Byington Bombshell Report: Mass Arrests Confirmed: Obama, Clinton, Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates at GITMO
Judy Disclaimer: Please be aware that I can only report the news as I find it, try to credit articles with their original author and am not responsible for the content, which may or may not be true. I encourage you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what is happening in this great War of Good Against Evil.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 18 Feb. 2025
Compiled Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”
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Mass Arrests Underway
Over 700,000 Indictments Being Served
Special Forces, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, British SAS Deployed
US Marines At GITMO
GITMO Mass Executions Confirmed
Barack Obama
Arrested Jan 29, facing tribunal for High Treason.
Hillary Clinton
Detained late Jan; trial started Feb 2, sentencing imminent.
George Soros
Captured Feb 3, tribunal outcome: Execution
Mark Zuckerberg
Arrested Feb 1, charged with mass surveillance crimes.
Bill Gates
Seized Jan 31, trial to expose depopulation plans.
Prepare For Ten Days of Communication Darkness, EBS Documentaries, QFS Activation.
Dark Brandon – Short Episodes 1-5: WATCH the ORIGINAL episodes of Joe Biden’s Star Wars Alter Ego
My Country, ‘Tis of Thee | The Tabernacle Choir
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” …President John F. Kennedy
Judy Note: Just a few days into a Department of Government Efficiency investigation and already DOGE has found massive fraud, cut $5 Trillion from the budget and fired 300,000 from non essential jobs. /politics/2025/02/feds-300000-fired-5-trillionyear-cut-from-the-budget-already-3334341.html
Elon Musk, who heads DOGE, has accused the Social Security Administration of massive fraud. Musk claims that the number of people receiving Social Security payments exceeds the number of American citizens. There were over five million people who were over 140 years old yet still receiving Social Security benefits.
Foreign fraud rings have been using fake Social Security numbers & identities to steal billions of taxpayer benefits through the IRS and Social Security. Social Security losses alone were in the trillions and Musk hadn’t even started on the IRS. Musk Uncovers What He Claims May Be Biggest Fraud In US History – Gazetteller
President Trump has instructed the IRS to begin mass layoffs affecting thousands of employees. The IRS has operated like a Mafia using fear and brute force while offering little accountability in return. They have targeted the vulnerable, exploited loopholes for those who could pay to play, and buried the public under complexity, penalties and red tape.
Trump, known for his knack for spotting inefficiency and overreach, was pushing to abolish the IRS all together – replacing it with a simple 14% sales tax, with no tax on food or medicine. House Rule25 has already been introduced in Congress to abolish the IRS.
Musk’s DOGE had even more audits to go and was presently working on the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The FBI has finally declassified files on the CIA’s involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking. Way back in the late 1920s former Head of the Los Angeles FBI Ted Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there was a secret widespread network of groups directed by the CIA who kidnapped children and infants, and subjected them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice.
Nothing was ever done about it and it was believed that the CIA was still practicing the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children today in their Mind Control Program.
Though, many of the politicians and elites who were included in the present Mass Arrests were known to worship Satan using the Satanic rites of pedophilia and torture of children including Child Sacrifice.
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: BOMBSHELL: The IRS Fraud Scandal That Will Shake America to Its Core – Foreign Criminals STOLE BILLIONS Using Fake Identities, DOGE Is About to Get the Records! VIDEO – – American Media Group
A. What We Think We Know as of Tues. 18 Feb. 2025:
- Military Movements are occurring right under our noses. High-ranking generals, experts in psychological and cyber warfare, have been called back to duty for this critical mission.
- Special forces, including Navy SEALs, Delta Force, and British SAS, are deployed within their borders, ready to neutralize key Cabal operatives.
- The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is coming, and it will change everything. A Worldwide Communication Blackout is imminent.
- Trump and Putin are scheduling a summit by the end of the month, and WW3 is coming to an end.
- The corporate media continues to bury what little credibility they have left.
- DOGE just exposed that, until now, the Treasury Department had no traceability for nearly $4.7 trillion in U.S. taxpayer funds. Elon Musk says that a government database shows that five million people over 140 years old still receive Social Security benefits. People thought USAID was bad. Wait, they see what’s been happening at the IRS. Stephen Miller just confirmed that foreign fraud rings have been using fake social security numbers & identities to steal billions of taxpayer benefits through the IRS and Social Security. Miller confirmed DOGE is about to get the records. “Over a 10-year normal budget window, you could be talking about saving over a trillion dollars by clamping down on massive fraud in our tax and entitlement systems, including again those carried out by organized fraud and theft rings.”
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 EBS Set to Activate and you won’t believe what they are going to do next: /prophecy/2025/02/ebs-set-to-activate-you-wont-believe-what-they-are-going-to-do-next-2025-2566203.html
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 “When the Military Industrial Complex was deported by Trump, they set up shop in the UK.” …Robert F. Kennedy on Telegram
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 A Lot of You are Going to Prison Trump 2.0, Bannon:
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: 🚨BREAKING: Trump Just Got Revenge on Obama With BRILLIANT 5D Chess Move EXPOSING His Dark Secret
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: Why do I still focus on 9/11, 22 years later? …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
1) It was the most sinister and sophisticated false flag attack in history.
2) It justified wars that killed over a million people in the Middle East.
3) It was used to destroy human freedom through the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the TSA, torture and indefinite detention without trial.
4) The thousands of people who died when the Twin Towers were blown up still deserve justice.
5) Many of the perpetrators of the 9/11 cover-up and their allies are still in positions of power… and who knows what they are planning next.
B. Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 US Marines Seize GITMO, Mass Executions Confirmed…CBK News on Telegram
- Confirmed Intel: The Purge Has Begun. It’s happening NOW. Guantanamo Bay is under full military lockdown—executions have started. Under direct orders from Trump, U.S. Marines are purging deep state traitors in the largest military justice operation ever.
- The controlled media is panicking—desperately hiding the truth: High-profile traitors are facing firing squads. Swift justice is unstoppable.
Mass Arrests are sweeping the Globe. U.S. Special Forces are raiding black sites—Elite criminals are shipped to GITMO.
– Military Tribunals at GITMO are running 24/7—immediate death sentences enforced.
– Executions are DAILY—by firing squad or hanging.
_ Barack Obama – Arrested Jan 29, facing tribunal for high treason.
– Hillary Clinton – Detained late Jan; trial started Feb 2, sentencing imminent.
