Genesis 49:10 NLT The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor.
Jesus is: “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David”. Rev. 5:5
Genesis 38 is a strange chapter in the Bible. The dramatic story of Joseph is interrupted by this parenthetic chapter to tell us about the birth of Pharez. This tells us that what is recorded here has great significance.
In chapter 38, Judah marries a Canaanite woman and has three sons by her: Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er married a girl named Tamar. Er was a very wicked man and died before the couple could have a child. According to the Jewish Levirate Law, it was his brother Onan’s responsibility to marry the widow and produce a child in the name of his dead brother. Onan had sex with the widow but practiced birth control to keep from getting her pregnant. This displeased God and Onan died too. After losing two sons to Tamar Judah began to worry about giving her his last son Shelah, so, Judah put her off and sent her back home to her parents.
Now, later on, Judah’s Canaanite wife died too. Tamar knew that Judah was not going to let her marry the third son. After some time had passed, Judah went up to a kind of party that was held when they sheared the sheep. Tamar knew he would be going so she put on the attire of a prostitute and sat by the side of the road where Judah would be traveling, and, sure enough, he propositioned her. (How she knew he would do this is interesting. Evidently, Judah and his sons had a problem with self control.) Tamar got pregnant and had twins…Pharez and Zarah. Pharez became an ancestor of the Messiah and you will find Pharez’s name at the very top of the genealogy of the Messiah in Matthew.
The Messianic line had to avoid any mixture with the Canaanites. We see this in Abraham’s charge to his servant about arranging a wife for Isaac:
Genesis 24: 2-3 So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had, “Please, put your hand under my thigh, “and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell;
In order to save the human race the Messiah had to be human, he had to be one of us. This is taught clearly in the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer. If a man was sold into slavery he could only be redeemed by a close relative, If the Messianic line could be corrupted, redemption would be impossible.
The first attempt by Satan to corrupt the line is recorded in Genesis six when the angels intermarried with human women and had mixed offspring that were half human, half angel. These human hybrids became giants. This corruption became so prevalent that Noah and his family were the only ones not to be contaminated by it.
Genesis 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
“Perfect in his generations” means he was uncorrupted in his pedigree; he had a pure human blood line.
Genesis 6: 1-2 & 4 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they [were] beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose… There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore [children] to them. Those [were] the mighty men who [were] of old, men of renown.
This giant offspring are called “Nephilim”.
Genesis six says that there were giants before the flood “and also afterward”. When Satan realized that the people of the Messiah had been given the land of Canaan he tried to corrupt the land with the Nephilim. The people who lived in Canaan (The Canaanites) had giant offspring. When the Jews came to posses the land they were confronted by these giants. This is what they said they saw :
Numbers 13:33 NIV We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”
Tamar was of Jewish descent. Her name is Jewish and means “palm tree”. The Messianic line could not have come from Judah’s wife or the three sons she bare but it could come through Tamar. By taking the action she did, Tamar became an ancestor of the Messiah, and continued the line through Judah.
Mike Clinton
Ever since you posted the Mr. and Mrs. Law bit, it has been hard to think of much else. You reach many people with your teachings. God requires the truth.
I know you as well as most think the Law of God is harsh and must be put aside. When I use the term Law I am referring to the 10 Commandments, the statutes, judgments and precepts. When God made a statute the land must not be planted every seventh year He knows where of He speaks, our food today is destroying out health.
Our God is a God of Law. Everything under the Heavens is ruled and regulated by Law. The solar system is understandable and predictable once the laws that govern it are understood. Huge structures are erected by known law. Farming and all agriculture are ruled by law. Everything under the sun is controlled by known laws.
There are the laws of thermodynamics, physic on and on. Our whole civilization is built upon laws of God that govern everything man does. We are in deep trouble because we will not obey. When our Creator gives us Laws, statutes and precepts and tells us it is in our best interest to obey, man screams. Man has refused to Obey since Adam and Eve.
If God really has no continued use for HIS law why does He have Ezekiel write these words?
2: 3 “And He said unto me son of man I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious
nation that hath rebelled against Me they and their fathers have transgressed
against Me even unto the very day.”
2:4 For they are impudent children and stiff hearted. I do send thee unto them and thou
shalt say unto them Thus Saith the LORD GOD.”
