Jesus was born under the Law of Moses. Gal. 4:4 But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law.
The Law of Moses was still in effect in the Gospels.
Salvation was offered to the Jews first. Matthew 10: 5-6 These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Even after the crucifixion the Gospel was still preached to the Jews first.
Acts 11:19 Meanwhile, the believers who had been scattered during the persecution after Stephen’s death traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch of Syria. They preached the word of God, but only to Jews.
Over a period of around 40 years the gospel was still being offered to the Jews first. When the Jews refused to accept the gospel, God turned to the Gentiles and the Law of Moses with all its ordinances ended.
Stephen warned the Jews this would happen. Acts 6:14 We have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the Temple and change the customs Moses handed down to us.
We see this in the finale chapter of Acts 28: 26-28
Go and say to this people:
When you hear what I say,
you will not understand.
When you see what I do,
you will not comprehend.
For the hearts of these people are hardened,
and their ears cannot hear,
and they have closed their eyes—
so their eyes cannot see,
and their ears cannot hear,
and their hearts cannot understand,
and they cannot turn to me
and let me heal them.’
So I want you to know that this salvation from God has also been offered to the Gentiles, and they will accept it.”
Even some of the early epistles like James and Hebrews were written before the transition fully occurred.
The Book of Hebrews was written as the transition was occurring and predicted, like Stephen, the destruction of the Temple and the end of Law of Moses.
We are now living under grace not law. Grace is the power and the desire to do God’s will. Law means you must obey God; grace means you want to obey God.
In the Age of Grace we no longer tell people that you must do this or that to be saved. We tell them about Jesus. When a person accepts Christ and the Holy Spirit comes in, a new desire to love and obey God is given.
Don’t tell a person he MUST obey, tell him about Jesus and the Holy Spirit will give him what Thomas Chalmers called “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection”See More
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Yup. And every man is judged according to his works.
What’s that?
Every man is judged according to his works.
There is nothing written in the entirety of the Scriptures which states that the Law of Moses, which are the INSTRUCTIONS OF YHWH, are abolished. Nothing.
What we DO find are many verses stating the exact opposite.
Supposing that the Instructions of YHWH have been abolished, IN THE ABSENCE of plainly-worded verses from Scripture which clearly say so…
…is insanity.
Grace by faith.
Faith shown by works.
Messiah says to follow His Commandments.
YHWH doesn’t change, and no part of the Law will fail till ALL THINGS BE FULFILLED.
I dare someone to look outside and argue that all things have been fulfilled.
Beef, do people keep the commandments to get saved or because they are saved? The commandments still have a purpose, it is the same as it has always been. Where does it say a G
entile has to keep the Law of Moses?
What are the Commandments?
John 14:15
John 14:23
…and they were judged every man, according to their WORKS. (Rev 20:13)
The Law was given to Israel. Gentiles are brought INTO the commonwealth and BECOME Israel when we (wild branches) are grafted into the tree (Romans 11:17).
There are no two sets of Laws; one for native sons and one for foreigners. There is one Law for all, and the Law is abiding.
Do Gentiles as wild branches abide in the tree? Then they are to obey the Commandments. The Instructions of YHWH are an explanation of the Commandments. Therefore, an explanation in Scripture that Gentiles must obey the Commandments is found in the Law:
One Law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.
(Exodus 12:49)
Have we confessed that we are strangers and sojourners on the Earth who look for another Country, or have we not?
If we are told, under no uncertain terms, that the Law abides because it cannot and will not fail till ALL THINGS be fulfilled, then we know that the Law stands even to this day — ESPECIALLY in the absence of crystal clear written instructions to the contrary.
All verses one can point to in order to argue that Gentiles are absolved from obedience to the Law are AMBIGUOUS at best. None of the verses state, in no uncertain terms, that Gentiles are not obligated to the Law. This fact alone should give all traditional Christians the cold sweats. I say again, there is NO VERSE in Scripture that a Christian can point to which clearly states he is exempt from obedience to the Law.
This is SUCH a potentially explosive issue that it would NEVER have been left unclear if YHWH’s intentions were for Gentiles to be absolved from this responsibility. As clearly as the Law was given, that is how clearly any EXEMPTION from the Law (if any such exemption in fact existed) would HAVE to be given. Yet traditional Christians persist in their belief that nebulous verses which MIGHT be saying one thing or MIGHT be saying another, MUST be understood to say something which contradicts all other Scripture. This is far, far too important of an issue to rest so heavily on such flimsy substance.
There is nothing unequivocally written in the New Testament which says the Law applies not to Gentiles. What is written is that the totality of the Law is too much to learn of a sudden. But it is incumbent upon us to learn — and to STUDY to show ourselves approved.
No no no no I am not stating or suggesting that Grace or Salvation comes to us because of ANY of our works. Our faith is shown by our works and we are ORDERED to keep the Commandments and we are IMPLORED by Messiah to keep them to show our love for Him.
Beef, You admit that we are not saved by works but that works show that we are saved. I agree with you.
I have already said that the Commandments are still in effect and have the same purpose that they have always had. They reveal the standard we should aim for and at the same time show us that we fall short of it.
I have read the New Testament probably about a hundred times now. I know what it says. The Law of Moses, not the Commandments, has been done away.
There is no Temple, no sacrifices, etc. The Lord Jesus has destroyed that Temple and built another.
Mike wrote:
“The Law of Moses, not the Commandments, has been done away.”
Nothing doing Mike. Saying the ‘Law of Moses’ is like saying the ‘Flood of Noah.’ It isn’t Moses’ Law any more than it was Noah’s flood; the Law was only delivered through Moses to the Israelites. The Law of Moses is nothing more and nothing less than an exploded and expounded explanation of the Ten Commandments – the Law written in stone. Just as the Law of Moses is the expounded view of the Ten Commandments, the Law is also reduced to Two Great Commandments, which I’m sure you are well familiar with. Whether the code of Law is summarized in two or in ten Commandments, makes no difference.
“There is no Temple, no sacrifices, etc. The Lord Jesus has destroyed that Temple and built another.”
And therefore, we should all run out and start eating pork chops and crab cakes and chasing Easter Eggs and hanging Christmas lights? Let’s us willingly desecrate the Sabbath while we’re at it. It’s a non-sequitur. We can say that there is no Temple but the Body of Messiah, and we can say that we no longer participate in animal sacrifice, but it does not follow that the Law of Moses has been abrogated, terminated, eliminated, or otherwise ended.
Question for you: In light of what we have coming down the pike, re: transhumanism, nephilim ‘science’ and mark of the beast technology… do you REALLY believe that all the Statutes and Ordinances included in the Law of YHWH pertaining to MINGLED SEED are defunct? Aren’t those Instructions more pertinent now than at any other time in the history of man? Indeed they are. Yet one more reason for why the Law stands, as it must.
Another question: Do you think that all the Statutes and Ordinances about what KIND of Temple YHWH would or would not dwell in are less pertinent today, or more? (YHWH dwelleth not in temples made with hands.) What do you think THAT is all about? Another reason the Law stands, as it must.
