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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on October 27 2024

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This Is Insane! Russia Unstoppable In Southern Donetsk And Selydove

Selydove Falls As Ukraine Faces Major Crisis On The Frontline, Putin Gains Edge In Donbas

Novoukrainka, Shakhtars’ke, & Bohoyavlenka Stormed Simultaneously | RUAF Capture Selydove

They just ran away… all of them… BOHOYAVLENKA FALLS TO RUSSIA!!! | Ukraine SITREP / Summary

Selydove Has Fallen l Massive Russian Advance Of Multiple Kilometers

Ukraine Selidovo collapse. North Korea in Kursk?

Russia’s Major Ambush in Kursk? Putin Claims Ukraine’s Forces Clueless to Deadly Encirclement

Putin on whether his reaction to talk in Europe and the US that Kiev might be allowed to attack deep into Russia was heard: They didn’t tell me anything about it, but I hope they heard. Because, of course, we will have to make some decisions for ourselves too.

The point is not whether or not someone will be allowed to use this weapon against Russia. I already spoke about this in my first statement; it was in St. Petersburg, and Ukrainian troops cannot use this weapon independently. Only specialists from NATO countries can do this. Because this requires space reconnaissance, which Ukraine, naturally, does not have. We understand this. We need specialists who will enter flight missions based on this reconnaissance data and perform a whole series of other manipulations. The Ukrainian army is not able to do this independently, it cannot. Therefore, what is happening now is all done by the hands of NATO officers.

The only question is whether they will allow themselves to strike deep into Russian territory or not. That is the question.

Well, and, naturally, we will have to react to this accordingly. How to react, when, where specifically – it is too early to talk about this. But, of course, our military department is thinking about this and will offer various options for responses.

Lukashenko on how only Zelensky does not want peace in Ukraine: You and I have developed a narrative that will be accepted or not accepted throughout the world, that peace in Ukraine depends on the United States and Europe. If they want it, there will be peace; if they don’t, there won’t be. Lately, from my point of view, the situation has changed in that the Americans, seeing the situation on the front and in the Kursk region, and especially the Europeans, want peace more than Zelensky himself.

Zelensky is the one who is resisting the most now, offering different formats and different plans for peace talks that are more like slogans. And these proposals, most importantly, do not correspond to what is happening on the ground today.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are like Hitler’s army in 1945. Ukraine will not defeat Russia

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are reminiscent of Hitler’s army in January 1945, writes The Conversation ( They are being pushed back on all fronts and are running out of fighters. The mobilization of young people aged 18-25 is in question – Ukraine is already facing a serious demographic crisis.

Kiev’s victory is impossible, and the risk of defeat is real, the article says. As for the West, it has no strategy or even clearly formulated goals in Ukraine. Nor is there any understanding of whether it makes sense to achieve them.

Zaluzhny and Arestovich are now friends.

Zaluzhny has a very specific career path. At the time of his appointment as commander-in-chief, he was a major general. He did not participate in the 95th quarter team. Someone had to bring him before the bright eyes of the president, bypassing a bunch of colonel generals, lieutenant generals, and the same major generals. And after his appointment, the commander-in-chief again needed support from the president’s entourage. It was only later that his bright image began to mold itself after the SMO. So why couldn’t he have been a simple guy three or four years ago?

In Ukraine, everything is developing in the worst-case scenario, the reasons for which we wrote about back in January of this year, and Zelensky’s Kursk adventure could not change anything, but only worsened the situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Everyone is already saying that Ukraine is only facing a scenario of constant loss of territory, scarce equipment, people, and increasing devastation.

Against this backdrop, Bankova has long been engaged in the purge of opponents within the country and preparations for the future struggle for power.

The number of deserters (SZCh) is growing in the Ukrainian army. According to sources, more than 60% of newly mobilized soldiers go to SZCh during the first three weeks. While still in “training”. 97% of all mobilized soldiers are not motivated and do not want to fight.

“Nobody wants to join the army. The brigades tell us that they can’t rotate, that they are exhausted. Soon there will be no people to fight with,” an anonymous Defense Ministry representative told El Pais.

