What You Did Not See On The Wiles-Bakker Broadcast! Get The Un-Aired, Blow-Your-Mind Excerpts Here! (Video)
What You Did Not See On The Bakker Show! Get The Un-Aired Portions Here!
25 June 15
Wise men see trouble coming and do not play ostrich. Is the bond market collapsing this year and will the MEGA CRASH be next fall? Check this out, including the space between these monumental life-changing events at the door.
Believers do not fear what’s coming and the non-believer should! Your personal “believer invitation” is below the videos.
Will you hear “well done, good and faithful follower” from Jesus? Share this while we still have the freedoms to do so:
#america #war #rumor #tcot #terror #subversive #liberty #revolution #nuclear #2A #endtimes #prophecy #marxism #martiallaw #militia #civilwar #anarchy #agenda21 #internmentcamp #dissident #globaleconomy #dollar #wrol #policestate #ww3 #political #falseflag #rfid #americarip #rogueobama #roguepresident #agenda #tyrant #globalism #surveillance #impeach #collapsingfreedom #bankingcartel #violence #islamicobama #isis #drill #attack #randomviolence #aclu #ferguson #emp #nata #norad #patriot #liberty #tgdn #sinister #militia #constitution #alchemy #rogue #deception #manipulation #executiveorder #looting #crisis #crudeoil #usdefault #default #economy #corrupt #deadbanker #fema #nsa #military #police #rocket #missile #ccot #nra #shtf #recession #bankclosed #fundsfrozen #nwo #illuminati #oneworldtradecenter #federalreserve #cyberterror #hacked #fdic #dowjones #economy #bluechip #nyse #investor #risk #price #debt #credit #exchange #plunge #beast #prophecy #antichristrising #oneworldreligion #muslim #falseprophet #paranormal #propaganda #beheading psychologicalwarfare #openborders #illegalalien #drugcartel #undocumented #muslimterrorist #wolfinsheepclothing #noncitizen #amnesty #immigration #refugee #poverty #gangs #treason #nonimmunized #borderlessamerica #humanitarian #grantsforillegals #Ferguson #disease #Totalitarianism #militarypolice #policemurder #assault #deadlyweapon #nationalsecurity #releaseterroristsinamerica #defense #militarythreats #nuclearweapons #grandjury #justice #court #indictment #investigation #prejudice #malice #uninvestigatesamerica #inequality #censorship #googleflagged #anonymous #spy #torture #NDAA #Guantanamo #gitmo #siege #counterterrorism #lawlesspolice #norse #cyberspace #risk #cybersecurity #defend #cyberattack #cyberintrusion #internetdependent #falseflag #tyrant #delusionalpresident #fraternity #predatordrones #vanguard #laborpains #collateraldamage #secretagent #anonymous #assasin #target #nanotechnology #subversive #doomsday #droid #manipulation #underground #spook #spy #operative #scan #con #scam #illegal #shadowgovernment #secretbunkers #intelligenceagency #european #homeland #mysterybabylon #financialreset #foodshortage #agenda21 #foodstamps #welfare #povertyline #departmentagriculture #impoverished #federalbailout #cyborg #cyberterrorbank #digitalworld #crudeoil #blackmonday #dowjones #nyse #economiccollapse #economy #eurobank #swissnationalbank #franc #euro #oneworldcurrency #markbeast #economicwarfare #petrodollar #currencywar #president #vicepresident #assassination #blackswan #shemitah #sevenyearcycle #doomsdayclock #europeanunion #europeancentralbank #fundamentalist #cashless #censored #wikileaks #obamamuslimbrotherhood #economy #money #finance #wallstreet #dollarcollapse #sharialawinamerica #militarizedpoliceforce #breakingnews #cybersecurity #totalitarianism #gasolineprice #hatecrime #smarttv #bigbrother #surveillancetv #illuminatispy #jihadis #cyberheist #number13 #ApollyonRising #invasionofprivacy #teaparty #falseflag #netneutrality #title2broadband #google #internetecosystem #nra #evangelism #streetpreacher #geoengineering #rogueGOP #thirdterm #fcctakeover #internet #basiccable #outofcontrolpolice #debtbomb #silver #gold #bank #money #dollar #finance #default #debtceiling #commoncorespying #anarchrist #CERN #Jadehelm #paranormal #blockupy #SB538 #JH15 #jadehelm #militarytakeover #federalreserve #economiccatastrophe #patriot #homegrownisis #libertymovement #destabilizedamerica #isishackers #doj #justicedepartment #surgicalstrike #militia #supernatural #propheticcodes #concealedprophecy #tradecenterattack #911 #BPoilspill #tsunami #godswarning #stormiscoming #DTRA #MOP #WMD #UN #subversive #monsanto #gmo #mysterybabylon #walmartpublicserviceannouncement #walmartdhsspy #outofcontrolcops #christiangenocide #TPP #RMT #TTIP #TPP #politics #shadowops #peacetreaty #tpp #charliecharlie #summoningdemons #socialism #oneworldunited #doomsdayishere #antrax #atomicbomb #EUregulators #minutemen #SWIFT #TSA #prophecy #SWIFTbanking #china #rothschild #bilderberger #feasts #september2015 #september2016 #climatechaos #shemitah #smallarmsban #stagedalieninvasion #paranormal #prophecy #FDAcontrolfreak #jihadspiesinchurch #nanodrones #prophetictechnology #cashless #currency #russia #china #Iran #europe #japan #america #israel #saudi #middleeast #politicalcorrectness #racism #confederateflagban
#russia #putin #betrayal #ally #spy #sanctions #ww3 #fighterjet #nuclear #revelation #gog #magog #prophecy #kremlin #nato #economy #oneworldeconomy #assassination #headwound #war #missile #airline #terror #wmd #russianrebel #mh17 #attackusa #fighterjets #nuclearweapons #militarydrills #ukraine #coup #crimea #europeanunion #eu #ruble #rubel #nazi #hitler #satellites #warpropaganda #nato #spysubmarine #threat #ukraine #envoy #kiev #breakingnews #china #ww3 #worldwar3 #eurozone #greece #austarity #blockupy #UN #psychologicalwarfare #gog #magog
#middleeast #israel #gaza #isis #mulsim #jew #war #ww3 #peace #safety #peaceandsafety #security #prophecy #coldwar #invasion #russia #falsepeace #iran #syria #ukraine #jehovah #messiah #yahweh #falsemessiah #falseprophet #pope #signsandwonders #illuminati #wmd #nuclear #dirtybomb #arab #assault #beheading #jihad #bokoharam #childbride #torture #sunnimilitant #hezbollah #protectiveedge #propaganda #islamicstate #islamiccaliphate #mutilation #shiite #taliban #psychologicalwarfare #savage #demonic #infadel #satan #bigsatan #littlesatan #genocide #antichrist #beast #nuclearannihilation #fakepassport #undercover #clandestinemeeting #radicalislam #crudeoil #SyriaGolanHeights #israel #saudi #ruler #mahdi #oil #gasoline #OPEC #sunni #foreignpolicy #saudiking #unstable #breaking news #china #northkorea #nuclearthreat #terror #toxiccloud #chemicalspill #saudiarabia #opec #oilweapon #DAESH #palestinianstate #enriched uranium #propheticcodes #fanaticalISLAM #Israelitechnology #curestodisease #UN #peaceandsafety #peaceandsecurity #Muhammad
#nwo #pope #transhuman #evil #satan #artificial #robot #gmo #illuminati #beast #falseprophet #falsesignsandwonders #miracle #antichrist #gnostic #oneworldreligion #muslim #distraction #encampment #detentioncenter #fema #desensitize #agenda21 #zombie #antipope #vatican #falsepeace #blackpope #jesuit #deceit #deception #lgbt #homosexual #dna #homelessidentificationtags #homelessidtags #humanrightstaken #paranormal #prophesying #fraternity #bionics #humancloning #experimentation #personalitytheft #breedingfarm #sexdroid #hideous #Rothschild #Bilderberg #vortex #paralleluniverse #personbalrobot #artificialintelligence #papacy #breakingnews #antichrist #bigbrother #surveillancetv #spytv #illuminatispy #smarttvcaution #ufophenomenon #Xenogenesis #turkey #Erdoğan #sevenyeartreaty #peacetreaty
Seriously? You are using a known con man Jim Bakker as a reference and expect people to follow the article? Are you 12 years old and don’t know what happened at PTL?
the focus is Wiles and what he has to say. as far as bakker, do you not believe in repentance/forgiveness? be blessed, anon.
The supposed video will not open!
it’s working.
Since massive debt accumulation makes financial collapse VERY likely (and many economic pundits and Bible prophecy authors point to a time around September 2015) maybe we should expect chaos, hyperinflation, martial law, dictatorship, and the fulfillment of end times prophecy… read:
Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate
Free advertising, bro?
Dear DD,
The second video is beautiful, Thank you..