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Minutes After Biden’s Attack Speech Last Night, Internet Blows Up About What Was Caught on Camera!

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On today’s broadcast:

Title: Minutes After Biden’s Attack Speech Last Night, Internet Blows Up About What Was Caught on Camera!

Description :

Biden lost another ‘major debate’ last night, with no opponent other than the Mike Tyson of teleprompters that has KOd him more time than Whoopie Goldberg has embarrassed herself on the Witches of The View. However, that turned out not to be the headline of the night. No, rather, immediately after his incoherent mumbling appearance the internet lit up with speculation and rumor on something everyone had seen which they couldn’t believe! Did you catch it, it is truly the story that keeps on giving!

As expected, the President, known for calling Donald J. Trump a whiner, took to the stage on Monday night and complained for four minutes. In a disjointed and pitiful display of poor leadership, reminiscent of a toddler throwing a tantrum over their parents taking away their favorite box of crayons, President Joe Biden delivered misleading remarks to the American people. He referred to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Trump’s absolute immunity as a “terrible disservice to the people of this nation,” while reiterating “the President is not above the law.” Conveniently forgetting, of course, he himself has ignored the Supreme Court on multiple occasions.

However the most important details of the night reside with the teleprompter and what was missing from the speech that should have the Country talking today. Did you catch it? If you didn’t, you missed everything!

Or as Steven Miller stated on X |

“The President who bragged about going around a SCOTUS ruling on student loans is now worried Presidents can do whatever they want. The shamelessness is the point.”

So now who’s the lying dog face pony soldier….but that was just the beginning of the train wreck we’re going to cover for you in more detail in just one minute.

President Biden then took aim at the ‘far-right’ members of the Supreme Court (especially those Trump appointed) for “gutting voting rights and civil rights, taking away a woman’s right to choose, and today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation.” So in other words he again recited, the same tired, worn out, and shameless pandering points which have been recited as much as your grandfather repeating ‘a one time in band camp story’ that makes the entire family leave the fire pit and seek peace and solitude in the warm embrace of a bear and wolf filled forest.

Immediately thereafter he fires another lie across the bow about a bewildered argument by stating, again, “my predecessor sent a violent mob to the US Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power…” spewing the same hate filled, delusional, Nation dividing talking points that has become the hallmark of the administration. Let’s never forget what Trump really said again.

Mollie Hemingway on X stated |

“In a mumbly, halting reading of his needed teleprompter, Biden is lying about January 6, lying about Donald Trump, and lying about what the Supreme Court ruled today.”

Biden quoted directly from Justice Sotomayor’s dissent, which was notably political and perfectly tailored for today’s social media sound-bite audience. She stated, “…with fear for our democracy, I dissent,” to which Biden added, “so should the American people dissent, I dissent.”

This elicited a strange reaction, as many in the Biden orbit has been echoing strange and peculiar reactions such as Marc Elias who stated and as captured here by Mike Benz |

“why r u guys so afraid of retribution — did u, like, do something to him?”

As Mollie further noted on X:

"Biden was only able to speak for 3-4 minutes and refused questions from even his most reliably allies in the press, as per usual. He is apparently unwilling or unable to speak without the teleprompter."

This is what the President of the United States of America, leader of the greatest Nation in the history of the World has been reduced to. But, hold on for one minute, ‘PUMPKIN’ still coming up you can’t afford to miss.

Now before we get to the most shocking portion of the evening, let’s not forget the monumental the has the Democrats going absolutely insane…even threatening ‘hit squads’ to the SCOTUS and Trump himself, as sick and disturbing as that is we have come to expect nothing else from the infant left that lost this ruling like they lost their binky heading into Disney World upset that there isn’t enough DEI in the Pirate’s of the Caribbean ride.

The Supreme Court’s ruling on former presidents’ immunity is significant. It maintains that they are immune from criminal prosecution for official acts during their tenure but not for unofficial acts. This decision, in Trump’s case, sends the matter back to lower courts, likely delaying any trial related to his classified documents case until after the November election.

As X User Martin Harry stated :

BREAKING: The US Supreme Court (6-3) decides former presidents enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct involving official acts during his tenure in office. Just as former presidents have immunity from civil liability for official acts, they have immunity from criminal prosecution unless they are impeached and removed from office for the crime alleged. This decision is supported by the writings of the framers of the Constitution, the text of the Constitution and Supreme Court precedent. The separation of powers means the judicial branch of government—courts—cannot sit in judgment of the official acts of a president. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of President Trump for official acts is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

One of my favorites, Jonathan Turley also noted on X :

…Note this language: Whenever the President and Vice President discuss their official responsibilities, they engage in official conduct. Presiding over the January 6 certification proceeding at which Members of Congress count the electoral votes is a constitutional and statutory duty of the Vice President. Art. II, §1, cl. 3; Amdt. 12; 3 U. S. C. §15. The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct.