Then in chapters 5 and 6 God tells how the House of Israel is to be punished for transgressing the Law. And by the way this is what is coming to the U.S. and soon. Why would God punish Israel by causing 2/3 to die and the remaining third to be taken into captivity for transgressing Laws that He plans on pitching out later? That does not make sense even to a flawed human. It is wrong today but tomorrow not so much??
In Nehemiah 9: 13, 14; God caused to be written;
13 “Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai and spakest with them from heaven and
gave them right judgments and true laws, good statutes and commandments.
14 “ And madest known unto them the Holy Sabbath and Commandedest them
precepts, statutes and laws by the hand of Moses thy servant.”
I know I do not need to quote the scriptures that state God changes not! If God says His Sabbath, Commandments, precepts, statues and laws are true and good, why would He change them or worse pitch them out as harsh? They are only good for a little while?? Then out the door??
When Jesus Christ walked the earth He gave many reasons why He came to earth and also explained what He did not come to do. In Matthew there are three statements that deserve to be dissected and studied.
Matthew 5:
17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
The word Christ used to explain what He came to do – “to”- the Law is “fulfil” # 4137 ‘Pleroo’, also means; “to make full” or “to complete”. This is exactly what He did. The existing Law was included as part of the First Covenant or contract as a physical law for physical Israel. When Christ came to earth He completed the Law by restoring it again back to Spiritual as well, and in other words He made the Law full again, He filled it up! Not only can you not murder a person but you can now no longer even hate that person in your mind. The physical law is now spiritual as well, it is now complete.
The majority of nominal Christians believe He came to destroy the Law as it is against us. We know it is impossible for physical humans to keep it. So said God.
The Law proves we are unrepentant sinners. This is an easy one; If we void the Law we are no longer sinners, humans are clever creatures! And if we can wish it away forever we never have to repent and are free to do our own WILL.
18 “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
This verse some claim proves the Law is destine to vanish! First of all, heaven and earth are not going to pass a way the surface will be cleansed and recreated Holy just before God the Father comes down to make earth His Throne. As an aside; God created the earth the first time, then it was destroyed in the war with Satan, the second time of creation was shown in Genesis 1 & 2 when God restored it for man. Now this third and final time it is created for the Family of God.
Next, the rest of the verse does not say “it will” pass away it simply says not even a jot, the smallest letter or a mark could possibly be eliminated until all is completed. When all is complete there will be no flesh, no human beings. The purpose for the existence of flesh will be completed and all will be spirit. Thus the need for the physical component of the Law could be fulfilled. Spirit can not be murdered nor can they commit adultery as they do not marry in the Family or Household of God. The spiritual law will remain forever; it is still possible to commit spiritual adultery by worshiping something other then the Father. The Angels of God also keep the spiritual law and will forever.
I can bring up Mark 7; 7-9, Isaiah 30: 9, or Isaiah 42: 21 again showing Christ will magnify the law, when you magnify it become bigger. Even in the last book, Revelation 22: 14 it says those that DO His commandments will gain eternal life and may enter into the city of God. Do is an action word! Belief is a statement word, doing the will of God is an ACTION.
I am not mad at you, I know I am coming across in a forceful way but I love the Law of God, The law of God is LOVE! That Law of love is Eternal. I know you will agree that our God is Righteousness, but righteousness is defined so by the law, if God the Father is, has been and always will be righteous, then the law that defines righteousness must also be eternal.
My only purpose is to inspire you to a deeper study.
Here is verse 19;
19 “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. “
The meaning in verse 19 changes a little when you check on the meaning of “break”, ‘Luo’ #3089 also carries the meaning to loose, to release or to dissolve. Let’s just look at only one Commandment, the fourth. Christ is saying if someone like a minister or priest teaches you that the 4th Commandment is no longer in effect, he dissolves it, he is the least in the Kingdom or government of God. And the counter to that is If they do teach it they shall be called great in the Kingdom.
This quote of Jesus Christ is clear, yes others can be found to cloud the meaning, but His statements in verse 17, 18 & 19 should prevail. When each scripture is read and studied word for word it is crystal clear.
