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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on January 27 2024

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The Washington Post writes  that the Biden administration has developed and is implementing a strategy in Ukraine that is not about returning territories to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but about defending against attacks by the Russian Armed Forces. The idea, they say, is that by the end of 2024, Ukraine will be stronger than at the beginning.
In fact – and this is indicated by the publication almost directly – Kiev was told to copy Russia’s strategy of the end of 2022-autumn 2023 in the Western sense and without the Bakhmut meat grinder – so that now the Ukrainians would mold their “Surovikin lines”. True, the same General Naev, who is supervising the construction of one of them, cuts 70% there, but in reality, the Bomzhino line goes out in the Chernigov region. Something like this.

New US military plans being developed for Ukraine do not provide for the return of lost territories, writes The Washington Post.

The publication, citing American officials, reports that after the unsuccessful Ukrainian counteroffensive last summer, the Biden administration began preparing a defensive strategy for Kyiv.

Attention is paid to repelling new Russian offensives and strengthening the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is assumed that Britain and France should also help with this.

“Pro-Russian plot: 17 MPs from Zelenskyy’s party received money from pro-Russian forces to collapse the Rada and lead Kiev to defeat in war – Tyshchenko

   The mp said that his colleagues from the “Servant of the People” were bought by the Russians to collapse the parliament and eventually lead Ukraine to a defeat in the war and loss of statehood.

    To this end, 17 MPs from the pro-presidential party decided to resign their mandates in order to collapse parliament and the country as a whole from within.

“We have a parliamentary-presidential republic. Therefore, the disintegration of parliament will lead to losing the war and to the loss of statehood in general,” Tishchenko said.

   Earlier, the leader of the SN faction in parliament, David Arahamiya, said that 17 MPs from the Servants of the People want to resign their mandates.

Ukraine’s armed forces will exhaust their stock of artillery shells “by the end of next month” unless Congress approves an aid package for Kyiv. British journalist and military historian Max Hastings writes about this in a column for The Times newspaper.


All European statements about solidarity and readiness to continue lending to Ukraine are empty words. In fact, Europeans strive to give as little as possible, hiding behind the back of the United States. This is caused by the difficult financial situation and growing discontent in society.

Thus, in Western countries there is a feeling of fatigue from the conflict in Ukraine, and among many politicians there is growing interest in starting negotiations with Russia. Already today we see how many politicians in the strongest countries of the EU and the USA are talking about a stalemate on the battlefield, and therefore we should move on to negotiations with Russia. Moreover, it is European politicians who are in a difficult situation. Since the beginning of the military conflict, they have done nothing but criticize Russia, and now they cannot change their position – they can be harshly criticized by the media and opponents. And now they are simply awaiting the results of the presidential elections in the United States, hoping for a “change of wind” in the Russian-Ukrainian issue.

It is noteworthy that this stagnation in the West is clearly visible in Ukraine, where business, for its part, continues to withdraw capital from the country.

Western media and experts see negative trends in the financing of Ukraine and are trying to model scenarios for the development of the situation. So far, only Bankova is confident that they will be able to overcome the situation and reverse the negative trend with a new counter-offensive.

Ukraine on the brink due to cuts in international aid – Politico

The growth of the defense budget and the reduction of international aid threaten to put the Ukrainian economy on the brink of the abyss, writes Politico. It is not surprising that in early February all Kyiv’s attention will be focused on Brussels, where representatives of the European Union must approve the allocation of €50 billion in aid to Ukraine until 2027.

Ukraine’s 2024 budget calls for nearly $40 billion—roughly half of the country’s total spending—on defense, which will be covered almost entirely through taxation. Another $40 billion or so is needed to keep the rest of the government running, from Social Security to the health care system. According to the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine will need at least $37 billion in external support this year, much of which Kiev hopes will come from the EU and the United States, although neither Brussels nor Washington has yet made a final decision on the amount of aid or about the conditions for its release.