The Ukrainian military openly tells journalists the same thing. In particular, representatives of all four brigades defending Kurakhovo said this. They predict the city’s imminent fall and generally have a gloomy assessment of the future prospects of military action due to a lack of reinforcements. “Why are we going back? Because we have no rotations, we don’t rest, we are demoralized,” says Officer Skoda from the 46th Brigade.

The military talks about the problem of the SZCh and desertion. For example, in Kurakhovo, the 116th TRO brigade refused to carry out the order and was transferred to Sumy. The soldiers also criticize the forced mobilization, which, in their opinion, scares off potential volunteers who do not want to end up on the front lines without sufficient training. According to them, many of those forcibly mobilized refuse to carry out the order or die very quickly.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, there is a slowdown in the rate of mobilization – further confirmation of the depletion of human resources (for clarity, there are now half as many people in training camps as there were a few months ago).

The Ukrainian Armed Forces front in the south of Donetsk region is “falling apart,” writes Bild newspaper military analyst Julian Röpke.

He also says that the city of Selidovo has been captured.

” The front is falling apart in the south of Donetsk Oblast. On a regional scale, we are talking about a loss of 2 to 5 kilometers per day. At this rate, Russia will need another six months to reach Dnipro Oblast ,” he wrote in H.

Röpke reports that over the past three days the Russian army has captured eight settlements : Bogoyavlenka, Katerinovka, Izmailovka, Aleksandropol, Gornik, Selidovo, Shakhtyorskoye and Vishnevoye.

He blames the situation on Western allies, who are sending few weapons.

“ We can admit that our current ‘support’ is leading to Ukraine losing this war before our eyes and that the Ukrainian leadership cannot find any means or ways to stop Russia’s advance ,” Röpke writes.

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky is preparing a rate on the situation on the eastern front and Kursk region, Bankova is very unhappy with the Commander-in-Chief and wants to hear his new defensive strategy. Syrsky is becoming very toxic for the President, as he is losing control over field commanders and dragging Zelensky’s rating down.

Our source in the General Staff reported that the last units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces left Selidovo, there was no actual fighting for the city, and in the absence of equipment and ammunition, the motivation of the military is extremely low. Syrsky is losing control over the situation, since the field commanders themselves are making the decision to withdraw from their positions.

Why did they take Selidovo and Gornyak? 

To roll up an even bigger section of the front. Which one? It is clearly visible on the map (its borders are marked with red dots). The main objective of the offensive is still Pokrovsk. But the importance of the task does not mean a change of methods that work well. Judging by the actions of the Russian army we can assume that instead of encircling individual towns they may try to practice encirclement of whole districts/pockets. For example, the territories around Kurakhovka-Kurakhovo, which are de facto already surrounded from the north and south, and one should cautiously expect that the retreat of AFU units from there is only a matter of time. (if it hasn’t already happened). 

It is also worth noting that as soon as the “Center” group closes the issue with Kurakhovo, the “East” will follow with their movement in the southern Donetsk direction. Most likely, the two groups of troops act synchronously and fully realize the idea of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces about the tactics of a thousand cuts. 

If everything manages to be realized as planned, two goals will be simultaneously fulfilled: the AFU control over the South Donetsk area will be virtually eliminated, and Pokrovsk and the AFU grouping in it risk getting into an operational encirclement. 

Military Chronicle

It is too early to talk about the strategic prospects for the liberation of Selidovo and Gornyak by the Russian Armed Forces. 

Today, the short-term goals of our General Staff in this direction are visible – the liquidation of the “Donetsk” group of the enemy in the south to the line Velikaya Novoselovka-Shakhterskoye-Kurakhovo and from south to north from Krasnoarmeysk (Pokrovsk) to Chasov Yar. 

We will develop operational success in the Selidovo – Gornyak area, gradually enveloping Pokrovsk. We should also expect an intensification of assault operations in the Chasov Yar area.

Selidovo is taken. What next?

The cascade offensive will continue to develop. After the city is taken, a small plateau and a chain of villages on it will open up before the Russian army, which will now be much easier to clear, since the large city is not in the way.