Let not a garment of SHA’ATNEZ come upon you. Do you know that the JEWS haven’t even figured this one out yet? Sha’atnez = a mingled of diverse kinds. Which garment is being spoken of here? It is your BODY being spoken of. Believe it.
Sow not your field with MINGLED SEED. Let not your CATTLE gender with diverse kinds.
Do you think these Statutes are antiquated? They are NOT. We need them NOW.
Believing that the Law has been done away with, and indeed TEACHING MEN SO, is more dangerous today than it has ever been in the history of the ‘Church’. And since no man who subscribes to the argument that the Law of Moses/Law of YHWH has been abrogated can point to even a single verse of Scripture which CLEARLY SAYS SO, then anyone who believes what you are suggesting (which is the VAST, VAST majority of Bible believers) is putting himself and those in his charge in great peril.
The Law of Moses will be more important tomorrow than it is today, and even more so on the day after. Right now is one of the WORST times in the history of man to be arguing against the Law.
ALL – and I repeat – ALL of the crystal clear instructions which we HAVE IN HAND say the exact opposite of what you are saying regarding this issue. NONE – and I repeat – NONE of the verses which say what you think they are saying have anything CLOSE to the clarity of verses like this:
Thus sayeth Messiah:
“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED.
“Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, AND SHALL TEACH MEN SO, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
Please brother… does ANYTHING about that sound temporary to you?
Beef, learn what this means: “all scripture is written for us but not to us”.
For instance, God told Abraham, ” After Lot had gone, the LORD said to Abram, “Look as far as you can see in every direction—north and south, east and west…Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.” Gen. 13: 14&17
You cannot claim that promise because it was given to Abraham, not you.
Some promises were to the Jews only but there are principles in them for us.
1 Corinthians 10:11DBY Now all these things happened to them as types, and have been written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come.
1 Corinthians 9: 9&10CEV The Law of Moses tells us not to muzzle an ox when it is grinding grain. But was God concerned only about an ox? No, he wasn’t! He was talking about us. This was written in the Scriptures so that all who plow and all who grind the grain will look forward to sharing in the harvest.
I continue to be shocked by what certain of my brothers claim to be true. Do we know the Scriptures?
Mike wrote:
“You cannot claim that promise because it was given to Abraham, not you.”
Does the promise die with Abraham, or does it pass via inheritance to his children?
KNOW YE THEREFORE that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham?
Therefore, we CAN claim the promise made to Abraham, because if we are seekers after the Way of Messiah, if we walk by faith in His teachings, if we rightly call ourselves members of the Body of Messiah, then WE ARE children of Abraham and are inheritors of the promise by birthright.
“Beef, learn what this means: “all scripture is written for us but not to us”.”
I have no idea what that means. Some Scripture is not for US?
ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto ALL GOOD WORKS.
You wrote:
“1 Corinthians 9: 9&10CEV The Law of Moses tells us not to muzzle an ox when it is grinding grain. But was God concerned only about an ox? No, he wasn’t! He was talking about us. This was written in the Scriptures so that all who plow and all who grind the grain will look forward to sharing in the harvest.”
Mike, there should be nothing implied here about casting aside the writing because YHWH didn’t actually have OXEN in mind when He gave the Scripture. Please hear the words of the verse you just quoted. Please see the similarity to what I stated above about sha’atnez. Is YHWH concerned about a little linen being mixed into our woolen clothing? NO. He is concerned about us mingling the seed of man with the idols of science/technology, or with the abominations of “extra-terrestrials”, or with seed of The Beast.
Therefore we can (should) see clearly in the final analysis that the Scriptures are written TO US and FOR US, in their entirety. From Genesis to the maps, there is nothing written in Scripture which does not apply to every aspect of our lives today.
The claim that some Scripture was means for the Jews and some of it for us, is exploded by the Scriptures themselves. It’s for us. All of it.
Beef, you think you have a claim on that land because it was promised to Abraham? Alrighty then, go get it.
You said “I have no idea what that means. Some Scripture is not for US?”
I didn’t say that , did I?
I said “all scripture is written for us but not all is written to us”. I gave the promise of the land to Abraham as an example.
The Jews were instructed to possess a physical nation and build a physical temple with an order of priests and musicians to administrate the physical Temple. Great detail went into these instructions. There are great spiritual lessons to be learned from this but the instructions for the physical building was to them not us.
The instructions for the animal sacrifices were to them, not us.
Now you can argue all you want and that is fine. The readers of these comments will decide which is the most clear and makes the most sense.
Mike wrote:
“Beef, you think you have a claim on that land because it was promised to Abraham? Alrighty then, go get it.”
Mike, I get the idea that you don’t consider yourself to be numbered among the children of Abraham. But Scripture says very specifically that you are. No Israelite is supposed to be in that land right now. That land is to be occupied by Israelites only according to the WORD. Both the first and the second time Israel was brought into the land, it was done so according to the specific Instructions of the Most High. Israel is still dispersed throughout the nations. Whoever is living in the land right now, even if they ARE Judah (a point I do not readily concede), they are living there presumptuously. The Almighty never invited them back. The Almighty never told them to enter. The Almighty never told them to do anything except to disperse and be scattered. He kicked them out, and now SOMEONE has come back, claiming to be Judah. No Israelite has any claim to that land until the Most High HIMSELF says it is time to go back. The people living in that land right now are all going to die. [“There shall not be left one stone upon another.” – remember that?] And when that happens, the Enemy will say: “SEE!!! The Bible is WRONG!!! Israel just got TERMINATED!!! I WIN!!!” And people will fall for it, because they don’t know the Scriptures.
You wrote:
“The Jews were instructed to possess a physical nation and build a physical temple with an order of priests and musicians to administrate the physical Temple. Great detail went into these instructions.”
Your argument seems to be that the instructions related to Temple construction contained in the Books of Moses are the instructions intended specifically for the builders of the Temple themselves. In that case, I would very much enjoy seeing you attempt to re-construct that complex using only the verses of Scripture as your guide. How about the Ark of the Covenant? Do you imagine you could replicate it, based solely upon the instructions we presently have in hand? The point is this: The details given to the artisans who actually constructed the Temple and the Ark would have been far more specific and intricate than the synopsis we now possess. The reasons for that should be clear enough, but one of the reasons is that there are many layers of information, and multi-dimensional information, contained within everything written to us in the Torah.
Not only is every word written by Moses applicable to today, but there are certain portions of Moses’ writings which are written SPECIFICALLY for US:
Deuteronomy 4:30-31
When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, EVEN IN THE LATTER DAYS, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be OBEDIENT unto His voice; (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) He will not forsake thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He sware unto them.
Scripture is more than clear about the fact that once we become the people of Messiah, we become Israel. More specifically, we become the children of Abraham. There really should be no arguing that point. Therefore, at least in certain portions of the Scriptures, Moses is addressing US ONLY, and not the Ancient Israelites, which is exactly the opposite of what you are claiming.
“..the physical building (the Temple) was to them not us.”
