SerialBrain2: Japan has joined the Alliance. Welcome aboard Prime Minister Abe!
SerialBrain2: Japan has joined the Alliance. Welcome aboard Prime Minister Abe! – YouTube
Post # 170 – Japan has joined The Alliance. Welcome aboard Prime Minister Abe!
Do you like Diplomacy?
I had a very colorful history teacher in 12th grade who said: “Diplomacy is the science of saying no with may be, yes with the food, and may be without hesitation”.
I loved that guy. He was married to a biology teacher in my school and one day I caught him flirting with another woman in a restaurant. He called me and said: “this is the only part of history I’ll ask you to forget, capito?”
Japan is America’s Ally. Do you know the main difference between an ally and a friend? The ally is a piece on the chessboard and the friend is the guy you play chess with. Analyzing symbols helps you make the determination and this is what Q means here:
Q140 Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA? What does this mean culturally? Why is this relevant?
Q140 What did POTUS receive while visiting China? Where did POTUS dine? What is the significance?
Hussein visited Japan twice during each of his terms and he coldly delivered the messages destined to Japanese leaders from his masters: Img1
During his 2 trips to Japan, Trump delivered a completely different message: Img2
As you can see, under Trump, Japan is more than an ally: Japan is a friend. This reality transpires in the Maestro’s tweets and in his pictures with Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. You can tell they really appreciate each other: Img3
What if I told you that the Maestro’s friendship with Prime Minister Abe is reinforced by a common faith and a shared ambition for our planet?
Do you remember the Notre dame operation I told you about in this article? What if I told you that the Maestro coordinated with Prime Minister Abe to make it happen? Yes, under Abe Shinzo’s leadership, Japan has joined our Q Movement to take down the Cabal! How do I know? It’s revealed in the Maestro’s tweets. Ready?
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was in the US in late April and the Maestro made an epic tweet with a picture showing both of them giving a thumbs-up. That’s how I knew: Img4 The thumbs-up looks like an L=12 which is exactly the number of days after the Notre Dame fire. Coincidence? How about their tops and hats giving us the French flag and their pants giving us Michael Obama’s colors when he called for the Sri Lanka back up plan with his Beyonce tweet? Right there and then, the Maestro and Prime Minister Abe were saying: Hey Q Movement, the Notre Dame operation went very well and it was us!
Hahaha! Shocking right? But true! They both knew you would react that way and they even coded it in the tweet: Img5
Look how Abe tweeted to confirm the comms before leaving the US and how the Maestro re-tweeted him to pull the Q drop with his coded response: Img6
For those who are still skeptical, watch how Abe welcomed the Maestro and Melania on May 25 2019, confirmed the Notre dame operation and trolled the Cabal big time: Img7
Speaking of trolling, did you see how Kim Jong Un savagely EVISCARATED Sleepy Joe while the Maestro was watching with comprehensible amusement? Watch: until 0:42. Do you see how Kim kept Joe’s Hair-Smelling feature under his sleeves in the event there would be a second round? How about Joe’s Creepy Touches for a very improbable third round? He’s right to deduce Bidan has a low IQ: Putin and Kim Jong Un were around before Trump got elected and he did not do much about them. Instead, his boss said this: video. More flexibility. This is why I sometimes call HUSSEIN The Contortionist. You know how this flexibility manifested after his re- election right? Yes: Putin was kindly allowed to take Crimea… But I digress. Black hats tried to derail Trump’s presence in the region with a missle test in NK. Look how the Maestro revealed what really happened: Img8 Now you know why the Maestro and Chairman Kim both agree Bidan is a fool of low IQ, with a team full of low IQ people, making a cat laugh…
Then, the Maestro made a 7:33 PM EST tweet randomly mentioning Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Phil Mickelson. Who are the Anons who learned the comms and paid enough attention to decode this amazing tweet?! Img9 I hope to meet one day my brothers and sisters who solved it. What if I told you this tweet is about Chinese control of US politicians? It connects to a past tweet about famous golfers. Look: Img10 The 2 famous golfers brought in the Feb 2 2019 tweet. Do you see that random blue ball behind Nicklaus? That’s the clue needed to hit Jet Blue, Jeb Bush and China.
Next? We analyze the next tweets to gather more clues: Img11
Then we follow the Ray L. Hunt trail and bingo! We discover the APIC China connection and how a Chinese couple spent $1.3 Million trying to make Jeb Bush President : Img12
Then, we expand our thinking and find online articles that allow us to understand how China took control of US politics and how the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America was seeded, fueled and engineered: Img13
Why is this relevant? Answer: because the nature of the ties between the US and Japan are such that if the US fails, Japan is in jeopardy. Why is Jeb Bush pulled in? Answer: because his father and his Skull and Bones buddies and affiliates set America up to lose the trade war against China. It’s right here: Img14
How does it relate to Japan? Answer: if America is weakened, China will be in position to express its hegemony in the region and Japan would certainly be the first to be targeted. Think Russia and Crimea.
It is crucial to understand that, above nations, geopolitics is driven by these dynamics:
Q925 This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q
Therefore, China is not the enemy. The enemy is the Cabal that has installed its franchise in China to move it around. This is key. Have you watched the Exorcist? The enemy is not the poor possessed patient but the demon that inhabits him…
The Maestro illustrated this reality in the thumbs-up tweet with Abe that we analyzed earlier. He coded it in the image size, skipping the WH Correspondent Dinner and going to WISCONSIN instead. Before I show you how, I need to share with you some little history and math. Don’t run away, you’ll see, it’s fun.
History: learn in this article how Wisconsin illustrated itself as a anti Viet-Nam war bastion.
Math: when you have a set of ordered elements let’s say like (a,b,c,d,e) and you want to swap them to another order like (a,d,b,e,c), mathematicians show that you can reach that order by swapping adjacent elements a certain number of time within the set. A fancy way to say that is: all permutations are made of a finite number of transpositions. Then, mathematicians introduce a concept called the signature of the permutation: if the number of transpositions is odd, the signature is -1 and when it’s even, it’s +1. You got that? For example, what would be the signature of a transposition? Yes, it’s a trivial particular case and it’s -1. Now, you have to notice this: Img15
You are now equipped to decode the thumbs up tweet further. Follow the solution path and read the final decoded message very carefully: Img16
Your understanding of Viet Nam will be complete when you add the spiritual component, rise above quantitative analysis and grasp the symbolic value of historical events. Remember: Satan himself runs the Family Y Cabal. So? You need spiritual insight to understand what’s going on. When a Nation kills its own youth, do you see the destructive energy that is being released not only against that Nation but against Mankind in its entirety? They say: Skull and Bones. Yup. That’s exactly what they believe: our death is their wealth…
Now is a good time to watch this 34 second video the Maestro posted from Japan: Tweet.
Welcome aboard Abe.
Q190 Necessary to form WW alliances to defeat.
I looked up the meaning of the Saudi sword dance and it appears it is something they do before going to war. So the question is who are they going to war with? The Cabal?