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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on January 20 2024

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Zelensky Invites Trump To Ukraine If He Can “Stop War In 24 Hours”

Ukraine Seeks PR “Wins” as West Admits War May be Lost

Daniil Bezsonov hopes Ukrainians will fight on Russia’s side against NATO

Russia Vs France Ugly Spat After NATO Nation’s Troops ‘Fight Alongside Ukraine Army’

“If you can stop the war, come any day”: Zelensky invited Trump to Kiev.

The Ukrainian president linked his invitation to Trump’s repeated statement that he would be able to stop the fighting in Ukraine within 24 hours. The US presidential candidate has been making this statement for a long time and has not given up his intentions. At least in the election campaign.

Unless Congress provides additional aid to Ukraine, “Russia could win the war in a matter of weeks – months at best.”

According to NBC News, White House representatives said this at a meeting with Congressional leaders on Wednesday.

Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan and intelligence director Avril Haines were there. According to them, “Ukraine will exhaust certain air defense and artillery capabilities in the coming weeks.” Date ranges were also named in which Kyiv will lose other types of weapons.

According to the channel’s source, White House officials are “increasingly alarmed by the prospect that Biden will not be able to fulfill his promise to be close to Kiev as long as necessary.”

White House officials also told congressmen that the lack of aid to Ukraine “could prompt other countries that rely on the United States, including Japan and South Korea, to rethink their alliances.”

“A bipartisan group of congressional leaders meeting agreed that providing aid to Ukraine is a national security priority, but acknowledged that there are differences over how to proceed legislatively,” the article says. 

Two years of conflict in Ukraine have hardened Russia, and exhausted the West – Bloomberg

After the start of the war in Ukraine, the West showed unprecedented unity. But after two years of fighting, it is clear that victory for Western countries is by no means guaranteed, and Vladimir Putin now has a chance to destroy their solidarity, writes Bloomberg columnist Hal Brands.

As the journalist explains, in 2022 it seemed that the conflict would ultimately only strengthen “the world order with the United States at the helm” – however, two years later, Russian troops were able to gain a foothold and create a powerful defense, and Kiev faces very vague prospects.

Western sanctions today are no longer seen as such a “miracle weapon” as they were at the beginning of 2022. At the end of that year, the Russian economy shrank by only 2.2%, and the next year it returned to growth. At the same time, Moscow managed to redirect exports to Asia and enlist the support of “swing states” like Turkey and the UAE, which help it avoid restrictive measures if necessary.

Russia has been able to increase military production and ensure internal stability – and it may emerge from this conflict, contrary to Western calculations, as “a hyper-mobilized and hyper-illiberal revanchist power with a significant reserve of well-trained military personnel and serious claims against the West,” Brands warns. And this is all the more dangerous because Western countries are increasingly feeling tired of Ukraine, which is eroding their former unity.

They began to fear that Ukraine would collapse without credit and military assistance from the United States.
Let us answer: it will not collapse immediately. Possibly within a year.

This thesis is being thrown out by the Biden administration because there are no more arguments, and they do not want and will not make concessions on the border. We described this back on December 13th.

We know that air defense is running out. We gave inside information about this in advance , pointing out the deficit and the missile-drone war that had begun, where Kiev was losing.

Washington warns of Russia’s attempts to incite European countries against Kyiv

Rubin, special envoy and coordinator of the US State Department’s Center for Global Engagement, said that Russia and China are actively promoting their own propaganda narratives among NATO countries, disguising them as journalism.

An American official predicts increased activity in Moscow in connection with election cycles in Europe: “Russia hopes that a large number of elections in Europe this year could influence the striking coalition and opposition to its war.”

Previously, we reported on the work of the Russian IPSO “The Ninth Wave” in European countries. The Kremlin’s bet is as follows: to support both the right and the left at the same time, the main thing is that they are against Ukraine.

Working with the use of local narratives, Russian specialists skillfully manipulate the public consciousness of Europeans, playing on their internal contradictions and eroding the consensus on the need to support Ukraine.