I’m not sure what point you’re making here. The Temple was replaced with a NEW one. Twice. In the absence of an altar, we won’t be doing any animal sacrifices. No one is arguing that point. I do argue that the fact the Temple no longer stands in Israel says nothing at all about not observing the Statutes and the Ordinances given by commandment in the Books of Moses.
This article should not become a point of contention, especially not amongst believers. Ishua’s summary of the Ten commandments makes it clear that YHWH’s Law still stands for all of His people.
By His Grace we receive the Holy Spirit, who helps us follow His commandments with thanksgiving and joy. We do not receive this grace by any works, but only by faith in Ishua.
Mike and I are not in contention.
We are brothers who, when we spar, sometimes go full-contact.
We get better results that way.
Mike is one of my favorite seekers after the Way — I’m not yelling at him.
Hi Mike *waves* long time. Trust that many, @B4IN, are getting used to seeing Truth defended with integrity and, accordingly, you are helping folk to better understand their Bibles.
Keep it up Mike: it is small consequence, to me, that you often err toward the doctrine of men, it’s all good.
Good article Michael. It is something we need to hear. I want to add in light of the recent upsurge of interest in Hebrew tradition and customs (known as the HRM – Hebrew Roots Movement) that this article does well to point out the “change” from Levitical priesthood and all its trappings to something else. In Hebrews we find mention of Jesus being after the order of Melchizedek …. We know little about him but we know his priesthood pre-dated the institution of the Levitical priesthood and all it contained. I like those little nuggets of information found in scripture that can be the pivot point between understanding a paradigm or misunderstanding . Thanks again for sharing.
I am sorry to say your article is not biblical. We as believers in Messiah do not take heed or follow the words of man but the Words of Messiah. He clearly said, Mattehew 5,”17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
I really do not look to take heed to what Paul said as he was not Messiah. For more study on this matter, this man makes all points very clear.
John 5:24 Verily I say to you that he who hears my words and believes on him that sent me has everlasting life
John 6:68 Peter said to Christ, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life
Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME, for I am meek and lowly of heart and you shall find rest for your souls
Matthew 7:24 Whoever hears my sayings and does them shall be as a wise man who built his house upon a rock
John 15:15 Henceforth I do not call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is going to do, but I now call you friends, FOR ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE HEARD FROM MY FATHER I HAVE MADE KNOWN TO YOU
John 10:14 I AM THE GOOD SHEPARD, and know my sheep and my sheep know me
If all one had were the writings of John and Matthew, they have the testimony from the one who has the words of eternal life. They have Christ, the good Shepard who knows his sheep and his sheep know him. Christ says LEARN FROM ME! Why does anyone want to interfere with Christ and his sheep? Who are these evil people who insist you do not learn from Christ alone, but must learn from the words of the false apostle Pharisee Paul? Christians who bring their Pharisee master along and insist they love Christ:
HAVE A GO AT IT, CHILDREN OF HELL – Explain why your master Pharisee says that Christ is hanging out with dead burning animal carcasses SUFFERING and full of shame.
Hebrews 13:11-13 For the bodies of those beasts … are burned outside the camp. That is where the Lord is. Let us go to him that is suffering outside the camp and share his shame
AND THE CHILDREN OF HELL RESPOND ….. never yet have had a response from those who I know are children of Hell because they admit they have adopted the gospel (aka doctrine) of Pharisee Paul:
3 TIMES Paul declares that he is a PHARISEE, Acts 23:6, 26:5, Philippians 3:5
Christ said Pharisees are of Satan (John 8:44). I will explain the vile scene depicted by Pharisee Paul’s words – Christ suffering either on or near a fire pyre on which are burning animal carcasses and he is full of shame, and Gentiles are invited to go join him – why such a scene is depicted by Paul is because HE IS OF SATAN
Disagree with Christ that Pharisees are not of Satan, that Pharisee converts are not children of Hell, look for their explanation of why their master says as he does in Hebrews 13:11-13.
A bunch of Father loving, Christ loving Jews entered with Christ into the Temple, praising Christ as they went. Temple servants praising the owner of the Temple, Christ (Matthew Ch. 21). Those Temple servants are banned from the church altars established by the Pharisee:
Hebrews 13:10 Gentiles have an altar that those who serve the Tabernacle have no right to eat at
Paul mocks Tabernacle servants, which includes those who entered the Temple with Christ. Why does Paul mock God’s servants. And in mocking Temple servants, he is mocking the ones who the Temple owner loves! He is mocking the Temple owner by mocking said owner’s servants! And there Pharisee Paul, the anti-Christ joins with the Beast to mock God:
Revelation 13:6 … the Beast opened his mouth to blaspheme the Tabernacle of God
WAITING TO HEAR FROM THE CHILDREN OF HELL, WHAT IS THEIR RESPONSE as to why their master Pharisee says Christ is suffering, hanging out where the bodies of sacrificed beasts are burned. Why did Pharisee Paul erect altars for Gentiles that mock servants of God’s Temple?
As to Steven, a useful fool to the Pharisees who went head long into the ‘no more law of God, grace doctrine’. He was rejected to by the Jews of Asia, the same Jews of Asia who had Pharisee Paul removed from God’s Temple (Acts 21:27-30) and who rejected the false apostles (Rev. 2:2, 2 Timothy 1:15). And men lost their place in God’s Book of Life for changing ‘synagogue’ to ‘church’ and applying the term ‘synagogue’ when it should read ‘church’. God did not issue the warning in vain, he issued the warning because he knew there would be men who would do so (Rev. 22:18-19).
CHILD OF HELL, MIKE CLINTON – go ahead and answer why your master Pharisee says as he does in Hebrews 13:11-13, that Christ suffers on or near a fire pyre on which is burning animal carcasses and he is full of shame. Also, explain to the people exactly what is the so-called “law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ” that your Pharisee master says replaces the law of sin and death, his lovely term for Moses’ law?
Romans 8:2 For the law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ freed me from the law of sin and death
But then the Pharisee loves one command of Moses, which he twists to mean Gentiles must pay money to their church rulers:
1 Corinthians 9:9-11 and 1 Timothy 5:16-18, in both passages the Pharisee brings up Deuteronomy 25:4 and demands Gentiles obey Moses’ command.
GRACE DOCTRINE, oh but we do got to follow ah ah not muzzling an ox but that ain’t what really God meant he don’t care oxen that is for us Gentiles man we got to to pay our church rulers, pay them well yeah yeah our pharisee master tells us so
Pharisees.org hates the apostle Paul but he clearly understands what he said. He is like the false leaders in Israel that understood that Jesus said he would rise again after the third day when the disciples missed it. Yep’ you are right Pharisees.org’ about what Paul taught.
Pharisees.org said “Also, explain to the people exactly what is the so-called “law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ” that your Pharisee master says replaces the law of sin and death, his lovely term for Moses’ law? “
The challenge to Christians is to prove Mark 16:18 which says those who believe in the Gospels will be able to “lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” If this is true, then Christians would be able to go to any sick person anywhere and lay their Christian hands on them, and they would recover. The fact that we have millions of very sick people around the world tells us that either this Bible promise is false or that Christians really don’t care about the sick, otherwise they would lay their hands on them and they would be healed! And if they could in fact heal people, there would be no need for doctors, nurses, hospitals, health care etc……..
