Something Strange Is Up With The Sun! Have You Seen This?
I have been following this story for some time. Something is going on and it becomes more evident as time goes by.
NASA says that something unexpected is happening on the Sun.
Years ago I read about the problem of missing neutrinos from the sun. Scientists attempting to understand what was going on in the suns core were shocked to find that two-thirds of the expected neutrinos were missing. They measured neutrinos because It takes thousands of years for photons that are created in the sun’s core to come to the surface and radiate out. Neutrinos only take minutes to come to the surface and reach the earth.
“Neutrinos are created as a result of certain types of radioactive decay, or nuclear reactions such as those that take place in the Sun…
Neutrinos do not carry electric charge, which means that they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces that act on charged particles such as electrons and protons. Neutrinos are affected only by the weak sub-atomic force, of much shorter range than electromagnetism, and gravity, which is relatively weak on the subatomic scale. Therefore a typical neutrino passes through normal matter unimpeded…
Most neutrinos passing through the Earth emanate from the Sun. About 65 billion (6.5×1010) solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter perpendicular to the direction of the Sun in the region of the Earth.”
Here is the standard explanation for this:
“Starting in the late 1960s, several experiments found that the number of electron neutrinos arriving from the Sun was between one third and one half the number predicted by the Standard Solar Model. This discrepancy, which became known as the solar neutrino problem, remained unresolved for some thirty years. It was resolved by discovery of neutrino oscillation and mass. (The Standard Model of particle physics had assumed that neutrinos are massless and cannot change flavor. However, if neutrinos had mass, they could change flavor, or oscillate between flavors).”
However, there are some scientist who say it has not been solved:
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
“The complete absence of solar neutrinos coming from the Sun 100% falsifies the fusion
mathematical model of the Sun. Instead of throwing out the fusion model, the authority
agreed to make more fantasy particles to plug the holes. These are collaterally known as
“epi-cycles”, which are additional things or motions invented to explain away
inconsistencies in a failed model that has many wrong root assumptions.” Wolynski J. J. (2012). Ockham’s Razor Definition for Planet and Star
“Although the new results support our theoretical understanding of how the core of the Sun works, it challenges physicists in a profound way because these kind of neutrino transformations are not allowed in the so-called ‘Standard Model‘ of the electromagnetic and weak interaction. The results also provide some insights into cosmology because the number of neutrinos expected to exist in the universe is determined by Big Bang theory. If you multiply the expected numbers by the possible masses of these ‘oscillating’ neutrinos, you end up with neutrinos in the universe accounting for as much cosmological mass as all the visible stars in the universe. This is, however, far less than the dark matter component, so massive neutrinos still don’t account for this even greater mystery in astronomy.” Dr. Sten Odenwald
What does this mean?
If the missing neutrinos indicate that the nuclear furnace at the core of the sun has gone out it would take a few years to start showing up. It would not take thousands it would only take a few years. Is this what we are seeing?
What we’re seeing is that the sun is not a giant nuclear reactor. It is electrical in nature. The core is more of a lightbulb filament.
Not the core, no.
There is resistance heating in the corona (relatively small amount of energy involved.)
There is resistance heating in the photosphere.
And there is filament fusion in the photosphere. Z-pinch is what makes the thousands of large tornadoes there.
And that fusion makes the neutrinos.
There are fewer than expected neutrinos because most of the Sun’s output does not result from fusion.
There were fewer than expected BEFORE the quiet Sun problem came along.
Yes, Electrical thank you the thing that is put into each one of us at conception… of IAUe, the ‘spark’ of life! Electric
you are a whackjob sir
I put my faith in the aliens!
They are the only ones that I see coming around all the time making sure we don’t damage the universe and to check on us and to make sure we don’t do stupid things like drop nuclear bombs on each other!
It’s kinda like Earth is a nursery school and we need constant supervision!
Want to what aliens look like…
I’m glad to see this article. I have been a Suspicious Observer fan for some time due to their research in this area.
Strangely, people who disagree with gobal warming and climate change being blamed on humans always disagree with articles like the above…….that would be their BEST friends in this argument.
The sun and its warming heating patterns have the most direct affect on our earthly weather.
It is a science that has been studied in depth for years and is being suppressed. (Suppressed is a mild word.)
CrowPie I am a Suspicious Observer as well, love Ben’s sites.
Hi Telecoman,
Nice to meet you. Yes it’s a very informative site. I especially like the earthquake watch and weather information.
Everytime I read this type of material it reminds of the Film Knowing with Nicolas Cage. BTW awesome article and Hi, Crow Pie.
I love his music he puts in his videos, it goes awesome with his sun vids!
Greetings and Salutations, D. Krane.
Very interesting article. But, I don’t do facebook. I do Bible. Guess that will have to suffice.
Shalom, Mike Clinton, good to see you!
