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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on December 05 2023

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Zelensky – Zaluzhny, power struggle

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The conflict between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Chief of the General Staff Valery Zaluzhny is approaching its finale. In the coming days or weeks, Zaluzhny may be dismissed, but this does not remove the question of what Ukraine should do from the agenda.

Our source from the OP said that Zelensky has been in a terrible mood for a week now, is aggressive and practically does not accept anyone, all the work is supervised by Andrey Ermak. The President is disappointed by the position of the West and publications in the media, which discredited his work and destroyed his image. 

Our source reports that Zelensky demanded that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny, resign of his own free will or due to health problems, etc. (to leave for any personal reason in order to avert suspicions that the commander-in-chief is being leaked personally by ZeErmak).

Zaluzhny refused to leave himself, believing that he brought many victories to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, saved many lives of ordinary soldiers and did/will do a lot more good.
According to the source, Zaluzhny said directly in army style:
 “I myself will not leave, if you are personally dissatisfied with me – “fire”, but this will be your personal decision for which you will have to answer.”

These words of Zaluzhny infuriated Zelensky and Ermak.
Now Zaluzhny’s resignation is personal for Ermak, who considers himself the “shadow ruler” of Ukraine.

Colleagues, it’s very simple. The President’s Office issued an order to “forget” about Zaluzhny.
Zaluzhny almost ended up on some kind of hybrid “ban list” from Bankova.
All publications about Zaluzhny must be approved by the functionaries of the OP or the assigned SBU officer.

They will either approve or reject the publication.
Bankovaya is very afraid of the commander in chief. Moreover, Zelensky demands that Zaluzhny resign.

Also, all Ukrainian admins of any channels/publics/groups leak everything to the SBU and OP. Customers of political and economic advertising are also being drained.
Ermak is trying to keep everything under his own control, making the information field of Ukraine “warm” for himself and Ze.

Taras Chernovol criticized Zelensky’s attempts to discredit Zaluzhny and pin the “jambs” of Bankova’s favorites on the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Chernovol said that the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief should not be automatically given to every president and noted how Zelensky could be one. He proposes to make such a position under extraordinary conditions. But he must be a person with a military education and rank, a person capable of uniting society.

He noted that today Zelensky wants to pin the blame for the failure of mobilization on Zaluzhny, but this is the fault of Syrsky, “Zelensky’s favorite,” whom I already call “the butcher” in the troops.

 “Now Zelensky is trying to blame the commander-in-chief on Zaluzhny in order to discredit him at the territorial recruitment centers. And I will remind you that this is the responsibility of Syrsky, the favorite, the favorite, whom the troops are already beginning to call the butcher. Yes, he is trying to impose responsibility on him for the lack of body armor, including for which his favorites and favorites at that time Reznikov, who missed it all or sold it, were responsible. As a result, our military died. This cannot be the responsibility of the commander in chief.”

The commander-in-chief must be exclusively concerned with everything related to military operations.

In the West, negative publications continue to be published about Ze and the future in the Ukrainian crisis.
Even the Deutsche Welle “ Deutsche Welle” writes that Ukraine is on the verge of defeat, and Zelensky’s situation is on the verge of fatal, since he has an opponent.
Just so you understand, this publication would never have published something like this without approval from above. This means that the European (German) lobby is conveying a public message to Zelensky that he does not have many options and he must fulfill what he “promised.”

There is growing anxiety and disappointment in the Ukrainian government and Zelensky’s party with the actions of the Office of the President, which is leading the country along a “slippery slope” that could lead to a negative “Maidan-3” scenario. It may be headed by Klitschko and Poroshenko, who will be supported by Avakov and Zaluzhny. According to insider information, negotiations are already underway with Zelensky’s associates in the person of Podolyak and Danilov.

It is noteworthy that the former adviser to the Presidential Office, Arestovich, is also talking about the next “Maidan” in Ukraine. According to him, the campaign to discredit the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny, launched by Bankova, could lead to a military coup or popular unrest.