Pharisee Paul is a liar, so they fail repeatedly. we laid hands on him/her but turns out it was just the Lord’s time for him/her to go.
Mark and Luke are writings of Pharisees containing some of the testimony of John and Matthew, but most notably they exclude calling the Pharisees and scribes men of Satan, condemned to Hell, children of Hell as Christ says in Matthew 23:15, 23:33 and John 8:44. No where in Mark or Luke does it state that Pharisees and scribes never go to Heaven (Matthew 5:20), and that those who adopt a doctrine of Pharisees or scribes are children of Hell (Matthew 23:15).
Given the fact that church altars mock Temple servants (Hebrews 13:10), attend at risk to health and life and entry of evil spirits into your life:
1 Corinthians 11:30-31 Many are sick and have died because they were unworthy to take the Eucharist
It ain’t God bringing harm to ‘unworthy’ altar worshipers, it is evil spirits. The false apostle Paul agrees with the Beast – lets mock the Temple and Temple servants (Rev. 13:6).
All church altars should be required, as a result of lawsuits, to post a notice warning of what is stated in 1 Corinthians 11:30-31.
MIKE CLINTON, here dog child of Hell — yo freaky man what don’t you advise your readers what an ‘unworthy altar worshiper’ is so that churchgoers who are unworthy can avoid being made sick or killed for kneeling at church altars.
INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST, is what Mike Clinton is, children of Hell is what they are. Claiming to be of Christ, they are of Pharisee Paul and turn an eye where their Pharisee teaching is clearly Devil-speak!
Go ahead, Mike Clinton, Pharisee Paul convert, and explain what is the ‘law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ’? Spiritual teaching is what Clinton puts out, right people? And look how intellectually dishonest the child of Hell is. He won’t touch his master saying:
1. that Christ is suffering near or on a fire pyre with burning animal carcasses (Hebrews 13:11-13).
2. Temple servants have no right to eat at church altars (Hebrews 13:10), and Temple servants include those who praised Christ as he made his way into the Temple (Matthew Ch. 21). And to mock Temple servants of the Lord is to mock those who the Lord loves!
3. Gentiles are under a new law, ‘the law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ’ (Romans 8:2)
Clinton tries to appeal to people with a selfie, and he and his wife pic. Look to Mike Clinton for spiritual teaching, that is the position child of Hell Clinton puts himself in before people.
But when asked to explain some of his Pharisee master’s sayings, Clinton gives no answer. These are the children of Hell, they have no truth in them, they are full of darkness and lies.
Clinton preaches to his readers lies, saying that Pharisee Paul says that Christians are not under law, but under grace. But according to Pharisee Paul’s doctrine Christians ARE UNDER A LAW, which the Pharisee calls “the LAW of the spirit”, and Clinton refuses to explain what said law is!
Romans 8:2 For the LAW OF THE SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST freed me from the law of sin and death
Clinton the clown child of Hell refuses to explain to his readers what the law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ entails. WHAT IS THIS LAW OF YOUR MASTER PHARISEE, OH GREAT KNOWLEDGEABLE ONE CLINTON? Please explain to the people, great wise one teacher of Pharisee doctrine
Pharisee Paul says Christians have to obey Deuteronomy 25:4, as stated in 1 Corinthians 9:9-11 and 1 Timothy 5:16-18, and have to obey the ‘law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ’. SO CLINTON, explain to your churchgoing, Pharisee Paul-loving peeps what the heck is the scene imaged below in words? Why is Christ suffering and full of shame?
HEBREWS 13:11-13 The bodies of those beasts … are burned outside the camp. THAT’S WHERE THE LORD IS
Now you people who aren’t children of Hell can see how bankrupt children of Hell are. Intellectually dishonest, really really strange strange people. Clinton does NOT shrink away from Pharisee Paul who places Christ near or on fire with burning animal carcasses and says Christ is SUFFERING THERE! Clinton is a child of Hell, and these are the Christians who insist on Pharisee Paul tagging along:
Matthew 7:22-23 Many shall say to me in that day, Lord, Lord we did many wonderful works in your name … And I shall profess to them I NEVER KNEW YOU. Depart from me, workers of LAWLESSNESS
Clinton preaching ‘NO MORE LAW, grace’. And even there the child of Hell gets his master wrong because Pharisee Paul places his believers under LAW!!, the so-called ‘LAW OF THE SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST’, which law Clinton REFUSES to explain for his readers.
Move away from churches, move away from those who insist Pharisee Paul is of God, even when the truth is shown to them. Hebrews 13:10 and 13:11-13 is sufficient for Christians to hear to know their master Pharisee is not of God! But they are the children of Hell, like Mike Clinton, the many workers of lawlessness who Christ never knew and they end up in Hell. Like Clinton, the children of Hell ignore the sayings of their master Pharisee in the aforesaid versus. I have yet to run across a child of Hell who ventures an explanation for Hebrews 13:10 or Hebrews 13:11-13. The children of Hell are disgusting:
Matthew 23:15 CHRIST WARNS, adopt a doctrine of Pharisees and become twice the CHILD OF HELL than Pharisees
Acts 23:6 I AM A PHARISEE and the son of a Pharisee [generational men of Hell, Matthew 23:31)
Philippians 3:5 … I AM A PHARISEE of the TRIBE OF BENJAMIN
Genesis 49:1, 49:27 … in the last days … Benjamin is as a wolf who devours his prey and divides the spoils
Romans 15:27 I taught the Gentiles that it is their duty to give us money
John 4:19-24 CHRIST SAYS THERE ARE ONLY TWO ALTARS OF GOD, Jacob’s altar and the altar at Jerusalem. When neither exist for a time, the true worshipers worship in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH
I do evil but it ain’t me doing my evil deeds no man that sin in my flesh yeah my flesh is captive to to a law of sin and that’s sin doing my evil deeds. I don’t know how to do good I just don’t man. Every time I want to do good evil is present with me. I just give up man and you know it is what it is, I SERVE SIN, yeah I ain’t got no choice cause ya know all flesh is captive to a law of sin. I DO EVIL, I DO EVIL (Romans 7:16-25).
But then the Pharisee wolf reveals his fangs, condemns his Gentile fool followers to HELL:
Hebrews 10:26-27 Sin willfully after knowing the truth and you are forever CONDEMNED
Yes, that is what the wolf Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin really thinks of his Gentile prey, they all go to HELL because the fools believe they do evil because their flesh is captive to a law of sin, but sin after knowing Pharisee Paul’s gospel and you are condemned forever, so says the Pharisee.
SURPRISE, CHILDREN OF HELL, but not to those who love Christ because PAUL IS A PHARISEE and Pharisee’s are of Satan:
John 8:37 I know you are of the seed of Abraham
John 8:44 You are of Satan and the lusts of your father you do
Satan is Pharisee Paul’s father which is why he speaks as he does in Hebrews 13:11-13, Hebrews 13:10, Hebrews 10-26-27, 3 passages where his evilness is clearly on display, so clear that children of Hell Christians WON’T TOUCH IT!
