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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on December 07 2023

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Our sources in the Ukrainian delegation said that Ermak repeatedly tried to negotiate with the Biden Administration to remove Zaluzhny from his post, but received a stern warning from Sullivan not to touch the Commander-in-Chief.

Our sources from the US delegation said that Andriy Ermak again met with lobbyists and discussed the issue of allocating financial and military assistance to Ukraine. During the negotiations, we were clearly sent a signal that there would be no more help, due to the principled position of Trump, who controls the lower house of Congress and now the issue cannot be resolved. 

In Ukraine, problems with air defense are making themselves felt again.

It has finally become clear that Western partners will not supply Ukraine with additional serious air defense. And this will have a fairly significant impact on the situation in the country this winter if the Russian Armed Forces strike at the critical infrastructure of Ukraine. At the moment, Ukraine can really cover only large cities – Kyiv, Lviv, Dnieper, Odessa. However, even an air defense system deployed over the capital will not be able to protect the city from massive air strikes if it is overloaded with a huge number of drones and missiles.

As for the rest of the country, including the front line, it is covered to a large extent by Soviet Buk air defense systems, adapted for the use of Western anti-aircraft guided missiles. In fact, the territory of Ukraine is poorly covered by air defense systems; it does not have complete protection. Naturally, the Russian Armed Forces make excellent use of this to move in the airspace and hit desired targets using kamikaze UAVs and various missiles. As a result, the same “Shahids” at long range and “Lancets” at close range cause extremely sensitive damage.

Ukraine crisis leaves the West increasingly in turmoil and disunity – CNN

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has been waiting for this moment when he doesn’t have much to do and he can call it a victory,” CNN writes.

The static front lines in Ukraine are gradually solidifying as the snow gets deeper. In Kyiv, there is a palpable weakening of the once insurmountable morale. There are open conversations about disagreements between Zelensky and the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny.

Elections are approaching in European capitals, and even farmers in Poland, a staunch ally of Kyiv, are picking quarrels with their Ukrainian neighbors.

In Europe, a unity of opinion and intentions unprecedented since the fall of the Berlin Wall is being replaced by confusion and disunity.

Even more perplexing is the uncertainty demonstrated in Washington, where Republicans in Congress are refusing to provide urgently needed aid to Kyiv, citing a reluctance to drag the United States into another conflict.

“Undoubtedly, this slow depletion of strength has long been desired by Putin,” writes CNN.

The US Senate blocked the vote on a bill to help Ukraine.

The document did not pass the procedural vote.

This was predicted earlier, since Republicans and Democrats cannot come to an agreement: Republicans demand that measures to strengthen the American border be included in the bill. The Biden administration is against it.

-Its actually a really smart way to put a hault in this vote if you think about it.

1. It is election season

2. Republicans WANT to approve funding just approve this one little thing.

3. The little thing turns out to include the people that will turn in Mail in ballots that will most likely vote for Biden without providing ID.


Does he fund Ukraine at the cost of his votes?! Tune in next time!

Only in America!


“US allies will have to decide for themselves whether to further help Ukraine,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby

“If Congress does not agree to a new White House request for funds for Ukraine, allies will have to decide for themselves whether they will help Kiev,” Kirby said.

When asked by reporters whether Biden has a Plan B for Ukraine, Kirby could not answer, but clarified that Washington will do everything it can, albeit in an extremely limited format.

The package of military support for Ukraine announced today could be the last if Congress does not approve continued funding, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also warned.

-Music to Ukrainian ears. The west is sending their managerial class to do wonders for the Ukrainian economy and development sectors. If its anything like the US that will get rid of any middle class and siphon money upwards and will never be seen again. That’s all we can offer jack.


After we recently noted Zaluzhny telling the US he needs 17 million artillery shells and $500B. REUTERS reports that Ukraine makes even further requests:

Ukraine’s latest list of U.S. weapons it says it needs to fight the Russian military includes sophisticated air defense systems, F-18 “Hornet” fighter jets, drones, Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, according to documents seen by Reuters.

Officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense presented a “list of armaments to meet the needs of defense forces of Ukraine” during a closed-door session of a conference in Washington on Wednesday attended by government officials and defense industry executives.

The comprehensive list included weapons Ukraine already has in stock like Abrams tanks and 155 millimeter artillery, as well some weaponry such as F-16s, drones and long-range ATACMS missiles that it has asked for in the past.

But the list has a few surprises including big-ticket items like C-17 Globemaster transport jets made by Boeing (BA.N) and the C-130 Super Hercules made by Lockheed Martin (LMT.N). Boeing’s Apache attack helicopters made the list, as did the Black Hawk helicopter made by Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky unit.

But the Ukrainians did not stop there. The documents show Ukraine is also seeking F-18 “Hornet” fighter jets, three types of drones made by General Atomics including the MQ-9B Sky Guardian and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) air defense system made by Lockheed.

Alexander Khodakovsky: They are in no hurry to give money to Ukraine – everyone is talking about this now. No, of course – this will not cause an instant collapse, and in the end they will give money when they have played enough of their political games. But what is important here is not the fact of providing or not providing assistance – what is important is the attitude.

The West has become everything for Ukraine – Ukraine has devoted itself entirely to it, figuratively, and soon will be literally. The West has become an object of adoration, a paradise, it has become closer than one’s own mother and dearer than one’s own children – otherwise it is simply impossible to explain the reasons for such self-sacrifice.

And so, like an unloving stepmother towards a child who is selflessly in love with her, he shows his unhypocritical attitude – he is ready to strangle and kill just because of internal contradictions.

Everyone who lives on this sinking ship called Ukraine, and who has the opportunity to wade through the web of misinformation about the real state of affairs, must today feel the bitterest disappointment with this selfish pseudo-deity, at whose altar so many human sacrifices were brought.


Kiev is urgently preparing a meeting between Zelensky and Orban. This is especially funny given the fact that just the other day the Kiev authorities blocked Poroshenko’s travel abroad on the grounds that he was going to meet with Orban – they say, “it would create the wrong picture for Kremlin propagandists.”

Will Zelensky be allowed to attend such a meeting? Maybe he is the only person allowed to leave the country 


“Fondo perduto”: Beautiful Italian language allows just two words to describe the situation in Ukraine – “Il manifesto” informs readers that Kiev has lost Western funding and no one knows what to do next with this suitcase without a handle.

Note: just imagine how an Italian pronounces it

Belgian army will be throwing ‘stones’ within hours of a war starting, laments ex-general

Politico writes that “since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Western governments have been funneling ammunition to Kyiv to help it fend off Moscow’s attacks” there is nothing left for it’s own armed forces.

Thys, who recently retired from the Belgian army with the rank of LT. General, said Tuesday on VRT that securing reserves of ammunition to fend off any attack lasting up to two months would take investment of “€5 to €7B,” which is far more than the government currently provides. “I had €15M a year to buy ammunition, but that has now been increased to €150M,”

“If war breaks out here, we will have to throw stones after just a few hours due to a shortage of ammunition,”

..the shortage brings into focus the viability of continued deliveries to Ukraine if national stocks are running low.


The United States has lost touch with reality, discussing the likelihood of a direct clash between the Russian Armed Forces and the United States; this is unacceptable for a nuclear power, said Anatoly Antonov.

Also, the Russian Ambassador to the United States commented on Biden’s words that the Russian Federation “will not stop” after winning the Special Military Operation:

“These horror stories are needed to justify the enormous costs of containment.”


Poland predicts a major operation by Russian troops this winter

Ukraine is unable to defeat Russia on the battlefield for many reasons. She cannot wage a conflict of attrition. And the Russians, with the current intensity, can fight for another two to three years, Rochan Consulting calculated. Rumors that the Russian economy would collapse turned out to be greatly exaggerated.

▪️Russian troops are slowly preparing for their own large-scale offensive actions, Polish military analyst Konrad Muzyka told the Forsal newspaper.

The activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has undoubtedly decreased compared to the summer; after the counter-offensive, the opportunities to move forward have been exhausted. For months, the front has hardly moved, the changes are insignificant, the expert says.

“ The Russians have demonstrated many times that they do very well in winter and often use winter conditions for offensive operations. I expect… that in the next two to three months the Russian army will carry out some kind of major operation .”

▪️The expert found it difficult to assess where the front line will be in a year. He also advised the Ukrainians to create fortifications, like the Russians in Zaporozhye.


Kherson direction: Activity of the AFU in the Ochakovsky area
Situation as of 14:00, December 7, 2023

🔻In the vicinity of Krynoki, Ukrainian units have been resisting attempts to advance further. The advanced groups are focused on defending positions on the outskirts of the forest, facing attacks from the Russian Army.

▪️ Similar activity is observed from assault groups of the 36th Marine Brigade at the edge of the controlled zone in a village to the west. Sappers have laid mines on the approaches and established firing points.

🔻To the west, two assault detachments from the tactical group “Grom” have been transferred on two boats to Alekseevsky Island. It seems that they will be rotating forces near the railway bridge. The watercraft is protected by the Bukovel electronic warfare from Kherson.

🔻Of particular interest in the context of the Kherson direction is the enemy’s movement towards the Kinburn Peninsula – Hola Prystan. For several weeks now, the CAESAR self-propelled guns from the outskirts of Kutsurub and Ochakov have been continuously firing on Russian positions without retaliation.

▪️ In Ochakov itself, as well as in Koblevo, units of the Marine Corps and Special Operations Forces “South” have been stationed for a long time. They are conducting tests on communications equipment and UAVs. According to some reports, AFU reconnaissance groups have already landed on the Kinburn Spit several times, with artillery and UAV cover from Pervomaisky Island.

❗️The prolonged absence of fire strikes in these areas creates favorable conditions for the enemy to accumulate resources and launch subsequent attacks. The terrain is suitable for crossing and landing operations.

Furthermore, the coastal zone is convenient for storing small and unmanned boats, especially considering the focus on Odessa and the lack of attention to the Dnieper-Bug estuary. Additionally, to the east of Ochakov, there are at least two Gepard anti-aircraft installations that provide defense against attacks from Geraniums.


Brief information summary for the Left Bank of the Dnieper.

 Over the past 24 hours, while trying to cross the river, 19 enemy boats were destroyed.  The enemy did not take any active actions, but conducted reconnaissance from drones.  The enemy conducts harassing fire from mortars, often shells are dropped at our positions from copters and FPV drones.  The enemy is trying to suppress our equipment with electronic warfare.  The ANT-PQ-50 counter-battery warfare radar was destroyed in the Sergeevka area.  Artillery and VKS FABs with UMPC are being dropped on enemy positions.

Enemy losses: 120 people, two vehicles, 25 drones, 3 observation points.


Older than Edda: Krynki is becoming another sad (sad for the Ukrainian Armed Forces) symbol of this war. Hundreds of dead, thousands of wounded, and it’s all unclear for what purpose. I am increasingly convinced that my conspiracy theory, according to which the Kiev leadership is specially disposing of the most combat-ready units so that they do not become an open front and ensure a new Maidan, is not so far from the truth.

Fox holes in which dead soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces lie, buried, torn to pieces, abandoned by everyone, a sort of apotheosis of war for four brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces marines.


The situation in the Kherson direction. Krynki:

Landscape designers from the Aerospace Forces have closely taken up the enemy’s bridgehead in this area, and the number and quality of airstrikes against enemy positions have increased sharply.
Every day, several dozen FABs fly across the Ukrainian territory; on some days, the number of strikes exceeds 80 per day; places where manpower accumulates, air defense systems and technical equipment are affected.

As a result of such a density of fire, the enemy suffers very significant losses, while he does not have the opportunity to evacuate the wounded in a timely manner, and also experiences significant difficulties in supplying his group on the left bank.
In this regard, currently in the Krynok area the number of enemy personnel has been significantly reduced and amounts to no more than a company.