“Where is everything going? To the point that the situation will be resolved somehow in an extraordinary way. I’ll say what I mean by an extraordinary solution: this is either a military coup, or “Maidan-3” – relatively speaking, some kind of popular uprising. Or suddenly suddenly the government will come to its senses and take some extraordinary measures, something like a government of national accord, a government of national salvation, and so on. Or elections. Four options. But elections in wartime are in themselves an extraordinary path, because they will be organized in extraordinary conditions, in an extraordinary way. Another question is how to carry them out. The situation reached the point that even the most “insightful” of our compatriots began to guess that something was wrong in the country. And when something was wrong, they began to look at the top guilty. Judging by the initiatives of Maryana Bezugla and David Arakhamia, Zaluzhny turned out to be to blame. And at the same time Boris Johnson,” said Arestovich.

However, it is not only the former speaker of Bankova who is sounding the alarm – NBC News also writes in its material that Zelensky is being criticized in some circles for making it clear that he opposes the presidential elections planned for next year, and the mayor of Kyiv Klitschko says that the country is moving towards authoritarianism. Moreover, the publication plainly states that Zaluzhny’s removal will be a “huge blow” for Zelensky. 

Unfortunately, our politicians are late in understanding the geopolitical processes in the world; all these narratives had to be voiced last year, but then propagandists assured everyone of complete victory. If you look at the texts of political telegram channels, you can see forecasts that came true this year, but then we were stigmatized.
Arestovich again stated that the war in Ukraine can only be ended through global negotiations between the West and Russia, which will establish new rules of the game in Europe.

“Everyone tried to wipe themselves with real Russian interests – they got a war. And they turned out to be unable to wage this war. And Russia, gritting its teeth and losing a huge number of people, is waging this war. Crookedly, but it is waging,” says Arestovich.

Therefore, he believes, we need to start “talking seriously with Russia” and “stop talking about democracy and dictatorship.” But Arestovich does not see such aspiration either in Ukraine or in the West.

Bad news about the results of Ermak’s trip to the USA.
They won’t give money tomorrow, which will put Ukraine in a catastrophic situation.

Does the United States really demand real peaceful negotiations and a resolution of the conflict?
Is there an exchange with the Kremlin, behind Ukraine’s back?
In such situations, the hryvnia exchange rate will collapse.

Buy bucks or euros or crypto.

Opinion by War Journalist Marat Khairullin:  Dear friends!  My dear readers, a serious discussion has flared up around the previous article (perhaps really long and confusing – I apologize, I’m writing now what is literally called on the road) [article in procress of translation]

Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings, I will once again briefly explain its meaning.  And it is simple and understandable.  

The authorities can negotiate a truce, peace, whatever they want.  

But there is one unconditional demand of the front – Zelensky, Zaluzhny and their entire inner circle are absolute war criminals. They started a war and blood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, and also of hundreds of our fellow soldiers is on their hands.

Therefore, they must first be put to trial and sentenced to death.  They must drink from the same cup that they have provided for thousands and thousands of people.  

Only this way: we, Russians, Russian soldiers shed blood here for our common victory, our hearts are forever broken and we have the right to our own special opinion.  

And it is this: Zelensky and Zaluzhny must die and suffer severe and fair punishment for their actions.  And then negotiate as you wish.


In Ukraine, a huge problem has emerged with aviation, which the Russians are gradually destroying in the sky and at airfields near the LBS.
If the F-16s don’t arrive in the spring, then Ukraine risks being left without “birds.”
Then the Russian Armed Forces will receive a huge advantage.
Bankovaya is trying to knock out European planes from the West, but no one wants to give them yet. Everyone literally at one moment began to ignore the requests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the OP.
They propose to fight with infantry and only in cities, which will bring destruction, but one way or another the Russians will still slowly starve out any cities. If Avdeevka, which is actually a fort city, has every chance of becoming a “cauldron”.

