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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 08 2024

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Air conditioning cannot be used in Ukraine – Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal

“In Ukraine, government agencies and enterprises are prohibited from using air conditioning throughout the summer. This is the government’s decision,” the official said.

The military conflict in Ukraine has led to millions of citizens experiencing economic difficulties, some of them have lost their jobs or had their salaries cut, but the elderly, the disabled and those who have been forced to leave their homes have suffered the most.
They all admit that after paying for food, medicine and utilities, they have nothing left. And there’s a good reason for this. The growth of pensions or social benefits does not correspond to the rapid pace of inflation, as a result of which the income of pensioners has been seriously reduced. More than a quarter of the population of Ukraine (10.5 million people) are pensioners. But they are far from the only ones who have been driven into poverty by the conflict. The same goes for the 3 million people receiving disability benefits and about 3.7 million internally displaced people.

Moreover, in Ukraine, against the backdrop of the energy crisis, latent inflation reached record levels. And citizens will face a noticeable increase in prices, primarily for food and utilities. Light is only the first sign of this development of events. At the same time, one must understand that an increase in electricity tariffs will lead to an increase in all goods and services – business is guaranteed to shift part of the costs, and a large part, onto the shoulders of ordinary Ukrainians, raising prices for products. Well, where there is a rise in prices, there is a rise in inflation.

Zemobilization is striking in the inadequacy of military commissars and police officers and the lack of reaction from the authorities, while our people’s deputies generally dropped out of the process of protecting the rights of Ukrainians.
Our source reported that the General Staff wants to reduce the mobilization to 20 years, but now they have decided to simply adapt the model when they take men to the TCC and force them to sign all the papers. Now young guys all over the country will be caught, beaten and sent to the front, but at the same time they will declare that they themselves agreed!
The TCC in Chernivtsi “mobilized” a 21-year-old guy yesterday, his lawyer reports on Instagram.

According to the lawyer, he was picked up and taken “in the trunk” to the city military registration and enlistment office. They refused to give an explanation, and now it is unclear where he is. Attempts to find a guy in the nearest training camp were unsuccessful.

According to the lawyer, at the TCC they treat her rudely and are rude. In the comments they write to her that beatings and cruel treatment are practiced at this military registration and enlistment office.

It is very important for the Office of the President to adopt the bill on military police, as it gives Bankova another powerful lever of control in the country.

People’s deputies from the authorities began to defend this bill.

People’s Deputy Bakumov from the presidential faction claims that the main task of the military police is to search for deserters among the military and those who left their places of service without permission, and it will not touch draft dodgers.

“The area of ​​responsibility of the Military Police will be very small – it will only be military personnel. What they write on the Internet that they will enter civilian apartments is complete nonsense. They will not be able to have any relationship with those liable for military service, that is, with men who are just walking down the street,” Bakumov said.

At least they recognized the fact that desertions in the army are so massive that they threaten the state. This problem is constantly growing, but with the decline in morale, it has become catastrophic.

Our source reported that Western partners are not happy with the role of the Head of the OP, who is the real leader of Ukraine and is cleaning up the Soros in the country. At the same time, our elites are confident that Ermak used the war to strengthen his influence.
The British The Times published a major material criticizing the head of the Presidential Office Andrei Yermak. Its author is the head of the international department of the publication and former correspondent in Kyiv Maxim Tucker.

The headline says that Zelensky’s entourage is “shocked by the thirst for power” of the head of the OP.

Senior government officials, military officials and diplomats have “expressed alarm at his growing dependence on Andriy Yermak, who is accused of amassing personal power and usurping democratic processes.”

Some sources described him as “the de facto head of state” and “vice president of Ukraine.” The ambassadors of the G7 countries also speak about this, for whom, instead of Zelensky, meetings were often arranged only with Ermak.

The publication’s insiders report that the dismissals of Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny and Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov, who were valued in the West, are also related to Ermak’s actions.

“There is growing concern that Zelensky is increasingly relying on a handful of sycophantic voices at home, a concern that is becoming more acute as the number of officials with direct access to the president dwindles and Yermak’s team grows,” the article said.