Well-established interaction between various branches of the military, as we reported earlier , produces tangible results.


More and more encouraging news from the Artyomovsky direction from the 106th Airborne Division

Their 51st regiment advanced 2 km in the area of   the village of Vesyoloye and took about 10 strong points. Now it will be easier to move towards Seversk.

In the Kleshcheevka area, the 119th regiment, together with adjacent units, are fighting for the opornik at a tactical height.

After its capture, Kleshcheevka will be under our complete control, as will the road to Chasov Yar.

Vladimir Rogov


The fighting on the southern flank of Bakhmut finally shifted to the main fortified area on the road northwest of Kleshcheevka .
The Russian Armed Forces are advancing through the forest belt and also expanding the control zone in the surrounding area. However, the position has not been taken at the moment; we have only managed to get close to it.

Please note how low Kleshcheevka lies in relation to the surrounding areas. It can be seen from almost everywhere. Under these conditions, we most likely will not see serious fighting in the village, since for now the emphasis is on flanking it.


About the situation in the Avdeevsky direction.

After a short lull, associated with the necessary measures for further work, which we could not write about for obvious reasons, our troops on the southern flank resumed pressure on the Ukrainian.
Enemy positions are hit by fire around the clock, Ukrainian personnel have practically no opportunity to equip defensive positions, since our cannon artillery confuses the sites of fortification work with the ground, inflicting significant losses in manpower to the enemy.
Each artillery strike is preceded by a thorough reconnaissance, the defeat is inflicted on places where enemy personnel are concentrated and at the slightest movement of equipment.

At the moment, weather conditions have worsened – it is snowing, which makes it possible to track the enemy’s movements, there is an active transfer of additional manpower to Avdeevka, mainly at night, which is another confirmation of the colossal losses that the crest is suffering in this section of the front.

The Tigers continue to show high professionalism in conducting offensive operations; we note, not without pride, that a special role is played by military reconnaissance, which makes the life of enemy infantry unbearable, identifying every step followed by a strike, carrying out raids behind the front line, neutralizing key nodes of enemy defense.

The brothers got to work.
God bless you, warriors!


Diary of a Paratrooper: Avdeevskoe direction.

Northern flank

There are battles for Stepovoye, the enemy still manages to hold half of the village, our troops are expanding control of the territory, the armored vehicles of our units are already working on enemy positions in the village.

Southern flank.

In the industrial zone, the enemy is actively using artillery against our positions, plus they are actively launching attack drones, of which they have large numbers.

To align the offensive line, our troops storm in the direction of the filtration station. While the industrial zone of the enemy is under fire from three sides.


According to the Turks, a small mutiny occurred in the battalion of the 14th separate mechanized brigade in the Oskol area.

The soldiers, who were under intense pressure in the Sinkovka area northeast of Kupyansk and forced to withdraw due to the loss of their positions, were subjected to severe insults from Lieutenant Natalya Lichman, a female officer assigned to the battalion as a psychologist and military police officer. She attempted to send them back to their lost positions. Soon after, the growing dispute escalated into conflict and the lieutenant was killed. To cover up the incident, it was announced that she had died as a result of a cluster bomb explosion.

The crisis was resolved after some time, but the fate of the soldiers is unknown.

Another similar incident occurred recently.

Fatigue and exhaustion among Ukrainian army soldiers lead to outbursts of anger, despite intense pressure.

Foreign mercenaries, NATO troops, far-right groups and military intelligence are used to keep the troops at bay. With the recent increase in the recruitment of female soldiers, women close to far-right groups are sent as officers and special forces to try to prevent desertion, and are often killed by experienced soldiers.

The morale of the Ukrainian army is completely hanging by a thread, NATO and far-right groups are making sure that this thread is not severed, but the moment it is severed, cases of desertion, uprising and capitulation will reach a peak.


