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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on April 06 2024

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France wants conflict freeze. Russia said NO

The West doesn’t even have enough weapons for itself, let alone Ukraine – The Daily Telegraph

Given the acute shortage of ammunition in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the transfer of F-16 fighters to Kyiv will no longer change the situation on the battlefield, Lewis Page confirmed the words of an anonymous Ukrainian military columnist for The Daily Telegraph.

Artillery shells are inexpensive. However, the problem is not money, but a lack of production capacity. Even the United States can only produce 28,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition per month—less than 10% of what Ukraine needs. Despite the desire of the United States and its allies to increase production, it may already be too late for Ukraine—there will probably simply be no people left in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the near future,” the author of the article warns.

As Page notes, against this backdrop, and as Russia strengthens its military capabilities, countries across Europe must increase defense spending. To do this, the West, which is in decline, will have to cut costs in all other areas of life. “We need to have courage and stop thinking that the government’s job is to give us social security and good, well-paid jobs. The government’s first job is to take care of the country’s defense,” the observer warns.

Zelensky’s options for what to do about the war “range from bad to worse,” The Washington Post writes.

Ukrainian and Western officials state that Zelensky is largely “stuck”, and solidarity within Ukraine and support for the president are declining:
 “The status quo is terrible. Currently, the fight has reached a dead end, Ukrainians are dying on the battlefield every day.”

Zelensky’s promised return of all his territory, including lands that Russia has controlled since 2014—about 20 percent of the country—seems increasingly unlikely . But Zelensky continues to regularly repeat his promise to return Ukraine to its 1991 borders, including Crimea, to which a Ukrainian MP said on condition of anonymity:
 “Smart people know that this is unrealistic. The political leadership “needs to correct this rhetoric at some point.”

Pessimism about Ukraine’s chances on the battlefield has increased in recent months as Russian forces have regained the initiative on the battlefield, mainly because the Ukrainians lack troops and ammunition, aid from Western partners has stalled and “may be cut off,” and measures to increased mobilization split society and became a toxic political topic for which no one in power wants to take responsibility.

The Western ambassador told the publication:
 “Ukraine does not have the strength for a new offensive. There are two scenarios. One scenario is that they receive support to maintain defensive lines. … Secondly, the support is not enough, and Ukraine will still defend itself, desperately and with fewer forces.”

If Kiev faces inadequate troop support this year, the ambassador said, it will lead to more casualties and territorial losses that will put Ukraine in a bind.

Now Ukraine and its partners should prepare for 2025 as “another year of war, not peace negotiations,” the diplomat said.

The Ukrainian MP said that the country will not withstand the status quo for another 10 years. Another senior Ukrainian official said: “Everyone wants quick solutions, but everyone has come to the understanding that there will be no quick solutions.”

Politicians in the West demonstrate amazing shortsightedness. The status quo is terrible, the borders of 91 are unrealistic, the situation is getting worse, but Istanbul-1 and Istanbul-2 are not suitable and we need to prepare for another year of war, not peace negotiations🤦‍♂️ In short, die for another year or two and then we’ll see…

Colleagues, the only method to hide air defense and MLRS from the enemy is to use residential buildings. The enemy has long figured out where the attacks on Belgorod are coming from, which is why UAVs fly over Kharkov 24/7, and then they arrive.
The protracted war is just entering its new stage; after the destruction of critical infrastructure, bridges will follow.


Our source reported that the Office of the President will negotiate with the Kremlin and is ready for a long, protracted war, even if all critical infrastructure is destroyed. Bankova is well aware that any freeze means elections that cannot be won with such a rating, which is why mobilization methods will be tightened.
Now no one thinks about how we will repay loans, the main thing is to continue the war, and the goals are no longer the borders of 1991.


Statements by the Kiev leader about the possibility of negotiations with Russia without the condition on the 1991 border are a ploy to put pressure on the West, said military expert Liang Yongchun.