We are watching…

The strategic miscalculation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with an attempt to seize a bridgehead on the left bank of the Kherson region was another attempt by Bankova to create the illusion of a creeping offensive, but which devoured the best infantry units and further depleted reserves in manpower.
Instead of strengthening the defense in advance, Bankovaya played its game of pursuing political situational goals, but which had nothing real with reality.
As usual, they wanted to show the West that we are advancing, there is a result, give us weapons and money, but as we see, the partners did not believe it and now this “brilliant idea” will have consequences, just like the “Bakhmutov meat grinder”, which devoured forces and weakened the offensive, postponing the deadline from spring to summer, giving time to the RF Armed Forces to prepare even better.

Now the result will most likely be the loss of Avdeevka, where the Russians are tightening the stranglehold.

Offensive on Avdeevka : The Russian Army attacks, closing its pincers
 ▪️The Russian Armed Forces continue attacks and strikes in almost all directions on the flanks.
 ▪️Battles continue in Stepovo , to the north and southeast ours are attacking in the western and southern directions.
▪️ “South of Stepovoy, Russian troops have additional successes, advancing 200 meters to the west,” enemy resources admit.
▪️The Russian army is pressing south of the Avdeevsky waste heap , having partial success.
▪️Heavy fighting does not stop in the area of ​​Avdeevsky Koksokhim , and ours are also attacking north of the AKhKZ. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to hold positions in the area of ​​the plant under the most powerful attacks of the Russian army.
▪️Ours have advanced in Pervomaisky .
▪️In the Nevelsk area, the Russian Armed Forces resumed active assault operations.
▪️In the Northern area, the fighting is still in the positional phase.
▪️Russian troops are also attacking in the direction of Novokalinovo, Ocheretino . The Russian Armed Forces are finishing their regrouping and will resume massive assaults, the enemy assumes.
▪️The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine states that the Russian army attacked the Armed Forces of Ukraine 18 times in the Avdeevsky direction in areas east of Novobakhmutovka, Stepovoy, Avdeevka and Severny.


RUSSIA IS BACK AT KLISHCHIIVKA; Ukraine pushed back again at Avdiivka – Ukraine SITREP D649

Update on Ukraine: More troops going to Bakhmut [5 December 2023]

Diary of a Paratrooper: Avdeevskoe direction.

On the Northern flank, the Russian Armed Forces are trying to push the enemy out of Stepovoy, clearing every meter of the populated area and every building from the enemy; in the central part of Stepovoy, the presence of our fighters has already been recorded.

The enemy was spotted on a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle in the southern part of the village, from where they were firing at our positions.

Sewage treatment plants are also the immediate target of our troops; to the south of Vesely they squeezed out the crests and went to storm the northern outskirts of Avdeevka, where the enemy has dug in and is firing small arms, and is also actively launching kamikaze drones.

There are still no changes on the southern flank of the line of control.


Our source reports that the Ukrainian Armed Forces may lose the village of Rabotino in the coming months. The situation on that flank is sad.
Now the weather is helping to hold the defense, but as soon as frost hits, the situation may change immediately.
There is information that the Russians are bringing reserves to this region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are facing a global shortage of ammunition.
It may happen that the Russians massively break through the defenses in many places at the same time, which will lead to dire consequences.

This is the result of an incorrectly chosen military strategy by the OP and the race for pictures and window dressing.

Diary of a Paratrooper: In the area of   the village Verbovoe

Khokhol became active in the very morning, the attack of the enemy DRG was repulsed under the densest cover of all possible artillery, mortar crews, anti-aircraft guns and kamikaze drones, the enemy tried to advance.

The next batch went to Bandera, our lads stand and continue to hold the defense🫡

During aerial reconnaissance, several more enemy groups were identified, arriving at their positions on foreign-made tracked armored vehicles; at the moment, our artillery is working on enemy manpower.


Reports about the advancement of the Russian Armed Forces near Verbovoy were confirmed. The control zone to the north-west of the village in forest plantations has been expanded approximately 700 meters in depth. The Ukrainian Armed Forces often counterattack. The situation in the area remains tense.

There are no significant changes in the Novoprokopovka area so far.