Chronicles of the special military operation for December 7, 2023

Fierce fighting continues in the Soledar direction. Russian paratroopers have made significant advances from the Berkhovskoye Reservoir in the northwest. The Russian Armed Forces have gained control of an important stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, located in the Valyanovsky nursery.

But that’s not all – Russian troops have reached the outskirts of Bogdanovka, and south of Khromovo, the Bakhmutsky Shlyakh autodrome has been cleared. As a result, the Russian Armed Forces have effectively leveled the entire front line in this area. The enemy has suffered significant losses in both manpower and equipment, not to mention problems with supplies and desertion.

Furthermore, there are indications that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing for the second stage of offensive operations in the Kherson direction. There have been observed enemy movements towards the Kinburn Peninsula – Hola Prystan, where Ukrainian artillery has been active for several weeks. Ukrainian marines still maintain control over the bridgehead in Krynki.

Meanwhile, in the Orikhiv sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been attempting to advance near Verbovoy and west of Novofedorovka for several days. However, bad weather conditions have hindered active offensive operations in this area. On the other hand, there is a local offensive in the Starobelsky direction, while the Ukrainian Armed Forces are attempting counterattacks in the areas of the Torsky ledge and Serebryansky forestry.


Elite Russian paratroopers attack Ukrainian lines with tanks and armoured vehicles near Bakhmut

Russian BREAKTHROUGH Threatens A COLLAPSE at The Bakhmut Front

Update on Ukraine: Considerable progress in Bakhmut [7 December 2023]

Russia reaching Makarivka? Ukraine double down on Kupyansk front – Ukraine SITREP D651

Russian Defence Ministry Report on the Progress of the Special Military Operation (7 December 2023)⚡️

▫️The RF Armed Forces continue the special military operation.

▫️In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Grouping repelled 5 assault group attacks of the 41st Mechanised and 57th Motorised Infantry Brigades near Sinkovka (Kharkov reg) and Lake Liman.

The enemy lost up to 75 troops, 2 tanks, 4 APCs, 2 pickups, 1 German Panzerhaubitze SAU, 1 US M198 howitzer, and 1 D-30 gun.

▫️In Krasny Liman direction, the Tsentr Grouping repelled 2 attacks of the 24th Mechanised Brigade and 44th Separate Rifle Battalion close to Dzerzhinsk and Yampolovka (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 280 troops, 2 IFVs, and 2 MVs.

Counterbattery warfare hit 2 US M109 Paladin SAUs.

▫️In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Grouping repelled 2 assault group attacks of the 67th Mechanised Brigade near Kleshcheyevka (DPR).

The enemy lost up to 175 troops, 3 AFVs, and 2 MVs.

Counterbattery warfare, hit 1 US M109 Paladin, 1 Akatsiya, 1 Gvozdika SAUs, 1 D-30 howitzer, and 1 US M119 gun.

▫️In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Grouping inflicted losses on troops and hardware of the  23rd Mechanised, 58th Motorised Infantry, and 128th Territorial Defence Brigades near Sladkoye, Nikolskoye, and Urozhaynoye (DPR).

The enemy lost up to 160 troops, 2 AFVs, 3 MVs, and 1 US M777 howitzer.

▫️In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Grouping struck troop clusters of the 33th Mechanised Brigade near Rabotino (Zaporozhye reg).

The enemy lost 60 troops, 2 MVs, and 2 Gvozdika SAUs.

▫️In Kherson direction, Russian troops, artillery fire, and air strikes defeated the enemy near Chervony Mayak (Kherson reg).

The enemy lost to up to 65 troops, 2 MVs and 1 Gvozdika SAU.

▫️Operational-Tactical and Army Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Grouping hit command and observation posts of the 67th Mechanised, 100th Territorial Defence, and 12th Special Forces Brigades near Serebryanka (DPR), and ammo and arms depots, troops, and military hardware in 121 areas.

▫️Air defences shot down 1 Su-25 aircraft near Vesyolaya Gora (DPR). 1 HIMARS MLRS projectile and 1 US HARM antiradar missile were intercepted.

◽️27 UAVs were shot down close to Verkhnekamenka, Mankovka (LPR), Gorlovka and Soledar (DPR).