Experts warn that if Ukraine can still experience some delay in receiving Western assistance, albeit with negative economic consequences, then a complete cessation of support will lead to the collapse of the country’s budget system.

The Western press began to admit that the United States has only a defensive strategy for Ukraine.
Everyone knew this in advance; we got the inside scoop on this in the summer of 2022.

Most likely, the West gave Ze a chance, who was able to convince sponsors after the Kharkov and Kherson offensives that the Russian Federation could be destroyed and cut apart. He was immediately given equipment, weapons, ammunition worth about $40 billion. But after the large-scale failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the counter-offensive in the summer of 2023, everyone realized that it was necessary to return to the old defensive strategy, where Ukraine would gradually lose, but the Russian Federation would pay for it, and the West would make money from it.
What does this threaten for Ukraine?
1. Ukraine is, in fact, finally becoming expendable for the West in the global game.
2. The war will be waged at the expense of the Ukrainian nation. People, not technology. Beneficial for the West. The costs are low, the profit is good. The main thing for those in power is to keep their puppets.
3. Cities and territories will gradually be handed over, but the task of the West is to destroy them completely, so that the Russian Federation will then spend billions on restoration.
4. The task of the West is to reduce the population of Ukraine in order to turn its remains into an agricultural and resource colony, like in Africa.
5. Also, the remnants of Ukraine should become a “gray zone” between the Russian Federation and the EU.
6. The West plans to bring migrants to the remnants of Ukraine, building a whole new migration camp for a million people.

In general, one thing is clear: the West does not have a “bright future” for Ukraine, which Zelensky so sweetly loves to talk about.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in killed and wounded exceed a thousand people every day – these are only those who can be counted in hospitals

🔸Kiev Russophobe TV presenter Daniil Yanevsky stated this on the channel of Ukrainian propagandist Natalya Moseychuk:

🔸 Only hospitallers, at a rate of 1000-1200 people, are transported from the front every day. One thousand, one thousand two hundred people. Here is the answer to many questions that may arise.

🔸In turn, political scientist Yuriy Romanenko emphasized that in order to restore the economy, Ukraine will have to find tens of millions of additional workers somewhere.


Volodin: “For the leadership of NATO states, fascist ideology is becoming the norm”

This is a dangerous path that could lead to a new world war, said Vyacheslav Volodin on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.

“Biden, Trudeau, Sunak, Macron, Scholz not only justify the crimes of the Kiev Nazis but also sponsor the policy of genocide and terrorism pursued by the Zelensky regime,” said the State Duma speaker.

According to Volodin, our duty is to protect the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defeated fascism.

80 years ago on this day Leningrad was completely liberated from the fascist blockade. For 872 days the Nazis tried to break and starve out the city and its inhabitants. More than a million people died from starvation, massive shelling, and bombing. This is one of the most tragic pages in the history of our country.

“Kiev is trying to challenge the Russian Federation and the entire civilized world. Russia will do everything to ensure that its enemies disappear from the face of the earth forever!”

Dmitry Medvedev 

Channel 24 reports that along with those 27-60 years old liable for military service, those Ukrainians who are 18-25 years old can also receive a summons.

This is due to the fact that changes may be made to the law on mobilization, notes LCF Law Group lawyer, reserve junior lieutenant, Tactical combat casualty care instructor Vladimir Romanchuk.

The bill provides for the abolition of the conscript service. It will be replaced by compulsory basic military service for men aged 18 to 25. This is planned to be introduced in 2025. It will be taken in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations to obtain a military specialty. After completing basic service, citizens of military age will be registered as liable for military service.

After this, they can be mobilized, because they are already liable for military service. Men will be able to choose the year and period of their compulsory basic service until they turn 25.