If in the Armed Forces of Ukraine the bill on tightening mobilization was received positively (the military needs rotation, additional staffing of units, etc.), then in society everything is completely different – ordinary citizens consider it “draconian,” unfair, unconstitutional, and most importantly, meaningless.

And the government itself is to blame for this “watershed” between the military and civilians. Thus, having raised the expectations of Ukrainians and almost daily promising them victory in the confrontation with the Russian Federation, the top of the Ukrainian government, by introducing a bill to tighten mobilization, looks as if it is trying to cover up the problems at the front at the expense of the people. At the same time, when, under pressure from “civilian” public opinion, the Cabinet of Ministers withdrew the bill, this caused extreme disappointment in the troops. That is, the Ukrainian authorities did not please either the civilians or the military. And this contradiction will only grow in a warring country. The negativity is already concentrated, however, so far only on TCC residents.


In fact, mobilization in Ukraine has failed – even despite roadblocks, the use of administrative resources and a general tightening of recruitment measures. Even the fact that law enforcement and judicial authorities turn a blind eye to the lawlessness of military commissars did not help. That is why we observed Zelensky’s hysterical statements in Davos. And we remind you that he said that now in Ukraine “you can’t just breathe the air.” “We are at war. And that’s why you work or fight. And that’s a fact,” Zelensky said, adding that Ukraine will never have enough mobilized people.

However, the authorities still have a chance to “push through” the scandalous bill on mobilization, which, even after changes and amendments are made, will remain anti-people. After all, the “Electronic account of conscripts, conscripts, and reservists” has already been “pushed through,” and this is a rather exciting innovation that will start working in the second quarter of 2024. Thus, the following information will be entered into the Register of Conscripts and stored in its database:
▪️personal data of conscripts, military personnel and reservists;
▪️service data of conscripts, military personnel and reservists;
▪️data on the need to staff the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, except for information constituting a state secret.
At the same time, it is also proposed to include the following as personal data of conscripts, conscripts and reservists:
▪️communication numbers and email addresses;
▪️date and number, summary of the protocol and/or resolution regarding the person in the case of an administrative offense, provided for in Articles 210, 210-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
▪️information about the status of a war veteran;
▪️information on knowledge of foreign languages;
▪️information about permits for the right to own and use weapons;
▪️information about completing educational courses and advanced training courses;
▪️information about documents giving a citizen of Ukraine the right to leave Ukraine and enter Ukraine;
▪️information on documents issued for traveling abroad for permanent residence, or leaving for permanent residence abroad, or returning to Ukraine;
▪️information about a driver’s license for the right to drive vehicles;
▪️information on decisions subject to enforcement – executive documents;
▪️information about missing persons, etc.

In general, “Big Brother is watching you” is no longer a dystopia, but the reality of Ukraine today, especially when the authorities, realizing the failure of the mobilization processes in the country, do not give up trying to drag as many people to the front as possible.

Most experts in Ukraine speak out about the problems of mobilization for the authorities, and pro-government LOMs are talking about serious problems.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov believes that forced conscription into the army can lead to large-scale protests, including with the participation of the military themselves, and mobilization must be fair.

“Here you have to start with yourself. There are civil servants, deputies and officials from the Office of the President. Everyone who has children and relatives. Why don’t they serve? And how are they different from an ordinary person?” he said.

The expert noted that news of the intention to draft an additional 500 thousand Ukrainians into the army has already provoked a massive illegal outflow of the population from Ukraine.

“The number of trips abroad has increased, and in the state system of corruption, half of it, let’s say directly, conditionally, is legal. Those who can make a corridor or documents for themselves, they leave. Indeed, the number of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border is increasing. I very much doubt that the state today is capable of providing completely controlled crossing of the state border. No, she can’t. And this will again cause social discontent, there will again be a deterioration in the social mood in society. That’s why I say that the emphasis should be on motivating people, on agitating people. And today our state apparatus carries out anti-mobilization rhetoric,” he explained.

Our source in the OP said that a large opposition has formed against Zelensky from the elites who are interested in weakening his power. The front included oligarchs, businessmen and the majority of political leaders who believe that Zelensky should leave after 01/31/24.