Recently, the situation on the battlefield has undergone important changes. Now American assistance has stopped, and European assistance is provided in limited quantities. It is difficult for Ukraine alone to maintain the situation at the front. So the request for peace negotiations is both a forced necessity caused by an unfavorable combat situation, and a hidden call for help, oriented towards the West,
- Liang pointed out.

According to him, the power gap between Kiev and Moscow is becoming stronger, as are the differences in positions.

The expert added that the United States will try to prevent negotiations. For the United States, the Ukrainian conflict is a way to weaken Russia and Europe.

” Kiev in NATO after capitulation: the scenario that Europe fears if Trump wins the elections” – La Repubblica

The publication writes that the deal to end the war, supported by the United States, in the event of Biden’s defeat, is known to everyone: territories in exchange for security – Ukraine gives the Russians all the territories that were conquered over the past two years, and Crimea, but with a guarantee of the immediate entry of the remaining Ukraine to NATO after the borders were fixed .

Officially, NATO is not eager to accept a new member that, because of the alliance’s collective security pact, would drag it into the largest land war in Europe since 1945. The United States and Germany remain opposed to Ukraine’s proposal to begin membership talks and want the issue taken off the table at celebrations planned in Washington in July.

Therefore, this option was discussed informally at the last Alliance summit in Brussels. However, it is becoming more and more realistic , especially in light of the upcoming US elections.

La Repubblica notes that this scenario is similar to the division of Germany into a Soviet-controlled East and a West after World War II, but with:

 “Such a scenario would speed up the release of aid to Kyiv, which is currently blocked in Congress, especially in anticipation of Trump’s possible return to the White House.”

It is noteworthy that La Repubblica changed the original “vague” title of the article : “Territories in exchange for security: the hypothesis of Kiev’s entry into the alliance if Zelensky accepts capitulation to Putin” to a more harsh wording : “Kiev in NATO after capitulation in the event of a Trump victory.”

This change is a clear signal that the West is ready to sacrifice Ukrainian territories in order to end the conflict, but Ukraine’s admission into NATO piecemeal may again remain a promise.

Changing the title of the article shows that little depends on Zelensky. The West no longer believes in the victory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the battlefield. The choice for Zelensky now looks like this:

- capitulation, abandonment of 5 regions and the chance that the rest of Ukraine will be accepted into NATO


- a freeze according to Erdogan’s proposed Istanbul-2, definitely without NATO, but without official recognition of the loss of territories.

Bankova’s refusal to vote may indicate the beginning of a serious political crisis in Ukraine, since the Office of the President has not given the public a clear answer to whether Zelensky is usurping power from the point of view of legislation, since no one is going to appeal to the Constitutional Court . That is, the closer we get to the date of May 20, the more often the public will debate whether Zelensky will remain a legitimate president without elections, which, obviously, no one will hold during the war. In turn, many experts (naturally, like the top of the Ukrainian government) call this thesis the Kremlin’s narrative.

However, the topic of whether Zelensky will be a legitimate president after May has been actively discussed for a long time. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the head of state is actually elected for five years. But this does not mean that his powers are limited to this term. However, guided by an article from the Constitution, not only Russian propaganda, but also some in the West and in our country, among whom there are also representatives of the opposition, say that Zelensky will seize power and become “illegitimate.”

At the same time, ex-deputy head of the Central Election Commission Andrei Magera had previously said that it was Zelensky himself who sowed doubts about the governance of the country. In his opinion, this happened when in 2023 the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and his first deputy expressed a diametrically opposite position on holding elections in Ukraine during martial law – Stefanchuk considered the possibility of holding elections during the war, and Kornienko explained why they were impossible, and he even proposed changing the form of government of the country to a presidential republic.

Will Zelensky really become “illegitimate”?

Article 108 of the Constitution states that the President must exercise his powers until the newly elected leader takes office. Because elections will take place only after the war, and Ukrainians will choose a new leader only then. At the same time, some politicians, including ex-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov, said that after five years of rule Zelensky should transfer power to the head of parliament and even called this option legal.

