CERN Being Utilized to Unlock the Bottomless Pit of Revelation 9! What Is in the Pit? Horrifying Truth Revealed! (Includes Videos)
The absolutely terrifying prophecy of Revelation 9 has now been made known and explained with full disclosure! This report is intended for public awareness to help prepare your hearts for what is to come. This will happen SO FAST no one will be able to comprehend what is going on when it occurs – unless you were previously warned in advance.
This is the biggest reveal of end time prophecy ever documented - PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!
FEATURED VIDEO: Bug Mania With Xtra edits — Locust Aliens from the Pit
A rough demonstration on the principles behind CERN and the bottomless pit are presented in:
FEATURED VIDEO: Thy Kingdom Come ( Part 6 – CERN & The Locust Army)
After starting the video, use the arrow ►| (located in the bottom left hand corner) to scroll through playlist series.
To view the complete Thy Kingdom Come (Art Show) from start to finish, please see: Supernatural Artwork Reveals ‘End Times’ Prophecy! The Most Jaw-Dropping Art Gallery You Will Ever Get To See! [Highly Recommended]
A very interesting characteristic of CERN is its relationship to Apollo (Apollyon) from Revelation 9:11.
A large portion of CERN is located in the territory of Saint Genis Pouilly. In Roman times it was called Apolliacum. The town and a temple were dedicated to Apollyon (the destroyer)!
Apollyon is the king of the locusts of the bottomless pit!
These are not your typical ‘locusts’.. we now understand what Revelation 9:1-11 was describing!
Alien Covenant includes a near identical representation of the type of creatures described in Revelation 9, that are imprisoned in the bottomless pit, about to birth unto the earth in the apocalyptic event of the Great & Terrible Day of the Lord!
They are supernatural Xenomorphs that emerge from the bottomless pit seeking to sting men with the tail of a scorpion inflicting agonizing pain upon him for 5 months! The movie itself is only supplemental to the prophetic information revealing the locusts of the bottomless pit – everything is fully detailed in this bombshell radio show presentation!
FEATURED RADIO SHOW VIDEO: 05.19.17 – Xenomorph
The Revelation ‘locusts of the bottomless pit’ have now been uncovered! This is not science fiction. This is reality. The greatest horror the world will ever see is about to unleash from beneath the Earth! (For even more in-depth, follow up information see: Creatures of the Bottomless Pit – the Real Alien Threat You Need to Be Aware Of!)
The big secret about your identity that the world does not want you to know about. There is a very dark truth about Satanic ritualistic cannibalism and how it fuels the coming One-World-Government. There is a dark, supernatural army of Locust like creatures that will be released during the Tribulation. Satan has been building his personal army for generations… Lucifer’s Shadow Government operates in the dark corners on Earth, and infects all major spheres of influence.
“The god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them.” 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4
“Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby” EPHESIANS 2:15-16
“And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile” 1 PETER 1:17
FEATURED DVD (Updated): You Are Exiles
“When we incarnate into this world we are stripped of our former memories. As part of the great mystery and fabric of creation we have remembrance that connects back to before the beginning, to the foundations of the world and universe when Yahweh/Yahushuah as part of self, held all in being. We have been with the Father and Son since before the institution of time. The reason our memories are swept from us is so that we enter as a clean slate for renewed chance at redemption and salvation. What we do in this lifetime as angels, imprisoned within the flesh, determines our eternal fates and what we do in the life hereafter. Those who are blessed to be counted among the most elect will, in fact, judge angels and sit as jurors in the councils of the Lord to convict and condemn the rebel and fallen angels intended to be as gods themselves, forging a path of self service and vain personal glory.
“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?” (1 Corinthians 6:2-3 KJV Holy Bible)
There are only two paths we can follow in life, one as a foot washer in service to one another or as tyrant king in service to self. One is the path of priesthood or the way of Abel, and the other of kingship and divine right to rule—or the way of Cain. Those who follow the Lord and adhere to His commandments become the priests, prophets, and apostles that are stood up by the Lord to serve the people. Those who are appointed by Satan to become kings, queens, rulers, presidents, and prime ministers in service of a New World Order are usually personas that serve his goal of world domination. These individuals believe in their divine right to rule over and decide the collective direction of the world. The fact that many of them gather yearly at Bohemian Grove to worship a 40- foot owl, in a mock ritual sacrifice of a human effigy, lets one know that something weird is still ongoing.” (excerpted from ‘Sons of God’ by Zen Garcia)
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Bible thumping, paranoid, crackhead. CERN is an organization LHC is the device, it doesn’t open anything now and never did.