France is going to follow Britain in signing a “bilateral security guarantee deal” with the Zelensky regime. In this way, a legal mechanism is being put in place that will bring European states into war with Russia.

Remarkably, there is no public discussion in any of these countries about the documents signed and those about to be signed. In the meantime, behind the scenes, Macron and Sunak have certainly made non-public commitments to enter the war. Nobody asks the common people in the West. The global elites treat them as raw material.

The second curious fact is that the countries deciding to go to war with Russia are those without a common border with her. Perhaps, this is to avoid the threat looking quite as open and clear as it would if Warsaw did the same thing. Considering the trend of what is happening, we should soon expect a similar “agreement” between Zelensky and Scholz. Such a paper could legitimize the supplies of long-range Taurus missiles to the banderite Kiev, for example.

Are the decisions and intentions of London and Paris sovereign in nature? In the sense of destroying Russia – undoubtedly so. In the sense of taking the risk of burning in nuclear flames  – clearly not.

It looks like the fear of total annihilation of mankind must be urgently brought back into the world political agenda. That would probably make Western politicians make more reasonable and responsible decisions.


The Ukrainian army is becoming “more and more helpless” with each new Russian strike against foreign mercenaries, expert on Russia Iskander Kfuri believes

“Neither France nor other countries can deny the presence of a large number of mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, especially since the Kiev regime previously openly recruited them,” he told Sputnik.

Kfuri added that the French mercenary corps is widely represented among militants in Ukraine, and its members receive large salaries.

The expert expects even more targeted strikes from the Russian army against mercenaries in the near future.

 “Zelensky is a thief who steals government funds while the blood of Ukrainians and their soldiers flows in this war that is useless to them. He, Ukraine and its people face a bleak future due to the biased ambitions of the West. The fate of everyone who collaborated with the Americans is well known – their place is in the dustbin of history,” concluded Kfuri.

Sputnik Africa

Russia is pushing us in a number of directions, so there are questions for commanders on how to build a defense,” Secretary of the Rada Defense Committee

“We cannot penetrate the defense that Russia has created in the same Zaporozhye direction, because everything there has been done seriously, with the right approaches. But in some directions, they are pushing us and we are retreating.”

Kostenko said that there are requirements for defense – this is to skillfully repel attacks, inflict losses on the enemy, hold positions, and create conditions for further offensive.


Battle for Avdeevka: Russian Armed Forces advance on the southern flank Situation as of 15:00, January 20, 2024

🔻Russian troops are continuing their operation to cover and block Avdeevka.

▪️ After several months of fighting, Russian units have successfully gained control of the fortified area of the AFU at the Tsarskaya Okhota recreation center on the southern flank.

Currently, Russian troops are attempting an offensive to the northwest of the “Tsar’s Hunt” – we may soon witness an advance in Avdeevka itself.

▪️ There is also information about the liberation of the Skotovataya holiday village, located southeast of the Tsarskaya Okhota and west of the Vinogradniki SNT.

▪️ According to some sources, the Russian Armed Forces have also gained control of the area in the quarry area north of Skotovataya.

▪️ Meanwhile, fighting continues in other areas, where Russian troops are focused on expanding their zone of control. Currently, the main efforts of the Russian Armed Forces are aimed at clearing the dacha sector around Avdeevka and eliminating gray zones.


There are reports of the capture of the “Tsarskaya Okhota” in Avdeevka. This is a very serious tactical success.

  The former recreation center Tsarskaya Okhota was taken by our soldiers as a result of an unprecedentedly daring operation, which Hollywood could not even dream of.
As a result of the operation the dachas (country houses) to the west of SNT Vinogradniki were also freed.

  The enemy garrison failed to offer serious resistance and was partially destroyed, the rest surrendered as prisoners.

  We will give details later, for now we can only say that you have no idea how difficult that problem was for best warriors of this planet and all neighboring planets to solve.



