Discovery: Three Thousand Year Old Wisdom Book Describes Atoms, Subatomic Particles
Proverbs 8: 26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.
Ukrainian (Kyiv) Icon, Sophia, the Holy Wisdom, 1812
Proverbs is one of my favorite books in the Bible. In the eighth chapter wisdom is personified as a woman. This is just a way of trying to make the abstract understandable by giving it human attributes. It is a rhetorical device.
There are three words used throughout Proverbs: wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Knowledge is the amount of information that you have available in your mind. Understanding is the ability to apply this information to situations. When this ability is seen in action it is called wisdom.
Creation is a demonstration of God’s infinite knowledge and understanding.
When the infinite knowledge and understanding of God began to be demonstrated, wisdom was brought forth. Wisdom existed from all eternity, it became visible in creation. This is what we see in this Chapter.
Proverbs 8: 22-26
The Lord possessed me (brought me forth) in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.
I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.
When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.
Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:
While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.
The last verse here is extremely interesting. What is “the highest part of the dust”? Why would some dust be more important than other dust? As we will see, this is just an attempt by the translators to translate a very complicated Hebrew phrase.
As I was working my way through “The Word: The Bible from 26 Translations”, my attention was drawn to ” Helen Spurrell’s translation from original Hebrew”. Her translation of verse 26 was, ” the primitive atoms of the globe.”
I wondered, is the Bible mentioning atoms here?
Then I checked Bullinger’s Companion Bible and found this: “the first atoms or particles of the world.” Since this translation is over 100 years old I was impressed.
Now I was really interested. I looked up the Hebrew words to see exactly what they mean.
This is why “atoms” is the correct translation.
The Hebrew for this phrase is “rosh aphar tebel”
וְרֹאשׁ עָפְרֹות תֵּבֵ
Let’s look at each Hebrew word.
ROSH וְרֹאשׁ
Rosh is the Hebrew word translated “highest part” in KJV. The NKJ has “primal dust”. The ASV, DBY, and HNV have “beginning of the dust”. The YLT has ” the top of the dusts”,
It means whatever is highest, supreme, foremost, the beginning , or the commencement.
Today we would use the term “elemental particle” instead of “highest dust”. The dictionary defines elementary particles as “any of various fundamental subatomic particles, including those that are the smallest and most basic constituents of matter”.
So, “highest dust” is just the ancient way of saying elementary particles.
APHAR עָפְרֹות
Aphar is the Hebrew word translated “dust”. It is a plural word in Hebrew. The use of the plural means “dusts” that stick together to form something. Some translators use the word “clods” for this word. It is used in Job 28:6 of gold dust (atoms)that clings together to form nuggets. The primary meaning of this Hebrew word is particles that are bound together. Elementary particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons) cling together to form atoms.
TEBEL תֵּבֵֽל׃
The word translated “world” is tebel and it means the created world that we live on. It is the whole earth, especially where the creation of the world is mentioned. It is the part of God’s glorious creation that we are most in contact with. It is created from “dust” and we were created from its dust.
My translation of the phrase, in context, would then be: ” I Wisdom, existed before all things. I was here even before God made the elementary particles that cling together to form everything we see.”
One of Hubble’s most famous images, “Pillars of Creation” shows stars forming in the Eagle Nebula
Did Solomon understand what he was writing about?
I do not think he did completely.
When God gave his direct word to men they did not always understand it.
Solomon wrote “rosh aphar tebel” because he was being lead by the Holy Spirit to write it, even though he may not have understood its full implication.
Daniel repeatedly asked for an interpretation of his own visions . The Prophets had to study their own revelations.
1 Peter 1: 11&12 NAS “As to this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful searches and inquiries, It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you…”
So, the Holy Spirit impressed Solomon to write this so it would be a witness to men who would later understand that everything is made up of atoms and their subatomic particles.
The Bible also mentions DNA, time dilation, relativity, atomic fission, atomic binding force, etc.
Look for these studies in “My Other Stories” at the top.
Mike Clinton, Hiawassee, Ga. March 8, 2014
Great stuff Mike. Science is merely playing catch up with the bible.