No one will bother discussing anything with you because you are a noisome boor.
If you expect to be engaged in debate, learn some manners and conduct yourself like a man instead of an animal.
No one will bother discussing anything with you because you are a noisome boor.
If you expect to be engaged in debate, learn some manners and conduct yourself like a man instead of an animal.”
You need to start practicing what you’re preaching there.
Take the mote out of your own eye before you start on other people.
Whatever do you mean, Pix?
I have no problem at all attracting conversation and debate. As you can see for yourself.
If you’re still sore because of numerous throttleings you’ve received at my hands, then perhaps you should stop lying about Scripture. I told you I would give you a wide berth as long as you didn’t try to put any of your lies onto the Book.
Was I not true to my word?
Notice too that numeral beneath my comment to Pharisee.
You are the minority in this instance.
Happy hunting.
The Bible was not handed to mankind by God, nor was it dictated to human stenographers by God. It has nothing to do with God. In actuality, the Bible was VOTED to be the word of God by a group of men during the 4th century.
Emperor Constantine, who was Roman Emperor from 306 CE until his death in 337 CE, used what motivates many to action – MONEY! He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God. The Church leaders gathered together at the Council of Nicaea and voted the “word of God” into existence.
The Church leaders didn’t finish editing the “holy” scriptures until the Council of Trent when the Catholic Church pronounced the Canon closed. However, it seems the real approving editor of the Bible was not God but Constantine!
“Therefore, one can easily argue that the first Christian Bible was commissioned, paid for, inspected and approved by a pagan emperor for church use.”
“The Bible represents God to be a changeable, passionate, vindictive being; making a world and then drowning it, afterwards repenting of what he had done, and promising not to do so again. Setting one nation to cut the throats of another, and stopping the course of the sun till the butchery should be done.
“You believe in the Bible from the accident of birth, and the Turks believe in the Koran from the same accident, and each calls the other infidel. But leaving the prejudice of education out of the case, the unprejudiced truth is, that all are infidels who believe falsely of God, whether they draw their creed from the Bible, or from the Koran, from the Old Testament, or from the New.
The Pharisee Paul speaks of infidels (2 Cor. 6:15). What do Christians have to do with infidels, says the apostle. The Vatican Pharisees later concocted Koran doctrine to feed to other Gentiles. Satan’s men on earth, they are Jews of Satan (John 8:37, 8:44), who hate Gentiles.
The Pharisees pit Gentile Koran believers against Gentile ‘Paul’s gospel’ believers, and in both Pharisee doctrines is the term ‘infidels’. Just as Pharisees’ Koran teaches everyone outside their religion is an infidel, Pharisees’ Paul’s gospel teaches everyone outside the church is an infidel.
Christ does not say everyone who does not know the God of Israel is an evildoer. Christ is not about anything but LOVE, right relations – do unto others as you would have them to do you.
It is a FACT that not every kindred, tribe, nation or language that ever existed had an opportunity to know of the God of Israel, and in Revelation 5:9 it states there are some people from among every tribe, nation, language and kindred who make it to Heaven. And and for those who did evil, but would have repented if they had the Lord’s message, God knows and he judges fairly. Christ says that Sodom would still be in existence had the men seen his miracles, and therefore it will be more tolerable at judgment for those men who would have turned from evil deeds than for those who did see Christ’s miracles and still refused to turn from evil deeds (Matthew 11:23-24).
10 out of 10. Christianity is pagan Mithraism wearing a new name.
The living god is not a god of confusion, and his laws are clear. Ones religion is useless and the source of confusion(of the devil) mankind. The bible also is manmade, granted inspired by the holy spirit. So knowing these thing why do people persist in usless things? The devil has and continues to confuse on earth and yes he attacked the scriptures it clearly tells us so throughout the bible as he twisted them to the so called Jesus in the wilderness, so why do you not believe there are lies in the bible??? Yes Lucifer did alter the bible to suit his needs and yes even the bible asserts he allowed it and sent stron delusion that the people should believe the lie. Remember the Law of Moses. People search the scritures because they believe the will find or have salvation …NOT. They will go to hell because faith without works is dead. All sin must be punished with death and then comes Judgement. It is clear to me you guys do not read the bible at all in its fullness, meaning that Immanuel is the savior not Jesus it states that clearly within the scriptures in 2 places so why do you persist in calling him Jesus not Immanuel???
Isaiah 9:6 also says that Messiah’s Name is Pele-Yoez-Al-Gibbor-Abi-Ad-Sar-Shalom.
So why do you insist that everyone should call Him Immanu-El only?
Cause thats what the bible says. I doesnt mention Jesus anywhere except the new testament. Again see
Isaiah 7:14Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
God is not a god of confusion… If he said Immanuel then thats what it is not Jesus Christ which was impossible to call him back in the day because if you study language you wold know that the letter J was invented by the Persians in the 5-6th century and also why do you ask???
PS who decided to count down the years to zero from 35xxBC to 2013AD?? HMMM more here than meets the eye..
see Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Have you read Isaiah 9:6? It specifically says “His Name shall be called”
Why are you picking and choosing verses to swear by? Immanuel is a transliteration of Hebrew into English. Bible translators sometimes translate the phrase/name instead of transliterate it, i.e., ‘El with us’ or ‘God with us’ instead of Immanuel.
By the way, if you read Hebrew you would see the Prophet Isaiah very clearly referring to the Messiah as YESHUA, meaning salvation. He is directly called ‘salvation’ by the prophet in certain verses, and indirectly as ‘salvation’ in others.
And despite being Egyptian, you know full well that no one here is ignorant of the fact that ‘Jesus’ is an Anglicized version of the Greek Iesous. The point is this: He has a Hebrew name. Arguing over the other names amounts to little more than trivia. If you don’t agree with something recorded in the New Testament, then stick with what is certain…
…call Him Messiah.
And why do you make the image of an idol of the Sun God Horus your avatar?
the jews were never of the house of Israel. go back and see if you can find that in the bible
you are a lair and a fool
. Introduction
The tiny nation of Israel, reborn on Friday 14th May 1948, is of mighty significance in this troubled world. The speed at which modern Israel came into being is spectacular to say the least.
Isaiah 66: 8: “Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.”
With a population of about six million, Israel has now become the focus of world attention. Geographically and economically, Israel sits at the control centre of the world. Its capital, Jerusalem, has been revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims for centuries and the God of Israel, the Creator of the mighty universe, has been worshipped by billions of souls since time began.
Why does this tiny nation exert so great an influence on mankind? The answer is: because YAHWEH, the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is with Israel. Through Israel came His prophets. Through Israel came His law. Through Israel came the Holy Bible, and, most importantly, through Israel came YESHUA (Jesus) the King of Israel, the only begotten Son of God. Yes, the Almighty God is with Israel and that is why this tiny nation is so important. To be sure other nations and individuals count in God’s sight; but only as they consciously or unconsciously relate to His Son Jesus, His Holy Word the Bible, His Law and His People Israel. Let us now consider some little known facts about this amazing – almost incredible – nation.