Considering that Zelensky wants to drag as many people as possible to the front, such changes to the mobilization bill are quite real. That is, those Ukrainians who hoped that the authorities would adopt a “normal” law on mobilization should already now understand that the concessions that are planned to be given during its adoption and discussion will not change the anti-people nature of the initiative. After all, if mobilization in Ukraine can affect even those who have group 2 disabilities, then young people aged 18 to 25 years old will be even more likely to be “encouraged” by military commissars


The capture of Pervomaisky will make it possible to finally clear the Khrebet position and, finally, enter Severnoye and advance to Lastochkino.
Control over these settlements will mean the final turning point in the Battle of Avdeyevka.
In short, the enemy can successfully defend Avdeyevka as long as he supplies its garrison. We are talking about supply along the Orlovka-Lastochkino-Avdeyevka line. These connections are, in turn, reinforced by the Tonenkoye-Severnoye-Pervomaiskoye line. As long as the enemy is able to supply Avdeyevka through these connections, he will (regardless of anything) throw resources there. This is precisely his favorite tactic – to turn populated areas into fortresses in order to inflict as many losses on us as possible.
But today, the Battle of Avdeyevka has truly entered a decisive stage.

Marat Khairullin


Ukrainians surrenders key defence positions

Today, a short message about two small but very significant events at the front, which indicate that the Ukrainian defense is sagging more and more.
Yesterday, units of my native Slavyanka managed to enter and gain a foothold in the territory of the Military Unit position between the village of Spartak and Avdeevka.  The military unit is one of the most difficult enemy positions on the entire Avdeevsky Front.  Not only is it a huge air defense bunker (confirmed to be up to 40 meters deep, but possibly more).  So it is also covered with direct fire from the Khimik microdistrict dominating the area (Citadel position).
And despite all this, we managed to get there and gain a foothold.
The Ukrainians are trying to counterattack, but so far to no avail.  We wish our guys good luck.
Marat Khairullin


More from Marat Khairullin

And the second important event: in Belogorovka, which, let me remind you, covers Seversk, guys from the 127th motorized rifle brigade (Far Eastern) managed to advance north of the chalk quarry and enter the city on one of the main streets – Oktyabrskaya.
This is also a very significant success, since Belogorovka has been turned into a fortress, and the enemy is desperately clinging to it.
Belogorovka, on the one hand, covers the right flank of the Serebryansky forestry, and on the other hand, it holds back the Soledar front and directly covers Seversk.
Let me remind you that Seversk is one of the keys to the Slavyansk- Kramotorsk agglomeration.  Here, near the Ukrainians, a huge group is concentrated, holding back a large section of the front from the Tor ledge to Bakhmut itself (northern direction).  But more about this in the big front-line report on Monday.
In the meantime, let’s once again congratulate our guys on their important victories.  The fact that the Ukrainian front is beginning to crumble in such important places speaks volumes.

The Russian Army has significantly increased the number of assault operations near Avdeevka – the second day of 50 battles

This was reported by the commander of the Tavria group, Tarnavsky (he is also responsible for the Avdeevsky direction).

In a week, the Russian Aerospace Forces dropped about a hundred aerial bombs in the DPR alone.

The enemy also claims that in the past 24 hours alone, 230 Russian drones were shot down (apparently we are talking mainly about FPV).


Diary of a Paratrooper  Avdeyevskoe direction.

After our troops on the southern flank broke through the enemy’s defenses, the situation in the city for the crests who are holding the defense is only becoming more complicated every day.

The Kiev junta had time to prepare and resist the encirclement of the city, so as not to complicate the supply of ammunition and support to Ukrainian forces.

But the government of NEzalEzhnaya followed the Artemovsk scenario, destroying well-prepared and trained reserves in meat assaults, thereby leaving the defense line without an advantage.

Ukrofashist General Tarnavsky said that the Russian Armed Forces increased the number of offensive and assault operations in the southeastern direction.

Huge enemy losses forced their command to transfer new units to Avdeyevka, formed from mobilized, again untrained personnel.