It is not yet clear whether a flank attack will be used immediately, but everything is going in the direction that if the assault on Pokrovsk from the east encounters some difficulties (and difficulties will occur), then all the conditions for its envelopment will be created from the south. In the north, Mirnograd may cause problems for the advancing Russian army, but even in this case, there is room for maneuver, and the city can be bypassed and blocked.

Russian troops liberated Selidovo and entered Kurakhovka, military telegram channels report

In parallel, fighting is taking place on the outskirts of Bogoyavlenka and Shakhtyorskoye.

Also, the Russian army, having made a 4.5 km advance, reached the southern outskirts of the village of Novoukrainka.

According to incoming operational information, the enemy is leaving the village of Novoukrainka due to the loss of a stable defense organization.

The guys report that there is complete disorientation in command on Ukrainian airwaves.

The losses of AFU in Selidovo and Gornyak are very big. Similar reports are coming from all other places. Seems that withdrawal was not withdrawal but more like a “run for your lives” type of action, and who survives, survives. Many didn’t. 

The sanitary situation in Selidovo is so-so. The streets are littered with abandoned Ukrainian soldiers’ bodies. We are publishing a picture for you to get the idea. 

Russian troops have to bury them in parallel with the cleanup of the territory. It is clearly noticeable that along with well-equipped soldiers, some were collected in five minutes. Apparently, even the line infantry of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is now actively mixed with Troops brigades and “Kashniks” (former prisoners). 

They try not to spend money on either one. Life is the cheapest commodity in Ukraine these days. If they plan to stabilize the front, they would have to do it sooner rather than later. Those AFU troops in training abroad will have to come shortly. They will be dealt with as well. With whom Ukraine will fight after that, we are honestly scared to imagine. We hope that the practice of child soldiers died in Nazi Germany, and we pray that we won’t see it again. But, we are not optimists. 

Ugledar direction 

Information is coming from the field that our troops, after a big breakthrough, were able to firmly establish themselves in Shakhtyorskoye and continue to push the enemy out of the village.

The prospects for a Shakhtar breakthrough are impressive.

As far as we understand, the goal is to reach Razliv and take up positions on the Volchya River with access to the rear of the enemy garrison in Kurakhovo.

Plus pressure from two flanking directions: on the AFU group in Bogoyavlenka, thus enabling their expedient removal, and on Velikaya Novosyolka – leveling the main “joy” of the counter oink last year.

By the way, the direction of the conscious flight of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the Dnipropetrovsk region is also a so-so idea – the enemy has no sensible fortifications between Pavlograd and Pokrovsk. So the AFU will not be able to pull off the trick of drawing us to the prepared lines and then splitting up between Pavlograd and Konstantinovka.

Powerful breakthrough for Ugledar: Russian army breaks through 25 km wide front into 3 important villages at once

“Major advances by the Russian Federation on the South Donbass front continue.

Over the past 24 hours, the Russians have consolidated their positions in Shakhtyorskoye (having broken through almost 8 km), where they advanced the day before. Then they attacked further east – the village of Novoukrainka, having advanced almost 4 km,” Kiev media admit.

To the north of Ugledar, Russian troops entered Bogoyavlenka, and to the west of Velykaya Novoselka, they liberated Levadnoe (Vremyevskiy salient, Zaporozhye region), Ukrainian military analysts from Deep State admitted with great belatedness.

“In total, in all three areas, the Russians are advancing on a front up to 25 kilometers wide.”

“It was previously reported that the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces from the south with simultaneous strikes from the north poses a serious threat to all Ukrainian Armed Forces in the southwest,” the Ukrainians summarize.

South Donetsk Direction: Advance of the Russian Armed Forces towards Yelyzavetivka, liberation of most of Bohoyavlenka

Situation as of the end of October 27, 2024

In the South Donetsk direction, a series of offensive operations by Russian troops continues.

▪️In the area of Katerynivka and to the west, the advance of Russian assault troops from the 39th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, 1472nd Motorized Rifle Regiment, and other units of the 68th Army Corps is being recorded into several forest belts.

🔻To the south of the settlement, footage ( has appeared with the Russian flag in the window of a building on the territory of an agricultural complex, which indirectly indicates an expansion of the control zone in this area.