– George Soros – Captured Feb 3, tribunal outcome: EXECUTION.
– Mark Zuckerberg – Arrested Feb 1, charged with mass surveillance crimes.
– Bill Gates – Seized Jan 31, trial to expose depopulation plans.
– New high-security wings built for thousands of detainees.
– Extra courtrooms to run simultaneous tribunals.
– Execution chambers upgraded for rapid sentencing.
– Satellite intel: Massive increase in GITMO flights since January.
- – John Podesta – Executed Feb 2 for crimes against humanity.
- – Anthony Fauci – Executed Feb 3 for orchestrating medical genocide.
- – Multiple CIA/FBI leaders – Eliminated for election fraud and false flags.
- – Jan 30: U.S. forces destroyed an elite hideout in Antarctica.
- – Feb 1: Vatican-controlled Swiss bunker raided—gold and secrets seized.
- – Feb 3: Nevada cloning facility dismantled—bioweapon lab exposed.
- – Confessions and executions to be shown globally.
- – Evidence of human trafficking and election rigging will SHOCK the world.
- – Live tribunals coming SOON.
- – Bunkers raided.
- – Assets seized.
- – Puppets removed.
- – Leaders EXECUTED.
C. Possible Timing:
- In 2020 Trump ended the Illuminatti power by taking over the Fed.
- 31 Oct. 2023 marks the expiration of the State of Israel. Dual-citizen politicians lose power. The Rothschild Empire begins to collapse.
- “On Sun. 16 Feb. the Iraqi budget was ratified and was expected to be published in the Gazette on Mon. 17 Feb, along with Kurdistan resuming oil exports through Somo and Kash Patel becoming the 17th confirmation on a drop dead Q Drop Feb. 17 that has to be a blunt ‘Game Over’ Q Drop (3872).” …Ariel on X
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: The Trial for the Crimes Against Humanity has begun. The experimental spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of the Nuremberg Code.
- The Global Military Alliance has confirmed that Mass Arrests were in progress and Trump has given the Green Light for the Emergency Broadcast System to be activated.
- On Thurs. 30 Jan. 2025 the privately owned Fed and IRS officially dropped dead – when the US Treasury withdrew from the Cabal’s Bankrupt Central Banks across the World. President Trump has said he will replace the IRS with the ERS (External Revenue Service) where taxation on goods will replace taxation on The People and their income.
- Since Friday 3 Feb. 2023 all Basel 4 Compliant banks have gone public with the new Gold / Commodity-backed currency International Rates as required by the GESARA Law. This is the Re-evaluation of all the global currencies (meaning the global currency reset).
- Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 Official Notification: Leaders in the Global Currency Reset received signal payments authorized by the Quantum Network
- This week the Quantum Financial System was said to be fully operational for completion of that Global Currency Reset.
- The use of the FIAT US Dollar will be used for up to 90 days Feb. / March / April parallel with the new United States Note (USN), they may cut it off of by April 30th or soon thereafter. …Bruce
D. Global Currency Reset:
- Mon. 10 Feb.: Liquidity was released to the 12 platforms that then funded the 38 platforms beneath them (Tiers 1 and 2). …JR Truth
- Tues. 11 Feb. 2024: A military Intel contact said they released everything for the Global Currency Reset at 3pm PDT on Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 to start the shotgun release of liquidity & notifications …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
- Wed. 12 Feb. Funding released to Bond Holder accounts. Banks could no longer see or have access to individual bank accounts. Some private groups were paid out on Wed. 12 Feb, while others will be paid on Thurs. 13 Feb. …Bruce
- On Thurs. 13 Feb. Nesara funds started going out. Redemption Center leaders went into work at 10am on Thurs. 13 Feb.…Bruce
- Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Tier 1 and Tier 2 have been paid, I was just told. …Mike Berra
- Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: I’ve been told my platform (that has currency and bond holders in it) started today Fri. 14 Feb. and will start payments on Tues. 18 Feb. I expect currency notifications around same time. …JR Truth
- On Sun. 16 Feb. the Iraqi budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was ratified and expected to be published in the Gazette soon.
- This was the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies. Trump had already collected 650 plane loads of gold from the Vatican that was owed to the American People and right now Britain was sending billions worth of gold to the US. (2) X22 Report on X: “Who can guess why Britain is sending billions worth of gold to America?” / X
- Mon. 17 Feb.Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: Breaking News Alert: Dark Secrets Exposed – NSA & DARPA Programs: Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State! – – American Media Group
- Sun. 16 Feb. 2025: UPDATE: New List of 209 Countries That are Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan! – – American Media Group
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar – THE STRUCTURED PAYOUT SYSTEM – Redemption Rate = The Amount Paid For Each Zim Dollar – – American Media Group
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: Breaking News Alert: Dark Secrets Exposed – NSA & DARPA Programs: Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State! – – American Media Group
E. The Republic for the United States of America: How To Save America | Republic for USA
How To Save America | Republic for USA About Republic for USA. The Republic for the United States of America is the actual de jure government that our founding fathers gave us, and which was abandoned in 1871 when a corporation took over Washington DC and eventually every level of government in the country. |
The Republic for the United States of America is the actual de jure government that our founding fathers gave us, and which was abandoned in 1871 when the US Inc. corporation took over Washington DC and eventually every level of government in the country.
- In 1871 the United States was abandoned and the US Inc. Corporation (controlled by foreign powers) took over.
- By 1913 US Inc. had managed to change the Constitution. Even though the act was never ratified by Congress, the independent foreign bankers formed the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) so that all US Taxpayer monies were paid to themselves as international bankers.
- The privately owned Rothschild family Bank also owned the Federal Reserve and IRS. Through their privately owned US Inc. corporation, they had complete control of US Taxpayer dollars and were charging the US Government interest to use their own monies.
- When President Trump formed “The Republic for the USA,” it changed all that. By Aug. 2020 Trump was able to roll US Taxpayer dollars that had been going to the Federal Reserve since 1918, into the new US Treasury near Reno Nevada.
- The de jure restored Republic for the United States of America is recognized by over 80 Countries and documented.
- The original plan to restore the republic, abandoned by corrupt, unprincipled men, was reviewed and approved by the Military from its inception relying on the Northwest ordnance to reinhabit the Republic.
- The original president of the Restored Republic, Tim Turner, was offered a trillion dollars to walk away from the Republic, or he would be assassinated. He refused.
