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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on July 19 2024

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Ukraine Woman Sets Herself On Fire Over Husband’s Forced Army Recruitment

In the third year of the war, the authorities decided to finally finish off the people, land mobilization and corruption, rising tariffs and food prices, power outages and constant rocket attacks, all this was not enough, it was decided to raise taxes! 

The government is preparing to pass a bill to increase military duty rates.

The main changes that are proposed:

Military levy increase:

- For individuals – up to 5% of income.

- For legal entities (corporate income tax payers and single tax payers of groups 3 and 4) – 1% of income.

- For individual entrepreneurs on a single tax of the first, second, fourth groups – 5%.

- For individual entrepreneurs on a single tax of the third group – 1%.

Other taxes and fees:

- 5% military tax when purchasing bank metals.

- 30% military tax on jewelry sales.

- 15% military tax when purchasing a new car (except for cases of providing for persons with disabilities).

- 5% military tax on the sale of real estate (for individuals who sold one property per year).

- 5% military tax on mobile communication services.

Monthly advance payment on income tax for fuel sellers (in the amount of 0.5 of the minimum wage established by law as of January 1 of the reporting (tax) year, based on 1 cubic meter of storage tanks for gasoline and diesel fuel and liquefied gas).

Specific excise tax rate on drinks (0.1 euros per liter).

When people do not have rights, and fair mobilization is carried out for relatives of politicians/officials and security officials, then people are in despair!

A woman set herself on fire in court in Rakitny, Kyiv region.

According to media reports citing eyewitnesses, today in the Belotserkovsky district a 35-year-old woman doused herself with a flammable substance and set herself on fire because she and her husband filed a lawsuit for a delay in mobilization, but they refused. 

Now the woman is in a hospital in Kyiv, she has burns on 80% of her body.

Zemobilization has become worse than the enemy.

Zemobilization achieved its goal, Ukrainians began to kill Ukrainians.

The TCC continues to practice beatings of Ukrainians, which becomes the reason for their death at the hands of military commissars-policemen who need to carry out the Zemobilization plan.

A 34-year-old man, hospitalized yesterday from the Odessa TCC, died, local public reports report.

He was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury, brain contusion, subdural and epidural hematomas of the brain, and epilepsy.

Odessa is again ahead of the rest in terms of protest sentiments. 

People blocked the TCC car and the police, who abducted the guy by force and filled him with gas.

The TCC was so scared of the people that they started firing a combat pistol into the air, trying to intimidate people. 

 ..Good afternoon Legitimate, I wanted to share with you today’s story, I can’t say that I’m surprised by what’s happening, but I would like others to see and draw their own conclusions.

City of Zaporozhye, Gryaznoye stop, near a traffic light a guy in a BMW easily crashed into a Ukrainian Armed Forces car, an unknown person in military uniform with a pistol in his hands got out of the car, put the BMW driver on his knees, took a video and drove on.

The “defender” trend, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces had in 2022-23, is now completely discredited. Ukrainians are beginning to equate them with “occupiers.” People in Ukraine are afraid of the military, like bandits in the 90s, which means they will be glad when they are all “disposable.”

Zemobilization starts the process of splitting the country. They still wonder why TCC/APU cars are being burned en masse in Odessa

Another murder of an Odessa resident by TCC workers.

Yesterday a video appeared that the guy was brought to the military registration and enlistment office in this condition, and after he became ill, he was sent by ambulance to the hospital, where he died from:

Diagnosis: Closed craniocerebral injury, brain contusion, subdural and epidural hematomas of the brain, epilepsy.

As the source explained: the guy was probably severely beaten because of which he was stressed and had an attack, and the doctors simply could not save him.

We remind you that FILM everything live, the police are afraid of publicity, it is better not to end up in the TCC, as they will kill you and no one will be punished. Zelensky allowed them to commit any lawlessness against the people.

Take care of yourself.

As we previously insided, this is what happens in the case of delays from Zemobilization.

Only every tenth person who previously had the status of limited fit is now considered unfit for service, the General Staff reports.

Previously, the “limitedly fit” status was removed from the law: within 9 months, all these people must undergo a medical examination, which declares them unfit, suitable, or fit only for military service in certain places, such as rear units, logistics units or TCC.

