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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Paul Ryan, a Senior Advisor to Clinton Tied Teneo Org, Now Out Attacking Trump

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Paul Ryan former speaker of the House, has always been a headache since he came on the political scene. But especially to Trump. He fought Trump every step of the way, including not supporting the border wall and wanting mass immigration. Now Ryan feels compelled to go out on the stump and oppose him once more. It is amazing that Trump accomplished what he did when we look back at how he bucked Trump every step of the way.

Yesterday he was on Fox with Neil Cavuto – “Paul Ryan: We’re presented with ‘terrible choices’ for 2024” is the title of the video out there where he bashes Trump.

Paul, it was not your agenda, it was to be the President’s agenda that was to be carried out.

I do include a video that was produced by the infamous Teneo. Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with Doug Band, founded this organization where Paul Ryan and Huma Abedin are/were senior advisors. How much is Ryan getting paid? He shows his true colors, praising Liz Cheney’s sacrifice with her service on the Dems J6 committee.

We got a sniff that Ryan was once more circling Congress when he was seen coming down the stairs with the newly minted House Speaker Johnson.

I have done a number of posts following the folly of this man. We should not forget. He was the VP running mate of Mitt Romney and apparently has never gotten over his lust for the White House. Here are a few highlights. My latest was in 2018.

Paul Ryan sticks the knife into Trump – et tu brute?

August 8, 2018 

House Speaker Paul Ryan said he’s “very comfortable with the decisions” he’s made during the Trump administration. “I would make them again, do it again the same way,” he told The New York Times in an interview published Tuesday.

Ryan made a determination after Trump’s election that to defy the president too forcefully would invite a counterreaction. He tends to speak of the commander-in-chief as if he were sharing a coping strategy on dealing with a Ritalin-deprived child. “It boomerangs,” Ryan says of being too critical of Trump. “He goes in the other direction, so that’s not effective.” He added, “The pissing match doesn’t work.”

Many have criticized Ryan for his soft approach to criticizing the president’s controversial moves, as he rarely speaks directly in opposition to President Donald Trump’s statements, but the speaker says he’s helped to avoid “tragedy” behind the scenes.

“I can look myself in the mirror at the end of the day and say I avoided that tragedy, I avoided that tragedy, I avoided that tragedy,” said Ryan. “I advanced this goal, I advanced this goal, I advanced this goal.”

When asked exactly what tragedies he’s helped avoided, Ryan returned to his tactical silence: “No, I don’t want to do that,” he told the Times. “That’s more than I usually say.” Read more at

Fortune and  NY Times   if you haven’t used up your freebies.

One of my earliest posts foretold what was to be with Ryan

Paul Ryan- Give us your tired, your poor- our borders are open

October 22, 2015 

In the video, Ryan begins by adopting a left-wing narrative about GOP voters and suggesting that their opposition to mass migration is fueled by “ignorance.” Ryan rejects the idea that America is “a country”— i.e. a land with a fixed border and heritage—but instead an “idea” since ideas don’t have borders.In the wide-ranging 53 minute video, which took place in Chicago, both Gutierrez and Ryan outline their shared plan for adopting open borders: that is, a national policy of allowing companies to bring in and hire as many foreign workers as they would like. This “free movement” of people across national boundaries is the centerpiece of the open borders ideology to which Ryan has devoted much of his career.

We want to have a system where people can come here and work– go back and forth if they want to… so that we have an open door to the people who want to come and contribute to our country, who want to come and make a difference in their families’ lives, and our economy… That’s why we have all of these various principles that we agree work if we put this together… and that’s why it’s very encouraging to see Republicans and Democrats coming together on this issue.

The video is entitled: “Rep. Paul Ryan and Rep. Luis Gutierrez Push For Immigration Reform.” The two Congressional partners lay out an immigration plan that is far more radical in scope than many would have imagined, and absent from virtually all major media coverage of the Ryan speakership push. The video gives fresh insight into what legislation Paul Ryan would advance— and what legislation he would block—if given the Speaker’s gavel.