- In May of 2010 while in a business meeting in Seattle Washington, many of his associates warned him they all had “a bad feeling” in the hotel that something was not right. Tim had the same feeling. His NATO military intelligence told to disable all eletronics, and his cell phone and get out of the hotel.
- His group split up into three groups and went different ways to loose anyone following and were to meet at a special location. Two armed men were seen in the hotel. He later found out six mercenaries were hired for the job. He was almost caught in Omaha and Kansas City prior. Shortly thereafter the enemy was neutralized and God’s grace, like with Trump, protected him from the enemy. (Re-inhabited Vol II. page 38-39).
- After Tim Turner’s assassination attempt, he was advised that God’s grace continued to protect him like Daniel in the lion’s den. Those who ordered his assassination and those at the highest level of the Cabal were surprised when they were told to leave him alone, apparently by those good guys who assisted in the past to save his life.
- In July of 2010 the Republic leaders were sequestered for several days in a secured location. Though it was believed, and still is, that government officials are bought off as seen by USAID, what occurred in saving Turners, life and protecting him, proves there are “the good guys” in this covert war for the soul of our country. (Re Inhabited Vol. II page 39-40)
- In January of 2021 The president of the now Restored Republic, Tim Turner, who they attempted to assassinate, was being interviewed on Morning Liberty radio speaking on the continued attacks.
- He revealed that the American Republic had experienced heavy attacks by corrupt agents of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES/Obama administration, and that they had infiltrated the Republic and were planted in office positions in the Republic.
- Tim Turner stated that the tactics shouldn’t be surprising after the attempted payoff and assassination attempts on his life, and here is the reason why.
- When we fully awake the people and establish the de jure Republic again, that’s going to take away 379 million slaves away from the international bankers, IRS, freeing the debt slaves, so do you think they are going to just lie down and let that happen — certainly not. They’re going to fight and they’re going to do their normal deception, their division, and their divide-and-conquer tactics, with the help of the media we now see being paid off through USAID and unfortunately will see the first martyr for the republic. Wake up people, this is an unconventional war for our country.
- The bottom line is, like President Donald Trump said when they attached him also, it’s not a personal attack on me, it’s an attack against your Republic and the people of this nation. (Re-Inhabited Vol. II page 88-89).
We are encouraging all to help Restore the Republic by going to our website and join with us and President Trump to turn the power Back to You and The People. He is doing an awesome job but cannot do it alone. How To Save America | Republic for USA
- who are fighting every day will be able to tell our posterity, that we fought side to side with President Trump and other patriots to save our State and country. What will you be able to say? Here is your chance. “Woe to you who are complacent.” Amos 6:1
The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States
Want to hold a seat in The Republic for the United States of America? To join President Trump, help him take down the corrupt Corporation and restore the Republic, go to: How To Save America | Republic for USA
F. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: State of the Republic For These United States of America …Capt.Kyle on Telegram
- Military Control Confirmed: The Military Justice Act (2016) states: 1. Military law surpasses civilian. 2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate. 3. Military rules above federal government. The military leads this transition.
- History Revealed: Remember Jan Halper’s claim of gold removed from the Vatican? The 1871 Corporation Act dissolved in 2020? Trump’s Mount Rushmore visit marking a new Republic?
- Israel, Ukraine, and the Khazarian Mafia: Ukraine was the Khazarian Mafia’s base for trafficking. Putin’s moves crushed their operations. Israel, their last holdout, faces collapse. Rothschild control is shattered. Trump ended their power by taking over the Fed in 2020.
- The End of Rothschild Israel: October 31st marks the expiration of the State of Israel. Dual-citizen politicians lose power. The Rothschild empire collapses.
- Trump’s Promise: 25+ states ready for gold standard. Banks are collapsing due to Basel 3 non-compliance. The Dodd-Frank Act allows banks to seize your money – be warned!
- What’s Next?
■ Stock Market Crash
■ Biden Impeachment
■ Gold Standard Return
■ Iraq IQD Exchange Rate Surge
■ The New Republic Rises
G. The Real News for Tues. 18 Feb. 2025:
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: The moment Trump declared the CIA’s drug cartels as terrorists, a war was declared. Our Special Forces are not only going to “train” the Mexican Marines to hunt down and kill these drug cartels, our military is also going to use our lethal surveillance arm of the military to track and hunt them down. The cartel reign of terror in Mexico is going to come to an end and the CIA money flow trafficking drugs is going to get cut off. No cartel member is safe. It’s war. Mexico is going to be cleansed, including their government. These Mexican officials better choose wisely, which side of this war they are on. “US special forces landing in Mexico to train marine infantry. A Mexican Senate commission has approved the entry of members of the U.S. Army’s 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) into the country starting this week.”
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Marines and National Guard Chase FEMA Out of Kentucky:
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: According to Dept. of Homeland Security , daily encounters at the southern border have dropped by an astounding 95% since President Trump took office, compared to under Joe Biden. Additionally, known ‘gotaways’ have been SLASHED by 93% -falling from 1,800 per day under Biden to just 132 now.
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: 🚨BREAKING: Trump Just Got Revenge on Obama With BRILLIANT 5D Chess Move EXPOSING His Dark Secret – YouTube Music
- Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: EXPOSED: Jesuits Control the Vatican and Are the Real Religious Controllers of the New World Order! – – American Media Group
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: Laura Loomer just exposed the protest at The Capitol calling to having Donald Trump and Elon Musk murdered is being organized by Woman’s March. According to Open Secrets they have MANY “Dark Money” groups funding them. Some of their primary funders ARE PAID BY USAID
- Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Pepe Orsini – The Grey Pope and the Hidden Hand of Global Power: Chief of the Rothschilds, Chief of Rockefellers, Head of the Vatican and Chief of the Complete Black Nobility (video) – – American Media Group
- Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: BOOM! RFK Jr. & Trump Declare War on the USDA! The MAHA Plan Will Crush Corruption, Ban Toxic Chemicals, and Save American Farmers! VIDEO – – American Media Group
- Sun. 16 Feb. 2025: BOOM! Uncover The Truth! 100 Proven Conspiracies from the Last 75 Years – The Truth They Tried to Hide! – – American Media Group
H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a tunnel that eventually connects to a 1,500 mile long tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: More than 600 children have been rescued from horrific conditions from a major Malaysian corporation that presented itself as a charitable organization.The charity allegedly had been conducting a massive slave operation of young girls. The corporation’s leaders stand accused of running a cult-like empire that bred children for exploitation, slavery, and sexual abuse. Some children were born as a result of sexual assault.
