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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 21 2024

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Russia will keep moving West

ITS ALL COLLAPSING NOW…. | Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report

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Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President will not stop the war along the demarcation line, as this will be a death sentence for Zelensky, who sacrificed all the reserves and capabilities of Ukraine to return the territories before 1991. Bankova wants to use the negotiation track with Trump to get a new financial package in the US budget for 2025.

The name of our friends’ channel is more relevant than ever; the question of Zelensky’s legitimacy will be the main one in the future, when Trump comes to power and begins to implement his peace plan. Is Zelensky legitimate based on the Constitution? The answer should have been given by the Constitutional Court, but Bankovaya decided that the issue was removed from the agenda, but this did not solve the essence of the usurpation of power…

Johnson’s publication about the possible capitulation of Ukraine looks like the height of cynicism; the ex-prime minister forgot the fact that he did not allow Zelensky to sign Istanbul-1, which would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives/infrastructure/economy.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson proposes to abandon the demand for the return of the 1991 borders to Ukraine. He also proposes to provide rights to the Russian-speaking population as “compensation for Putin.”

Johnson wrote about this in his article for the Daily Mail, commenting on his negotiations with Donald Trump.

Johnson writes that Trump understands that a defeat for Ukraine would be a huge defeat for the United States. And Putin, in turn, will become a threat to all countries of the former USSR. 

Former British PM Boris Johnson proposes to abandon the demand for the return of the 1991 borders to Ukraine. He also proposes to provide rights to the Russian-speaking population as “compensation to Putin.”

▪️Johnson commenting on negotiations with Trump.

▪️Trump understands that the defeat of Kiev will be a huge defeat for the US. And Putin, in turn, will become a threat to all countries of the former USSR. 

▪️In parallel, there will be a threat to Taiwan from China and to Israel from Hezbollah. And the US will have to choose: either give up world leadership or go to war.

▪️Johnson believes that Trump can end the war on terms acceptable to Ukraine and the West. By these conditions, he means Ukraine’s access to the borders on Feb 24, 2022 and the possibility of Ukraine joining the EU and NATO.

▪️To do this, he proposes to increase military assistance to Ukraine, speed up supplies and lift existing restrictions on strikes on Russia with Western weapons.

In the future, he said, a well-armed Ukrainian army could replace the US contingent in Europe, which would allow Trump to save money, bring US soldiers home and force Europe to do more for its own defense capabilities. 

▪️As compensation to Putin, Johnson proposes introducing “special protection measures for Russian language speakers” in Ukraine and carrying out a global restoration of US relations with Russia with the possibility of returning to the times when the Russian Federation was a “respectable partner” of the G8 and NATO.

▪️In the spring of 2022, at the Istanbul negotiations, Putin was ready to withdraw troops to the line on February 24 (except for the LDPR – this issue should be discussed at a personal meeting between Zelensky and Putin), but, as the head of the negotiation group David Arakhamia later stated, Kyiv refused these conditions. Including because the position “we will continue to fight” was taken by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

▪️Now Putin’s conditions have become tougher. Thus, he demands that the entire territory of the LDPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions be given back to the Russian Federation.

Asbery: Putin will never accept NATO or a Ukraine pumped up with weapons.

Colleagues, Johnson’s formula is aimed not at peace, but at war. Stop discussing it. None of them want peace.

Johnson’s task, under the pretext of peace, is to give Kyiv money, more new weapons and permission to strike further in depth, which, of course, will only increase the escalation up to the strike of tactical nuclear weapons, etc.

It turns out to be absurd, right?

Johnson, like Zelensky, is not interested in ending the war, as he would lose influence, money and power.

Now all the talk about peace negotiations is an empty phrase until the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 2024 has passed and the elections in the United States have passed.

After these two events have passed, it will be possible to say for sure that we are closer to peace or to World War III.

Conflicts in Europe (the Ukrainian one will definitely not be the last) have one strategic goal: to weaken Russia and give NATO a new meaning to exist after the end of the Cold War.
Of course, the priorities of Trump and Biden are somewhat different: for Republicans, China and everything related to its containment come first. However, weakening China is impossible if Russia strengthens, which will certainly happen if the Kremlin manages to impose its interests on a settlement in Ukraine.
Moscow is increasingly inclined to believe that instead of partial normalization, under Trump, Russia may face a new stage of hybrid confrontation, the geographical scale of which will become noticeably wider.
▪️Kiev faces a double blow – a difficult situation on the front line and political uncertainty regarding future support from key allies. These circumstances prompted Zelensky to make an unusually softened appeal to the Ukrainians and for the first time hinted at his readiness to negotiate with Russia since the beginning of the conflict.
▪️ Russian forces are  advancing at the front, creating additional difficulties for Ukraine. At the same time, questions arise about the readiness of Ukraine’s closest allies, such as the US and Germany, to continue supporting Kiev.
▪️According to former US Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst, Zelensky’s change of tone is likely related to events in the US, when Trump nominated an outspoken critic of Ukraine support, J.D. Vance. At the same time , Germany plans to halve military aid to Ukraine next year, hoping Ukraine can meet its military needs with $50 billion in loans.