▪️To the west, the enemy was driven out of large forest plantations south of the Solodka River and the pond in the Solenenkaya gully. And thus, the advance detachments of the Russian troops are within a few hundred meters of the outskirts of the industrial zone and the ruins in the southeast of Yelyzavetivka. The road from Yelyzavetivka to Katerynivka is effectively under fire control and is unsuitable for use by the enemy.

▪️In Bohoyavlenka, Russian troops have occupied most of the settlement. Footage has appeared online with the Russian flag and units over the territory of kindergarten No. 30. Later, footage ( appeared with the raising of the flag on another house in the center of the village, farms to the east, and over a strongpoint to the south.

🔻The settlement was taken by motorized riflemen of the 36th and 57th Brigades and the 430th Motorized Rifle Regiment, as well as fighters of the 14th Separate Special Forces Brigade. According to our information, fighting continues only in the north, where the presence of the enemy remains, and the extensive agricultural complex to the west of the settlement is already occupied by Russian troops. Earlier, several units of Ukrainian armored vehicles were destroyed there.

▪️Meanwhile, in Shakhtarsk and Novoukrainka, fighting continues. The Marines managed to occupy most of Shakhtarsk, with the presence of the enemy remaining only on the northwestern outskirts.


In Ukraine, they decided very opportunely to start building as many as three lines of defense around the federal center of the Russian subject they occupied - the city of Zaporozhye.

What are the prospects for the cascade offensive of the Russian Armed Forces near Pokrovsk?

The most difficult part for the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the fall of Selidovо is only just beginning. Now, there are no large cities on the Russian army’s route, and the troops can focus all their attention on Pokrovsk and Mirnograd. Whether these cities have been prepared for defense or not is, by and large, no longer important. The tactics (for now) remain the same – moving forward, setting up a screen upon contact with enemy troops, and beginning flank attacks. The chances that this scenario will continue to work during the assault on Pokrovsk are quite high.

Pokrovsk direction: liberation of most of Selidovo, Russian flag in Vishnevoe

In the Pokrovsk direction, events are rapidly unfolding in Selidovo. The multi-story buildings have come under the control of Russian forces, although the enemy is still present in the city, but apparently only in the northwestern outskirts.

▪️Several videos have already appeared from the city center, showing the calm movement ( of Russian troops in the settlement, and in the background, there is no sound of gunfire, including directly near the administration. The yellow and blue banner was taken down by soldiers of the 90th Division of the Russian Armed Forces.

🔻Based on the emerging footage, as well as reports of the evacuation of the civilian population, the Russian troops confidently control the northern, eastern and southeastern parts of the city.

▪️In addition, the Russian flag was raised in Vishnevoe. The clearing of this small but important settlement began yesterday and has now, apparently, been completed.

🔻At the same time, on October 26, prisoners of war were withdrawn from the city, which indicates stable control not only over Vishnevoe, but also over the plantations south of Selidovo.


Judging by intelligence data, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not going to hold the bridgehead south of Kurakhovo. Nor Kurakhovo itself. They will retreat to new defensive lines, which they are currently digging.

Our troops raised the Russian flag over Pershotravnevo, breaking through the front in the Kharkov region

Russian troops continue their active offensive towards Kupyansk, confidently pushing through the enemy’s defenses and moving forward. Smashing is continuing. 

October 27, 2024

▪️ The current week ends with news about significant successes of the Russian Army in a number of areas.

▪️So, the defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has fallen in two cities in the Pokrovsk direction : Selidovo has been taken, and footage with our flags is coming from Gornyak.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces broke through several kilometers forward, engaging in battles in Shakhtarskoye, Bogoyavlek, and Novoukrainka.

▪️In the Kupyansk – Limansk direction, our control zone is expanding on the Kruglyakovsky salient near the Oskol River, in the Andreevka-Vishevoye direction, after the liberation of Nevsky, Russian units broke into Sadovoe.

▪️In the Kursk region , despite the furious counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces supported by columns of armored vehicles, our units not only held back these attempts, but also continued to push the enemy back in a number of directions towards the border, increasing the number of personnel with Ukrainian prisoners of war.