Ukrainian resources confirm Butusov’s information, adding that the Russian Armed Forces went through the “Tsar’s Hunt” in the Avdeevsky direction and are trying to gain a foothold there. At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces reportedly do not have enough manpower for a full defense.

“The situation in Avdeevka has worsened: taking advantage of the weather, the Russian army broke into the south of the city,” – analysts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Military analytical resources working in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are sounding the alarm.

Russian troops yesterday and today, taking advantage of weather conditions, attacked the “Tsar’s Hunt” south of Kamenka. While in the last village, the situation is more or less under control, in the south of the city it has gotten out of control. Russian groups made their way through the “Tsar’s Hunt” along Soborna Street into the city itself.

“They are there and are trying to gain a foothold. The situation cannot be ignored and events cannot be belittled. Indeed, the Ukrainian Armed Forces there now need help. The 110th Mechanized Infantry Brigade also needs to be strengthened; soldiers are not eternal and not iron, although they make superhuman efforts.”

“We can’t tell you more, now we can only hope…” they write anxiously.

“In bad weather, only a drone with a thermal imager can save you, so the need for them is also critically important.”

How the situation is changing in the Avdeevsky direction

In the southern sector, the Russian Armed Forces were able to advance north of the M04 highway and the railway and knock out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from a fortified point in the area of   the Tsarskaya Okhota recreation complex.
According to some reports, after a successful assault on this stronghold, Russian troops were able to advance further.

Despite the tactical nature of this success, it should be noted that the Russian Armed Forces broke through the main defensive line of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area and, at a minimum, neutralized the main fortified area that was hindering the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the south and southwest of Avdeevka.

We emphasize that Ukrainian troops in this area created one of the most fortified lines in modern history and the front line has changed slightly since 2014. Now that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were forced to retreat, they will have to gain a foothold in new positions. But any new positions will be prepared and equipped worse than the old line of defense.

The alternative would be to retreat deeper into the city and move the battle for Avdiivka into a new phase.

In addition to offensive actions, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the Tsarskaya Okhota area and in the Vinogradniki gardening community area (east of the Tsarskaya Okhota), as well as to the west along the M04 highway.

In addition, several sources note fatigue and lack of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area. This is an important factor that can influence (and, most likely, is already influencing) the entire course of the operation.

What could happen next?

Neutralization of fortified positions in the Tsar’s Hunt area will most likely allow the Russian Armed Forces to intensify military operations throughout the southern sector. In addition, the advance on January 19-20 makes no sense for a number of positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the southern sector, which, most likely, will be abandoned by the Ukrainian Armed Forces or cleared by the Russian Armed Forces.

In addition, the attack on Avdeevka initially came from several directions. Now strengthening the Ukrainian Armed Forces units in one sector is possible only by withdrawing troops from other sectors. It is possible that in this way it will be possible for the Russian Armed Forces to advance in other areas, for example from the Donetsk filtration station, which was recently struck by army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, along the ravine to the north-west of Vinogradniki, as well as towards 9- th quarter from the southern sector of the front.

 Further activation is also possible in the northern section in the AKHZ area.

How can events develop further?

The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may decide to strengthen the Avdeev group (which, for example, propagandist Butusov calls for), but the transfer of new forces and reserves will most likely require the removal of formations from other sectors of the front.

In addition, reinforcements will have to be moved in difficult conditions, under fire from the Russian Armed Forces, and in difficult climatic and weather conditions.

If the Armed Forces of Ukraine decide to gain a foothold in urban areas, then hostilities will inevitably, as was the case with Artyomovsk, quickly move to the city. If this happens, the length of the front line in this area will be reduced and will allow the Russian Armed Forces to concentrate troops on solving one task. If such a scenario develops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will finally lose the ability to tactically maneuver as well as the initiative.

Military Chronicle

The Russian Army broke through the first line of defense in the south of Avdievka, capturing several powerful strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

In the south of Avdeevka, Russian troops, during daring attacks, pushed through the enemy’s defenses in an area up to 1.5 km wide to a depth of 700 m (resources admit an advance of 570 m).