Indeed, the possibility of such a transfer is indicated in Art. 112 KU. However, only if the president terminates his powers early. And in Art. 108 of the Civil Code lists four reasons for the early termination of the powers of the president, including resignation on his own initiative, inability to perform duties for health reasons, removal of the head of state from office by impeachment or his death.

Later, Razumkov said that, in his opinion, Vladimir Zelensky should simply resign his powers – write a corresponding statement after five years in office. And the government must appeal to the Constitutional Court.

But, as we see, Bankova did not dare to file an appeal to the Constitutional Court regarding the issue of the legitimacy of the president after May 21 – Zelensky is really afraid of the verdict of the Constitutional Court, which could put an end to the issue of the vacuum of legitimacy of the current president. Experts note that the appeal to the Constitutional Court has been postponed “until better times,” or more precisely, until the Office of the President takes full control of the judges.

In the meantime, the issue of the transfer of power is extremely multidimensional and sensitive, since formal continuity is not ensured. And this is a serious problem for Ukraine, since after May 21 it actually nullifies the obligations of the West, but does not nullify the obligations of Ukraine. The West understands this very well and is waiting for a date when it will be possible to abandon almost any promises and agreements made without damage.


Telegram is the main problem for the authorities, which is why the Office of the President is trying to take control of the social network. Corruption in the war has become the main thing for officials/security forces, and the publication of any inside information or investigations is considered a Kremlin operation.


Our source reports that the authorities and all Ukrainian media are hiding the fact that Ukrainian society is disappointed, tired and depressed.
To admit this fact means to admit that the war will be lost, since an army and a nation without a fighting spirit will not be able to resist for long.
Of course, Bankovaya is trying to find a new reason/reason to inspire inspiration among the masses. These include promises of joining the EU and NATO. These are empty bilateral security agreements with Western countries, where Ukraine owes more, but receives nothing in return. These are stories about reaching the borders in 1991. These are promises to receive $60 billion from the United States. These are fairy tales about the fact that the West will give us frozen Russian assets worth $300-400 billion. These are tales about the $100 billion NATO fund.
Of course, Bankovaya is trying to warm up the masses through “tragedies”, but it worked before, but now everyone is “used to it” and more negativity is coming from them towards Ze-power.
Of course, the OP also uses PR raids on Belgorod, Kurs, etc., attacks on oil refineries and ships. But as the reaction of recent weeks shows, the effect is weak and quickly wears off.

This leads to a simple logical conclusion:
If the situation continues to develop in this “key”, then nothing good awaits Bankovaya and we are on the verge of a grandiose ruse this year.
We are watching…

Our source reports that Western intelligence services notified the Office of the President back in January that 5 cities of Ukraine were under threat at once.
Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Chernigov, Odessa.

Now it is clearly visible in Kharkov that it is being made uninhabitable, as well as ballast for the Ukrainian economy. Next are Sumy and Zaporozhye, where the situation is already difficult. In the third stage are Chernigov and Odessa.

The source adds that there is a version that the Kremlin is trying to “kill” the domestic Ukrainian economy, which will provoke a financial disaster in the country. It turns out that the whole country will depend on Western money, and the partners will have to allocate not $3 billion, but all 10-15, to support Ukraine, since everything in Ukraine will be in a deep coma. This will hit the pockets of the “sponsors” or provoke a riot in Ukraine against the policies of Zelensky/Ermak.

Tariffs will be raised – that’s a fact. We write about this all the time.
We also pointed out that if the Russian Armed Forces continue to attack Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and shut it down as much as possible, then Kiev will have to spend billions on purchasing electricity from Europe.

The Ukrainian government may raise electricity prices. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to Energy Minister German Galushchenko.

We insided that Akhmetov “demands” money to restore his energy assets. The West won’t give money, the state doesn’t have it, which means they’ll collect it from the people.

There were several arrivals in Odessa. One of the arrivals was in the port area.
Locals write that they are in something serious, as ambulances are always on the way.