- Sun. 16 Feb. 2025: BREAKING: Dr. Fauci EXPOSED! Gates of Heaven Cemetery HORROR! RFK Jr. EXPOSES Dr. Fauci’s Child Graves, Illegal Experiments & Pandemic Crimes – ARREST HIM NOW! VIDEO – – American Media Group
- Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Shocking Exposé: Evergreen Inc., CIA Front for Human Trafficking – The Clinton-Maryland Connection Revealed! Must Watch Video – – American Media Group
- Sun. 16 Feb. 2025: Breaking Free: Mind Control, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Jenny Hill’s Extraordinary Journey in Twenty Two Faces – – American Media Group
I. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: BOMBSHELL: Clintons’ Secret Pedophile and Cannibal Club in Haiti Exposed By Locals – The Satanic Cabal: Bohemian Grove Redux! …Gitmo TV on Telegram
- In the heart of Haiti lies a sinister secret, whispered among locals and shrouded in fear. It’s a tale of power, privilege, and perversion, where the names Clinton echo like a haunting melody. What begins as a story of humanitarian efforts quickly unravels into a nightmare of unspeakable horrors: the Clintons’ involvement in a clandestine cabal of pedophiles and cannibals.
- The Clinton Connection runs deep. Haiti, long a playground for their ambitions, hides more than meets the eye. Their so-called “benevolence” masks a web of corruption, where private jets of the global elite descend on Port-au-Prince, ferrying passengers to their playground of depravity. The island isn’t just a place of suffering—it’s the center of a satanic cabal, a den of evil masked by philanthropy.
- In the jungles of Haiti, whispers tell of dark rituals, where the powerful elite cavort in secret, hiding behind masks of deceit. This isn’t Bohemian Grove; it’s Clinton’s den. Here, children are subjected to unimaginable horrors, their innocence destroyed by the elite, where power reigns supreme, and morality holds no sway. What happens here is beyond comprehension—it is a nightmare of abuse and terror, hidden from the world, yet known by those who dare to speak.
- Locals have had enough. Generations of Haitian children grow up in fear, knowing that Bill and Hillary Clinton are not saviors but monsters. Their tales are not rumors; they are cries for justice, ignored by a world blinded by power and privilege. The cries of these voiceless innocents are growing louder.
- The Clinton legacy is one of evil, its roots deep in a web of lies and darkness. We must peel back the layers of deception and confront this wickedness head-on. The truth is there, festering like a wound, waiting to be revealed. We must summon the courage to shine a light on the darkness that surrounds them.
- But there is hope. Exposing their heinous acts is the first step. We are at a crossroads, a call to action that demands we face this evil and strike a blow for justice. The time for silence is over. We will not be stopped.
- Justice may be deferred, but it will not be denied. The reckoning is near, and when it comes, we will be armed with the truth, ready to face the darkness.
J. Mon. 17 Feb. Shocking Exposé: Evergreen Inc., CIA Front for Human Trafficking – The Clinton-Maryland Connection Revealed! …Capt.Kyle Patriots on Telegram
- Evergreen Inc. – A CIA-owned human trafficking front with deep Clinton ties! Maryland, a trafficking hotbed, and Hillary Clinton’s sinister link to Evergreen Inc. This revelation exposes the elite’s darkest crimes.
- Evergreen Inc. and the CIA: Behind a harmless name lies a web of evil. The CIA uses Evergreen Inc. for human trafficking – and guess who is involved? Hillary Clinton! The corruption runs from Washington to the shadows.
- Maryland: Trafficking Hotspot: Maryland ranks second in trafficking cases. Is Congress covering up Clinton’s crimes? Politicians turn a blind eye while lives are destroyed.
- EOs and the Power Shift: Executive Orders 13818, 13848, and 13959 target human rights abusers and election fraud. Assets of elites are frozen. Clinton’s empire crumbles.
- Evergreen’s Ties to Power: Contracts link Evergreen to The Vatican, US Inc., UN Corp, UK Inc. Layers of deception, zero accountability. Human trafficking masked as business.
K. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: The Trial for the Crimes Against Humanity has begun. The experimental spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of the Nuremberg Code. — DEATH PENALTY FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY …Nesara Gesara on Telegram
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: “Celia went to New York to the Gates of Heaven Cemetery…where Fauci was disposing the corpses of children who died in his illegal experiments. She opened the astroturf and she saw 100’s and 100’s of tiny coffins stacked…” -RFK Jr. on Telegram
L. Global Financial Crisis:
- DOGE just revealed the Government sent $4.7 TRILLION in untraceable payments.
- DOGE will investigate Elizabeth Warren and the source of her millions:
M. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Senator Rand Paul is calling for an audit on Fort Knox to ensure the 4,580 tons US gold is still there. …EBS on Telegram
- Here’s what you were NEVER TOLD about the gold at Fort Knox. America’s Wealth, The largest fortune in the history of the world, was stolen.
- The Fort Knox Gold Robbery: An article was written connecting Rockefeller Family and The Federal Reserve. Three days later the source was thrown out of a window to her death.
- “So just how did the story of the Fort Knox gold robbery get out? It all started with an article in a New York periodical in 1974. The article charged that the Rockefeller family was manipulating the Federal Reserve to sell off Fort Knox Gold at bargain basement prices to anonymous European speculators. Three days later, the anonymous source of the story, Louise Auchincloss Boyer, mysteriously fell to her death from the window of her 10th floor apartment in New York.
- How would missus Boyer have known of the Rockefeller connection to the Fort Knox Gold Heist? She was the long time secretary of Nelson Rockefeller. For the next 14 years, this man, Ed Durell, a wealthy Ohio industrialist, devoted himself to a quest for the truth concerning the Fort Knox gold. He wrote thousands of letters to over 1,000 government and banking officials trying to find out how much gold was really left and where the rest of it had gone.
- Edith Roosevelt, the granddaughter of president Teddy Roosevelt, questioned the actions of the government in a March 1975 edition of the New Hampshire Sunday news.
- Unfortunately, Ed Durell never did accomplish his primary goal, a full audit of the gold reserves in Fort Knox.
- It’s incredible that the world’s greatest treasure has had little accounting or auditing. This goal belonged to the American people, not the Federal Reserve and their foreign owners.