Thanks am123. It is an article that I expanded, edited, and updated. I have had a lot of good comments so far. I am new at this writing stuff. Someone said the first million words is just practice. I am begging to see that.
Without going over Pix’s rigmarole point by point, he admits that the Bible goes back almost two thousand years. So, a nearly two thousand year old description of atoms and subatomic particles would still be amazing.
Wherever you see a Christian post, you will find Pix attacking it. He evidently has time, at his employers expense, to do this.
Pix never writes anything, he takes sniper shots at other people’s articles from the camouflage of his anonymous snipers nest.
You know why he hides behind an anonymous name? Well, he doesn’t want anyone to know who he is. Someone who knows him might give away his real motive for hating the Bible.
So where is this claimed 3’000 year old book?
You mean the Christian bible? It was compiled throughout the 6th to 10th centuries CE, mostly from Greek Mithraism.
Only a tiny fraction of the Bible is Hebrew. Most of it is Greek, and Aramaic. And the Hebrew story of events in the Bible was invented by the Pharisees, a trouble making political party created c140 BCE, who have subsequently changed their name to Jews.
The Israelites were polytheistic sun worshippers from Egypt, osirIS+RA+EL=ISRAEL, not monotheistic politicians called Pharisees/Jews.
We know this because the Israelites practiced Passover. Which is sunworshipping pagan in origin.
More clues. Jesus was an Israelite preaching to practice the pagan rebirthing ceremony called baptism. He preached to practice all the old Israelite laws better than the law keepers and the Pharisees.. a political party. Jews.
Jesus was not a Jew, he was a pagan sunworshipping Israelite.
Jesus went into the temple, and overturned all the Jewish money lending tables. He preached to pray in a closet, out of sight. He preached to join in fellowship where ever you are… draw up a log or a rock = a church. Jesus was anti organised religion AND AS PAGAN AS IT GETS.
PIX, what made you so smart?
red pill
A life times worth of research.
Dating the bible
“The oldest surviving Hebrew Bible manuscripts including the Dead Sea Scrolls date to about the 2nd century BCE (fragmentary) and some are stored at the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem. The oldest record of the complete text survives in a Greek translation called the Septuagint, dating to the 4th century CE (Codex Sinaiticus). The oldest extant manuscripts of the vocalized Masoretic text, which modern editions are based upon, date to the 9th century CE.[citation needed] With the exception of a few biblical sections in the Prophets, virtually no biblical text is contemporaneous with the events it describes, and was subject to revision by later authors.[1]”
None of it is Jewish in origin.
I find it very telling, the fact that some of the Dead Sea scroll fragments that date to the 2nd century BCE are of the NT gospels. That makes their story at least 200 year older than they are claiming. Which means none of their claimed tied in historical characters were living at that time. EG Herod who crucified Jesus.
It’s all fiction.
Great job pix!!Now those are valuable facts that you presented!!Thanks!!
You’re most welcome. It’s their persistent constant lies that tend to irritate. If they didn’t exaggerate everything in a pathetic attempt for self aggrandisement then people like me wouldn’t have to keep peeing all over their parade. Trying to make out they are special over everyone else when they are not. Or their beliefs have great antiquity and historical back up, when nothing could be further from the truth, in fact the complete opposite. The most irritating thing of all is despite their emotional claims of belief, and vitriolic trolling of anyone who disagrees, none of them actually believe it, or they would be practicing what it preaches to the letter. They cherry pick what ever takes their fancy, usually what ever fits in with what they can stomach from it. All the horrible black stuff like ‘you will not suffer a witch to live’ ‘kill the infidel’, ‘massacre your neighbours so you can keep the virgins as sex slaves,’ they ignore like it doesn’t exist, they spin the absolutely disgusting like blood sacrifices to get IT to forgive, or punish some other as a scapegoat, into something good ffs.
Sometimes I wonder if they have any brains at all.
Well said pix!!A mind control program such as religion will make fools out of even the most intelligent people. It has worked well for the Brotherhood.