, forefather of the great multitude and of CHRIST
KYLE was the father of John Connor and his name means narrow straight channel. (Red Sea)
Kyle becomes the MOSES character which means to draw out water.
John Connor is Israel, the seed, or son of Moses (Kyle).
Terminator 2
Judgement day in the film is August 29 which is 9/11 in the Julian/Gregorian calendar.
The mission of the serpent after he failed to kill the mother was to kill Jesus seed (the Israelites in Egypt) before he could be born.
Hebrew Israelites were warriors to protect seedline of Christ to come (Jesus forefathers).
JOHN CONNOR Means Yahweh gracious chief who gives aid.
He is a child when the giant Teminators come for him (Caananites were giants). But, he is resourceful in evading them, so that one day in the future his seed will
wage genocide on the terminators and their firstborns (Kyle blows up the Terminator nursery in T5 Genysis).
John escapes on his BIKE through the narrow gate. His bike is the ARK of the Covenant; twin opposed pillars, the TORUS FIELD, the half apple.
Remember, John is Kyle’s son
just as MOSES was father of ISRAEL
Both depicted in T2 in a narrow gate/channel, just as Moses parted the Red Sea.
Sarah Connor is at PESCADERO State Hospital, which means FISH MERCHANT. Jesus was Fisher of Men
John’s Foster dad was TODD, which means RED.
Foster mom is JANELLE meaning GOD IS MERCIFUL.
Their last name was VOIGHT means CALLED OR APPOINTED.
The Hebrew were in effect foster children of the serpent seed here on earth, not related by blood but under it’s control, The Hebrews had the Holy bloodline of Christ.
John lives on ALMOND street.
The Tabernacle MENORAH in the bible had almond blossom shaped cups.
John was 10 years old.
Solomon had 10 menorah lampstands made for his temple.
John enters the PIN code at the ATM TELLER.
We are always told to Remember your PIN.
Your PINEAL is your PIN.
ATM is ADAM. Money on our mind, instead of GOD.
TELLER is a play on FORTUNE Teller
The T-1000 COP represents the serpent COPPER blueblood
T-800 is the RED BLOOD (his visual readout appears in red)
Classic case of god cop bad cop.
both machines are bad, yet one poses as good and human like
Both T models represent the cross.
T is the 20th letter in the alphabet
TT is 2020, like vision
Just as Moses raised up a serpent on a copper cross in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be raised up on the cross.
Pharaoh(T-1000) chases Moses (John), Israelites (John) and God’s ark (T-800) through the Red Sea (aqueduct) in his chariot (semi truck)
T-800 represents GOD (good cop bad cop to confuse you).
The ARKS are the Motorcycles
The TWO (T-800/John) get onto, ONE bike going through the narrow channel (Red Sea). The EXODUS
Then, the ONE Pharoah splits in TWO at crucifixion, seperating the serpent from our seedline for all who believe.
Moses, the Israelites and God survive and Jesus is born 9/11 (9/11 appears on the aqueduct bridge clearance)
The Terminator CLONES and KILLS taking your God given gifts and hijacking them forhis purposes to deceive others.
T-800 lives 120 years which is in the bible. “My sprit will contend with them 120 years”.
The T-800′s CPU is located in the pineal position, surrounding by a crown of thorns.
The deception of the Terminator frnchise is to humanize robots to preprogram you for a transhuman world.