- One thing is certain, the government could blow all of this speculation away in a few days with a well publicized audit under the searing lights of media cameras. It has chosen not to do so. One must conclude that they are afraid of the truth such an audit would reveal.
- What is the government so afraid of? Here’s the answer:When president Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, his conservative friends urged him to study the feasibility of returning to a gold standard as the only way to curb government spending.
- It sounded like a reasonable alternative, so President Reagan appointed a group of men called the Gold Commission to study the situation and report back to Congress. What Reagan’s Gold Commission reported back to Congress in 1982 was the following shocking revelation concerning gold. The US Treasury owned no gold at all.
- All the gold that was left in Fort Knox was now owned by the Federal Reserve, a group of private bankers, as collateral against the national debt.
- The truth of the matter is that never before has so much money been stolen from the hands of the general public and put into the hands of a small group of private investors, the money changers.”
N. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 BREAKING: The US Government claims it has almost 5000 tons of Gold, but Fort Knox US Gold Reserve has not been audited since 1974, whistleblowers have reported for over 40 years that the Gold is missing. It’s time for Elon and DOGE to conduct a full audit of every single ounce of Gold!! It’s our nations money! I have been told by Trump administration sources that DOGE has already started an investigation. In anticipation of Trump auditing the US Gold stock pile, Gold from all over the world is already flooding back in to government vaults..
O. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 MASSIVE!!! QFS Accounts Activated Worldwide: Banks Collapse, VISA Disappears, and Global Wealth Redistribution Begins—Corrupt Bankers Dragged to GITMO for Trials as Military Raids Seize Their Hidden Wealth! …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
- The financial shift is happening NOW! The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is reality. The Alliance is making bold moves, dismantling the elite’s exploitative systems. No more hiding for the cabal!
- Banks Collapse, Executives Seized: The bank failures aren’t random—they’re planned takedowns by the Alliance. Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and JP Morgan are gutted. Top execs are being rounded up for military tribunals, with many facing capital punishment at GITMO.
- VISA, Mastercard Fall—QFS Reigns: The elite’s payment giants crumble as QFS takes over. The “digital transformation” narrative is a lie—it’s a full system replacement. New QFS debit cards end hidden fees and fraud forever.
- PayPal, Stripe Crumble: These platforms, tools of deep-state wealth funneling, are collapsing. The Quantum Internet will replace their monopolies with unhackable transactions and total security.
- The Fall of Fiat Currency: The U.S. dollar and euro are dying illusions. Gold-backed Rainbow Tokens now lead the new financial order. Over 60 nations have already switched to asset-backed currencies. The petrodollar is finished!
- QFS Accounts—You Already Have One! Every citizen already has a QFS account, tied to their national ID. Soon, you’ll be notified via the Quantum Communication Network on how to access your funds.
- Zim Bond Redemption and the Cabal’s Panic: Zim bonds are funding humanitarian projects, bypassing the cabal’s corrupt channels. Infiltrators trying to sabotage the process are being detained by military forces.
- Military Operations—The Deep State is Cornered: Covert military raids in London, Zurich, and Hong Kong seized deep-state vaults loaded with gold and blackmail materials. Underground trafficking routes are being dismantled. The cabal is losing its lifelines.
- South Africa and Iraq: BRICS Powers Rise: South Africa’s leadership shift signals a new, GESARA-aligned future. Iraq is ready to revalue its currency, forcing the world into asset-backed systems.
- The Moment is NOW: February 2025 is the turning point. The deep state is collapsing. QFS is HERE. The new world has arrived. Get ready. TRUST THE PLAN.
P. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Bombshell!!! Trump Deploys Military to Replace Hospital Equipment with Med Beds – The Revolution in Healthcare Is Here! …EBS Activated with Trump on Telegram
- February 14, 2025—A New Dawn Begins. The MedBed rollout, suppressed for years by Biden and his corrupt Big Pharma cronies, is finally unleashed! Trump is smashing the medical-industrial complex that profited from keeping you sick and enslaved.
- The Chaos Biden Left Behind Under Biden’s regime, hospitals collapsed, supplies vanished, and billions vanished into elite pockets. Big Pharma poisoned millions with endless pills and toxic vaccines, while Biden’s cronies hoarded life-saving tech for themselves.
- Trump’s War on Medical Tyranny Trump’s military is seizing MedBeds from deep-state bunkers, abandoned Walmarts, and secret labs. Biden’s allies hid these miracle devices, using them for elites while the public suffered. Now, Trump unleashes MedBeds to heal cancer, reverse aging, and regrow limbs—no drugs, no surgeries.
- Secret Raids & Elite Arrests Special forces are raiding black sites, seizing stolen MedBeds, and arresting corrupt hospital administrators, pharma bosses, and deep-state operatives. They’re being taken to undisclosed locations—no escape, no return.
- Fighting Big Pharma’s Lies Big Pharma is in panic, flooding the media with propaganda to discredit MedBeds. They know: MedBeds mean the end of their trillion-dollar sickness industry.
- The Global Revolution Is Here Trump is pushing MedBeds worldwide, toppling corrupt pharma monopolies and dismantling globalist strongholds. Allies abroad are breaking free from Big Pharma tyranny—this is a worldwide awakening!
- A Future of Freedom and HealingMedBeds are more than tech—they are liberation. Quantum-powered, spiritually aligned, and ready to heal body, mind, and soul. Trump’s vision is unstoppable. The golden age of healing has begun. The MedBed Revolution is HERE!
Q. Kennedy Assassination:
- MOSSAD killed John F Kennedy because they were furious JFK made Ben-Gurion the first PM and founder of Israel resign due to nuclear weapons testing at Dimona. …Nesara Gesara Evidence on Telegram
R. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: BOOM! RFK Jr. & Trump Declare War on the USDA! MAHA Plan Will Crush Corruption, Ban Toxic Chemicals, and Save Farmers!America’s farms are under siege! …Emergency Streamline System on Telegram
- RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The MAHA Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again. The Deep State should be TERRIFIED!
- The Current Farming System: Poisoning America for ProfitThe USDA has turned farming into a weapon against the people: Small farmers crushed by Big Ag’s monopolies and impossible regulations. Soil destroyed by chemical warfare from corporate giants. Americans sicker than ever, poisoned by toxic food and Big Pharma’s greed. Water systems polluted, leaving future generations at risk. This isn’t farming—it’s WAR. But RFK Jr. is here to fight back!