Jesus said the Law will not be done away with while this present heaven and earth remain. For a different take on this subject, see:
Ezekiels Temple: A Christian Perspective on Animal Sacrifices in Eternity
What. No emoticons?
OK, this one’s for you BEEF
And here’s one for Pharisees
will come to save you, BEEF SUPREME & AM123
NOW, GO, Beef Supreme & AM123
your eternal existence memories for yourselves!
You are wrong Black Hole. We need to be saved from our sins.
The “sin” of “being BORN AGAINST MY WILL” here IN HELL??????
You have been haplessly and hopelessly brainwashed!

We need to be saved from ALL our sins.
Do you claim to be without sin?
and processing NO
FOR BEING HERE in the “amusement park”,
You are
Cause when a person does NOT agree with the WHOLE guilt-trip of your “concept of SIN, YOUR WHOLE “
goes right down the toilet, eh
God is a holy God and is a consuming fire. Sin is consumed in God’s holy presence. And so on the Day of Judgment, God’s presence will burn up all that are unholy and unrighteous. And everyone of their own accord is unholy and unrighteous. None of us are perfect and righteous and holy. Our “good works” are nothing but filthy rags in the sight of a perfect and holy God (see Isaiah 64:6). Sin separates men from God. So men who rest on their own merits cannot exist in the presence of a holy God without being consumed in the fire on the Day of Judgment.
But the GOOD NEWS is this: we have a mediator for us between us and God. His name is Jesus, the High Priest that meets our needs. For all those that accept Jesus, the Lamb of God, as the sacrifice for their sins and makes Him their Lord and Savior, they in effect “put on” the righteousness and holiness of Jesus Christ. So when God looks at them, He sees not their own righteous (or lack thereof) or holiness (or lack thereof), but He see the perfect holiness and righteousness of Jesus Christ. And such a person will be able to stand in the presence of God on the Day of Judgment without being consumed in the burning fire.
So who is your THIRD account there, Angry Injun. You, Plastic Boy, and who else?
I’m your huckleberry.
Oh, Crazy, and demented am123 boy!
You know, I do not like being told by the likes of YOU that “your” violent and crazy “god” is going to TORTURE ME FOR ALL ETERNITY IF I DO NOT “BOW DOWN” TO YOUR “Imaginary god”!
Am123 boy, you have a spiritually transmitted disease called “Caucasian Male god Spiritual Clap”, AND THERE IS NO KNOWN CURE! You must be isolated so you DO NOT spread the “Caucasian Male god Spiritual Clap” to others.
I cannot affect you AT ALL in the afterlife, but I can here.
Here is my “wish list”, which I will send as “reality” to you.
I WANT YOU am123 Boy, TO HAVE and SUFFER FROM THE MOST PAINFUL OF CANCERS, ALL AT ONCE, type 1 diabetes, all kinds of mental dementia (which you show DEFINITE signs of suffering from RIGHT NOW, you LUNATIC for god), Full blown AIDS (with wasting & starvation), complete organ failure, I want you, literally, ON YOUR KNEES (your favorite position with a “male” god, eh? Am123 Boy?) BEGGING YOUR god for “death” RIGHT NOW IN THIS LIFE TIME!
I mean, any time you want to commit jesus-cide, just like your cowardly MALE god “jesus” did, when he “allowed” his own murder, FEEL FREE TO DO SO! And know this am123 BOY, not one person will care nor “miss you” on this entire earth, YOU SPIRITUAL TERRORIST in life here on earth!
Now, “get six feet underground, beneath me”, ASAP, there, oh, UGLY, WHITE-SKINNED, STUPID, DEMENTED AND violent am123 THE Spiritual BULLY Boy!
Can you feel the hate coming your way, there, oh, UGLY, WHITE-SKINNED, STUPID, DEMENTED AND violent am123 THE BULLY Spiritual Boy?
The crazy white-skinned “maniac for god”???????
You really ARE Legion, Angry Injun.
Do they charge you extra for rent?
Wasn’t it you guys that invented the Peace Pipe?
What the hell happened to yours?
Did it get repossessed?
(I’m bustin’ your chops, Injun. Don’t blow a gasket. No matter how much you hate me and am123, you can never make us hate you back.)
Regarding your wish list, sorry to disappoint you, but I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and have divine health. And I have receive a wonderful thing called grace. Me and my Abba are more than thisclose.
As to your hate
coming my way…..may God forgive and bless you
I guarantee you, Beef Cake Boy, that when we are done doing to you AND YOUR KIND what you evil christians have done on the face of this earth in the name of your EVIL HUMAN GOD “jesus”, YOU WILL HATE ME!
That is a promise, AND I AM NOT ‘BUSTING YOUR CHOPS”!
You got nothing, Injee-poo.
You can beat me and you can torture me and you can kill me and you can eat me.
You can never make me hate you.
You know not what you do. Your wheels are stuck in the mud and all you’re doing is making a mess. Your speedometer says 120 mph but you’re going nowhere because you are walking in darkness.
I don’t care how many “Christians” have done you and your kind wrong. If they did, they were operating AGAINST the orders of the Most High.
Anyone who has ever done you wrong did so ILLEGALLY. And they will pay what they owe.
You ain’t the Judge, home-slice. And you have no idea the true nature of the world you’re living in because YOUR FATHERS inherited lies just like MY FATHERS did.
Suck it up. Justice is coming.
REAL Justice.
We will see when your mother & father, sister, and brother, kids, wife are HELD BEFORE YOU AND BURNED & TORTURED FOR REAL ON THIS EARTH OF HELL, WHETHER YOU WILL BE SO ‘CAVILER’ THEN AS TO “hating me” or not, FOOL!
Your eternal horse-sh-t about “waiting for justice” holds no water here at all!
THE ONLY WAY TO GAIN Justice on earth, is to retaliate against you WAR-MONGERING PIGS, all of you, right NOW!
I AM NOT WAITING FOR YOUR SILLY, concocted and completely “fantasy” god to do it FOR ME, BEEF CAKE BOY!
Go to your white-skinned god, Beef Cake Boy, AND ROT IN YOUR OWN-MADE HELL, FOREVER!
I know I shouldn’t egg you on, Injun. So I’ll part with these words only.
I truly hope you manage to find some enjoyment in this life before the bottom drops out. Because whether you believe in the prophecies or not, even a blind man can see that time is getting very short.
You are of no use to yourself when you’re overflowing with rage and hate. Even if you are right about your reasons, Injun, and even if your hate is 100% justified, you still have made it impossible for you to see things clearly. Man’s mind can’t bake in wrath the way you bake, and not be negatively effected. Your physical health is probably crap, and it’s that way (at least in part) because you succumb to rage. You are in chains. And I don’t wish your condition on anyone.
So I will happily absorb your rage whenever we meet on these boards, and I will never spit anything back at you. I won’t even bust your chops any more. I no longer feel at liberty to joke around with one in a condition such as yours. I really wish I could help you escape from your rage. A man can’t even breathe right when he’s bound as tightly as you are.