The worst thing for the authorities now is the end of the war, then the figures for the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will appear and the whole country will tremble! This is why the Office of the President will not enter into a negotiation track with the Kremlin—the verdict.

 I know how many people we lose every day. I see these changes every day. And they are not in a positive way. It’s not getting smaller , – Zelensky

“At the same time, the difference between the killed and wounded between us and the Russians is very large. If we have 1 killed for every 6-8 wounded, then they have every second or third .”

Zelensky declares the possibility of stopping the hot stage of the war; this can be interpreted as the Kremlin’s narrative about a truce along the demarcation line. Further, it turns out that they are ready not to fight, but to carry out diplomatic pressure, what prevented this from being done in Istanbul-1 without hundreds of thousands of dead military personnel and destroyed infrastructure?

In principle, we are ready to talk with Putin, but if he agrees, his partners must influence him! For two years, sanctions and economic pressure had no effect, but here they should! I wonder how? The question is rhetorical because no one knows.

The closer the US elections are, the more the Ukrainian crisis will flare up – source.

No matter how much they talk about the peaceful case now, everyone is preparing for large-scale military events, provocations, etc.

The Ukrainian crisis is the main trump card of the “democrats”.

Zelensky continues to prepare an offensive that should help the Democrats gain points during the elections. There will also be several cases of provocations with tragedies.

The next 5 months for Ukrainians will be the most difficult and perhaps the most tragic.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Don’t become a bargaining chip in the global game of big guys.

Our source reports that Ermak and the OP again started an information and protest campaign against Klitschko for one very good reason.

Bankova needs to gain full control over Kiev, since the guys from the OP are preparing to repel the MAIDAN.

ZeErmak knows that Maidan-3 opponents are preparing the same way as the Offices are preparing an offensive.

Very soon we will be able to see people on the streets of Kyiv with posters that Zelensky is an “illegitimate” president, very soon, believe me. And it is not the Kremlin that is preparing the Maidan, but the “West” – the source.

Political tension in Kiev: Klitschko about Zelensky and the future of Ukraine

“The coming months will be very difficult for Vladimir Zelensky. He will have to continue the armed conflict with new casualties and destruction or consider a territorial compromise with Vladimir Putin. If this happens, what pressures will there be from America if Trump wins? How to explain to the people that they need to give up parts of our territory, for which thousands of our military died? Any step by Zelensky could lead to political suicide. We must win the war, but the situation is becoming increasingly difficult and depends on the help of the allies. It would be terrible if we had to fight for another two years,” said Kiev Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko in an interview.

Klitschko also emphasized that Zelensky may have to hold a referendum on a territorial compromise. “I don’t think he can make such painful decisions without popular legitimation. The solution could be the creation of a government of national unity, as happened in Israel after the Hamas attack,” the mayor noted. He also added that Zelensky is concentrating too much power, which violates the democratic traditions of Ukraine.

▪️ When asked about the possibility of elections, Klitschko answered categorically: “Now no one wants elections, not even critics of Zelensky. The political struggle will begin only after the end of the armed conflict with Russia. Elections now would play into Putin’s hands, divide Ukraine and weaken us in front of Moscow.”

Russian air defense in the morning shot down two ATACMS high-precision missiles in the sky over the Kherson region, the enemy tried to attack Crimea, Governor Saldo said.

If any ATACMS did get through though then I am sure Ukraine will flood the zone within 24 hours with pictures. Not to mention there will be a million articles to go with said satellite photos. 

Storm of Volchansk: The Russian Army occupied the first line of high-rise buildings

Ukrainian militants report this by publishing new maps.

▪️ “In Volchansk, the Russians took the first line of high-rise buildings in the north and improved positions to the east, positions beyond the Volchaya River were abandoned because the bridge was blown up,” they write.

▪️To the south of the lyceum there is now a gray zone, where groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sometimes enter and there are oncoming battles.

▪️In the video, bombs rain on Ukrainian infantry sheltering in the territory of an abandoned textile factory. The enemy regularly hides in the basements of abandoned enterprises, but they are eliminated there too.

▪️The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported in the morning report that in the Kharkov direction, Russian troops attacked the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 5 times in the areas of Volchansk and Glubokoye.

Kupiansk-Svatove direction: push towards Pishchane and battles near Synkivka

situation as of 11:00 am on July 21, 2024

Russian forces continue their systematic offensive in various sectors of the Kupiansk-Svatove direction.

▪️In the area of Synkivka, there are battles in the forest belts to the east and west of the village. Positions change hands from time to time, and the front here is relatively static. Russian aviation is delivering air strikes on the approaches to Lyman Pershyi.

▪️West of Kyslivka, Russian troops are advancing towards Stepova Novosilka along the railway. The village remains under the control of the AFU, as evidenced by recent air strikes on enemy positions near the settlement.

▪️On the line of Krakhmalne – Berestove, Russian troops broke through the enemy’s defense line, advancing several kilometers to the west. At the moment, the Russian Armed Forces have successfully entrenched themselves in Pishchane, which is now almost fully under their control. Footage from the Operational Space ( channel shows the moment of raising the flag on the Soldier’s Monument in the western part of the village.