Ryan says:

[America] is not just a country. America is an idea. It’s an idea that people from all over the world to aspire to achieve… There is no other economic system, no other immigration system that has done more to lift people out of poverty than the American free enterprise system, and American immigration system that we have here. That’s what makes us proud. So the question is: what do we do to restore this? […] We’ve had plenty of waves of immigration that have always been met with resistance in the past—the Irish wave is just but one of them. Each wave is met with some ignorance, is met with some resistance.

Moving forward when the SHTF….. Then hanged Trump out to dry over the “perfect phone call”


Paul Ryan on tape: ‘will never defend Donald Trump, not now, not in the future’

March 15, 2017 


Ryan: Muslim Ban Not in Country’s Interest

VIDEO IS LIVE – Just start it.

Paul Ryan out on the stump supporting Gang of Eight amnesty

July 16, 2016

While discussing the new GOP agenda at a CNN town hall yesterday, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) repeated his support for a Gang of Eight type amnesty of offering work permits to illegal aliens currently living in the U.S.

“And then those people who need to get right with the law, give them a way to earn their way, through fines, through penalties, learn English, civics, reapply a policy of assimilation, so that they can get a work permit to work,” responded Speaker Ryan when asked about illegal immigration.

This confirmation comes after the House, under Speaker Ryan’s leadership, passed last year’s omnibus bill that quadrupled the number H-2B visas and funded Pres. Obama’s DACA amnesty program and the president’s increase to the refugee resettlement program.

Let’s not save private Paul Ryan from himself

May 11, 2016

The so-called conservative Paul Ryan is going to set Donald Trump straight this week. Decide if he can support him? Really? I keep hearing how conservative he is. Explain to me why he passed this last boondoggle of a budget. Why there is no funding for the border fence that was approved years ago. Yet he can fund Obamacare and everything else of Obama. 

Reports have previously noted that one of Ryan’s central disagreements with Trump stems from Trump’s pledge to enact a temporary pause on Muslim migration — a policy Speaker Ryan publicly denounced even though, according to exit polling data, seven in ten GOP Wisconsin voters support Trump’s plan.

Trump’s proposal “is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for,” Ryan said in December.

In the next eight months, the U.S. will issue more visas to Muslim migrants than the number of GOP voters in Ryan’s district.

Yet, not only does Ryan oppose the temporary migration pause, he has pushed to expand Muslim migration. Ryan has a two-decade long history to pushing to expand immigration rates and has championed legislation that expanded Muslim migration. Last December, Ryan ushered his omnibus spending bill through Congress, which funded visa insurances for nearly 300,000 Muslim migrants, temporary and permanent, over a 12-month time span.

As Breitbart News reported last December, Paul Ryan has a border fence around his property even though his omnibus spending bill did not provide funding for the mandatory completion of a 700-mile double-layer border fence that Congress promised the American people nearly a decade ago when it passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act.

The U.S. admitted 59 million immigrants between the Kennedy-LBJ immigration bill in 1965 and 2015, remaking America politically and demographically and reversing the middle class gains experienced by African-Americans.

Only 7% of GOP voters, according to Pew, favor more immigration.

So that is a wrap out of Bunks Box of Golden Moments….. 

Now the latest: And he claims that Trump is the Narcissist? It seems to be Ryan’s way or the highway and forgets it was to be Trump’s agenda not his.

The video below is put out out by Teneo – Bill Clinton’s former bag man Doug Band’s grift for those who go way back with Bunk…..which goes to show that the Clintons and friends always rise again. Paul Ryan and Huma Abedin are/were Teneo senior advisors.  Nice to see Ryan hanging with his crowd. 

Go to  Wikipedia  for the history of Teneo.

The background on Band:

Huma Abedin, Bill Clinton’s Butt boy Band’s new Emails will take the Clintons down?

August 10, 2016 

Now the latest:

Just out from Teneo

Paul Ryan Goes Public With Urgent Warning About Electing Trump – Just the first four get it.

The very best of the Swamp.


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