How do men read what Christ said in these verses and go forth teaching the Law is done away? God has shown in many places through out His Word, that men are blinded to His Truth. They will read and not comprehend, they will see and miss the tree right in front of them and what they hear, like to old ditty says, it is in one ear and out the other. Men will scour the Book to find one scripture with a questionable meaning or one that can be manipulated and make a doctrine.
Those that teach the Law are called great in the Kingdom of Heaven which is on earth during the Reign of Jesus Christ and then after that God has no further use for it???
I will side with David the man after God’s own heart; “ Oh how love I thy Law it is my meditation all the day”. “Thy righteousness is as everlasting righteousness and thy LAW is Truth.” God inspired David to write the 119 psalm, why?
Yes I am well aware the called of Christ are under grace which simply means Jesus paid in our stead the penalty for our sins. Grace is not a license to sin.
Again I am not angry, I have a zeal for The Way, and that Way includes the Law of God.
I do not have time this morning to write another explanation. Your definition of grace is not accurate. You define grace the way most Christians do. I looked up every reference to grace in the Greek New Testament. It does not mean unmerited favor. Now listen very closely: grace means the inward power God gives as you yield to Him. That is how the Greek word is used. IT DOES NOT MEAN UNMERITED FAVOR. You write like I am encouraging people to be disobedient. You will not find that in my writings. I am encouraging people to yield to God and receive the inward power and desire to do His will.
unmerited favor? I did not earn the payment Christ made for me.
Grace is payment for our sins, when a called out one repents is baptized and by the laying on of hands receives the gift of the Father’s Holy spirit, then through the Holy Spirit they have the power to put God first. Christ came and did exactly everything His Father showed Him to do.
Every thing He did, He saw the Father doing. The Father was keeping the LAW or Christ would not have.
Christ was the meekest to have ever lived. Meekness is surrendering your will to the will of the Father exactly as did Christ as our example to follow. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives God’s Saints the power to turn their lives over to God the Father and follow Christ as He follows the Father.
The Father keeps His own law and never changes. The 10 Commandments are eternal as is the Sabbath.
It is obvious that you do not know your New Testament. I keep the Law better than you do.
Titus 3:9 NLT Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time.
The law of Moses is not Jewish.
In Genesis 49 Jacob gives his 12 sons blessings. These blessings are not for them to become a homogenous people but for each tribe to have different attributes, proclivities and personalities. Jacob believed God; he knew they were to become many nations not just a small people known as Jews scattered throughout the world.
Mike if you think that all Israelite’s are Jews, you are missing a key to understand Bible prophecy.
Do yourself a favor and review all the promises God made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
They are yet to be fulfilled with those called Jews. Just one, Abraham was promised 100′s of millions of folks coming from him and many nations. the Jews are about 20 million and one tiny little spot of 6 million.
Here is a fellow that understood way back in 1903. J. H. Allan wrote JUDAH’S SCEPTER AND JOSEPH’S BIRTHRIGHT.
What I said about law and grace can be found in Romans 7&8. Have you read it? It says the same thing I said.
I have read Romans and have studied the new as well as the old, I do my best to live by every word of God.
I John 2: 3, 4
3 “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His
4 “He that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the
truth is not in him.”
Mike what set me off is the Mr & Mrs Law piece, that is saying that the Law is evil and cruel and when grace came the old bad evil mean law went away and then with out the Law of God the women live a very happy life. That my friend is a lie of Satan. He also is condemn by the Law.
I quoted David in PS 119, a man after God’s own heart. That God that David is like in heart is Jesus Christ. Christ is the God in the old testament, Christ wrote the Law with His own finger so says John 1. It is not His Fathers Law that Christ came to make it go away so we can live a better life.
And yes I have read Romans;
Romans 7: 7, 12
7 “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God Forbid, Nay! I had not known sin
but by the law; for I had not known lust except the law has said “Thou shalt not covet”.
The Law is the list of what sin is, there is no other way for humans to know what sin is without God first giving us the list.
12 “Wherefore the law is Holy and the Commandment Holy and Just and Good”.
Therefore the Law is Spiritually clean, the Law is just and produces only Good. Physical or spiritual fornication produces very harmful results but observing the law, living with in the law, produces only good results
Now post the first seven verses of Romans seven without a comment.
Mike I realize what you think this says, “we are now delivered from the law”, you are thinking we no longer have anything to do with the law! but we are delivered from the penalty of the law is what that says. The Law is simply a list of what sin IS.