Battle of Verbovoy: the landing force advanced 1 km, capturing the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ units during attacks on the Zaporozhye Front
 ▪️The Airborne Forces regiments advanced approximately 1 km during a series of offensive operations in the Verbovoy area on the Orekhovsky sector of the front.
▪️ “We attack and consolidate our success, continuing to return the strongholds and clear forest belts. Artillery and armored vehicles are actively helping,” say our comrades from the Airborne Forces.
▪️During the battles, the enemy lost several hundred militants killed and wounded, and dozens were taken prisoner.
▪️On their maps, the enemy also depicts the advance of our troops, but downplays them to 700 m instead of 1 km.


The Russian Armed Forces are breaking through to Chasov Yar in the Artemovsk direction

According to Come and See , the Russian army is actively advancing in the Artemovsk direction.

“Several positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been taken. Promotion is towards Chasov Yar,” said the channel’s source.

According to him, Ukrainian troops are retreating, including prisoners.

If Chasov Yar is captured, Russian troops will be able to threaten the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kramatorsk.


Channel Older than Edda:   I have a conspiracy theory. The disposal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Marine Corps in Krynki, as well as the general grinding of the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian army in senseless attacks, is necessary so that, firstly, the Kiev military does not start a march on Kiev, and secondly, they are cleared out so that Kiev’s partners can calmly and freely enter the territory of western Ukraine, annexing what they like.


Drone Raid on Crimea   After midnight, Ukrainian forces launched several groups of drones from the outskirts of Zaporozhye towards Crimea. The drones flew over the airspace of the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions.

▪️ The first two drones were shot down over Genichesk, while the rest flew across the Sea of Azov towards Kerch and Feodosia. Three more UAVs were shot down near Bagerovo. It seems that the target was the positions of the 31st division in the Kerch region, as photos of these positions had recently circulated on the Internet.

▪️ Furthermore, 11 drones were shot down or disrupted as they approached Feodosia, and two more were destroyed right at the oil terminal. It appears that the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) intended to strike the oil depot and power plant in the city.

▪️ Additionally, 17 drones were struck at Cape Chauda as they attempted to enter Russian positions from the sea. In total, 35 UAVs were destroyed: 15 were shot down by air defense, 13 were disrupted by electronic warfare, and seven were hit by small arms fire.

🔻The attack by Ukrainian forces took place shortly after a slight improvement in weather conditions. An RQ-4B UAV was in the air at the time, but it departed for Romanian airspace once the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division began operating.

Typically, these drone raids are conducted to assess the performance of the 31st air and air defense divisions in the eastern part of the peninsula. Usually, missile attacks follow such raids, based on previous attempts.

Considering this, it is likely that attempts to strike Crimea will continue in the next few days, if weather conditions permit. Furthermore, the AFU possesses means of destruction. Just recently, a batch of Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles was delivered to Starokonstantinov.


AFU are trying to regain lost positions in the Krasnolimansk direction, but are failing

➖After the troops of the “🅾️tvazhnye” group advanced in the Kremensky forest and occupied forest belts in the Torsky area, the Ukrainian command does not stop trying to counterattack.
➖So, in the area of ​​the Torsky ledge, a platoon of the 60th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to attack without equipment, but received strong resistance from motorized riflemen, was battered by artillery and retreated.
➖In Serebryansky forestry there are fierce battles for the positions we recently captured. The enemy, represented by the 12th Special Forces “Azov” and the 67th Mechanized Brigade, launched attacks several times, but each time they were met with heavy fire by our Ural infantry and were buried under the ground by our artillerymen.


The situation on the line of combat contact on December 5 – analysis from @Multi_XAM ( Part 1 )

Dynamics are observed in almost all operational-tactical directions, but the most intense are in Donetsk, Lugansk ( Svatovo-Kremennaya line ) and Kupyansk.