- Step 1: Crush Corrupt Regulations—FREE the Farmers!For decades, Big Ag-owned regulators have suffocated family farms while corporate giants rake in profits. The MAHA Plan will: Slash red tape that chokes small farms. End Big Ag favoritism and destroy monopolies. Put farmers first, making American agriculture profitable again!
- Step 2: Heal the Soil, Clean the Water—RESTORE the Land!Decades of chemical abuse have left our land dying and our food toxic. RFK Jr. will: Promote regenerative farming to rebuild soil health. Ban toxic pesticides and GMOs that poison our crops. Protect water resources, ending reckless corporate exploitation.
- Step 3: BAN Toxic Chemicals—Crush Big Ag’s Poison Empire!The U.S. allows chemicals banned worldwide—WHY? MONEY! Big Ag and Big Pharma profit from your sickness. Under MAHA: Banned in Europe? BANNED HERE! Criminal accountability for poisoning America. USDA overhaul—no more corporate puppets controlling our food.
- RFK Jr. & Trump: The Deep State’s WORST Nightmare!Trump fights globalist corruption. RFK Jr. destroys fake science and Big Ag lies. Together, they are UNSTOPPABLE.
- This Is War—For Our Farms, Families, and Future!The USDA sold out to corporate parasites. But now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to take our farms back! The MAHA Plan isn’t just a policy—it’s a movement. Farmers, patriots, freedom-lovers: RISE UP and FIGHT!
S. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Do you want some more solid proof that the swamp is being rapidly drained? …Capt.Kyle Patriots on Telegram
- Housing Values in Washington DC COLLAPSE 36.5% in ONE WEEK. A staggering flood of residential homes being put up for sale in and around Washington, DC has caused an utterly STUNNING effect: Housing values have plummeted 36.5% in ONE WEEK. The leftists in DC are being utterly, financially crushed by Trump.
- With the lightning-fast closure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the termination of over ten thousand of its employees, plus the pending closure of the US Department of Education, liberal leftists are realizing that not only is their Grant money gravy train done, they can no longer afford their oh-so-pricey homes.”
- The Democrats pilloried Kash Patel for saying that he wants to shutter the FBI headquarters in DC and turn it into a museum. They hate the fact that he’s going to fire a lot of the top corrupt management and force the rest of them out of DC so they can do their job fighting crime and protecting Americans, instead of going after political enemies.
- Kash is about to be confirmed in spite of all the democrats outrage.
- Trump is doing the same thing to all of DC, with the help of DOGE.
- There’s a big sucking sound coming out of DC as the taxpayers money streams are being cut off. Money flow disruption.That’s how you drain the swamp! Huge winning!
T. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: The Great American Fair 2025: Memorial Day 2025 – July 4th, 2026 …Edward Snowden on Telegram: They branded me a traitor. History will call me a hero. Stay in the know:
- Memorial Day 2025 – July 4th, 2026: This is our moment. Trump has spoken. The countdown has begun. Are you ready to step into history and claim your place in the greatest American spectacle EVER? This isn’t just a fair—it’s a revolution!
- A Celebration of Power and PrideTrump has declared his first move on January 20: a task force to launch America’s 250th anniversary celebration. And Iowa—the heart of the nation—is the chosen battleground for the Great American State Fair! “This fair will showcase the soul of our nation, honor our past, and drive a bold future!” Trump roared. He’s rallying governors from all 50 states to build pavilions of power on Iowa State Fairgrounds for a once-in-a-lifetime festival.
- Forget the failures of the past—this time, AMERICA WINS! While Minnesota stumbled in its World Expo bid, Iowa rises to command the world’s attention. The Great American Fair will ignite the spirit of the American dream with technology that defies belief and culture that unites our soul.
- Here’s what awaits YOU:
State Showcases of Strength: Every state brings its best from heritage to cutting-edge tech!
Patriot Games: Grit, glory, and competition—only the strongest will reign!
Quantum Leap Exhibit: Witness tech that shatters the future: quantum computing, AI, and advanced robotics that push humanity beyond limits.
The Sounds of Freedom: From folk to country, from rock to blues—America’s music roars louder than ever!
Culinary Kingdom: Taste the flavors of the nation—each bite a tribute to American excellence.
Tributes to Heroes: Veterans, first responders—the backbone of our freedom—honored for eternity.
U. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: BREAKING: Police Investigating Alex Soros for Conspiracy to Assassinate President Trump – The Deep State’s Desperation! …JF Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
- Alex Soros under criminal investigation for plotting to assassinate President Trump! The deep state’s ultimate move exposed—Soros’ empire is falling! Justice is coming! The fight for America’s survival is NOW!
- The Soros Empire Faces Destruction: For decades, the Soros family has controlled American politics, hiding behind fake philanthropy while spreading chaos. From rigging elections to funding leftist riots, their corruption is endless. But now, the mask is off—this is treason.
- A Sinister Plot Revealed: The attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump in Pennsylvania wasn’t random—it was a planned deep-state operation. Whistleblowers have connected Alex Soros to the attack with damning evidence of financial trails and secret meetings. Trump, now back in office, has shattered their schemes—and they’re desperate.
- The Soros Legacy of Control: George Soros built an empire of subversion, funding radical movements and destroying nations. Alex Soros has taken over, pushing his father’s dark agenda to the extreme. From bankrolling riots to silencing patriots—he is the deep state’s new weapon.
- Investigators Uncover Chilling Links Sources reveal: Soros-backed money funneled to extremist cells. Private meetings plotting ‘urgent action’ against Trump. Whistleblowers warning of Soros-driven coups.
- The Deep State’s Last Gamble: Impeachments failed. Lawfare failed. Riots failed. So they turned to murder. But they failed AGAIN. Trump survived—and now justice is coming for them.
- Trump’s Unbreakable Spirit: They tried to silence him—he roars louder! They tried to break him—he stands stronger! This attack awakened America. The deep state wanted war—now they’ve got one.
- Justice Is Coming for Alex Soros: Investigations are closing in. America demands answers. The people are awake. And there will be NO escape.
- America Stands with Trump – The Revolution is HERE!
- Biden’s regime handed $239 MILLION to the Taliban—ON TOP of the $7 BILLION in U.S. weapons he abandoned! TREASON and BETRAYAL! But TRUMP IS BACK to EXPOSE the Deep State’s crimes!