This is very interesting, pringint to read tonight
Jluly 6, that is 13 mentioned before that would be used
Have you seen the articles by Jango, on Isis and $150 oil…
and Strange Radar Star Anomaly, Sterling Virginia? (but its not just Virginia, it’s over Washington DC. Fauquier Co, seems to be in the ‘eye’ Maryland, Pa, and West Virginia as well… not good
That was on June 28, in the morning
July 27 and 28 I think will be not good for us in America
Thank you for your interesting and timely sun information
Here is the link to the article of the Strange Star over Washington, D. C. and environs… multiple states connected to the Capitol and the things done during the founding of the country
I think you all will enjoy and benefit in knowledge from this article
OOOOOOOOhhhhhhh. Pictures. Very Nice.
Your grasp on the subject matter is tenuous, … at best.
Well then, it means it’s not the time of the end because according to the bible it’s death by fire, not by mini ice age, which is what happened the last time the sun was so quiet, the Maunder Minimum that lasted a couple hundred years.
Well then, there are other bigger, brighter, hotter stars in the Universe besides our own if one is presuming it has to be our own sun that kills us. We don’t really understand the Universe at all, do we? We might know about a teacup’s worth to all the oceans in the world.
Lay out on a quilt in a meadow on a mountaintop at 9pm on any night in August and comprehend how small the human mind really is.
Sod that, dragging quilts up mountain tops just to comprehend how small the human mind really is. My mind might be small, but it’s not stupid and/or gullible.
The bible contains writings from men of God and writings from men of Satan. The men of Satan say earth and everything in it will be burned up, that includes Pharisee forgeries 1 & 2 Peter. Christ does not say that, he says the meek will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).
The sun appears to be going into another minimum, little to no sunspots, which is an observed occurrence during cold spells on earth. But the northern tier of the USA and Canada are not experiencing no summer, but warmth continues.
600 million vehicles worldwide putting out various gasses that alter the composition of gasses in the troposphere, plus other eternal combustion engines in industry, & other pollutants put into the air by the activities of mankind. Ozone is greatly increased in the troposphere and is forecast to double by 2050, ozone acts like a thermal blanket trapping heat in the troposphere. From the earth’s surface to about 10 miles above the earth, the primary heat source is the earth itself and gasses in the troposphere that trap heat.
The earth will not be burned up, Christ comes back to reign on earth. But during God’s judgment, an angel pours out a vial on the sun and the sun scorches mankind with heat, but that is not now and not to occur until God’s judgment unto victory begins.
There is no mistaking the time God’s judgment begins, for it includes, among other catastrophes, an earthquake so strong that every mountain and every island is moved out of its place (Rev. 6:14). The rich and powerful of the earth hide in caves saying it is God’s wrath and who can stand up against it (Rev. 6:12-17).
internal combustion engine
So the child of Hell Mike Clinton likens the current sun few sunspots to Revelation events. Well moron Clinton what about the Dalton and Maunder minimums during which you could have said the same, you freaking clown
The Christians are pathetic, WRATH WRATH WRATH, always preaching repent or wrath, declaring God is going to destroy this that and the other nation. I see John Rolls the evil clown declaring it is God’s wrath on Gaza what is currently happening to them. These people are just evil, absolutely evil.
Did Christ destroy the towns of the evildoers who refused to repent. But the children of Hell Christians do not know Christ, they prefer the repent or wrath that God used to do:
Matthew 11:13 For the law and the prophets prophesied until John the Baptist
John and Christ and Christ’s apostles all preached: repent because the kingdom of God is coming (Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 10:7). None of them preached, repent or God is going to destroy you, as during the time of the Jewish prophets when God would send his prophets to his own people and Gentiles to warn to stop doing evil or he would destroy their town, city, nation.
You freaking Christians and your dead in Hell apostle Pharisee Paul would be in deep do do if living during the time of God’s prophets because you dogs all say all flesh is, you all do evil, you all don’t know how to do good. And in the end you all are all destroyed:
Matthew 23:15 Pharisees and their converts are children of Hell
Philippians 3:5, Acts 23:6 I AM A PHARISEE
Romans 7:19 I do not know how to do good. I do evil
Is the sun dying? Is that what Jesus meant when he said “no flesh would be saved alive”?
Do you not think he used the oddest word “flesh” to describe this? No one has been able to explain it to me the curious word.
But I do know all flesh depend on the sun for life.
It’s a simple figure of speech of that time and culture. It just means no one would be left alive. Nothing odd about it.
no flesh….physical body…the shell we occupy….however, the soul will live on.