Syco, when someone plays with spirit boards or ghost hunts they open doors…spiritual doors to spiritual dimensions and cern themselves have talked about opening dimensions so whether the scientist knows that they are being used for sinister purposes doesnt matter because something is up. You can only have so many “coincedences” before common sense tells you that its too many to be nothing. Of course common sense is a rare quality these days! It wont be long before you Bible scoffers will know that you have to eat your words and for most it will be too late to do anything about it! For real believers that are called as watchmen it isnt about being paranoid. Its about sounding the alarm and when its all said and done there will be no excuses as to why you chose to play the fool! Yeah there is alot of doom coming from many sources but there is only one source you should take serious and that is the Bible Gods true word. Its set apart from the rest because it has always got it right and its describing our time period perfectly despite whether anyone doesnt believe that it does. If you looked through the pages and cant see it…its because you cant discern it but for those that can…it is plain as day. You know why scoffers cant see it! Because scoffers attitude prevents God from opening your eyes! The things that proves to believers that they are indeed in the last generation is all matching up and happening at the same time. The odds of all this alignment (the majority alignments there of that scoffers dont know) is a 100% gurantee! I suggest you rethink the possibility that you Bible scoffers just may be wrong about it….because you are! You dont realize that as a result of being in the last generation and being able to know it means that spiritual deception increased to levels far greater than ever and its that way for a reason. This means things that you are buying into as being true….are really strongly convincing but a lie they are. Not knowing that these dark spiritual forces has been planting and plotting for a long time just for this one particular time period. What do you think “woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea for the devil has come down having GREAT wrath because he KNOWS his time is short” means? The Bible gives us a guaranteed way to tell if the world has entered into the last generation and every one of those ways have come. The sealed prophecies are now known, the time period is unique and just as the time period is unique so are the signs in the sense that the degree of the signs are on a higher level than signs where in all the other time periods. People look for signs as some unique events when it is not what happens but how they happen in the last generation compared to rest of history. For example think about men being lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God and think about it now as to then. In our time period is a dramastic ammount more pleasures while the rest of time there wasnt near as many and stayed consistent. Only in our time has anyone been able to see how the whole world could witness an event as it happems. Like the prophecy that says the 2 witnesses during the endtime events are killed and ressurect 3 days later and the whole world sees it. Never has anyone been able to see how that could be but we can now! If you hear anything that goes against what the Bible says you can bet its a lie whether the person telling it knows it or not. Not everything you dig out of the ground is true. Or lies like christianity has roots in paganism just because some ancient document suggest it does not mean its true. What the Bible holds is information man could not have known especially at 100% accuracy and oh scoffers you better believe its 100% facts in the Bible! Scoff and joke but you dont know the peril you are in and you are not going to like what has to be for rejecting the offer of salvation and it will be nobodies fault but yours!
Apocalypse 9:1 “And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit.”
An angel opens the bottomless pit. You absolutely not idea what you are talking about. You are never right about anything.
My girlfriend that is completely not in the subject of ufo, aliens, armageddon etc., three years ago had a very vivid dream in which she had a vision of something that the author of this story is trying to tell us. She was shown an alien monsters eating, skinning people alive, houses were dematerialized by ufo’s, some people were captured and taken somewhere in captivity. She was approached by one of those alien monsters and told that they are removing bad people. Good ones were saved (minority).
Now after this three years time, having received information about all this evil that is going on on this planet we think that there is actually no other possible way to make things healed in less dramatic way. Evil is to strong and smart for simple people. Now after all this pizzagate story we realized that we lived 300 meters from Hampstead Christ (satanic) Church in London. We saw on google that “priest” from this church with clearly demonic face, holding tiny kid upside down…All this horror was just around the corner in posh area…After all this I can say, well, let those monsters do their job.