- The Great Betrayal: Funding America’s Enemies: It’s February 16, 2025, and President Trump is back in the White House, fighting to undo Biden’s catastrophic mess. Now, a U.S. government report exposes one of the most egregious betrayals in history: $239 million funneled directly to the Taliban through Biden’s corrupt State Department.
- Yes, YOUR hard-earned money—straight to terrorists who killed U.S. soldiers and brutalized women. This isn’t mismanagement—it’s TREASON.
- A Trail of Corruption: Between 2021 and 2023, $239 million in “humanitarian aid” to Afghanistan, under Biden, fell into Taliban hands—on top of the $7 BILLION in military gear from his botched withdrawal. 600,000+ firearms. 75,000 vehicles. 200+ aircraft. Biden didn’t just arm them—he FINANCED them.
- Even after the Taliban’s takeover, Biden kept the money flowing with ZERO safeguards. A blank check to terrorists!
- They Think We’re Stupid—But We’re Waking Up! They LIED about the Afghanistan withdrawal, LIED about “aid” safeguards, and LIED about Biden’s policies. But we see through the deception. And with Trump back, THE TRUTH COMES OUT.
- TRUMP: Justice Is Coming! Trump is already investigating Biden’s corruption. Expect: ZERO dollars to the Taliban. Biden’s traitors held accountable. AMERICA FIRST spending—ALWAYS.
- Final Thoughts: The Nightmare Is Over—But Justice Begins! Biden’s presidency betrayed America. But under Trump, the era of weakness ENDS. We are rebuilding, restoring, and demanding JUSTICE.
- To the traitors who sold us out—YOUR TIME IS UP. MAGA FOREVER!
W. Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 EXPOSED: The Jesuit Order Controls the Vatican and the New World Order! …The 47th on Telegram
- Unmasking the power behind the curtain: While worshipping Satan through secret rites, the Jesuits rule the Vatican and steer the New World Order’s religious agenda! Hiding in plain sight behind black robes and false piety, they manipulate governments and religions to create a global empire.
- Former Bishop Gerard Bouffard exposes the truth: The Black Pope, Jesuit Gen. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, commands the Vatican, the Pope, and the Illuminati! Bouffard, who worked at the Vatican for six years, says the Pope follows orders from the Black Pope, making the Jesuits the true power behind the Church and the world’s destruction.
- Bouffard declares: “The Jesuits infiltrate all religions and governments to impose a one-world Luciferian religion! The Vatican controls Israel, plotting to destroy the Jews and ignite global chaos.”
- Bouffard, a 37th Degree Freemason, says Freemasonry is the Church’s secret weapon to execute the Illuminati’s agenda. High-ranking priests and cardinals secretly belong to Masonic lodges to bring down America from within. Judy Note: A retired 33rd Degree Mason once told me that to become a 33rd Degree Mason you had to kill a child and drink their blood in a Satanic ritual.
- Buffard reveals that Fr. Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit, was murdered for exposing the same truths. The Vatican erased Rivera’s records, but Bouffard confirms: “Rivera was real, and the Jesuits poisoned him for telling the truth! The Jesuits’ history of genocide, assassinations, and infiltration dates back centuries, yet their evil agenda continues unchecked!”
- The Jesuits already control U.S. institutions, including the Code of Federal Regulations and Federal Reserve, tightening their grip on America’s fate. They will stop at nothing to destroy freedom and impose their Satanic one-world order!
X. Under NESARA Law:
- The IRS and Income Tax will be abolished. There will be a 14% flat rate sales tax, applied only to new, non-essential items. Food and medicine will be tax-free as will the sale of all used items including homes.
- Benefits to senior citizens will increase.
- All courts and legal matters will return to Constitutional Law with a retraining of all judges and attorneys that will ensure that the judiciary remains the ultimate guardian of the Constitution.
- The original Title of Nobility Amendment will be in effect. Americans under foreign influences will lose their citizenship, be deported and barred from re-entry for life. College degrees will be worthless.
- New Presidential and Congressional elections will be held within 120 days of a NESARA announcement. Elections will be monitored to prevent illegal activities by special interest groups. The interim government will cancel all “National Emergencies.”
- The U.S. Treasury will roll out a ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals. This move will end the U.S. bankruptcy initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, replacing it with a solid, tangible financial foundation.
- Forbidden will be the sale of American Birth Certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
- A new U.S. Treasury Bank System will be in force designed to align with Constitutional Law. The current Federal Reserve System will be phased out over a year-long transition period, eventually rendering it obsolete.
- Financial privacy will be restored.
- U.S. Military Actions will cease Worldwide.
- Enormous sums of money will be released for humanitarian purposes.
- Over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies will be unveiled including innovations like free energy devices, antigravity and sonic healing machines.
Y. The Old Real News That Never Made The Fake News:
- Wed. 1 Aug. 2018: Hanks, Streep, Spielberg, Lucus, Nicolson, Spacey Accused of Child Sex Trafficking Parties While Trump Cleans the Swamp | Celebrities | Before It’s News (
- Wed. 25 Aug. 2018: Clinton Child Sex Trafficking Network Uncovered | Celebrities | Before It’s News /celebrities/2018/07/clinton-child-sex-trafficking-network-uncovered-2475435.html
- Mon. 23 July 2018: Pope Francis Faces August Arrest, Resignation for Child Sacrifices | Celebrities | Before It’s News
Z. The World is Changing From Dark to Light:
- Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.
- Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
- Help Save Tortured Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!
- Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:
Za. Native Hawaiian DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii
On Wed. 29 Jan. 2025 an Open Letter was published addressed to President Donald Trump and the US Congress asking them to recognize the Sovereign Nation of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
There was 170,000 metric tons of Gold sitting in the Bank of Hawaii that cannot be used by any government entity until the Kingdom Nation is returned properly to The People.
The request was accompanied by a plea to help the over 3,000 victims of the 2023 Kula and Lahaina Maui Hawaii Fires who remain homeless, many living on beaches since 2023.
(Signed) Sir Don Kauli’a, Sovereign Regent, Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands
- The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
- The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
- Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
- Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.
Zb. Tim Ballard has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World’s Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here
Zc. “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS”: Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail since.
- Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted. The Cromar’s PO Box 942 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062. Donations for commissary: or Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar
Zd. All Tom Fairbanks did was to spend much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
Judy Note: I am writing a book about Near Death Experiences of extreme abuse survivors. If you are an extreme abuse survivor, or know of one who has had such an experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Write Judy Byington at:
If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and
Ze. Judy Note: HOME | Judy Byington (
Jenny Hill and I spent 20 years writing her biography, “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society.