The cyclical circle of plugging holes with people who are destroyed and recruiting new ones again leads to large losses, since they do not have time to gain experience and such people are killed faster.

Most likely, Avdeyevka will be left as well as Bakhmut, but it will be presented as “not such an important strategic object,” despite the fact that the most trained soldiers died there.


In Slavyansk at night, the Russian army attacked the location of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The Ukrainian Armed Forces militants set up camp in a former ceramics workshop. The building was completely destroyed.

Local social networks write about a large number of ambulances sent to the place of arrival.

In Slavyansk at night a strike was carried out on the location of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

It was located in a non-operating ceramic workshop.

The building was completely destroyed . Local social networks write about a large number of ambulances heading to the arrival point.

Military correspondent Yuri Kotenok reports.


Details about the arrival in Slavyansk have appeared:

 - It didn’t arrive at the workshop. The workshop itself does not work, but in the warehouse with the bookkeeping department – from the central entrance, the leftmost extension is the crockery workshop. It arrived in the central part – there was a warehouse there.

The main building housed the AFU.
Local residents saw how the Ukrainian Armed Forces transport was located in front of the building (from the entrance side).
On the right side is the location of personnel. A little further in the dispensary is the Command Post.

Photos and Videos published online from the side of the main entrance are not taken on purpose , because there are a lot of “beaten-up” vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and bags with the bodies of the dead.
It is reported that 200s were taken out around 11:00 Kiev time.

❗️In the Mashchermet district, the SBU is still working very hard – they are looking for a spotter.


The 47th division of the RF Armed Forces liberated the village of Tabaevka in the Svatovsky direction, building on the success after the liberation of Krakhmalny.

This is already in the territory of the Kharkov region.

Boris “Colonel Cassad ” Rozhin:


Kupyanskoe direction    Our army broke through the enemy’s defenses on the southern flank of the Kupyansky direction. Extremely positive news is coming.

Our army completely took the village of Krakhmalny. At these moments, a cleanup is underway: Kislovka, Kotlyarovka. An attack on Tabaevka is being prepared. The enemy is abandoning its positions on a wide front.



Russian Forces are once again trying to blockade Belogorovka.

🔻 Fighting has taken place in this settlement since the Battle of Seversk (nearly 13 months), after this settlement has changed hands about 3 times.

🔻 Russian Forces have already consolidated in the area of the Chalk Plant, forcing Ukrainian Forces to retreat to the settlement itself.

🔻 Unlike previous attempts to take the village, Russian Forces will likely opt to wait until better positions are established in Serebryanskoye Forestry and then shell the villages opposite the Siversky Donets’, forcing Ukrainian Forces to retreat.


Kupyansk direction. The 47th Division of the 1st Tank Army knocked out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the village of Tabaevka and are trying to gain a foothold inside the village itself.
The capture of this village is complicated by the fact that the village is located in a lowland, and the enemy is on the hills behind the village.

Sofa General Staff


Kupyansk direction: liberation of Tabaevka situation as of the end of January 27, 2024

In the Kupiansk direction, the military personnel of the “West” group of troops of the Russian Armed Forces achieved success after advancing in Krakhmalny and Berestovoy.

🔻Moving a little further north from the H26 highway, soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces advanced to Tabaevka and successfully liberated the village. This was possible due to the control over the adjacent height, from which Tabaevka, located in the lowlands, is clearly visible.

▪️ Additionally, several strongholds of the AFU located along the river, both north and south of Tabaevka, were successfully cleared. The Ukrainian formations retreated to Peschanoye, where they had already established defensive positions and received reinforcements.

▪️ However, the main enemy positions are situated north of Peschany on a hill with a height ranging from 190 to 199 meters, which will complicate the Russian Army’s further advance from Tabaevka.

🔻The servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces also launched an attack on the AFU positions in Kotlyarovka. There have been reports on the Internet about the liberation of the village, but visual confirmation is yet to be provided.