Ps. Sorry form my English, It’s not my native language. Whish all the best for the author and all of the others BIN visitors.
How does she know the houses were dematerialized and not transported to where the captive people went? The captive would need shelter presumably and ready-made dwellings would be the ideal.
LOL that BS again. Another rerun with a little twist. You guys are ridiculous.
For starters…not even close to anything!!!!!!!!!
Not read scriptures then????????
So took their houses…sooooo…mansions got nothing to do with it then?????????
Not even got the name of the God of the underworld right!!!!!!!!!!1
As far as your,,,,,your,,,,locusts are concerned… are you all in for a rude awakening,,,of course too late then
Love how you all still like to think you’re in some form of control over everything… all really have no idea what’s coming at ya,,do you??????????
fools who thought that he wa
s blood, did labour in blood and found nothing,
for things are made according to their nature
. The naturall Master says: make out of the
,,,,,,,Stone,,,,, flesh and blood, that he may bee red and
thou wilt have the whole art, Make of the
,,,,,,,,Milk,,,,,,,,,,, that is of,,,,,,,,,,, white Stone,,,,,,,,
flesh and blood, that it may bee white like milke and may
flow. The Scholar saith: how is this stone
made white, and how is it made red? The
Master answeres, Take the Stone and rubb
him with blood, and it will bee red, However I
declare the Art to thee otherwise, and clearer.
Take the small and in
considerable and rub
it with the most amiable and the best, and it
will be made red by the help of the Fire,
Observe here that the fire causes them to
joyne and purgeth them, and adornes them.
The one asked againe, which are they two?
The man answered and said, The hidden thing
after this hee adds two words and they signifi
e foure, and foure sign
ifie but two, and hee
changed the words of the wise before menti
oned and said foure. And the wise men say
but two. Then he answered and said as it wa
s said before, In these words is a hidden
Azoth and that which resembles Azoth; with
such hidden words doe they hide their words
to all unwise men. Perceive th
erefore and trust God,
Here he names the Woman,
and mentions not the name of the man, for h
ee had named him before in the beginning of
these words, where he saith,
here thou namest Eva and not the man, and
this thou doest, because thou
didst begin in the first spe
ech with the man. That these
Speeches doe not at all hinder a wise man in
his reason, but make him more ingenious,
and more intelligent.
The Speech now uttered, is manifest from
4 things, and out of these foure are numbered
and terminated Man and Wife. The man is
hot and dry, the wife cold and moist, but when
they come together, and unite themselves
naturally, there is made an equall mixture of the warme and the cold, of the moist with
the dry. And of this a wise Philosopher doth not doubt,
Therefore that my name and memory may for
ever remaine upon the earth, I have written
this small booke and made it by the help of
the Holy Ghost, for all Posterities and
Children of God and of this Art.
I 21
Profonde argille blanche nourrir rocher
Qui d’vn abysme y stra lacticineuse :
En vain troubles ne l’oseront toucher,
Ignorans estre au fond terre arguilleuse.
The rock holds in its depths white clay
which will come out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, milk-white,,,,, from a cleft,,,,,,
Needlessly troubled people will not dare touch it,
unaware that the foundation of the earth is of clay.
“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him,,,, a white stone, ,,,,,,and in the stone,,,,,, a new name written, ,,,,,,,which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” – Revelation 2:17
,,,,,, a new name written,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a new name written,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,,he that receiveth it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he that receiveth it
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a white stone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a white stone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
a stone of renown,,,,,,
JUN 8, 2016, 3:55 PM
A better story on CERN can be fouynd here /paranormal/2017/09/demonic-portals-im-a-physicist-at-cern-and-were-done-something-we-shouldnt-have-videos-2527813.html
Stop talking out of your fucking ass. There is no 666, and stop waiting for chips… The chips are already here its called the magnetic strip on your credit card. Mark of the beast is money. The head of the beast are the banking cartels.
Nobody buys food without having the mark of the beast.
The ideology of the beast is capitalism.. although Satan likes to bring corruption to communism too.
Jesus, the Essen was a Communist living in an a Communist tribe, where all private property was abolished.. He was not a capitalist
What is the matter with you people? What the fuck is wrong with your head?