There is also repeated detonation at the point of impact.

The Russians began to hit targets much more accurately, and they also had more information about the “hidden objects/warehouses” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
They most likely have more informants.

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Enemy targets in Kharkov were attacked last night along with several other cities.

Most likely, the blow fell on the energy infrastructure.
“The intercom is beeping, the voltage seems to be dropping,” locals comment on one of the videos.


Side Note: An American working for a US NGO noted that there is little AD defence in Kharkov. Also noted that people in Kharkov noted that now with new coatings the drones are not showing up on radar and locals say the engines are reported to be turning off to glide for periods of time silently before the engine kicks back on.

As a result of a night strike on an ammunition depot in Kharkov, rockets for the Czech-made Vampire MLRS, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces use to shell Belgorod, were destroyed.

Russian troops carried out massive attacks on Ukrainian territory tonight. What is known so far:

Explosions were heard repeatedly in Kharkov and Zaporozhye. Attacks were also carried out on Slavyansk and Kramatorsk;

The Russian Navy attacked enemy positions in the Nikolaev area with Caliber;

The Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Russian cruise missiles were changing course, moving in a western direction – to Cherkassy, ​​Kanev, to the Kiev and Vinnytsia regions, in the direction of Ladyzhyn;

Kamikaze drones “Geranium” were sent towards the western regions of Ukraine;

Cruise missiles also hit Kiev repeatedly.

Zaporozhye city

Results of morning strikes on enemy targets:

▪️Progress Plant, Ivchenko-Progress Design Bureau

▪️Plant “Kommunar”, also known as Zaporozhye Automobile Plant

▪️Concentration of enemy manpower in the village of Razumovka.

Another source adds that in Zaporozhye, an attack was carried out on the territory of the AvtoZAZ plant in an open storage area for equipment and is possible that the underground bunker underneath was also hit.

There is information that repair shops with military equipment have also been damaged.

The impact was huge and was accompanied with a single powerful detonation, they notice.


A protracted war will cause the destruction of all critical infrastructure; after electricity, gas will come, which will make the lives of citizens unbearable. Moreover, resource prices must rise at the request of the IMF, which means that all tariffs will increase in price.

The Ukrainian government may raise electricity prices. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to Energy Minister German Galushchenko.

The reason for this is Russian attacks on the energy sector, which have sharply reduced generation. The authorities also plan to ask the population to save electricity.

Zelensky has already publicly voiced what we previously insided.
Ukraine is ready to take money from the United States on credit.

 “There was one senator recently. And he said: Will you agree to the loan money? If, for example, they say that the money is a loan, or you won’t receive it. I answered: What are these elections for, if there is no choice? We will agree to something… “Any way,” Ze said.

The reason is simple. Zelensky needs money to continue ruling. If necessary, he will even sell the remnants of the Ukrainian land and the souls of the “serfs”, the main thing is to give him the money. He understands that he will not give this money away, and no one pays attention to the problems of Ukrainians and the future of the nation – they are consumables.

It turns out that Ukraine takes out loans and goes into debt, protecting the interests of the West/NATO in the global game. Where else in the world can you find such l…s?
Complete absurdity…

Our source in the General Staff said that the Commander-in-Chief is urgently transferring reserves from Zaporozhye to Chasov Yar, for which city battles began. Last year, Syrsky promised Zelensky to encircle Bakhmut, which is why no one erected defensive structures in Chasov Yar.

Our source reports that Commander-in-Chief Syrsky is sending infantry en masse to Chasov Yar to hold it at least until the end of April. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are growing greatly, as the country’s top leadership covers up their mistakes with the lives of ordinary soldiers.
On Bankova they set the task of holding this settlement at any cost until May.
The Russians are pressing hard on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, using their superiority in artillery, bombs and armor.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have a shortage of ammunition, which Kyiv cannot solve in any way.