“The Russians found a weak spot in our defense and were successful, capturing large strongholds that reached the outskirts of the Tsar’s Hunt,” write Ukrainian military analysts who publish maps of the advance of the Russian army.

“According to reports from the field, Russian infantry is seeking to gain a foothold along Chernyshevsky, Sportivnaya streets and in the area of ​​the Tsarska Okhota complex.”

The Russian Armed Forces also continue to put pressure in Stepovoy, south of Kamenka and in the area of ​​the Dubrava station.

Our source in the OP said that Zaluzhny today asked Zelensky to conduct a bet on the situation in Bakhmut and Avdeak, where the enemy has intensified its attacks. Near Bakhmut, the Russian army is trying to take Bogdanovka in order to begin an operation to capture Chasov Yar, unfortunately, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost their advantage on this section of the front, and the enemy has returned almost all the territories that the Ukrainian army had recaptured since the start of the counter-offensive on the flanks of the city.


Russian flag over Bogdanovka: the Russian army continues to storm the village on the flank of Artemovsk

▪️ The flag is symbolically raised over Bogdanovka by fighters, indicating progress.

▪️ Ukrainian military analysts admit that “the Ukrainian Armed Forces are in a difficult situation in Bogdanovka, they are trying to restrain the assaults. The initiative is entirely behind the Russian troops and it is not possible to reverse the situation.”

▪️ “The advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Bogdanovka in recent days has amounted to 200 meters,” they say.

Battles near Krynoki on the Kherson front. Group of troops “Dnepr” informs Due to the powerful fire impact of our military and difficult weather conditions, the intensity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ actions in the Krynok area has decreased significantly.

Only from the right bank, the 80 militants who survived were supported using mortars and UAVs. Ammunition and fresh manpower were not delivered.

In turn, our military over the past 24 hours destroyed two D-30 guns, a mortar, and an armed Humvee all-terrain vehicle with artillery fire and Lancets.

FPV drone operators successfully dropped ammunition and destroyed four vehicles, two communications antennas, and an observation post.

Air defense and electronic warfare forces shot down/suppressed two quadcopters, three FPV drones, and two heavy octacopters of the Baba Yaga type.

Assault and army aviation worked on concentrations of enemy manpower. Its total personnel losses per day are up to 30 militants.

Governor V. Saldo


 Soldiers of the 1st Tank Army liberated  the village of Krakhmalnoye in Kharkov region
   In the afternoon, enemy analysts reported that the Russian Armed Forces were advancing on Krakhmalnoye in the Kupyansk-Svatovsk direction.
▪️ “North-west and south-west of Vladimirovka, Russian troops have launched an attack in the direction of Tabayevka and Krakhmalnoye. According to preliminary information, Russian infantry entered several forest belts west of the railroad,” they wrote.
▪️ As a result, during the fighting the settlement was taken by the 47th Guards Tank Division, part of the 1st Tank Army of the Western Military District with permanent deployment in the village of Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod region.


Regarding taking Krakhmalnoye:

According to clarifying information, during the attack on the populated area, an area of   slightly more than 12 km² was occupied. The units took control north of Krakhmalnoye – the territory from the railway track to the Kupyansk-Severodonetsk highway.




Map of military operations and the situation on the fronts on the evening of January 20

👠Russian attack aircraft from the Veterans volunteer brigade, with the support of other units, managed to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the west and south of Avdeevka and entered the city. The fighters managed to take a section of the railway and several trenches in the Tsar’s Hunt area. The defense of Avdiivka is gradually cracking, but it will take time until the city is completely liberated, because there are heavy urban battles and a coke plant ahead.

⚔️The situation on the fronts over the past 24 hours:

⚫️Svatovo-Kremennoe direction

In the Kupyansky sector, fighting for Sinkovka continues. Our fighters advanced in the area of     Krahmalny . In addition, the Russian army attacked southeast and northeast of Belogorovka.

⚫️Bakhmutskoe (Artemovskoe) direction

The advance of the Russian army in the suburbs of Chasov Yar brought success. Our fighters raised the Russian flag in the center of Bogdanovka . In addition, the Russian army advanced in the Krasnoye area. Fighting continues northwest of Kleshcheevka.