So you keep right on hating me. I’ll take it. And then maybe you’ll be able to catch your breath one of these days and look for something less damaging to your spirit to hang on to.
Peace brother.
“Love” is a made up white-skinned English language CONCEPT, stupid boy!
Go to google translate, type in love, THEN translate it into Russian, or Mandarin or Cantonese Chinese, or any of the “Stan” languages and you will see, THEY DO NOT HAVE A CLUE ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE “BABBLING” ABOUT! (Just like your book of Babble” PURE, Unadulterated BULLSH-T!)
Then, Beef Cake boy, go do the same thing with the English word “HATE”!
There is absolutely NO PROBLEM AT ALL with that word’s translation!
I LOVE HATE! It is truly one of the purest, most universal human emotions there is!
Especially sanctimonious, violent, demented, hoarding, and soon to be extinct on this earth, “christians”!
I WANT YOU TO LIVE TO SEE the earthly “extinction” of your “religion”, Beef Cake Boy!
And I am making a living “spreading the good word” EVERY DAY of the PURE Human HATRED I have for your kind!
I am NOT kidding, and you should know that I am NOT DOING THIS FOR “SH-TS AND GIGGLES”, like you!
We are going to end your kind’s tyranny, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
This god/jesus cat is quite the killer/failure figure. So full of love that if you don’t OBEY you will be TORTURED BEYOND BELIEF for ALL ETERNITY! WOW, what a “loving” god you’ve got there, Christian LUNATICS!!!
Time dispenses EVERYTHING as it is the MIGHTY ALL and this includes the god that Man MADE and shoved down our throats AGAINST OUR WILL.
For, I do not give 2 sh_ts about your “nightmare” afterlife.
ONLY, the here & now!
Good night!
Happy new year!
Christian authors exclaim against the practice of offering up human sacrifices, which, they say, is done in some countries; and those authors make those exclamations without ever reflecting that their own doctrine of salvation is founded on a human sacrifice. They are saved, they say, by the blood of Christ. The Christian religion begins with a dream and ends with a murder.
As to the book called the Bible, it is blasphemy to call it the Word of God. It is a book of lies and contradictions, and a history of bad times and bad men. There are but a few good characters in the whole book. The fable of Christ and his twelve apostles, which is a parody on the sun and the twelve signs of the zodiac, copied from the ancient religions of the eastern world, is the least hurtful part.
Everything told of Christ has reference to the sun. His reported resurrection is at sunrise, and that on the first day of the week; that is, on the day anciently dedicated to the sun, and from thence called Sunday – in Latin Dies Solis, the day of the sun; and the next day, Monday, is Moon-day. But there is no room in a letter to explain these things.
Thomas Paine
“THOMAS PAINE” — was a deist, a Rosicrucian, and an enemy of YHWH. His opinion on these matters is even less admissible than yours. He was a better writer than you.
Go sell it to Jordan Maxwell, Theosophy boy. But thanks for not bothering with a five mile cut-and-paste which you conveniently ‘forget’ to cite. Maybe you would enjoy having a glass of vinegar with the Angry Injun. I do believe he’s in Canada.
“lies and contradictions”. as a supposed seeker of truth you can’t read a map.. and you reference “ancient religions of the eastern world”? heh, you really are lost. or blind. perhaps led astray by what you have found but fail to understand. you must go to the foci. but first you must determine points of origin. such are 360′s but your wandering absurdity is a linear result. the all is not linear and The Word IS True. was from the beginning and will be as was.
no doubt you find this to be meaningless riddle. that has been your problem from the start.
Where is the evidence that the person called Jesus Christ is the begotten Son of God? The case admits not of evidence either to our senses or our mental faculties: neither has God given to man any talent by which such a thing is comprehensible.
It cannot therefore be an object for faith to act upon, for faith is nothing more than an assent the mind gives to something it sees cause to believe is fact. But priests, preachers, and fanatics, put imagination in the place of faith, and it is the nature of the imagination to believe without evidence.
If Joseph the carpenter dreamed (as the book of Matthew (i) says he did), that his betrothed wife, Mary, was with child by the Holy Ghost, and that an angel told him so, I am not obliged to put faith in his dreams; nor do I put any, for I put no faith in my own dreams, and I should be weak and foolish indeed to put faith in the dreams of others.
The Christian religion is derogatory to the Creator in all its articles. It puts the Creator in an inferior point of view, and places the Christian devil above Him. It is he, according to the absurd story in Genesis, that outwits the Creator in the Garden of Eden, and steals from Him His favorite creature, man, and at last obliges Him to beget a son, and put that son to death, to get man back again; and this the priests of the Christian religion call redemption.
Christian authors exclaim against the practice of offering up human sacrifices, which, they say, is done in some countries; and those authors make those exclamations without ever reflecting that their own doctrine of salvation is founded on a human sacrifice. They are saved, they say, by the blood of Christ. The Christian religion begins with a dream and ends with a murder.
Now we (should) want to obey the Law of God ALL of it including the one that was given by God to Moses!!
The terms to describe Torah תּוֹרָה H8451 are fantastic f.e.:
Perfect (try adding anything to that when God says it) Ps 19:7
Truth (who was named truth as well??) Mal 2:6
Good doctrine (Paul warned us that we would turn away our ears from good doctrine and listen to fables…) Pro 4:2
The Pharisees FALSELY accused Stephen in Acts!! You now using it to support this Law is abolished claim would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Not to mention it would contradict the words of the Messiah who never told us the Law would be abolished!! (not in O.T. or N.T.)
In Deu 13 God tells Moses that His test to see if His people love Him is if they will follow ANYBODY that tells them not to obey His commandments….seems to me that you are (well intended I’m sure) doing that….Mat 5:19!!
Using Acts 28:26-28 to support this fable is also funny, to everyone that reads it the meaning is that they will not accept Jesus as the Messiah!! It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the Law being abolished!?!?!
Especially as it follows right after the statement of Paul that he is trying to win people to Christ with/out of Moses and the prophets!!
Hebrews is the most difficult one to understand but correctly interpreted it doesn’t mean Gods perfect Instructions are no more to be followed!! It means that the High Priest changed because that was a part with imperfect humans who had to make sacrifice for their own sins before they could do it for the people. Now Yeshua has that role, but as you can read in Eze 40-48 offerings (with This (The) High Priest) will resume in the New Temple!!
I would very carefully read Mat 5:17-19 again brother Micheal because heaven and earth are still here and Jesus still has to come back so that means that not one jot or tittle has past away from the Law and prophets [=Tenach/O.T.] and Yeshua clearly says that if you brake one of the least commandments (oops all guilty….what now??) AND (pff got of by the: and!!) TEACHES OTHERS SO (seems to me that is what you are (well intended I’m sure) doing….) SHALL BE CALLED THE LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN[!!!] (that is good and bad news…..)