The nearest settlement to the bridgehead on the opposite bank of the Oskil River is the small village of Kolesnikivka, which is separated from Pishchane by a large field.

▪️Simultaneously, the Internet is actively publishing footage of the flag being raised on one of the houses in Rozivka (Andriivka). Analysis of the footage revealed that the moment of the flag installation was captured in Dzherelne (Rodnykove), and the presence of Russian Armed Forces units in Rozivka itself has not yet been confirmed, although it is quite likely.


Aleksandr-Kalinovo Direction: Fighting in the Dzerzhynsk Agglomeration and the “Novhorod Salient” Area

For a month, fighting has continued in the Aleksandr-Kalinovo direction in the Dzerzhynsk agglomeration. Over the past two days, Russian forces have managed to expand the control zone and dislodge Ukrainian formations from some positions in the suburbs of Dzerzhynsk.

▪️In Druzhba, the Russian Armed Forces advanced along Zaliznychna Street and dislodged Ukrainian formations from positions along the entire length of Petra Velykoho Street. The presence of Russian troops in this area is confirmed by footage published by the opposing side.

▪️In the neighboring Kirovo (Pivnichne), Russian assault troops advanced north of the settlement, along Hirnytska Street. The section of the forest belt between Sotsmisto and the Northern Mine Dump, where the presence of AFU units was previously noted, also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

At the same time, Russian UAV crews regularly strike equipment in the immediate rear of the enemy. In the area of just one Tsentralna Street, as a result of FPV drone strikes, the enemy lost several armored vehicles used to transport personnel.

▪️In Leninske (Pivdenne), the Russian Armed Forces are advancing on the southern outskirts to fully liberate the village. During several attacks, the assault troops managed to significantly expand the control zone, dislodging the enemy from positions in the area of Terrykon No. 1 and Poltavska Street.

▪️Russian troops dislodged Ukrainian formations from Height 180 southwest of Yuriivka, control of which allowed the enemy to influence the supply of Russian units in the “salient”. The dam west of the aforementioned height also came under the control of Russian servicemen.

In addition, there are reports of the encirclement of AFU units in Novhorodske as a result of successful actions by Russian troops. However, no objective control footage has been published online yet to confirm this information.


Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 21, 2024

During the day, the Russian Armed Forces launched Geran-2 drones at targets in several regions of the so-called Ukraine, and a missile strike was carried out on AFU objects in Pavlohrad. In turn, the enemy made unsuccessful attempts to raid the territory of Belgorod Region and Crimea.

Reports are coming from the Kupiansk-Svatove direction about the liberation of the settlement of Rozivka by Russian troops. Battles are also recorded in the area of Synkivka and Petropavlivka.

In the Artemivsk direction, according to some information, the Russian Armed Forces broke through the AFU defense north of Chasiv Yar and occupied farms north of Kalynove (Kalinivka).

In the Oleksandro-Kalinivka direction, Russian troops are developing an offensive in the suburbs of Dzerzhynsk. In the area of Novhorodske, the height 180 came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces units, and in Leninske – Polтavska Street and slag heap No. 1.

In the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards Vozdvyzhenka and east of Lozuvatka. Fierce battles with the use of UAVs and armored vehicles are noted on the northern outskirts of Novoselivka Persha.

In the Donetsk direction, the presence of Russian units west of Nevelske has been recorded, but it is difficult to determine the scale of the advance of the Russian Armed Forces. To the south, there are battles in Krasnohorivka, where the AFU previously lost positions in the center of the settlement.


Ukraine’s MAGIC UNO REVERSE on Russian FAB strikes… | Ukraine War SITREP / Situation Report

Total Collapse Of Ukrainian Defenses

Morning Overview Report on July 21, 2024

▪️The past week has reinforced the confidence of politicians in Trump’s US election success. Experts now predict possible negotiations on Ukraine, but Zelenskyy faces a dilemma after criticizing Trump. He must now seek approaches to the future American authorities, who may limit arms supplies.

▪️However, “negotiations” have been discussed before, while the war continues. Trump’s powers were limited by Congress, and the military-industrial complex profits from the war, so stopping hostilities seems unlikely. The “Minsk Agreements” also failed, and Ukraine’s military has gained experience and new means of destruction.

▪️Kyiv is accelerating draconian mobilization, involving the National Police and banking system, to recruit “cannon fodder” for a “counteroffensive 2.0.” Arson attacks on Ukrainian forces’ vehicles are becoming regular, but there is no systemic counteraction to the Nazis.

▪️On the front lines, the Russian Armed Forces maintain the initiative, with slow but steady advancement in several directions amid heavy fighting. They are solving the long-term task of exhausting the AFU, but need more equipment and systems.

▪️Strikes on Russian territory continue, targeting military airfields and refineries, which cannot be fully protected.

▪️The Belgorod Region population is suffering from daily shelling by the AFU. The measures taken by the regional authorities are often assessed as insufficient, despite federal resources.

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