If there is no list of what sin is — there is no sin. No sin — no penalty. Thus no need to repent, repent of what?
In Romans 7 in the first 4 verses Paul is saying the 7th Commandment about adultery is in effect, he is speaking to gentiles, and now Christ can remarry because He died and is free to remarry. He was married to the children of Israel but divorce them. And we also are dead as we joined in the Death of Christ at baptism.
We are dead to the law by the body of Christ, we sure are that is why He died.
Paul has cause many problems, Christ is aware and has allowed it. If Christ wanted His WAY to be crystal clear, it would be! There are thousands of “ways” and only one is right. Christ said narrow is the way and few that find it, not word for word, The Way is hid only to be relieved by God.
I know you have read 1 John 3: 15 & 16, why do you suppose this was said by the Apostles John? In this same book 1 John 2: 3, 4 John says if you do not keep the Commandments of God you have no idea who Christ is. DO we ignore this statement?
The overwhelming evidence says the Law, the 10 Commandments, are eternal, and the Saints of God are to keep them. I do my best including # 4. That is the day Christ is Lord of.
So, you never, travel on the Sabbath, pick up anything, only eat precooked meals, and never go out to eat, is that right? If you do then you are a hypocrite.
The only travel permitted on the Sabbath is to and from fellowship — as in AT the Temple or AT the domicile of a nearby brother.
Food preparation is not permitted on the Sabbath. All food prep must be done the day prior, thus ‘preparation day.’
The following should be a conversation finisher — but of course it will not be:
YHWH is addressing the end times generation in Malachi 4 — the final chapter of the Old Testament. And He says “Remember ye the Law of Moses.” Ditto with Isaiah chapter 14: YHWH is castigating end timers and telling them that the reason they are being SMASHED into dust is because they abandoned the Law of Moses. Can it really get any clearer than that?
The Law of Moses, which is the TORAH OF YHWH, is for ever — or at least until these Heavens and this Earth pass away.
I don’t believe that Saturday is the actual Sabbath, but in the absence of a complete understanding of the fully functioning Scriptural Calendar, Saturday Sabbath observance will have to do. It is the Sabbath ‘observed.’ Sun up to sun down, incidentally — there is no such thing as a 24 hour ‘day’ in Scripture. There are 12 hours in a day. The day is set apart from the night. The ONLY Sabbath in Scripture which is commanded to be observed for a 24 hour period is the observance for the Day of Atonement: “From even unto even, shall ye celebrate your (Day of Atonement) Sabbath.”
Nothing we do can secure to us our salvation, but we are ordered not to sin. Only the Torah (the Instruction) — the Law of Moses — teaches us how to live according to our Father’s commandments. None of us knows how to live. None of us. The Law is to be our guide. It can therefore never be abandoned if we are to successfully negotiate the straight and narrow Path.
Submitted for the consideration of the brethren only — Mr. Beef is no kind of authority on anything, nor does he pretend to be.
Well, Well, Mr Beef. It’s been a long time brother. Good to hear from you again.
Romans 14:5 One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.
this is my last post on this. I know you will appreciate that fact
I follow everything Jesus Christ did and tells us to do as well as the Apostles.
I follow the Bible both old and new but not the Talmud, that is Jewish and not the word of God.
Did Jesus Christ set a limit on travel, on getting food when hungry from where ever?
I also keep the Lev, 23 Holy Days, I keep none of the catholic created days like sunday, easter, xmas.
You might look into the 7 Holy Day – they are the shadow of the Plan of God.
For insistence Pentecost foreshadowed the coming of the Holy Spirit.
There is no question about that, Mike.
Whichever way this thing plays out… our brother Paul is going to get an earful from a rather large audience wondering why he wasn’t as clear as he probably should been. Unless Paul’s writings have been horribly tampered with, he is going to have to explain his wording to one group of believers or another.
That said — I might ask if: If it is possible to imagine coming across a copy of the Bible having never heard it spoken of by men before. Neither spoken of by Christian believers, by pastors, nor by any other Church authority. If you were reading the Bible for the very first time knowing nothing about it, do you think you would come away from your first reading believing that Paul had stated that the Law of Moses has been fulfilled, once and for all, by Messiah, and is no longer required to be obeyed and observed? Considering the magnitude of importance which is placed on the concept of obedience in the Old Testament, this is a question worthy of our uttermost scrutiny and contemplation.