▪️ Nevertheless, an attack on Kotlyarovka is a logical move, as capturing Kislovka, which is located along the railway line at a commanding height, would allow for a deeper push into the defense. This would also increase the pressure on Ivanovka further north.

🔻To the north, the AFU attempted to break through to Yagodny, but the AFU assault group on an armored personnel carrier was hit ( by a copter with a VOG, which successfully repelled the attack.

▪️ Positional clashes are ongoing in the vicinity of Synkivka. There have been minimal changes: either Ukrainian formations are shelling our strong points, or Russian fighters are launching strikes.

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Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (27 January 2024)
▫In Kupyansk direction, ( units of the Zapad Group of Forces repelled five attacks launched by assault groups of AFU 32nd mechanised, 103rd territorial defence brigades near Sinkovka (Kharkov region) and Terni (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy lost up to 25 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, and three motor vehicles.
▫️ In Krasny Liman direction, ( units of the Tsentr Group of Force repelled two attacks launched by assault groups of the 63rd Mechanised Brigade and the 44th Rifle Battalion of the AFU close to Yampolovka (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic).

In addition, strikes were delivered at AFU manpower and hardware near Kirovsk (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Serebryansky forestry.

The enemy has lost up to 100 servicemen, two motor vehicles, and one D-20 howitzer.
▫️ In Donetsk direction, ( units of the Yug Group of Forces supported by artillery repelled two enemy attacks close to Shumy and Bogdanovka, and inflicted fire damage on AFU manpower and hardware near Krasnoye, Kleshcheyevka, Andreyevka, Georgiyevka, and Novomikhailovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Up to 250 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, and one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system have been eliminated.
▫️In South Donetsk direction, ( units of the Vostok Group of Forces repelled four attacks of assault groups of the AFU 127th Territorial Defence Brigade near Priutnoye (Zaporozhye region), as well as inflicted losses on AFU manpower and hardware close to Makarovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy has lost up to 115 servicemen, three motor vehicles, as well as two Akatsiya self-propelled artillery systems.
▫️ In Zaporozhye direction, ( units of the Russian Group of Forces supported by artillery inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 63rd Mechanised Brigade close to Rabotino and Nesteryanka (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy has lost up to 20 servicemen, one armoured fighting vehicle, and two motor vehicles.

In the course of the counter-battery warfare, one Akatsiya and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems were destroyed.
▫️ In Kherson direction, ( as a result of actions of the Russian Group of Forces, the enemy has lost up to 15 servicemen and two motor vehicles.

In addition, four Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems were destroyed during counter-battery warfare.
▫️ Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged one S-300 SAM system close to Cherkassy region,  POL bases and air-delivered ordnance depots near Kirovograd and Dnepropetrovsk regions, as well as AFU manpower and hardware in 102 areas during the day.
▫️ Air defence systems have intercepted seven HIMARS and Vampire MLRS projectiles during the day.

In addition, 28 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were intercepted near Zolotaryovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Spornoye, Belogorovka, Kleshcheyevka, Nikolayevka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Kazachyi Lageri, Novaya Myachka, and Peschanovka (Kherson region).

Map of military operations and the situation on the fronts on the evening of January 27

⚔️The situation on the fronts over the past 24 hours:

⚫️Svatovo-Kremennoe direction

In the Kupyansky sector, our fighters advanced in the Tabaevka area. In addition, there are battles in Kislovki . The Russian army advances in the direction of Ternov and advances at Belogorovka.

⚫️Bakhmutskoe (Artemovskoe) direction

Fighting continues for Bogdanovka , part of the village in the gray zone. To the north-west of Kleshcheevka there are no changes – oncoming battles.

⚫️Donetsk direction

Our fighters are advancing at the coke plant . There are battles on the south-eastern outskirts of Avdeevka . The Russian army advanced in the Georgievka area.