📊 In total, 550 aircraft, 257 helicopters, 9,568 UAVs, 442 air defence systems, 13,870 tanks and other AFVs, 1,188 MLRS vehicles, 7,268 guns and mortars, and 16,011 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the SMO.


Front #Summary for 7 Dec 2023 by 19:15⚡️

🔹In #Kherson Direction, the AFU positions in #Krynki are still holding. Private houses and basements are being used. The entire zone of enemy control is under relentless fire from our artillery and FABs. As I wrote yesterday, attempts by the AFU to attack in other areas near the #Dnieper are not ruled out.

🔹In #Zaporozhye Direction, our units responded strongly to the AFU attack and took control of new positions north of #Verbovoye. The fighting continues. To the west there are positional battles under dense work of artillery from both sides. The AFU attack near #Rabotino was unsuccessful. Our army is holding the lines.

🔹In #SouthDonetsk Direction, our army is conducting methodical attacks towards #Staromayorskoye and #Urozhaynoye, without changes in the frontline yet.
▪️ In #Maryinka’s outskirts battles are raging nonstop. Our forces are pushing back the remnants of the AFU garrison.

🔹In #Donetsk Direction around #Avdeyevka, the weather has worsened, with wet snowfall. Despite this, there was serious fighting on the outskirts of the Coke Plant. Our military is being assisted by aviation. There are also fierce battles in #Steponoye. On the southern flank, there is relative calm. Our forces are entrenched in the industrial zone and are engaged in positional battles. In #Avdeyevka itself, an AFU observation post was destroyed by a guided aerial bomb.

🔹In #Bakhmut Direction, our forces are fighting at a key height from which the entire #Kleshcheyevka is controlled. Heavy long range artillery is working on the AFU positions. Heavy fighting continues on the northern flank of the city. Ours are trying to take control of the road to Chasov Yar, where important heights are located. From #Belogorovka, attacks continue at #Vesyoloye. It is reported from the field that over the past two days our army has occupied more than 10 strong points, an excellent pace.

🔹In #Svatovo Directions near #Terny, our army keeps the initiative and continues the offensive, there is an advance. At #Petropavlovka and #Sinkovka, ours have deployed serious forces, and we believe in new successes for the Russian army.


War Map and the Situation on the Fronts for the Evening of 7 December 2023; pub. 00:04⚡️

💡Russian Warriors have once again replenished ( their collection of foreign trophies. This time fighters from the 2nd Battalion of the 42nd Guards Division took away a German Leopard 2 from the AFU. But not without difficulties, because the tank is a Western tank – it may or may not start.

⚔️ Situation on the Fronts over the past Day

🔹#Bakhmut (#Artyomovsk) Direction:

▪️ In the area of #Bogdanovka there is counter fighting. In #Kleshcheyevka our fighters advanced to the heights and also attacked near #Andreyevka.

🔹#Donetsk Direction:

▪️ In the #Avdeyevka sector, fighting continues for #Steponoye. In addition, ours are attacking in the direction of #Ocheretino and #Novokalinovo.
▪️ In #Maryinka, the Russian army is storming the outskirts occupied by the enemy.

🔹#Zaporozhye Direction:

▪️ In the #Orekhov section, the AFU unsuccessfully attacked west of #Rabotino. Meanwhile, our fighters attacked from the direction of #Novofyodorovka.
▪️ On the #Vremyevka ledge without changes.
▪️ The Russan Army is advancing in the direction of #Staromayorskoye and #Urozhaynoye.

💥 Russian Antiaircraft Gunners shot down an Ukrainian Su-25 near Veselaya Gora, #DPR.


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    • truck driver

      Oil companies have mercenaries fighting Russia to get their oil

    • Jude

      Is it Putin who will not negotiate, or Zelensky? In the States, warmongers rarely last more than four years in office. The Bushes were an exception, but the Bush dynasty discredited themselves so thoroughly, a Bush would have trouble being elected as dogcatcher now.

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