1️⃣ In the Kupyansk direction : the enemy is still experiencing serious difficulties in terms of supply. The main idea of ​​the Kiev General Staff is to retain large forces of the Russian Armed Forces here, while the transfer of even part of them to the south could complicate the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Bakhmut ( Artemovsk ). In the Sinkovka area, our forces have occupied a number of enemy strongholds ( ). The Ukrainian Armed Forces still have one single artery supplying the group on the left bank of Oskol ( ), the composition of the units has not changed ( ), since the reserves They haven’t been transferred here for a long time ( the main focus of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is on Avdievka ).

2️⃣ On the Svatovo-Kremennaya line : there is a partial advance of our troops in the area of ​​Torskoye and Yampolevka, where units of the 1st Ivan Bogun Tank Brigade are currently concentrated, which were recently transferred to this area from the area of ​​the Redkodub settlement, where the armored fist of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was formed ( ). There are also active battles in the Serebryanka, Grigorovka and Belogorodvka areas. The units of the former Donbass battalion represented here, as well as the Azov Special Forces regiment as part of the NSU, were hit.

3️⃣ In the Bakhmutsky ( Artemovsky ) direction : there has been a qualitative change in the situation. Steady advance is recorded on the western front from the Berkhovsky reservoir, in the Khromovo area, as well as on the southern flank in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka and Andreevka. The enemy is alarmingly assessing the attempt of the Russian Armed Forces to bypass the heights west of Kleshcheevka ( where the forces of the 5th assault brigade – the former Aidar battalion are currently concentrated), avoiding falling into the fire zone in targeted areas. Judging by the density of the concentration of troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have pulled back slightly in Kleshcheevka, as well as in the area from Khromovo to Ivanovsky, which opens up room for us to attack. However, this area is well covered in terms of engineering barriers.

4️⃣ In the Avdeevsky direction : the highest concentration density of the AFU is observed at the Avdeevsky Coke and Chemical Plant ( ). Within the city, the area around the dacha village and the Avdeevsky quarry remains difficult. The enemy uses high-rise buildings in the central part of the city as vantage points, adjusting mortar fire, however, is already experiencing serious difficulties with the supply of ammunition. But our control of the dominant heights to the north allows us to keep key positions of the 110th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the city under fire control. The Russian Armed Forces were able to partially advance in the Novokalinovo and Stepnoy sector. On the southern flank in the Severny area, a slight withdrawal of units of the 53rd mechanized brigade is recorded. Back in the summer of last year, we recorded here a layered system of barriers, fortifications, as well as interconnected supports that are not so easy to knock out.

5️⃣ In the Maryinsky direction : a place that, like Bakhmut, became a symbol of resistance and sacrifice of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Kiev, came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. It is too early to talk about a further attack on Georgievka, which is west of Marinka, because we still have to overcome the enemy fortifications in the dam area. But this is not reasonable, so the enemy is more afraid of our taking Krasnogorovka, if we continue to advance along the northern flank from Staromikhailovka.

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (5 December 2023)

▫️ In Kupyansk direction (, units of the Zapad Group of Forces supported by aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems repelled three attacks of assault groups of AFU 43rd mechanised, 57th mechanised infantry brigades near Ivanovka and Sinkovka (Kharkov).

The Zapad Group of Forces inflicted fire damage on clusters of AFU manpower and hardware close to Peschanoye, Berestovoye (Kharkov), and Nevskoye (LPR).

Up to 35 servicemen, two AFVs, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system have been eliminated.

◽️ In Krasny Liman direction (, the Tsentr Group of Forces’ units, aviation, and artillery inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of AFU 63rd, 66th mechanised brigades near Chervonaya Dibrova (LPR), and Serebryansky forestry.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 55 servicemen and two motor vehicles.

◽️ In Donetsk direction (, units of the Yug Group of Forces supported by aviation and artillery repelled four enemy attacks and inflicted fire damage on AFU manpower and hardware near Bogdanovka, Kleshcheyevka, and Toretsk (DPR).

The enemy has lost up to 270 servicemen, as well as two AFVs.
▫️ In South Donetsk direction (, units of the Vostok Group of Forces, helicopters, and artillery inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 79th Air Assault Brigade, as well as 102nd, 128th territorial defence brigades near Novomikhailovka, Urozhaynoye (DPR), and Levadnoye (Zaporozhye).