Then the military on the front lines complain that they are sent people who have hundreds of diseases.

The authorities are simply throwing “meat” at the front, which is being disposed of so that manpower can hold the defense, and the authorities can accumulate weapons for the offensive promised to sponsors.

At the same time, the elite and deputies receive deferments, and the poor go to fight for their bright future.

Former people’s deputy Valery Ivasyuk, in an interview with journalist Alexander Bliznyuk, on the Yotube channel NEWSROOM, said that Zelensky and his entourage are the internal enemy of our country, because he usurped power after his presidential term expired after 20 May. The ex-people’s deputy called for the removal of Ze and his “Servants” from power.

“You, Alexander, said at the beginning of the program that I can breathe freely, but as a doctor, there is a block in the upper respiratory tract of the country, this green snot needs to be carved on the asphalt. Today on your air the president, although he is not the president after May 21, is a usurper. And I always call him a usurper. The answer to the questions lies on the surface – the internal enemy is worse than the external one. The external one is obvious, this is the enemy, he needs to be killed, punished, multiplied by zero. The internal enemy requires intelligence in the head in order to understand it and not be afraid. One of the biggest sins in Ukraine is indifference and fear. There is no need to be afraid, because then Ukraine simply will not exist,” the politician said.

Ivasyuk also spoke about a large-scale problem in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely the gap between the rank and file and senior command staff, who cannot properly establish interaction. This leads to poor planning of combat operations and large losses of personnel.

“In the Armed Forces of Ukraine there is a big gap between the top leadership at the level of Soviet colonels and the volunteers. The current General Staff does not pay attention to the most critical element, the link between those who fight with their hands, feet, blood and those who control, is an intermediary between the General Staff and the warring battalions. Another problem is the attitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the so-called usurper and the current General Staff towards the events of the war and covering them for the people. Information is secretly leaking out from special correspondents and Western media that there is a big disaster at the front in certain regions. Its reason is not only enemy pressure, but also unpreparedness, lack of miscalculation in advance of events at the front, which lead to large losses,” he concluded.

In addition, the politician accused Bankova and, above all, the General Staff of problems with mobilization in Ukraine.

“This is the problem of Zelensky’s General Staff and this middle circle of top management. These are these colonels and of course because of them the front line does not receive, in connection with such a law, in connection with such activities of the TCC, that fresh force that can add or replace those tired, wounded, those exhausted who want to at least rest and see their relatives “ , concluded the ex-parliamentarian.

In Lvov, Irina Farion, known for her radical and Nazi position, was seriously wounded by a shot in the head from a pistol without a silencer. She called all Russian-speaking Ukrainians pigs, etc. Even the military of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Perhaps someone decided to stir up hatred right now. Farion is just a sacred sacrifice to fuel the war.

Zelensky demands the West to allow attacks on Russian airfields

He stated this at the summit of the European Political Community.

Military airfields from which their planes with bombs take off against our cities, places where Russian missiles are launched – all this must be destroyed,

- Zelensky said.

The Kiev regime previously attacked Russian military airfields with drones, now Zelensky needs the lifting of restrictions on strikes with long-range Western weapons.

Zelensky and Trump are due to hold telephone talks today for the first time since 2020 – Reuters

▪️They will talk for the first time since Trump left the White House. But plans may still change, CNN reports.

▪️According to media reports, recently there have been discussions about the appropriate time for a telephone call, which was previously agreed upon for today.

▪️Trump has said he will end the war in Ukraine before he takes office in January if he wins the November 5 election, although he has not given details of how he will do this.

▪️In an interview with the BBC, Zelensky rejected Trump’s idea of ​​​​establishing a quick peace in Ukraine.

Our source in the OP said that Andrei Ermak asked former British Prime Minister Johnson to help organize negotiations with Trump. On Bankova they want to influence the position of the ex-president of the United States, who wants to end the war at the expense of our territories.

Zelensky admitted that Ukraine will not be able to take by force all the territories occupied by Russia

“Not all territories are conquered by force. I think the power of diplomacy can help,”

-  Zelensky in an interview with British propagandists from the BBC.