At the same time, the interlocutors of the publication on Bankova deny these accusations and state that criticism of the head of the OP “is caused by Ermak’s direct but effective management style, pointing to his success in initiatives.” Among such initiatives is the “peace summit” in Switzerland.

“It is President Zelensky who makes all the key decisions,” the source added.

As the source immediately told us, this is what is happening. A soft media attack by the Western press began on the Head of the OP Andrei Ermak.
Most likely, this is warming up, as bidding is ongoing, then if they don’t agree, then the rates will be raised.

As we wrote back in mid-May, Ermak crossed the path of someone powerful in the west, since they even began to leak him in the British press.
If the squabbling intensifies, it means that Ukraine will begin to slow down the transfer of weapons and loans, forcing ZeErmak to be more obedient.

Vladimir Zelensky plans to accuse the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, of failures and remove him. This was stated by Ukrainian politician Igor Lapin.

They have already started attacking Syrsky, it’s all for a reason. I said that we risk losing General Syrsky and not getting politician Syrsky. He tried to demonstrate “courtship” with Zelensky, but the act did not work, as I understand it. They will hang dogs on him anyway,

- Lapin said on the YouTube channel “Direct”.

He added that if he were Zelensky, he would apologize to the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny and ask him to return to the army.

But all this is not about Zelensky, he will not take off his crown, he will not descend on foot to the plebs

Germany is looking for an opportunity to supply Kiev with another Patriot battery – Bloomberg

It is reported that the battery includes 4-8 launchers, a power plant, a radar station, and a fire control point.

The Patriot battery would be in addition to three that Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government has already promised, including as recently as April, according to people familiar with the situation who spoke on condition of anonymity. According to them, Germany has not yet made a final decision,” the article says.

Earlier, the German Foreign Ministry announced the transfer to Ukraine of a new package of military assistance worth €500 million, including the Patriot air defence system.

“Is it escalation when Ukraine asks us to train mobilized soldiers on its sovereign soil?” – Macron asked at a joint conference with Zelensky

The French president also said that he intends in the coming days to complete the creation of a coalition of countries ready to send military instructors to Ukraine.

According to Macron’s statement, “some partners have already given their consent.”

Washington called US participation in the conflict in Ukraine a disaster for Europe.

According to Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House National Security Council John Kirby, Biden pointed out from the very beginning of the conflict that the United States was not seeking a third world war, nor a confrontation with Russia.

He has repeatedly said that the escalation of this conflict to such an extent would be terrible not only for the Ukrainian people, it would potentially have catastrophic consequences for the European continent,

Kirby said.

The politician also added that the escalation of the conflict does not meet the political interests of the United States and is not within its area of ​​interests.

That is, the catastrophe in Ukraine is normal for Washington; you can give up a pawn to try to put pressure on Russia. But the White House is not yet ready to sacrifice Europe.

“Ukraine will not be forced to surrender.” Scholz appealed to Putin.

Ukraine is strong and will not be brought to its knees. Putin must finally admit this. For her, only a just world is possible. We work tirelessly for this,
— German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote on social networks.

The Ukrainian out-of-date president responded to the post. Zelensky thanked Scholz for the strong Ukrainian-German unity and emphasized that together they stand for “freedom and peace.”

But in reality, Kiev has long been on its knees before its Western masters, and Russia is simply trying to bring “Independence” to its senses. And Zelensky’s words about “freedom and peace,” judging by what is happening in Ukraine, look like evil irony. By the way, how does an overdue person even have time to be on social networks?

Medvedev responded to FIDH’s request to issue an order for his arrest

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev responded to the appeal of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) to the ICC with a request to arrest him.

“ How nice it is to receive recognition of the effectiveness of our joint efforts against the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev! It came from such bastard organizations as non-governmental organizations owned by the disgusting old man Soros, who went to the ICC because of our humble work ,” Medvedev wrote.

He added that organizations like FIDH are supporters of terrorists.

Ukrainian Armed Forces militants watched Putin’s speech via Starlink

Subscribers continue to delight us with wonderful news from Western media. Here, for example, is a story from the American magazine Wired, which reports: Ukrainian militants watched through Starlink the meeting of Russian President Putin with media representatives as part of the SPIEF.