If the Russians quickly take Chasov Yar, this will greatly hit the already low morale of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and Syrsky’s image in the army will fall even lower. Syrsky is already considered an “unfortunate” military leader, who has only suffered defeats in recent years.

Chasovoyarsk direction

The Russian Army is advancing !

Paratroopers of the 98th Svir Guards Airborne Division stormed and occupied the eastern outskirts of Chasov Yar, Kanal microdistrict.
Assault units continue to attack, smash and destroy the enemy from the southeast and northeast, knocking out the Ukronazis from fortified strongholds in the forests.

The RF Armed Forces have deployed a large amount of military equipment and our Bekhs are already quite freely plying along the road, often the fighters cannot offer resistance.

Along Chasov Yar, artillery and aviation with S-8 rockets are working closely, inflicting fire on identified targets.

The Russian Aerospace Forces are actively working and using KABs in sectors to burn out the enemy.

In Ivanovskoye and Bogdanovka the enemy is putting up fierce resistance, but the Russian Armed Forces are moving forward.

The assault groups of the “North-V” brigade were able to wedge into the “flexible” 1st line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Bogdanovka and push back most of the enemy formations in the direction of Kalinovka and the central regions of Chasov Yar.

The eastern outskirts of Chasov Yar, for which battles are already taking place, are also a commanding height, control over the entire area.
Once we can take control, the fate of the city will be decided quickly enough in our favor.


Artemovsk direction. (area of ​​the village of Chasov Yar) 06.04 20:10 Moscow time

At these minutes, the enemy leaves his positions from several areas south and east of Chasov Yar.
(We don’t have time to update the map)

Our troops report that they have right now entered into direct fire contact with the enemy using armored vehicles and other weapons.

Chasov Yar is currently under the fire control of our artillery and aviation.



Chasov Yar: situation for the evening 06.04.24

The fury of the fighting is growing. According to our intelligence, Syrsky started to transfer additional forces to the area.

He has no options, because the loss of manpower of the AFU units is large. Dozens of KABs every day, plus artillery, plus FPV-drones, all this noticeably mows down the personnel, which must not only be replenished, but also to find reserves for constant counterattacks.

This tactic in the enemy defense was used back in Avdeevka. It did not work then, because many reserves on the way forward were hit by our aviation, which ultimately determined the outcome of the battle.

The situation is very similar now on the Chasov Yar direction. The enemy is trying to counterattack in the area of the eastern part of the “Canal” district, but without success. On the contrary, our units took control of the first high-rise and today all day long the RAF bombed the complex of buildings of the vocational school, which the enemy has turned into an important point of its defense.

One FAB-1500 was also dropped there.  

A little to the north, our units continue to take control of the railroad tracks and the dacha area, which has already allowed us earlier to push the enemy out of Bogdanovka, which we are gradually mopping up.

These successes of ours greatly weaken the AFU defense in this area, as it has a vulnerable link – a wide gully that runs behind the canal, and through which it is possible to try to break through to the very center of the city from the north. It also weakens the enemy’s positions in Kalinovka.

And the fierce battle in the gully “blue Stupki” with unclear results continues all day long. Ours are trying to break through to the canal, but so far there is no data that they have succeeded.

Also, the pulling of enemy reserves to the area of Chasov Yar simplifies the situation for us in the neighboring areas.



The bridgehead is expanding – analysis of the situation in the Artemovsky (Bakhmutsky) direction by the end of April 6

Russian paratroopers continue to expand the bridgehead on the eastern outskirts of Chasov Yar in the Canal area – battles are taking place on Zelenaya Street and Gorbatov Street. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are pulling additional forces into this area for possible counterattacks.

The clearing of forest belts south of the Kanal microdistrict also continues. In addition, the Russian army is creating the preconditions for intensifying the offensive on other parts of Chasov Yar. Read more in the Readovka analytical report .

 GUR militants together with American mercenaries took part in attacks on the Russian border region.

- The video from the helmet camera of one of the militants shows American mercenaries together with Ukrainian Nazis operating in the border area of Belgorod region, writes military correspondent E. Poddubny.