“It will also depend on partners who will put pressure on Russia so that it agrees to sit down and think about ending the war. The weaker Russia is on the battlefield, the stronger Ukraine will become at the negotiating table,”

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is due to speak with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and wants to talk about achieving a ceasefire agreement in Ukraine “as soon as possible, under any conditions”

“The situation in Ukraine will deteriorate… If Scholz really wanted to hear what I think, I would say: conclude a ceasefire agreement as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter under what conditions.”

Scholz, Vucic and the two enterprises also will sign letters of intent aimed at developing Serbia’s lithium-processing and electric-vehicle battery industry. Mercedes-Benz and Stellantis are currently in discussions with Serbia’s government to invest in the country, potentially adding fresh support for what may become Europe’s biggest lithium mine.

The carmakers, which are already partners in a battery joint venture, are willing to follow Rio Tinto Group’s investment in the proposed $2.4 billion mine in Serbia by developing processing and EV battery output. Rio’s Jadar mine was blocked by Serbia two years ago following mass protests triggered by ecological concerns.

The Prime Minister of Hungary published his letter to the President of the European Council about his “peacekeeping” trips to Moscow and China.

▪️Viktor Orban claims that Ukraine and Russia intend to get deeper into the conflict, and neither side wants to take initiatives for a ceasefire or peace talks.

▪️China adheres to its vision of ending the war, calling for a ceasefire and peace talks. But he will only play a more active role if the chance of success of his participation is “close to certain.” So far Beijing believes that this is not the case.

▪️Donald Trump is now focused on the elections, therefore “he is not able to change the current US war policy,” writes the Hungarian Prime Minister. Foreign policy will play only a minor role in Trump’s re-election campaign.

The West needs to stop deluding itself that NATO will not survive a second Trump term – Stoltenberg

According to the head of the alliance, the criticism of the Republican candidate concerns NATO itself, and specific countries that do not allocate enough funds for defense needs.

Stoltenberg recalled that in 2016 there were also fears about the imminent end of the alliance. The Secretary General expressed confidence that NATO is now stronger than before.

Earlier, it became clear that the Security Guarantee Agreement signed with the United States finally closes Ukraine’s path to NATO and consolidates the country’s status as an instrument of war. In fact, Ukraine is considered by the Alliance as a consumable commodity – this is approximately what the current policy of NATO countries is aimed at.
That is, the United States, having signed an agreement on security guarantees with Ukraine, in fact “threw away” it in the case of joining NATO. Political scientists note that if Washington looked at Kyiv differently, then Ukraine would be given the status of a key ally outside the North Atlantic Alliance – Israel, Japan and South Korea have this status, since the United States sees them as the main allies of the West in their respective regions. Ukraine should not count not only on a specific action plan for membership, but also on any “road map” or even a special partnership regime similar to the above-mentioned countries. 
At the same time, the West will continue to promise Ukraine membership in NATO because of fears that without this incentive we will stop and will not fulfill our task of causing maximum damage to Russia.

BBC: F-16 fighters, which the Western allies promised to supply to Kiev in the summer, never came to Ukraine – Zelensky

“Eighteen months have passed, and the fighters still haven’t reached us,”

- he complained to Western journalists.

Plans Announced for Another Logistics Hub for Military Cargo Shipments to Ukraine

On July 19, a project to build a logistics hub for cargo delivery from Romania to Ukraine was presented in Moldova. It is planned to be located near the Moldovan Bereshty station on three sites with a total area of 48 hectares. The project cost is €30 million, with a 2.5-year implementation period. The terminal will allow for the transshipment of military cargo from trains to trucks due to the high workload and wear and tear of the Moldovan railway infrastructure.

Earlier, in September 2023, under the EU’s “military mobility” program, the reconstruction of a railway bridge over the border Prut River near the town of Ungheni began, which is part of the Pașcani-Iași-Ungheni-Chișinău-Odesa ( route with a reconstructed European standard gauge (1435 mm). Additionally, in Poland, Slovakia, and Romania (, the financing of military logistics facilities has begun.

NATO is laying the groundwork for future military cargo movements towards Russia. Moldova is being prepared to play the role of a third-rate colony in this process, which, like Ukraine, will carry out any orders from its Western masters.