⚫️Donetsk direction

 The Russian army successfully advanced on the approaches to Avdeevka from the west and south. There is evidence of a breakthrough in the Tsarskaya Okhota area. In the Maryinsky sector, fighting continues near Georgievka and Novomikhailovka.

⚫️Zaporozhye direction

 In the Orekhovsky sector, our fighters attacked at Rabotino and Verbovoy . At the Vremevsky salient, the Russian army attempted to advance in the area of   Staromayorsky and Urozhayny .

RUSSIA WENT NUTS in Kupyansk & Avdiivka Front!!! KRYNKY STILL HOLDS! [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 694-695

Critical Russia gains amidst massive retraction via clarification – Ukraine Frontline Changes Report

Russian Breakthrough as Battle of Avdiivka Gives Bakhmut Flashbacks | Avdiivka Front Analysis

Russian Breakthrough in Avdiivka [20 January 2024]

Massive Russian Breakthrough As The Russian Forces Manages To ENTER Avdiivka l Battle Of Avdiivka

Krynky failure leaves no path to victory

Russian Defence Ministry Report on the Progress of the Special Military Operation (20 January 2024)⚡️

The RF Armed Forces continue the special military operation.

▫️In Kupyansk direction, the Zapad Grouping repulsed 10 attacks of the 30th, 32nd, and 60th Mechanised, 57th Motorised Infantry, and 103rd Territorial Defence Brigades  close to Sinkovka, Krakhmalnoye (Kharkov reg) and Terny (DPR.

The enemy lost up to 150 troops and 2 MVs.

▫️In Krasny Liman direction, the Tsentr Grouping repelled 4 attacks of the 63rd Mechanised, 12th Special Forces Brigade, and 5th National Guard Brigades near Grigorovka (DPR) and Chervonaya Dibrova (LPR).

The AFU lost up to 280 troops, 2 AFVs, 7 MVs, and 1 Gvozdika SAU.

▫️In Donetsk direction, the Yug Grouping repelled 4 assault group attacks of the 24th Mechanised and 81st Airmobile Brigades near Shumy and Belogorovka (DPR) and defeated troops and hardware of the 22nd, 28th, and 93rd Mechanised Brigades close to Kleshcheyevka, Kurdyumovka, and Chasov Yar (DPR).

The enemy lost up to 320 troops, 6 pickups, 1 Msta-B and 1 D-20 howitzers.

▫️In South Donetsk direction, the Vostok Grouping repelled 2 assault group attacks of the 127th Air Defence Brigade near Rovnopol (DPR) and inflicted fire damage on troops of the 79th Air Assault Brigade close to Konstantinovka (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 95 troops, 3 MVs, and 2 Akatsiya SAUs.

▫️In Zaporozhye direction, the Russian Grouping defeated troops and hardware of the 65th, 117th Mechanised, and 82nd Air Assault Brigades near Nesteryanka, Rabotino, and Verbovoye (Zaporozhye reg).
The enemy lost up to 30 troops, 2 AFVs, and 1 D-30 howitzer.

▫️In Kherson direction, the Russian Grouping struck the enemy.

The AFU lost up to 35 troops, 2 MVs, and 1 US  M109 Paladin SAU.

▫️The Russian Grouping’s Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops, and Artillery neutralised 1 German IRIS-T radar station and engaged troops and hardware in 118 areas.

Air defences shot down 20 UAVs and 1 HIMARS projectile close to Lisichansk (LPR), Bogdanovka, Belogorovka (DPR), Kazachyi Lagerya, Golaya Pristan (Kherson reg).

📊 In total, 567 aircraft, 265 helicopters, 10,914 UAVs, 450 air defence systems, 14,705 tanks and other AFVs, 1,202 MRLS vehicles, 7,795 guns and mortars, and 17,641 special military vehicles have been destroyed during the SMO.