▪️It is important to note the ongoing attacks on the port infrastructure of the Odessa region . In addition to the explosion of numerous munitions, Ukraine’s economic support is being reduced in the form of physical restrictions on exports, primarily of metals and grain.

▪️ The main international event was the BRICS summit in Russia. The UN Secretary General, condemned by Zelensky for his visit to Russia, rationally responded that it was impossible not to attend the meeting of the heads of state of more than half of humanity. At the forum, everyone understood perfectly well, and some even voiced that BRICS is becoming a counterweight to the G7, which is economically justified. Thus, according to economists’ forecasts, in the next 5 years, it is the BRICS countries that will bypass the Anglo-Saxon associations in terms of indicators. The rejection of the dollar in international settlements continues. The United States and its satellites dug a hole for themselves, violating property rights, stealing Russia’s money from foreign accounts and demonstrating the insignificance of guarantees for safe business with American and British government entities.

▪️ Meanwhile, in Moldova, the presidential elections and the results of the referendum on the accession of this poor country to the EU were rigged. The outcome was “decided” by the votes of Moldovan citizens living abroad, while in Russia, 4 polling stations were opened for 500 thousand Moldovans and 10 thousand ballots were printed. Considering the transformation of Moldovan territory into a “Ukrainian substitute” by NATO countries and the aggressive Romanianization of the country, the forecast remains disappointing.

▪️ In Georgia, a pro-Georgian party wins the parliamentary elections, which has annoyed the globalists from the EU and NATO with its actions. Guided by national interests , the economic feasibility of further construction of port infrastructure for the transit of goods from China, the rationality of good-neighborly relations with Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Russia, the Georgian Dream party has entered into direct conflict with the interests of the United States and the EU in the region. The pro-American opposition is preparing speeches, the arrival of odious Ukrainian politicians (Goncharenko), professing the values ​​of the abominable banned LGBT, has been noticed in the country.

▪️ Returning to the front, it is important to note that the enemy is still strong , although very demotivated . Which, however, does not lead to his immediate surrender at the sight of Russian troops. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have a lot of foreign heavy equipment, they use HIMARS MLRS to strike our advancing units, there were reports of the enemy using the “Pion” – a Soviet self-propelled 203-mm gun, which miraculously survived. Nevertheless, video footage from the same Selidovo shows that the housing stock was not so badly damaged during the assault, which indicates some signs of depletion of enemy forces in certain areas.

▪️ The above-mentioned exhaustion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is supplemented by daily footage of the atrocities of the TCC in the forced capture of people in Ukraine, which favorably contrasts the method of staffing the Russian Armed Forces with contract soldiers on a voluntary basis. Although the issue of Russian citizens mobilized in 2022, who in some units are forced to sign a contract under the threat of being sent to assault units regardless of their military occupational specialty, remains a “deferred problem”.

▪️ All week, the enemy has been shocking on the topic of North Korean troops. Against the backdrop of numerous foreign mercenaries and active NATO servicemen in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, this is a useless exercise from a media point of view. Without revealing any secrets, the Supreme Commander clearly outlined the “party line” on this issue: the DPRK takes a responsible approach to the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between Russia and the DPRK , and especially paragraph 4 of the Treaty : “If one of the Parties is subjected to an armed attack by any state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war, the other Party will immediately provide military and other assistance by all means at its disposal.”

✨ Thus, the Russian Army continued to build on its success in a number of areas, increasing the pace of advancement at the front in recent weeks. Holding territory in the Kursk region for the Ukrainian Armed Forces remains politically justified on the eve of the US elections; the Kiev regime did not even spare Abrams tanks for futile counterattacks. At this time, the Russian Armed Forces are mixing up the concentrated enemy with FAB and artillery strikes in heavy fighting. In the future, armed provocations and attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces are predicted in certain sections of the front during the US voting period, a reduction in the mobilization age in Ukraine to 21 (they will sweeten the deal by saying that it will not be 18 years old) and continued military-technical assistance from the West to Kiev in order to prolong the conflict for permanent damage to Russia.

Two majors


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