Dva majors

The President’s Office decided to make the command to blame for the failure of the operation on the left bank of the Dnieper, but no one says that this was a decision by headquarters and Zelensky personally. The General Staff must understand that politicians will ultimately make them to blame for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of military personnel.

The Rada Committee on National Security intends to consider the issue of the operation in Krynki, Kherson region

Committee member Solomiya Bobrovskaya: “ I would really like to understand the effectiveness, efforts, losses, relevance… And what it (the operation – approx.) showed .”

The blame for the senseless death of the military also lies with the journalists who thoughtlessly supported propaganda when political telegram channels wrote about the senselessness of the operation in Krynki. Only then we were accused of spreading the Kremlin’s narratives, but now everyone has woken up….

Oleksandrivka-Kalynivka direction: expansion of control zone in Novhorodske and fighting in Kirovo

situation as of 1:00 pm on July 19, 2024

Russian forces continue the assault on the Dzerzhynsk agglomeration, expanding the control zone simultaneously in several sectors of the front.

▪️In the area of Druzhba, Russian forces have occupied new positions in the area of Petra Velykogo and Kutuzova streets on the approaches to the Mahdalinivka railway station.

▪️In Kirovo (Pivnichne), the Russian Armed Forces have taken control of several houses in the area of Tsvitkova and Pavlova streets in the Sotshhorodok gardening association, as well as occupied the slag heap of the “Pivdenna” mine in Leninske (Pivdenne).

▪️In Artemovo (Zalizne), Russian forces are advancing along Kaspiyska, Chapaeva and Maiska streets, having advanced about a kilometer in 10 days. In the area of the latter, according to some reports, the forward assault detachments reached the territory of the local school yesterday, but there is no objective evidence of this yet. At the moment, the fighting is taking place on Lomonosova street.

▪️On the northern outskirts of Shcherbynivka, a road bridge was destroyed ( as a result of a direct hit by an X-38 missile, which will temporarily impede the enemy’s logistics through the Kryvyi Torets river in this area.

▪️In the area of Novhorodske (New York), Russian forces expanded the control zone in the private sector to the west, consolidating in the area of Poshtova street and occupying parts of Yesenina, Ostrovskoho, Zavodska and Dekabristiv streets. Currently, there are battles for control over the multi-story buildings (the locals call this area Petrivska Hill). The Russian Aerospace Forces are dropping FAB-500 bombs with JDAM on the enemy positions in the industrial zone near the phenol and machine-building plants.

In the eastern part of Novhorodske, an airborne assault on armored vehicles advanced along Zaliznychna and Radianska streets, reaching the territory of School No. 18. The enemy carried out remote mining of the area, as a result of which one of the armored vehicles was damaged and subsequently destroyed. Another BMP likely drove further north, but the scale of the advance is still unknown.

🔻According to some reports, the Russian Armed Forces were able to reach the Sotshhorodok quarter in the area of Ozerskoho street to the northwest of the Fenolna railway station and are fighting near the “Avanhard” stadium. Given the current configuration of the front and the rapidly changing situation, such a rapid dash to the center of the settlement is quite possible, but due to the lack of accurate data from the scene, it is not yet possible to confirm this information.


The Russian army is advancing in the center of New York, clearing Zheleznoye and the neighboring suburbs of Toretsk

The Center group of troops continues to build on its success, breaking through from Gorlovka to Toretsk (Dzerzhinsk) and attacking in the center of New York (Novgorodskoye), in Zheleznoye, Kirov (Northern), Yuzhnoye and Druzhba.

Ukrainian military analysts have geolocated fresh battle footage and recognize new successes of the Russian Armed Forces.

“In the southern part of New York, Russian troops, with the support of armored vehicles, attacked along Zheleznaya Street in a northern direction and reached school No. 18. Part of Zheleznaya Street in the south of the village, along which Russian armored vehicles moved, came under the control of the Russians,” write Kiev resources.

“Toretsk direction: In Zalizny (Zheleznoye), Russian troops occupied the building of school No. 13 (advancing to a depth of 500 meters) and continue attacks along Nauchnaya and Khmelnitskaya streets,”

- Ukrainian propagandists add.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in its summary: Russian troops continue active operations in the Toretsk direction; they carried out 20 attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of Severnoye, Toretsk and New York. They carry out airstrikes with KABs and unguided aircraft missiles.