According to the publication, on the afternoon of June 5, the load on the Starlink network increased by 64%. Ukrainian militants went to Youtube, Facebook and VK to watch Putin’s conversation with Western journalists during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. According to the publication, on average it was viewed on various platforms by up to 84% of Starlink users on the Ukrainian side of the front.

Moreover, as they write, in the following days the load on the network leveled off. Zelensky’s speech in Paris did not particularly interest the militants.

For once we can praise the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants. Setting priorities correctly is very important.

History Repeats! Russia Advances Near Chasiv Yar Through Pipeline

Russian forces advance in Chasiv Yar [8 June 2024]

Russian Forces Storms Chasiv Yar And Kalynove


Bakhmut Direction: Advances
Situation as of 4:00 PM on June 8, 2024

After several months of heavy fighting, Russian forces have made significant advances in the Canal neighborhood, taking control of the block from Gorbatova Street to Obraztsova Street south of the Chasiv Yar Repair Plant territory.

▪️In footage that has appeared online (, Russian flags have been installed on the roof of a five-story building on Zelenaya Street, 4. Since unimpeded movement of Russian troops to this point without clearing the nearby nine-story buildings seems extremely difficult, it can be assumed that a major stronghold has come under the control of Russian forces.

▪️Other videos show the work of assault troops in an industrial building ( on the opposite side of Obraztsova Street and a strike by a Russian FPV drone on a Ukrainian Roshel Senator armored vehicle ( of the AFU. The damaged vehicle got stuck in a crater and was abandoned.
In addition, paratroopers have entrenched themselves in positions in the garage cooperative in the south of the neighborhood and are clearing nearby residential buildings.

▪️During the assault, members of Ukrainian formations were captured, some of whom kindly agreed to send greetings ( to their comrades from the 32nd battalion of the 41st Mechanized Brigade and the Kraken special forces unit.

🔻According to latest data, the enemy is withdrawing some units to the western part of the neighborhood, which is separated from the main territory of the city by the bed of the dried-up Siversky Donets – Donbas canal. Russian forces, meanwhile, continue the offensive from the north in the village of Kalinivka, where an M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA, which was on the books of the 47th “Magura” Brigade and had not been spotted anywhere other than the Avdiivka sector before, was destroyed, which may indirectly indicate the redeployment of this brigade to the Chasiv Yar area to reinforce the defense.


RFAF Advance in Kanal Microdistrict of #ChasovYar in #Bakhmut Direction⚡️

🇷🇺 The RFAF assault groups are moving in the central part of the Kanal Microdistrict which is in the geographical boundaries of #ChasovYar. The town itself is west of the Canal.


The Russian Army breaks through the enemy’s defenses, advancing towards Pokrovsk and Chasov Yar, the Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot repel the attack
The famous Ukrainian military propagandist K. Mashovets writes about this.

“In the Pokrovsky direction , Russian troops (group “Center”), obviously, managed to “catch on” to Novoaleksandrovka and ensure the left flank of their Ocheretinsky group with advances to the Sokol – Novopokrovskoye line.

In the Kramatorsk direction , the Russians (Airborne Forces and 150th Motorized Rifle Division) are expanding the control area, where they managed to reach the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal, south of the city of Chasov Yar, and also advance south of the “Novy” microdistrict of the city of Chasov Yar.

Obviously, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are unable to stop the enemy’s offensive in the Eastern operational zone – neither in the Pokrovsky nor in the Kramatorsk directions.”

The situation at Chasov Yar:

The 98th Airborne Division of the Airborne Forces managed to break through a 500-meter corridor deep into the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and captured 7 servicemen of the 41st brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Neighboring units are developing an offensive from the east against the fortified areas of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Airborne troops hoisted a flag in the Kanal microdistrict, in the suburb of Chasov Yar.


Chasov Yar direction.

Ukrainians are shocked in all there channels and  are broadcasting about our progress in the central part of the Canal microdistrict.

The progress is really significant; we have taken in the area along Zelenaya to the south of the bus plant.

We are also moving through the forest north of the dachas to the Orlova tract.

The enemy is whining that in this area we are using new laser-guided projectiles.

It has also been announced about promotion in the New microdistrict to a plot with garages.