“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings.
“22 Faces” was now re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
It would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like more information or order “22 Faces” please visit our website: HOME | Judy Byington (
Zf. ***SCAM Alerts:
Watch out for Telegram sites like QFS Financial Department and Mr. Pool Official which are advertising access to QFS Wallets. They appear to only want your personal information and money. I have absolutely no reports from anyone who has actually been given access to QFS funds through these sites. It is my opinion that after the Global Currency Reset is complete you will be invited to set up your personal QFS Account in person and for free at an official Redemption Center.
Med Bed Scam: Skye’s Prince Med Beds:
Watch out for anyone advertising they will reimburse you for the TRB Trump Products, or set you up on a Quantum Account asking for money to do it. (They use fake accounts and AI to make you think you are dealing with Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.) Also watch out for the HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, the TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam, the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and any other website that asks that you give them your personal identification to register for a QFS Account and/or receive a pay out on TRB products.
DO NOT exchange currency or Zim Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.
Upon implementation of the Global Currency Reset the Cabal will be losing their money supply and they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.
The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they’ve successfully applied “quantum technology” to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.
Report your Scam experience to:
Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
- Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
- Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
- Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email:
Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: General Questions:
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Zg. Must Watch Videos:
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 17, 2025 – The US Military News
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump To Install The Republic for the United States of America With The Original Concepts of the Constitution | Politics | Before It’s News
- Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: God Is In Control. National Security Alert Issued. Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. In the Next Couple of Weeks the World will Change and Tremble… – – American Media Group
Updates For the Week Prior:
Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: God Is In Control. National Security Alert Issued. Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. In the Next Couple of Weeks the World will Change and Tremble… – – American Media Group Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 17, 2025 – The US Military News Mon. 17 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump To Install The Republic for the United States of America With The Original Concepts of the Constitution | Politics | Before It’s News Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Natl. Security Alert Issued. Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. Prepare For 10 Days of Darkness. Special Intel Report 2/17/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 17, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: DOGE FIRINGS/LAYOFFS CONT., FLOODING KY/VA/LA, GENE DECODE & MORE. Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (videos): BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: The Republic of the United States of America Is Being Restored – Trust The Plan! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 – – American Media Group Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 16, 2025 – The US Military News Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump’s DOGE Uncovers US Taxpayer Dollars Funding NWO International Child Sex Trafficking | Politics | Before It’s News Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Republic of the United States of America Is Being Restored. Trust The Plan! Special Intel Report 2/16/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 16, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SUNDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: CHERNOBYL RADIATION LEAK, DEMONRATS FLEEING DC, US CORP DISSOLVING & MORE! Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: In God We Trust – Trust His Plan! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 – – American Media Group Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 15, 2025 – The US Military News Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Washington DC Is The Child Sex Trafficking Capitol of The World | Politics | Before It’s News Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Obama Ordered FBI to Coverup Hillary Clinton’s Crimes. Washington DC Believed to Be the Child Sex Trafficking Capitol. Special Intel Report 2/15/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 15, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: DOGE AUDITS IRS, CHERNOBYL HIT W/BOMB, VAIDS/HIV, AOC & MORE! Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: V Day – Valentine’s Day Massacre – When “All Hell Will Break Loose” According to President Trump. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 – – American Media Group Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 14, 2025 – The US Military News Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Welcome to Friday’s Valentine Day’s Massacre Where Trump Says “All Hell Will Break Loose” | Politics | Before It’s News Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Valentines Day Massacre: When “All Hell Will Break Loose” According to Pres. Trump. Special Intel Report 2/14/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 14, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF FRIDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Trump & Musk’s DOGE- Finds Trillions Missing From US Treasury – Democrats Take Them To Court – Judge Awards Democrats Freeze On DOGE Investigation… – – American Media Group Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP. More DOGE audits, RFK JR confirmed, HRC first arrest, WAR EVENT & more. Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Trump & Musk’s DOGE- Finds Trillions Missing From US Treasury – Democrats Take Them To Court – Judge Awards Democrats Freeze On DOGE Investigation… – – American Media Group Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 13, 2025 – The US Military News Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP USAID political kickbacks, Tulsi confirmed, Ukraine selling US arms to cartels & more! Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump’s DOGE Finds Trillions Missing From US Treasury; Democrats Get Judge To Freeze Investigation | Politics | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 13, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 13 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Wed. 12 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP Trump Avatar, DS Federal judges blocking DOGE, FEMA terminated & more. Wed. 12 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Situation Update: Trump EBS Alert – “All Hell Breaking Loose In 72 Hours” Off Notification!!! Feb 12 | Blogging/Citizen Journalism | Before It’s News Wed. 12 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (videos): BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: President Trump Emergency Alert: “All Hell is Breaking Loose In 72 Hours”…President Trump on X Tues. 11 Feb. 2025. . . – – American Media Group Wed. 12 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 12, 2025 – The US Military News Wed. 12 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: “All Hell is Breaking Out in 72 Hours” …President Trump | Politics | Before It’s News Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: President Trump Emergency Alert “All Hell is Breaking Loose In 72 Hours” Official Notification. Special Intel Report 2/12/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 12, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF WEDNESDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Tues. 11 Feb. Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP Trump Avatar, DS Federal judges blocking DOGE, FEMA terminated & more. Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 11, 2025 – The US Military News Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: God Is In Charge. Trust His Plan. The Best Is Yet To Come. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All. . . – – American Media Group Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Musk Audits Likely To Find CIA Raping, Torturing, Killing Children in Mind Control Since 1943 Through Today | Politics | Before It’s News Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Best Is Yet To Come. Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram. Special Intel Report 2/11/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 11, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Mon. 10 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP DOGE exposes more FEMA fraud, USAID & Project Mockingbird exposed & more! Mon. 10 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: The Collapse Has Begun. Global Elites in Full Panic Mode. Banks Are Imploding. Blackrock Is Falling. Global Currency Reset is Here. . . – – American Media Group Mon. 10 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 10, 2025 – The US Military News Mon. 10 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Musk’s Audits revealed US Government running a criminal racket for decades, laundering money into politicians pockets | Politics | Before It’s News Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Collapse Has Begun. Global Elites in Full Panic Mode! Banks Are Imploding! Blackrock Is Falling! Special Intel Report 2/10/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 10, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
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