The “🅾️” group conducted an assalt in the center of Novoselovka First and capture of Ukrainian Armed Forces militants

▪️ Ukrainian military analysts publish a video and map with geolocated footage of the actions of Center group fighters storming Novoselovka 1st in the Pokrovsk direction:

“Pokrovsk direction. In the footage of the movement of the Russian assault group in the central part of Novoselovka First in the area of ​​​​the intersection of Pervomaiskaya street 📠48.196727, 37.533984 ,”

- write enemy resources

“An area up to 1.22 km wide and a depth of up to 400 meters has come under the control of the Russians. The fighting is shifting to the western and southern parts of the village.”

In fact, a significant honor of the gray zone is also under the Russian army, Ukrainian cards are lagging behind.

“🅾️” group knocked the AFU out of Progress and raised the Russian flag! 

 - During the offensive in the Pokrovsky direction, the forces of the group of troops “Center” took the settlement of Progress behind Ocheretino (the full capture will be announced after the completion of a complete mop-up). 

 - This is written by the AFU media fighters themselves. 

 - “The enemy was able to squeeze n.n.p. Progress, while the Russians are moving freely on it, pick up BC our guys and boast that they are already there, cleanup of the western part. To the south of the village there is a bare patch, we won’t have to hold on to it for long either! Now the whole focus is on Volchye. It is 23 km to Pokrovsk,” Ukrainians write.

 - It is reported that the flag was raised by the first battalion of the 1st Slavyansk Brigade after the rapid breakthrough.

Seversk direction

The Russian Armed Forces made a breakthrough and entered Ivano-Daryevka. There is a flag above the center of the village. The enemy fled.

Siversk direction: a push towards Ivano-Dariivka

situation as of 6:00 PM on July 19, 2024

In the Siversk sector, which previously did not see high-intensity clashes, the news of the capture of Ivano-Dariivka came as a bolt from the blue. Media coverage of the sector from both sides has been quite restrained, which sometimes leads to a lack of accurate information about the configuration of the front line.

▪️Russian troops from the 123rd Motorized Rifle Brigade, after clearing the area, raised the flag in the center ( of the village. The nearest previously known positions of the Russian Armed Forces, both from the direction of Sporne and from the railway area near the Vyimka, are at least three kilometers away. Now the prospect of an offensive on the latter has opened up not only from the south, but also from the east.

Ukrainian formations are likely located on the high ground near Ivano-Dariivka in the “Ivano-Dariivka Quarry” nature reserve and the pine forest, where the enemy had prepared a network of trenches and strongpoints several years ago.

The elevation difference compared to the village itself is more than 70 meters, and the terrain near the local gully and the Sukhaya Plotva river is swampy, so the Russian troops can outflank the enemy’s fortified area without advancing across open terrain, after which they can proceed to the assault on Vyimka.

▪️With the capture of Ivano-Dariivka, the “pocket” on the line Veseloye – Berestove has ceased to exist, and the Ukrainian formations, based on the fact of control over Ivano-Dariivka, retreated from the western outskirts of Sporne. The outskirts of Siversk, which is an important fortified area of the AFU, are less than seven kilometers away.


Chronicles of the special military operation

for July 19, 2024

Russian forces delivered several missile strikes on targets in the so-called Ukraine, including in Mykolaiv and Chuhuiv.

Ukrainian formations again tried to inflict damage on Russian territories, but unsuccessfully: in Melitopol, Kursk and Luhansk, air targets were destroyed by on-duty air defense forces.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Ukrainian formations tried to land a commando unit on the shore of the Travyansky reservoir, but without success.

In the Lyman direction, Russian forces advanced in the area of the Zhuravka Gully and consolidated their positions on the approaches to Nevske.

In the Siversk direction, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Ivano-Dariivka and raised the flag on a building in the center of the settlement.

In the Pokrovsk direction, fighting continues in Lozuvatka, and there are also footage confirming the full control of Russian troops over Prohress.