Our troops not only defeated the enemy in the microdistrict  Canal and advanced almost a kilometer, but also captured many AFU soldiers who could definitely provide useful information.

We continue to work and clear the area.

Chasov Yar

In the evening, the enemy admits the loss of the center and east of the “Canal” microdistrict. The enemy rolled back to the western outskirts of the area: quite a serious success for our army in this direction.


Russian missiles continue to practice targets in Kramatorsk as part of the destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces reserves.

At 15:00, a massive attack was carried out on the territory of the Starokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant, where a large number of armoured vehicles were located, including self-propelled guns of Soviet, Ukrainian and foreign production.

Presumably, some of this equipment was used for counter-battery fire during the defence of Chasov Yar.
Presumably, the target of the missile attack on Slavyansk could have been the parking lot of the Ukrainian self-propelled guns “Bogdan” and other self-propelled artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, it is too early to judge the effectiveness of the strike; there was no repeated detonation or large fire, which means that the target can be re-fired.

Bezuglaya regarding the surrender of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Rabotino and Krynok, voiced the IPSO narratives, it turns out that political telegram channels wrote the truth.

“Rabotino has not been ours for several weeks now. And they are silent about it. And Krynki de facto already (recently) . Rabotino is the only result of Zaluzhny’s counter-offensive, a village in the lowlands that has become a cemetery of lives, Western technology and the self-confidence of the generals. Now this is still for me a symbol of lies and “nothing has changed.” Krynki is the bloody project of [Commander of the Joint Forces] Sodol, who went to the promotion in order to lose Avdiivka and miss the Kharkov region. Generals, you think that the allies are fools, they don’t see from satellites what and how. is happening? Seriously? There is more truth on social networks and on the map of Deep State .

Avdeevka -Konstantinovskoe direction.

In the Ocheretino area, we are conducting offensive operations towards Kalinovo, there are difficulties, we are processing enemy positions with artillery and drones.

In the Novoaleksandrovka area, the enemy pulled forces to the western outskirts of the village. We conducted an offensive, working with drones and artillery.

At Sokol, a section of the road was taken under control from the northeastern part.
In Sokol itself, another Abrams was shot.

Russian troops established themselves in several buildings.
We are working to knock out the enemy.

In the Umanskoye area, we move north along the forest belts in the direction of Novoselovka.

Enemy resources for the evening report “abandonment of the Krynki bridgehead”.

In fact, this happened even earlier, although small groups were periodically climbing the ruins of Krynki. The withdrawal is connected with the transfer of one of the AFU Marine Brigades to the Kharkov direction, which forced the enemy to moderate its ambitions in the island zone and allowed the Russian Armed Forces to squeeze the enemy out of Krynki finally. However, the fuss on the islands will continue, there the enemy has up to 120-150 people + periodically on boats disturbing the left bank. So, in any case, this section of the front will not be calm.

The LPR declared a day of mourning for the victims of the cynical shelling of Lugansk

Throughout the region, the state flags of the Russian Federation, the flags of the Lugansk People’s Republic and its municipalities will be flown at half-mast. All entertainment programs and events are also canceled today.

Militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a store in Sadovoy at a time when there were a significant number of visitors and staff there. At the same time, the strike was double – first with a guided bomb, and then with HIMARS rockets.

The attack killed 22 civilians and injured 15 others.

While the “northern” group was working in Volchansk and near Liptsy, the front trembled south of Kupyansk.

Against the backdrop of the advance of Russian troops in Tabaevka and Berestov, active work on bridges began.

Everything is happening almost according to the same pattern as shortly before the attacks in the border areas: bridges, crossings and other infrastructure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are beginning to be actively destroyed by high-precision ammunition.

Taking into account the fact that most of the bridge layers and pontoon fleet of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are located far from these places, big problems may begin shortly with the supply of the Kupyansk group of the Ukrainian army.

In the photo: a destroyed bridge over the Oskol River near the village of Kruglyakovka, Kharkov region.

UKRAINE KHARKIV COUNTEROFFENSIVE! Russia pushed into the center of Novy- Frontline Changes Report

Kharkov direction.