During the day, a total of 245 servicemen, four AFVs, four motor vehicles, one Msta-B howitzer, and one D-30 howitzer have been neutralised.

▫️ In Zaporozhye direction (, units of the Russian Group of Forces repelled one attack of the AFU 117th Mechanised Brigade’s assault group close to Uspenovka (Zaporozhye).

Air strikes and artillery fire struck the personnel and hardware of the 65th Mechanised Brigade close to Rabotino amd Dorozhnyanka (Zaporozhye).

The enemy losses were up to 50 servicemen, four AFVs, four pickup trucks, and one Giatsint-B gun.

▫️ In Kherson direction (, as a result of the Russian Group of Forces actions, artillery, and aviation, the AFU losses amounted to up to 40 servicemen, five motor vehicles, one M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made M777 artillery system, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, UAVs, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged AFU manpower and hardware in 103 areas during the day.

Air defence units shot down 2 MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force near Shirokoye (Dnepropetrovsk) and Bereznigovatoye (Nikolayev), as well as one Mi-8 helicopter close to Peschanoye (Kharkov).

74 UAVs were intercepted near Sergeyevka (LNR), Gorlovka, Spornoye, Yalynskoye (DPR), Chubarevka, Tokmak (Zaporozhye), Novaya Kakhovka, Ivanovka (Kherson), as well as one HARM anti-radiation missile.

Chronicles of the Special Military Operation for December 5, 2023

The Russian army continues to push back the enemy in various sectors of the front. Near Bakhmut, the offensive is ongoing in the Valyanovsky nursery area, as well as at the heights near Kleshcheevka. The enemy, facing a shortage of personnel, is gradually succumbing to the pressure from the Russian Armed Forces. Overall, the fighters have significantly improved their position in this area over the past week.

In the Kupiansk sector, Russian fighters are establishing a foothold on the northern outskirts of Synkivka. The enemy holds the central part of the village, which is crucial for defense. Near Kremennaya, the enemy attempted a counterattack but was repelled by artillery strikes.

In the Verbovoy area, the Russian Armed Forces have recaptured some of the positions lost several months ago. The AFU is facing personnel issues in this area due to the transfer of manpower and equipment to more problematic areas of the front. In Krynki in the Kherson direction, the situation has not undergone significant changes: the Russian Army is actively preventing the enemy from carrying out rotations and targeting evacuation sites, resulting in losses for the AFU.


Special Operation, 4 Dec 2023, Main; pub. 19:01⚡️

▪️ According to the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD), Kiev has lost up to 805 militants killed and wounded in different directions over the past day;

▪️ Russian Su-35 destroyed an AFU radar station in the Svatov direction, MoD said;

▪️ The #LPR detained an Ukrainian spy who was collecting data on the locations of military and equipment, and a case of espionage was opened, the regional FSB Directorate told RIA Novosti;

▪️ The AFU attacked an oil depot in #Lugansk using a drone on Monday night, the military commandant’s office told RIA Novosti;
▪️ National Security and Defence Council Secretary Danilov admitted that #Ukraine is now engaged in a “positional fight” with #Russia and cannot gain an advantage;

▪️ Russian economy has adapted to the conditions of the SMO and is providing a regime for its continuation, Peskov said;

▪️ The President of #Bulgaria vetoed the provision of a batch of 100 used armored personnel carriers to #Ukraine;

▪️ Zelensky communicates with some AFU commanders bypassing commander-in-chief Zaluzhny, which prevents the latter from commanding the entire army, Ukrainian media reported.


Front #Summary for 5 Dec 2023 by 19:24⚡️

🔹In #Kherson Direction, fierce fighting for #Krynki continues. With astonishing persistence, the AFU are trying to advance from the village southwards towards the forest plantations. Our army is responding by preventing even a metre of expansion from the foothold in the centre of the village. The enemy positions remain under constant fire from our artillery. However, it has not yet been possible to completely cut off the AFU group from supplies. Although our artillery and drone gunners regularly hit boats on the river and try in every possible way to complicate logistics.