The sun is past the halfway mark as regards it’s lifespan. So basically it’s all downhill from now on, only another 5 billion years to go…
The Word SUN… Seek Unity Now… As Above As Below… SON… Showing Oneness Now… As in the Days Of NOE… Now Oneness Exists… NOAH… No Outcasts Allowed Here… NOACH… Now Only Abbas Children’s Here… The Names Of Life… JOHN… Join Our Home Now… HOME… Here On Mans Earth… The MAN… Meet Abba Now… For His Words Live Again In The FLESH… The Word FLESH… Father Loves Everyone Seeing Him… That’s Why He Created His Image Of MAN… The Image Chosen Above The Angels… Abbas Day As Man… The SABBATH… The Day Of Rest When The Living Word Manifests For All Mankind To See And Hear… The Face Of Christ…
I just spent time at trying to find the “news” of the vacancy of sunspots. Nothing. NASA apparently finds this to be no news, or it really is not news. The sun flips over every 11 years. Sunspot activity can reach a full minimum to a full maximum every 11 – 14 years. During miniums, 2014 is expected to be a maximum year, sun spots can be very few on any given day, to none. During a rise to maximum, there can also be days without spots. Not news. Not prophetic, just wishful apocalyptic thinking. If your head is in the bible it won’t be open to science. The religious mind protects itself in any way it can, even warping science news to involve others in your spiritualistic fantasy. Get a life. Stop using science to explain your supernatural leanings, the two are worlds apart.
“If your head is in the bible it won’t be open to science.”
Did you know that the MRI machine was invented by a practicing Christian… a young-earth creationist? There are many other scientists like that, all deeply devoted to Jesus and the Bible. Your claim is debunked.
@Jgm Here you go, knock yourself out:
Our current solar cycle matches, almost exactly, the SIDC data from SC5. End of the 18th century: Dalton minimum anyone? Lets call this “little ice age” the “Landscheidt Minimum”.
Except the arriving ice maximum is not going to be a little event. It’ll be 90,000 years before we see climate like what we’ve, briefly, enjoyed over the last 10,000yrs.
Time to buy land in Morroco!
Second Little Ice Age!!
Climate change IS Man-made – just ask Lord Rothschild and or the MIC. Perhaps the Sun has gone quiet, as in the calm before the (Solar) storm? My sons and myself have prophetic dreams and visions – one son has had recurring dreams of a total world wide EMP type event – a global shut-down. Have a look at the Illuminati “Tape run’s out” card and note the tape crosses the crack at Diego Garcia…now, how many nuclear weapons would it take to crack the earth like a nut? Especially if you find the cleavage point, and then there is the CERN/SHIVA project too – wakey wakey people, this is not about who will rule the world, but who will ruin it.
Climate change is NOT man made. We can pollute the crap out of Earth, we can turn it into a desert by chopping down all the forests, but that will not change the temperatures, just the rainfall and air quality.
” My sons and myself have prophetic dreams and visions ”
God see a doctor, people with brain tumors see and hear things that are not there. There can’t be a “total world wide EMP type event”. It would be a physical impossibility to effect the entire planet. If it was man made disaster then all life on Earth would be over because the only way of creating such would be via a full nuclear exchange. If it originated from a solar flare then only the side of Earth struck by the solar flare would be affected. And it would only affect electronics, life would go on quite happily as it has done for millions of years before we had electronics. We could not crack Earth like a nut using nukes. Earth has a molten interior, der.
Complete misdirection nothing is wrong with the sun. Instead is reading bs stories like this just take you basic $100 digital camera and the guts of an old floppy disk as a red filter. Go out miday an take a few pictures of the sun when its high in the sky (providing no clouds or chemtrails) take a few with the filter and without. The filter will help you eliminate lens flare and see the real sources of light.
What you see is planet x in front of the sun aand inbetween the Earth and sun
I did see many times the huge dark spot (whole) on the back side of the sun on the upper portion. Not sure what that was all about, but sure looked massive.
No one knows shyte from shinola when it comes to the sun. You are not even a speck compared to the size and depth, and you think you know anything. Forget nasa- never a straight answer or that silly shill of a kid- suspiciousobservers they are two shills in a pod. They talk like they know something when they know nothing. Who cares if the sun is electrical or fission, you will never know. All you do is interrupt the sun with all your instruments and get it angry by being too obtrusive.
Only the ancient Hebrew Native Americans knew about the sun and carved abundant petroglyphs warning us what is going to take place. Even the Holy Bible says the earth will be burned up in the next apocalypse.
Sorry about my rant.
I mean well, but I am descendent from the Sun Clan and I get to personal. The sun is getting hotter and it’s burning my skin. I can’t go out more than 10 minutes, but I’m Native American so my skin is burnt red! I study the earth changes going on and monitor the beasts flying the chemical planes. God’s clouds are battling the chemicals in the air; I pray for my skies to bring the good clouds and keep the beasts away. I don’t think of it as global warming, but I think of it as earth extremes. The Word says it is going to get worse, and then Jesus Christ the Messiah will return.
The article about the Hebrew petroglyphs mainly in the Americas are too many to document. It was written before the 2012 date. They were saying it could have happened on this date, but realistically it can happen anytime! Thanks and God Bless You!
The latest Solar Maximum (4 or 5 years of increased solar flares) that was supposed to have started in the Summer of 2009 started late in 2010, This lull has been deemed to be the ‘quiet’ before the big ‘solar’ storm of Cycle 24 that is turning out to be. It appears the Earth is at a point of a ‘cosmic convulsion’ of sorts that may affect life negatively on Earth as we know it.