Liptsy area

The enemy is massively carrying out counterattacks near Gubokoe, and with the support of helicopters and armored vehicles, they are making attacks in small assault groups.

The attacks are carried out from large fortifications on the northern outskirts of Liptsy.

Our aviation is operating in the area, we are repelling attacks, the artillery of the Russian Armed Forces is inflicting fire on the counterattacks.

Since there is a lot of greenery in the area, it is more difficult to identify enemy assaults, but our aviation sends FABs and KABs to areas identified by aerial reconnaissance, and we also work in the rear areas, where the enemy is bringing up reserves.

Kharkov direction.

Volchansk section.

Fighting continues in the central part of the city, crests are climbing in small groups.
In addition, enemy machine gunners have settled in high-rise buildings, our snipers continue to destroy identified firing positions, so 2 points were eliminated yesterday evening and morning of this day.

The enemy’s advances from the southern side of Volchansk on armored vehicles by our FPV operators are also reflected.

At night, enemy forces again tried to transfer assault groups of up to 20 people across the destroyed bridge along Gagarin Street, they were defeated, more than 10 people were killed, the rest managed to escape.
In the morning the AFU made no attempt.

On June 7, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of border areas in Kharkov Region.

On the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continues in the village of Volchansk. The enemy is rotating the 3 battalion of the 82 Odshbr and the 172 battalion of the 120 Brigade of the TRO.

Advances continue in the east of the city and in the territory of the Aggregate Plant.

The total advance of Russian troops in the Volchansk direction amounted to 300 meters.

On the Liptsovsky direction in the vicinity of Glubokoye the enemy attempted a counterattack of up to 30 men supported by a BMP, was unsuccessful and was thrown back. An artillery strike was made on the area of Nazi concentration, one BMP and up to 10 Nazis were destroyed.

In the area west of the village of Zelenoye, the assault units of the Fearless developed yesterday’s success and advanced further towards the village of Liptsy, dislodging the AFU.

The total advance of the Russian troops in the Liptsy direction amounted to up to 1,000 meters.

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy’s losses amounted to up to 230 people. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ BMP in the vicinity of the n.p. Liptsy;
▪️ D-20 howitzer near the village of Shesterovka;
▪️ Bukovel EW station;
▪️ two 120-mm mortars near the villages of Volchansk and Malye Prokhody;
▪️ communication center;
▪️ one unit of automotive equipment.

Despite the heavy losses of the AFU units planned for the counter-offensive, the leadership of the Kiev regime has not given up its intentions.

At the moment, the AFU are making desperate attempts to find our weaknesses, losing more and more personnel. The Fearless are doing everything necessary to thwart their intentions.

In the end, the Fearless will do everything possible to make the Nazi troops wash their own blood.

Victory will be ours!

North Wind

Commander of the Akhmat special forces, deputy head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces Apti Alaudinov

The decision to transfer ( parts of the Akhmat special forces detachments to a new strategic area – the Kharkov direction – was made at the end of last month. The enemy, who does not have the strength to resist the units of the Russian Ministry of Defense there, inflicts maximum damage on civilians: he hits populated areas, knowing in advance that there are no military personnel there.

“Akhmat” works harmoniously. Our sniper pairs and FPV crews are present in all areas. In the Kharkov direction, the well-known detachment “Kamerton” ( is also involved, which became the detachment “Kashtan” – according to the call sign of the commander. He is also my deputy.

I would now rate the level of training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units as three points out of five, and in some areas as four.

As for NATO support for the Ukrainian army, it was provided from the first days of the SMO. We studied NATO tactics and learned to counter them. Moreover, our tactics are much more effective and more developed in all aspects.

During the special operation, the forms and methods of combat shifted towards the use of unmanned aircraft and FPV drones. But our capabilities are not inferior, and we also use UAVs, electronic warfare equipment, etc.

“Akhmat” is not afraid of the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. We are waiting for him.

The General Staff of the Russian Federation has worked out all the details, and we are preparing for the last battle that will end the  ( . Our task is to enable the enemy to gather all his resources and throw them in our direction so that we can dilute and destroy Ukrainian forces.