Front #Summary for 20 Jan 2024 by 20:24⚡️

🔹In #Kherson Direction, most of #Krynki remains in the grey zone. Our forces’ attempts to gain a foothold in the village have been unsuccessful so far. But they managed to push the AFU back to the bank and to the forest belt. A captured AFU said that sending them to the left bank was a punishment. When planning the operation they did not take into account the number of small islands, sand dunes and ground water, it is impossible to entrench. And taking into account the way ours “iron” the enemy with aviation and artillery, the chances of survival are minimal. By the way, Ukrainian resources claim that the floodgates of the dams in #Kremenchuk and #Dnepropetrovsk have recently been opened. Allegedly in this way the AFU want to flood the islands, simplifying the supply of the AFU on the right bank.

🔹In #Zaporozhye Direction, without changes, there is an exchange of artillery strikes and drones are working closely.

🔹In #SouthDonetsk Direction, near #Staromayorskoye, the AFU tried to reinforce with reserves. Our army disrupted the rotation and cleared four strongholds. In the #Maryinka sector, our forces continue to suppress the activity of the AFU garrison in #Novomikhaylovka with TOS fire. On the southwestern side, our forces have retaken a number of other positions. A video has emerged of a strike on an important AFU defence hub, the South Donbasskaya-3 (YUD-3) mine near #Ugledar. The main thing is that the mine buildings survived and can continue to be used. And without the capture of the YUD-3 and YUD-1 mines, the assault on #Ugledar is fraught with heavy losses for us, as it already happened a year ago, when the firing points and observation posts at the mines were not suppressed during the offensive on the town.

🔹In #Donetsk Direction, Ukrainian resources claim that our army has taken Tsarskaya Okhota and is reaching the outskirts of #Avdeyevka. According to my information, our military has really advanced well, taking major positions, but they have not yet entered the city itself. Our forces are levelling the front from the Industrial Zone.

🔹In #Bakhmut Direction, on the northern flank of the city, in #Bogdanovka our military raised the Russian flag. The village has not been cleared yet, but the AFU is withdrawing from the centre. The AFU garrison is standing at #Kalinovo, the village right by Chasov Yar. On the western front, near #Ivanovskoye (#Krasnoye), our forces have advanced, and 500-700m remain to storm the village. Its capture will also increase the pressure on Chasov Yar.

🔹In #Svatovo Direction, after the successful advance at #Vesyoloye and #Belogorovka in the #Seversk sector, our forces are suppressing the enemy in the vicinity of #Spornoye. Our offensive is complicated by a serious AFU armoured group. Further north, in the direction of #Krasnyliman, the AFU is actively building fortifications on the right bank of the #Zherebets River, recognising that they have no forces to defend the bridgehead on the left bank near #Terny and #Yampolovka. Our army has so far achieved only tactical successes, but operational developments can be expected. In the #Kupyansk sector, our forces are attacking the AFU positions near #Tabayevka and #Krakhmalnoye from the direction of #Vladimirovka instead of the more fortified #Sinkovka and #Kislovka.


Chronicles of the Special Military Operation for January 20, 2024

Today, Ukrainian sources reported isolated cases of air defense operations in the Odessa, Nikolaev, Cherkasy, and Khmelnytsky regions. It appears that Russian troops did not carry out a mass raid, but instead focused on targeted strikes on targets in the front line and rear areas.

In the Svatovsky direction, Russian troops liberated the village of Krakhmalnoye and continued to advance on Tabaevka. At the same time, in the Lyman direction, the Russian Armed Forces have slightly improved the tactical situation in the north of the Serebryansky forestry after several days of fighting.

Fierce fighting for Avdeevka continues: Russian units have gained control over the important fortified area called “Tsarskaya Okhota” and are continuing their offensive on the southern flank. There is also news of the liberation of the holiday village Skotovataya.



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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    • truck driver

      Ukraine moved to Dallas Texas

    • Jude

      It sounds like Zelensky is ready to talk. Putin wanted Crimea, he got it. Putin wanted Donbass, he can have it. Ukraine joins N.A.T.O. , like they were probably going to do anyway. So why are Ukraine and Russia both pi**ing away their national wealth still?

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