“We are now living under grace not law. Grace is the power and the desire to do God’s will. [AMEN] Law means you must obey God; [God ALWAYS LOOKED AT THEIR HEART] grace means you want to obey God.[AMEN]
In the Age of Grace we no longer tell people that you must do this or that to be saved. [God NEVER TOLD US THAT EITHER, THAT WAS WHAT THE TRIBE OF JUDAH (well intended I''m sure) MADE OF IT BUT IT WAS FALSE!!] We tell them about Jesus. [AMEN] When a person accepts Christ and the Holy Spirit comes in, a new desire to love and obey God is given.[AMEN and we can find His will in THE WHOLE WORD OF GOD as we can read in 2 Tim 3:16 which at that point I might add was still just the Tenach, but even if you want to include some or all of the N.T. it never says don't obey Gods perfect Instructions]
Don’t tell a person he MUST obey, tell him about Jesus [AMEN, but not telling them they MUST obey (I have great difficulty with the term MUST as well) is not the same as TELLING THEM THE MUST NOT OBEY BECAUSE IT IS ABOLISHED!!! and that is exactly what you are doing!!)
As you said correctly: We obey Him because we love Him and are grateful for what He did for us!! NOT to get saved, the just shall live by faith!!
The Spirit will lead us to follow Gods Word Jer 31:31-34 and Eze 36:26-27 the Torah (His Instructions) will be written on our heart, but we have a difficulty hearing the Spirit and that is were it pinches. The Spirit will show you but you must be willing to hear!!
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they will not listen to the SOUND DOCTRINE [Torah pso 4:2], but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; 4 and will turn away their ears from the TRUTH [Torah Mal 2:6], and turn aside to fables.
God bless in His love connected!!
??? why do you want to lie? Why do you lie about what Pharisee Paul states? Or are you just stupid and do not understand that Pharisee Paul teaches that Moses’ law is death written in stone and was NAILED TO THE CROSS – Colossians 2:14. You claim you read Paul’s instructions, but miss he declares God’s law the ‘law of sin and death’?
This is the Pharisee’s doctrine, and he is the one who set up churches for Gentiles:
Romans 8:2 The LAW of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ freed me from the law of sin and death
STOP PREACHING LIES Christians, saying you are under no law, but under grace. That is NOT what your Pharisee master teaches.
Christians, your Pharisee master says you must follow one, and only one, command of Moses, Deuteronomy 25:4, because your master says said command is God’s instruction to Gentiles telling them PAY MONEY TO THE PHARISEES
no kidding, here’s the Christians’ master Pharisee:
1 Corinthians 9:9-11 You think God cares about oxen? That command was written for us. Now pay your church rulers well
Same in 1 Timothy 5:16-18, where some Gentiles are asking for a little bit of money out of the church cash flow to take care of Gentile widows in the church, and Pharisee Paul says, you guys take care of your own widows and don’t be looking to charge the church. Now heed Moses’ command and pay us well!
PAUL’S DOCTRINE IS that Christians, (the Gentile suckered and duped and Gentile children of Hell converts to Paul’s gospel, Matthew 23:15), are under the LAW of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ and under Deuteronomy 25:4.
I fully don’t expect child of Hell because he converted to a Pharisee’s teaching Mike Clinton to inform his fellow children of Hell of the foregoing, ‘grace, no more Moses’ law, is his schtick, though that is NOT what Pharisee Paul preaches.
MIKE CLINTON LOVES to lead people astray from Christ. So many little devils that want the attention for themselves.
JOHN 10:11 I am the good Shepard and I know my sheep and my sheep know me
The above truth leaves no room for priests, pastors, ministers, the legion of men and women who claim intermediary position. But Pharisee Paul lied to the Gentiles saying:
2 Corinthians 5:6 While we are in the body, we are absent from the Lord
The Pharisee gives Gentiles intermediaries to make up for the absence of the Lord, but it is a LIE that the Lord is absent from his people while they are on earth, and the intermediaries Pharisee Paul appointed were men, the hired shepards:
Hebrews 13:17 OBEY and SUBMIT YOURSELVES to those who teach you God’s words because they are appointed by God to watch out for your souls
The OPPRESSION of the church upon people, as they appointed themselves watchers of souls, come to the church altars and the spiritual rulers of the churches, say the Christians. Pay us money, it is your godly duty to give money to churches, say Christians.
MATTHEW 28:20 … I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, even to the end of the world
Hell is the destiny of the children of Hell converts to Paul’s gospel, they block entry to Heaven, just as Pharisees do. To Hell with their lying grace doctrine!
AS TO STEPHEN in the book of Hebrews, that disgusting writing of Pharisees that declares Christ suffers with burning animal carcasses and is full of shame (Hebrews 13:11-13), Stephen was a freaking joker who was opposed by the JEWS OF THE LORD of Asia, and other provinces.
The Jews of Asia had Pharisee Paul removed from God’s Temple (Acts 21:27-30). And everything the Jews of Asia say of Pharisee Paul is true. He goes around preaching against Jews, against the Temple and against Moses’ law
Hebrews 13:10 Gentiles have an altar that those who serve the Tabernacle [Temple] have no right to eat at (keep in mind those who praised the Lord on his way to the Temple are among the Temple servants, Matthew Ch. 21, also to speak against Temple servants is to speak against THE OWNER of the Temple, CHRIST!)
Romans 8:2 The law of the spirit in the life of Jesus Christ freed me from the law of sin and death [Paul's description of Moses' law, it is 'sin and death'. God says his law is perfect, converting souls, Psalm 19:7]
Colossians 2:14 Christ nailed the law of God to the cross
Or as some translations have it, ‘the handwriting of ordinances that were against us’, which is referring to Moses’ law aka law of God. God’s law converts souls, for evildoers who hear: do not steal, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not bear false witness – and they decide to obey, their soul is converted from being an evildoer to being in the light, being righteous.
Oh my facebook page is here richard morrison of invernes florida. Peace
I don’t know how I got here, all of the way down at the bottom of this page, surrounded by three insane characters full of rottenness, ‘un-cleverness’, and vanity.
I leave you fellas to it. Enjoy the waters in which you swim. They’re all yours.
SO now you deleted the truth from the page was it too much for yall?? HUH?? People get a life before it gets you… you are all pathetic…..
Yes at this moment the Mercy Seat Is Filled… For all to See And Hear… The Judgement Seat Is Next … The Name EDEN… Eve Delivers Everyone Now… And Mother Earth Has No Mercy… Enjoy The Show she is about to bring it down on all that Deny The Grace And Patience of the Mercy Seat…
It is clearly written what saves or condemns one in the End… Everyone Needs Directions… It is by what comes from that mouth… It will either save you or condemn you…
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for … For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. ….. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick…
The Word FAITH… Father Abba Is Truly Here… As The Name ADAM reveals… Abbas Day As Man… Enjoy the Show…
Pft, Jesus preached 8 essential criteria for qualification for heaven including: To keep all the old Jewish laws better than the law keepers, that includes the over 100 laws on ritual animal sacrifices. To love your neighbor as yourself. To hate your mother, father, brothers, sisters, the entire world. To sell everything you own, give the proceeds to the poor. And to follow him like a disciple.
I don’t know of a single person who practices what Jesus preached… Do you?
i do but Jesus is not his nameo