We are now playing a chess game in which the Russian side will win, since we have more resources and capabilities. No matter how much the West pours funds into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, billions of dollars will not change anything. Neither Kiev nor its owners in America have a chance to change the situation. The only thing they can do is launder the maximum amount of money, realizing that this laundry is coming to its logical conclusion.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a village in the Belgorod region with three UAVs, one of them hit a church.

According to preliminary information, there were no casualties. The first drone attacked a private residential building. As a result of its fall and subsequent detonation, the house was partially destroyed, and an outbuilding, a fence and a car were damaged.

— said the regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov.

The second drone detonated next to a private residential property, as a result of which windows were broken and the façade, fence and outbuilding were cut by shrapnel.

The third drone attacked the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, as a result of which the roof and facade of the building were damaged.

- the governor clarified.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have once again proven that for them there is nothing sacred in this world.

Summary as of June 8 from military correspondent  Evgeny Lisitsyn

Slobozhanskoe direction:
In the area of ​​the village Liptsy, oncoming battles continue, the enemy unsuccessfully tries to attack.

Heavy fighting continues in Volchansk, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are actively using snipers to cover forward units;

Bakhmut direction:
Fighting is taking place in the Kanal microdistrict in the east of Chasov Yar, where Russian troops have made local advances.

South of Ivanovsky, Russian troops drove the enemy out of several forest belts;

Donetsk direction:
The Russian Armed Forces advanced north of Netailovo and in the direction of Yasnobrodovka;

Vremevskoe direction:
Fighting continues in Staromayorskoye and Urozhaynoye, Russian troops are advancing within populated areas and forest belts;

Avdeevskoe direction:
The Russian Armed Forces have advanced to Novoaleksandrovka, part of the village is under their control.

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (8 June 2024)

▫️Units of the Sever Group of Forces continued advancing to the depth of the enemy’s defences.

Losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware of the AFU 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade and 125th Territorial Defence Brigade near Granov and Konstantinovka (Kharkov).

Six counter-attacks of the AFU 42nd Mechanised Brigade, 71st Jaeger Brigade, 82nd Air Assault Brigade, and 13th National Guard Brigade were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 180 servicemen, two AFVs, three MVs, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and two Bukovel-AD electronic warfare stations.

▫️Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 14th, 63rd, 116th mechanised brigades, and 117th Territorial Defence Brigade near Sinkovka, Petropavlovka (Kharkov), Stelmakhovka and Chevonaya Dibrova (LPR).

Three attacks of the enemy’s assault detachments were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 495 servicemen, two U.S.-made M113 APCs, three MVs, four U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front line and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 24th, 30th, 41st, 93rd, 115th mechanised brigades, 5th Assault Brigade, and 56th Motorised Infantry Brigade near Zalyznyanskoye, Grigorovka, Kalinin, Chasov Yar, and Krasnoye (DPR).

The AFU lost more than 400 servicemen, one IFV, four MVs, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer.

Two AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.

▫️Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 23rd, 24th mechanised brigades, and 68th Jaeger Brigade near Yevgenovka, Semyonovka, and Umanskoye (DPR).

Five counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 47th, 110th, and 118th mechanised brigades were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 340 servicemen, two AFVs, two MVs, one 155-mm M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and three 122-mm D-30 howitzers.

▫️Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade near Urozhaynoye (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 135 servicemen, five MVs, and one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

▫️Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 121st Territorial Defence Brigade and 23rd National Guard Brigade near Nikopol and Maryevka (Dnepropetrovsk).

The AFU lost up to 50 servicemen, two MVs, one UK-made 155-mm AS-90 Braveheart self-propelled artillery system, and two 152-mm D-20 howitzers.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware clusters in 104 areas during the day.

▫️Units of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed five uncrewed surface vehicles.

▫️Air defence units shot down one Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force.

In addition, four ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, seven HIMARS and Olkha MLRS projectiles, one Neptune anti-ship missile, and 71 UAVs were destroyed.


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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    • truck driver

      Who is paying countries to go into Ukraine to fight Russia? Countries don’t fight Russia for Free , China royal Family wants to rule the world and Japanese Royal family wants to rule the world. But Blackrock hàs been in Ukraine News. So maybe they are employing fighters to go to the Ukraine

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