Ivano Darivka Has Fallen | Significant Russian Advances Across The Front

SURPRISE Russian flag raised 3 KM deep!!! | Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report

Morning Summary as of July 19, 2024

▪️In the evening, the Russian Armed Forces struck missile attacks on enemy targets in Odesa. The air burst of an air defense missile was somehow tried to be presented by enemy propaganda as the destruction of our missile (no reports of casualties among the civilian population). Regional channels report that there is a delay of about two minutes between the air raid siren in Odesa and the arrival of the missile, which may be due to the launch of missiles from the territory of Crimea.

▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the AFU actively use a special contingent (former prisoners) for meat attacks on our positions in Volchansk, near the settlements of Volchanski Khutory, Tykhe and Hlyboke.

▪️In the Svatove-Kupiansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces attacked in the settlements of Ternove and Makiivka (LPR). Near Andriivka and the Berestove–Pishchane salient, there are positional battles with the use of drones and artillery. Our troops are using aviation and FAB with JDAM (

▪️In the area of the Toretsk (Dzerzhynsk) agglomeration, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing on the previous lines: New York (Novhorodske), Druzhba, Kirovo, Yuzhne. At the same time, the AFU are conducting an organized defense, solving the tasks of exhausting our offensive potential in this direction.

▪️The situation north of the eastern part of Chasiv Yar is characterized by the gradual advance of our troops near Kalinivka with the task of reaching the Siversky Donets – Donbas water canal. The eastern part of Kalinivka and the territory of the farm north of the village have come under the control of our forces.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, the plan of our troops to gradually cut off the enemy in Krasnohorivka from supply is being implemented. There is progress of our assault troops in the city.

▪️On the Zaporizhia front, the line of contact remains unchanged. The roads to the front line are mined from enemy drones “Baba Yaga”, under constant strikes by enemy UAVs. This factor is becoming critically important in organizing the offensive actions of the Russian Army along the entire front. Over the past few days, Kyiv’s forces have been continuously shelling the power substation in the Zaporizhia region.

▪️In the Kherson direction, the mutual hunt for boats in the floodplain of the Dnipro River continues. Otherwise, everything is reduced to artillery strikes, drone attacks, and the solution of daily fire missions. The enemy is burning forests and hitting the civilian population and civilian infrastructure.

▪️In the Belgorod Region, the AFU continue to deliberately terrorize the civilian population with artillery and drone strikes. On the section of the highway near the village of Oktyabr’skiy in the Belgorod district, a drone dropped an explosive device on a moving vehicle. The driver was injured. In the Belgorod district, near the village of Cheremoshnoye, a tractor driver was injured as a result of the drop of an explosive device from a UAV. In the Borisov district, in the village of Berezovka, a kamikaze drone attacked an administrative building. A woman was injured. In the village of Otradnoye in the Belgorod district, an AFU drone attacked a moving car in the village, the car crashed into a fence of a private house and caught fire, three people were injured who were nearby at the time of the attack.

▪️The Kursk border area is also under Original msg (

 Russian forces have made a number or highly significant gains across the Donbass front. 

In the south, Russian forces seem to have finally made progress around Vuhledar, establishing frontline just to the east of the city and cutting a number of Ukrainian logistics routes into the city. 

The situation in the city, long an extremely costly and frustrating area for Russia, we’re dozens of highly publicised and catastrophic assaults we’re thwarted over the past two years, is deteriorating for the Ukrainian defends as supply and reinforcement is now dependent an a number of dirt tracks to the north west, and the Russians are slowly establishing increasing fire control on the surrounding fields and the city itself from the east and south. 

Russian forces have also breached part of the Ukrainian defensive lines west of Avdiivka, along the Vocha River, Novosilka Persha is largely under Russian control and they continue to press exhausted and depleted Ukrainian units to the north who have been conducting a fighting withdrawal for months now since the fall of Avdiivka. 

Russian forces continue to push hard into Toretsk and New York, progress has slowed, but this is due to both sides now embarking in the grueling urban combat most of this war has been defined by. 

No significant change in the Chasiv Yar sector, where Russian forces are finding it difficult to progress beyond the irrigation canal that divides Kanal from Chasiv Yar itself 

Of particular note, the Siversk/Bilohorivika axis, which has long remained largely dormant, Russian forces have begun new offensive action and made some progress towards Siversk itself. 

In the Eastern Kharkov front, Russian forces continue to make limited, but notable progress across the front, unpicking numerous Ukrainian defensive points.


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