However, Justice Thomas called into question the legality of Smith’s office. Here are a few passages.

Justice Sotomayor’s dissent strongly criticizes the majority’s decision, arguing that it undermines the fundamental constitutional principle that no one, including former presidents, should be above the law. The dissent suggests that the Court’s ruling overly favors Trump’s claims of immunity, potentially shielding him from accountability for alleged official acts.

Special counsel Jack Smith is leading two federal probes against Trump, both of which led to criminal charges. In Washington, Trump has been targeted over alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election, while a Florida case revolves around the mishandling of classified documents – for which Trump has claimed presidential immunity.

In response to the ruling, Trump said on Truth Social that it was a “”BIG WIN FOR OUR CONSTITUTION AND DEMOCRACY.”

But again, ‘Orange Man Bad’ took on a whole new meaning last night didn’t it. So great and engaging was the mumbling President’s speech that his audience, rather than commenting on one single word he stated, focused on something entirely different. Something they couldn’t remove their gave from, something so bothersome and disturbing it was all be impossible to not notice.

I think this Townhall article did the best job at outlining it. In the article titled, “Biden Shuffled Out to Attack the Supreme Court and Everyone Couldn’t Ignore His New Appearance” the reactions were so well documented!

I love you all, until next time, Godspeed and God Bless, Justus Knight…signing out.

Justus Knight


All tagged above in the article.

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Total 6 comments
  • westgate

    Yet, Bannon still goes to jail. Can someone please explain to me after this “judgement” why oh why does Bannon still go to jail? Did Chief Justice Roberts even agree to hear the argument against this?
    Free all J6 victims including Bannon.

  • patann

    See also, mrmbb333, EPIC clash as ‘Sun Storm’ slams into the EARTH! via @YouTube;


    I just tried to put these sayings into words how all our problem solving religious, political, social media/SHOPPING Must FSS turn to the humanitarian to hospitality of how we can save lives to souls. Like first of all don’t we like famed letters USA itself escaping into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic trust interstellar Trump Guardian Michael THEM and Star Warrior Archangel Michael THEM to hold designed territory Safehaven US Georgia/ CROSSOVER, the repatriation of Mother Africa? Star Warring HIMSELF, AODHF!

    PS, HASHTAG TO EXCETRA nuclear July 2, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2024, let’s hope when this warning come post-Apocalyptic US W. Pacific Firestorms, you’ve escaped to US Georgia’s Coast/CROSSOVER! Here’s its ebbing and flowing July 6 2015/2020 skyrocketing, wait, whoa, what, while I encourage her, this build up of rescuers, is that a school on top of my Pompeii movie of Memphis, sporting, sparing, gladiators all, Memphis Grand, Little Miya Girls Back Seat Surveyor Translator? Marvel not she’s not there the multimillion man grocery store, store manager keys, barter balen, toll booth. Sooo, that’s why in enters instead those Anubis Demons underworld “extractions,” An Abraham daughter to Memphis Sarah Niece on foot to crossing the old Arkansas Bridge on repentant knees, surveyor, translator! HGOW, because she’s now possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 Stone, in my hearing, “The Antichrist Murderer!” Apb, The RAM

  • Slimey

    Hello handsome. :lol:

  • randywaynefricke

    The abortion argument is simple: If you don’t want to have a baby, don’t get pregnant. If you get pregnant, you have the baby and take care of it. If you don’t, you go to jail. You don’t get paid to pop kids out for a living.

  • Adi Da Samraj

    We should understand that sexual relations are a matter of responsibility. They should be had within a committed intimate partnership, and if you are going to have sexual relations with a person, it should be understood that one of the possibilities of being together is that there could be conception. If you are going to be with one another, you should be prepared for that to happen, you should be able to deal with that, to have a child. You should control pregnancy through the use of birth control, but on the other hand, if a pregnancy does appear, you should be happy to have had it happen and go through with it unless there is some medical reason why the woman cannot endure the pregnancy. In other words, there should not be abortions. The whole matter of abortion is already a reflection of entanglement in the karmic realm. It is merely a sign that people have an irresponsible sex relationship and are not in a responsible position in life in general.

  • Adi Da Samraj

    — TRUMP for SPEAKER of the HOUSE ASAP —
    🎲 U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls leads push for Donald Trump to be next House Speaker 🎲
    ❤️ Trump has shown some signs of humoring the idea. He posted a picture of himself with the speaker’s gavel on social media and is reportedly considering visiting the Capitol next week. ❤️
    OCT. 5, 2023

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