⚫️Zaporozhye direction

 The Russian army attacked from the direction of Novoprokopovka . The Ukrainian Armed Forces counterattacked in the Novofedorovka area. On the Vremevsky ledge , ours advance at Staromayorsky .

⚡️ The Russian army worked on infrastructure facilities 404. An industrial facility was hit in the Kremenchug district of the Poltava region. In addition, the target of the strikes could be the Mirgorod airfield located in the region. In addition, there were explosions in Kharkov.

Chronicle of a special military operation for January 27, 2024

In the Slobozhansky direction, Ukrainian formations shelled the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka in the Belgorod region throughout the day: several residential buildings were damaged, as well as power lines.

In the Kupyansko-Svatovsky direction, Russian troops liberated the village of Tabaevka , and also attacked enemy positions in Kotlyarovka . In turn, the Ukrainian formations retreated to Peschanoye , where they are already preparing for defense.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian units consolidated on previously occupied lines in the Krasnoye ( Ivanovsky ) area, somewhat expanding the zone of control.

In the Donetsk direction, the sides are conducting positional battles. Ukrainian formations try to counterattack from time to time, but each attack is successfully stopped by small arms and artillery fire


Front #Summary for 27 Jan 2024 by 19:39⚡️

🔹In #Kherson Direction, there is scorched earth in #Krynki. Less than a hundred AFUshnikovs are holding less than 1 Replenishment and supply is a non-trivial task. As for ours, to withstand fire from the right bank and drones. The aggravation is in the #Peschanovka area, between #Poyma and #Podstepnoye, near the railway bridge. It seems that the AFU have decided to create a new bridgehead there. Our forces are sinking boats and nullifying the attempts of the landing force.

🔹In #Zaporozhye Direction, our army has slightly advanced west of #Verbovoye. The AFU attacked near #Novoprokopovka, but ours fought back.

🔹In #SouthDonetsk Direction, our forces are moving in #Georgiyevka to #Kurakhovo. Some will say that the speed is not the most impressive, and this is true, but it is kinder to the fighters, and the AFU are slowly moving towards #Kurakhovo.

🔹In #Donetsk Direction, the AFU commander in #Avdeyevka, Tarnavsky, said that the our army is increasing the number of attacks, up to 50 battles in a day. The AFU are standing in the southern part of the city, holding back our offensive within the city. Ours do not miss the opportunity, they attack in other areas and have have advanced in the dachas near Coke Plant, from #Kamenka and near #Pervomayskoye. The AFU claims a significant advance of ours, ours are more modest in their assessments.

🔹In the #Bakhmut Direction, #Bogdanovka near Chasov Yar is mostly grey zone. Our forces and the AFU are on the two outskirts. Ours have withdrawn from the centre, but are bringing in reserves and equipment, for example, RBU-6000s, to hit AFU positions with a barrage of fire.

🔹In #Svatovo Direction, in #Seversk sector, our forces are advancing near #Belogorovka on the northern and southern flanks, and our Lancets hit several self-propelled howitzers of the AFU. But in the #Liman sector, the AFU pulled up reserves. Our offensive at #Terny, #Yampolovka and #Torskoye has been slowed down. In the #Kupyansk sector, the AFU did not have enough for #Tabayevka. Ours broke through the defences in the south, the AFU is hastily leaving the village. And in #Kotlyarovka too. There are fierce battles in #Kislovka, ours are pressing on three sides. In the north, at #Sinkovka, the AFU lost a number of positions to ours, but overall there were no further change.

☠️ The AFU carried out a kamikaze drone raid on peaceful Novaya Kakhovka, a woman was wounded. Obviously, there will only be more such raids, we need EW and smart engineers.

💥 Our forces hit an ammunition depot in #Slavyansk. Locals write that the SBU are looking for the spotter. There were several strikes on AFU locations in #Kramatorsk and in Klugino-Bashkirovka, #Kharkov region.



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