CIA Releases Pole Shift Theory: “Sanitized Copy” – “Declassified in Part”
Very interesting that the CIA would classify Chan Thomas’ “The Adam and Eve Story” then only partially “sanitize” and “declassify” it for public view.
What is so important that must be kept hidden and top secret, if not the cause and periodic nature and the timing of the next pole shift event?
Since I think evidence suggests the next pole shift is due in December 2019, I am surprised to see any of it declassified recently. I’m surprised that with all the POLE SHIFT research I’ve done for the articles and books I’ve written on the subject, that I hadn’t stumbled on Chan Thomas before. Was his work suppressed and hidden from public view? Why is it coming to light in the last few days?
I have some similar conclusions, but have evidence for a much more specific time frame for a POLE SHIFT causing TEOTWAWKI in End Times and 2019
As said in the video below: “Maybe there’s something to this…”
Because it’s been deliberately placed in the light and like any cycle Every fish is biting.
In all visions of the pole shift Australia tends to end up in a prime location every time…