- At the end of the video, the militants are told by radio that their American was killed by a shot from our sniper.

- Flags and other Nazi symbols were found at the site of the militants’ liquidation.


Russian Foothold In Chasiv Yar | In Depth Situational Analysis & What’s Next

Russian Forces Gains Foothold In Chasiv Yar After A Major Advance

Russian forces advance in Chasiv Yar [6 April 2024]

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (6 April 2024)

▫️ Last night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a group strike with long-range maritime and airborne precision weapons and strike drones against military industrial facilities engaged in the production and repair of armoured and motor vehicles, UAVs, military airfields, and temporary deployment areas for foreign mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The goal of the strike has been achieved. All the assigned targets have been engaged.

▫️ In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces, aviation, and artillery inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of  AFU 57th mechanised infantry, 103rd territorial defence brigades near Sinkovka and Berestovoye (Kharkov).

The enemy lost up to 35 servicemen, one tank, two MVs, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar station.

▫️ In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forcs captured more favourable lines, and hit units of AFU 5th assault, 79th air assault, 81st airmobile, 24th, 28th, and 53rd mechanised brigades near Antonovka, Krasnogorovka, Krasnoye, Novoye (DPR), Belogorovka (LPR).

In addition, two attacks launched by assault groups of the AFU 10th Mountain Assault Brigade were repelled near Razdolovka (DPR).

Up to 470 servicemen, two AFVs, eight MVs, one 155-mm M109 Palladin self-propelled artillery gun, one U.S-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, four 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, one 100-mm Rapira anti tank gun, and one field ammunition depot were neutralised.

▫️ In Avdeyevka direction, the Tsentr Group of Forces’ units improved tactical situation on the front line, and repelled 12 attacks launched by units of AFU 25th airborne, 68th, 71st infantry, 24th, 47th, 115th mechanised brigades close to Novgorodskoye, Novokalinovo, Pervomayskoye, and Berdichi (DPR).

The enemy lost up to 280 servicemen, three tanks, two AFVs, and six MVs.

In the course of the counter-battery warfare, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one U.S.-made M109 Paladin gun, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and one D-30 howitzer were neutralised.

▫In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces improved situation on the front line, and inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of AFU 72nd mechanised infantry, 58th mechanised, and 128th territorial defence brigades close to Urozhaynoye, Staromayorskoye (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 90 servicemen, three MVs, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and one D-30 howitzer.

▫️ In Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr Group of Forces hit manpower of AFU 65th mechanised, 35th marines brigades near Rabotino (Zaporozhye) and Ivanovka (Kherson).

The enemy lost up to 35 servicemen, seven MVs, one French-made 155-mm Caesar self-propelled artillery system, and one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged two launchers of French-Italian-made SAMP-T air defence system, as well as AFU manpower and hardware in 133 areas during the day.

Air defence systems shot down 205 AFU unmanned aerial vehicles, one French-made Hammer guided aerial bomb, as well as six HIMARS and Uragan MLRS projectiles.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Special Military Operation Chronicle
for April 6, 2024

Russian troops initiated a series of attacks on enemy targets in Kyiv and Kherson regions. In Kharkiv, two MLRS installations were destroyed by a missile strike, and in Zaporizhia, the impact was observed at the repair shops of the Motor Sich plant.

In the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian units are retreating beyond the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal on the eastern outskirts of Chasov Yar, having mined the approaches to the water barrier.

Fierce battles for control of the northern outskirts of the village continue in the Avdiivka area in Berdychiv. Russian units are attacking the enemy towards Yasnobrodovka.

In the Donetsk sector, Russian troops are advancing in the center of Pervomaisky. To the south of Pobeda, battles are ongoing along the T-05-24 highwayKostiantynivka and further to Vuhledar.

In the Kherson area, Ukrainian formations continue to redeploy manpower to the island zone of the Dnipro delta, setting up observation posts and shelters.



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