🔹In #Zaporozhye Direction, our forces are actively counterattacking at the #Rabotino – #Kopani – #Novoprokopovka – #Verbovoye line. North of #Verbovoye our paratroopers are pushing the AFU further away from our positions. Near #Rabotino the paratroopers are literally beating the enemy out of the landings. None of the AFU’s attempts to counterattack were successful. The Ukrainian command recognised in this morning’s bulletin that the initiative on the #Zaporozhye front is with the Russian Army.

🔹In #SouthDonetsk Direction, near #Urozhaynoye, Russian ATGMs hit an AFU observation post in a water tower. Ours are attacking from the southwest of #Staromayorskoye, but the AFU has so far managed to hold their positions. Ukrainian resources reported sudden assaults by the Russian army in the #Ugledar section. If our forces advance in #Maryinka, our military have chances to reach the rear of the AFU #Ugledar Grouping. By the way, the AFU are trying to bring reinforcements to the outskirts of #Maryinka. Fighting continues there.

🔹In #Donetsk Direction, our army’s offensive is developing on the northern flank of #Avdeyevka. #Stepovoye is mostly under the control of our fighters. Fire work continues on AFU positions towards #Berdychi. The territory of the Coke Plant is literally flooded with fire from our artillery and aviation. On the ground there are battles for the approaches to this AFU defence stronghold. On the southern flank, our military is expanding the zone of control near #Severnoye. Positional battles are being fought near #Tonenkoye.

🔹In #Bakhmut Direction, our army firmly holds the initiative.. In #Kleshcheyevka, ours have approached an AFU stronghold on a height. It is being stormed. At #Andreyevka and #Kurdyumovka there are no tangible advances. On the northern flank near #Khromovo (#Artyomovskoye) and in the area of the dachas, our fighters are expanding their bridgehead. It is reported from the field that they have managed to establish fire control over the Chasov Yar – #Kramatorsk motorway. This will significantly complicate the logistics of the AFU.

🔹In #Svatovo Direction, in #Kupyansk sector, about half of the #Sinkovka village is under the control of our army. Shooting battles are taking place at minimum distances. They also managed to destroy another AFU crossing in #Kupyansk. Thus, the enemy’s logistics have become more complicated in this area as well.


War Map and the Situation on the Fronts for the Evening of 5 December 2023; pub. 00:04⚡️

Drones vs. Robots against the backdrop of lunar landscapes is no longer science fiction, it’s reality ( on the frontline. Intense combat operations, especially with the use of a wide range of unmanned reconnaissance and destruction systems, greatly complicate the safe supply of fighters on the front line. But the Russian army is adapting, using cargo robots to deliver everything it needs. Even FPV drones, which are not so easy to hit a small and well-protected target, do not help the enemy.

⚔️ Situation on the Fronts over the past Day

🔹#Bakhmut (#Artyomovsk) Direction:

▪️ The Russian army attacked in the direction of #Bogdanovka.
▪️ In #Kleshcheyevka our fighters are storming the heights.

🔹#Donetsk Direction:

▪️ In #Avdeyevka our fighters have advanced in the area of #Steponoye, but the enemy is attempting to counterattack. There is fighting near #Severnoye.
▪️ In #Maryinka the AFU continue to hold the northwestern outskirts.

🔹#Zaporozhye Direction:

▪️In the #Orekhov sector, the AFU unsuccessfully counterattacked west of #Rabotino. Meanwhile, our fighters are gradually advancing north of #Verbovoye.
▪️ On the #Vremyevka ledge, the Russian army attacked in the direction of #Staromayorskoye.

💥 Russian Antiaircraft Gunners shot down two Ukrainian MiG-29s in the areas of #Shirokoye in #Dnepropetrovsk region and #Bereznigovatoye in #Nikolayev region, as well as an Mi-8 in the area of #Peschanoye in #Kharkov region.


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