Incidentally — your brother Beef has been reading most of these postings for the past few months without commenting. I have come to be able to identify a Mike Clinton headline on the homepage from a mile away. You do good work Mike. In the above posting, I thought your observation on the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer was particularly poignant. I had never even considered that connection before. Your postings are always well worth reading.
Well Truthseeker, that’s what I figured. Sounds like your Sabbath keeping is no different than the man on the street.
Thanks Mr. Beef for your very encouraging words. It is interesting that you mention coming to the Bible with a mind without preconceptions. I am reading Pember’s “Earth’s Earliest Ages” again and that is exactly how he said we should always come to the Word. He really hammers this home in his introduction.
I’m the messiah and I take over from the Jews.
I’m the one.
Sorry to interrupt people posing as the Messiah and all this talk about the Law of Moses (which will be done away with when the new heavens and new earth are created) but I would like to actually comment on the article itself.
Before I do, I concur with Mike, it’s good to hear from you again Beef because serious comments from believers are usually in short supply in between the one liner insults from atheists or repetitive comments from Pix, etc.
Anyway, one thing I appreciate about your articles Mike is they make you take out your Bible.
Something I would like to add about the story of Tamar is how it demonstrates the mystery of how God can interweave His plan or will into history while not interfering with human free will. Tamar continued the unblemished line of Messiah, but that would not have been the case if Onan did not choose to practice birth control. Side note: this begs the question why did this act of Onan displease God (perhaps the intentional spilling of seed does so) for if Onan chose to get Tamar pregnant, would not the line of Messiah have been corrupted? But perhaps if Onan went that route, God had another plan for that scenario? Nevertheless, you also had Judah deciding not to let Shelah marry Tamar. So Tamar comes up with her plan and Judah chooses to sleep with her, thinking she is a prostitute. All in all, we see individuals making free will choices and somehow, in the end, God’s will prevails. How is that? I don’t know. Perhaps God has an infinite number of scenarios starting with plan A. If someone along the line, because of their free will, disrupts plan A, plan B goes into effect, and so forth, and God will do whatever it takes until in the end, the will and plan of God is accomplished.
Yes, am123, I thought about the same thing concerning Onan. There area lot of “what ifs” in the Bible. What if Ruth had chosen some other field to glean in.
Ruth 2:3 DBY And she went; and she came and gleaned in the fields after the reapers; and she chanced to light on an allotment of Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech.
Dang, I was hoping that headline of yours was going to turn into a joke.
“Jesus is: “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David”. Rev. 5:5″
Sure, Jesus also claims the be “the bright morning star”, Lucifer. Rev 22;16
What Christianity actually is, is Mithraism wearing a new name.
“Prof. Franz Cumont, of the University of Ghent, writes as follows concerning the religion of Mithra and the religion of Christ: “The sectaries of the Persian god, like the Christians’, purified themselves by baptism, received by a species of confirmation the power necessary to combat the spirit of evil; and expected from a Lord’s supper salvation of body and soul. Like the latter, they also held Sunday sacred, and celebrated the birth of the Sun on the 25th of December…. They both preached a categorical system of ethics, regarded asceticism as meritorious and counted among their principal virtues abstinence and continence, renunciation and self-control. Their conceptions of the world and of the destiny of man were similar. They both admitted the existence of a Heaven inhabited by beatified ones, situated in the upper regions, and of a Hell, peopled by demons, situated in the bowels of the Earth. They both placed a flood at the beginning of history; they both assigned as the source of their condition, a primitive revelation; they both, finally, believed in the immortality of the soul, in a last judgment, and in a resurrection of the dead, consequent upon a final conflagration of the universe” (The Mysteries of Mithras, pp. 190, 191).”
Where do you think baptism comes from? Or the Eucharist? Or the concept of a final judgement?. Not from Judaism that’s for sure. Judaism doesn’t even have an afterlife as such. All of the dogma in Christianity comes from pagan Mithraism. You are nothing but a bunch of pagans calling other pagans evil.
Finally some truth from this website… good job… From a ho came salvation… Now give dem Ho’s respect for saving Humanity….