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New Michael Jaco & Alex Collier: Reptilian Controllers of the Deep State Exposed?

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New Michael Jaco & Alex Collier: Reptilian Controllers of the Deep State Exposed? 


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Total 13 comments
  • DCasey

    EVERYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS!! Rough Notes: Solar Warden, Space Fleet, 10 and back 20 and back, they’re going to have to talk about colonies off earth, Process JP, Michael Sala, JP is for real working w Nordics, the Arks that they’ve been working on and moving. Pilots learning to fly, ships that they’ve found. Offworld Alliance, military, maybe some Military Industrial Complex. White Hat: Look we’re going to give you one opportunity to make this right – if you do the right thing. You don’t get off scott free. At some point, there will be no more deals. Those who turned gave information to taking down the dark empire. At this point they’re on a vacation pkg to cuba. Hanging. We have to fix educational system, govt, medical system has been poisoning us for decades (Bobby Kennedy has been talking about) as well as taking down the entire deep state infrastructure, which is the only system we know to live in. We’re going to be restoring some type of Govt. 51% could tell the other 49% what to do. By letting the left threaten, govt insurance, raise corp taxes, working for us… Kamala, unrealized gains being taxed by hiring psychics. All these systems have to be reconfigured: Child trafficking. Go bck to Reptilians? Adrenochrome – by terrifying children. This system created off child multilation. That whole system goes back – brought to the earth… 100,000 yrs, Bill Cooper referred to the earth as a farm. True. By tweaking our DNA and…

  • jeremyfeit

    Collie says you should question everything (yes) but then repeatedly says we “know” that “real people got shot, real people died” duiring the trump assassination. How does he know that? He doesn’t explain. Is the patsy dead? Maybe, maybe not. I’m not convinced, but it’s possible. He points out though, how they got rid of and destroyed the body right away. That’s evidence death didn’t happen, noy just a cover up of cause of death if someone died The firefighter with the misspelled name on his fireman’s jacket, the helmet that trump kissed? That alone, should have you screaming “bullshit!” The family donates his jacket and his name is missing a letter. GTFO! Remember Ashli Babbit has been shown to have been a fake event, and I’d say that’s to show how evil mainstream and it’s minons are. If they don’t report it, it either didn’t happen or it doesn’t matter. Both good guys and bad guys are using Obama’s Smith Mundt Act reversal for their “national security” purposes

    Then he says, “You can’t make this shit up, what’s going on”…. Geezus, Collie, that’s exactly what’s been going on, they’ve been making this shit up. Pull head out of heinie it’s a better view out there.

    and I dont’ know why Jaco is not schooling him because he’s already said the whole shooting was fake. But instead, he goes on to the question of what he thinks about the next psy op featuring aliens.

  • Anonymous

    You can’t have all of this foolishness going on right behind our backs and not have the masses seeing it going on . And I have discovered that when someone has had drugs as children like Ritalin, there is a lot of halucination going on. There are too many subjects of question to name them all, but I think its all a hoax to bring about the masses to fear. You either believe in God or you believe in this stupid evolution and the earth being a farm for aliens…..look at the word itself…aliens…a-lie-n…a lie tucked neatly within ….I am a real star gazer and I have never seen anything out of the ordinary in my 74 years on this earth. What these men are tlakign about is foolishness they themselves have fallen for, to keep their numbers up on viewing. There is no mention of aliens per se in the Bible and so…all of this bunk is just theater. Stau close to your God, because war and famine and civil war is coming down not reptiiians…but real starvation,war and bloodshed…these men need to get out of the childlike need to invision the space man…..and get back to their God…..Jean Selman

  • DangerWillRoberson

    micheal jayco cia inc is a infiltrator grifter who gets his orders from head quarters to play out their fake narrative of distraction as the government fly in millions of third world children to rape and eat at the weekend hottub pizza party! under obiden millions of children have been imported by jets sold at black web auctions and shipped like amazon packages globally to the highest bidder for rape rooms where they are tied to beds and raped until dead! that is Amaruka in august 2024 and there are a few good men who are trying to end this child trade if you believe the reports?

    understand all of the people who post online are Darpa agents who work for this evil spirit lucifer and its growing faster then the drug trade cuz one child can be sold daily 20 times! i cant think of anything more evil in Jesus’s eyes then this kind of child abuse and murder! why wont the church pray God end this horror show today? who wants to live in a world where our own government ships in millions of kids to be sold as human meat? this is pure evil and the church is in my opinion complicit in this sin! i pray Jesus will save the babies and children from these human predators and send them all to there resting place sooner then later how much blood to fill God’s cup of rath does it take? 8 billions kids? :idea:

    • SnakeEyes40

      YOU post online.

  • MyTrust is in Jesus Christ

    Lying asswipes

  • Sophie

    No one let US Govt get out of control.
    The proof lies in the inability for Western nations to close borders.
    “2020 isn’t over yet” is a fallacy.
    If you repeat this over and over, it does not make it true.



    Who established America? The same old architecture across US is also found in Europe, Australia, India, Taiwan, Latin America, Egypt, Canada… ONE EMPIRE.

    The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA may be the only territory within the Empire that attempted to establish itself as a “Nation”. Within the framework of the US CONSTITUTION lies the path for the establishment of itself as a Constitutional Republic and for the actualization of Nation States across the planet.

    The Crown Corporation, Bank of International Settlements, US Federal Reserve would then cease to exist. Which means that all systems within the Crown must be replaced. Which applies to our monetary system. Which means fiat plus crypto, both of which may be the bridge to the new system.

    The Bible speaks of a firmament above. Are we in an enclosed ecosystem? Old paintings from different cultures show 3 firmaments. Is there any truth to this? If so, then the two outer realms would be defined as extra-terrestrial. So is the source of all issues here in our realm stemming from the outer ones?
    Simply asking a question.

  • beLIEve

    The REPTILIAN$…and….The AnunNAKI ( NAKI = KAIN / Cain)…and….CAIN / Cainaanites……. are ALL of the same ORIGIN

    Imho / my current THINKING……..same origin OR, CLOSELY CONNECTED / RELATED :!: :?: :?:


    The LIES of The Anunnaki

    The Anunnaki MANIPULATION of MAN By Jack O’Brien

    • beLIEve

      In the….biblioteca pleyades……ARTICLE posted above…..the WORDS of ZECHARIA SITCHEN need to be

      DISREGARDED as he was NOT “apparently” a scholar of SUMER or, the language(s) of Sumer. :idea:


      :idea: VIDEO: 5 Minutes

      The FRAUD that is Zecharia Sitchin and Niburu/Planet X (SATURN)

      • beLIEve

        AUTHOR$HIP of staged FALSE FLAG events :?:

        False Flag events were often “decorated” with NIKE logo training shoes.

        NIKE is an……A N A G R A M of……..ENKI…….an AnunNAKI “god” apparently :!: :idea:



        ENKI is the SUMERIAN GOD of water, knowledge (gestú), CRAFTS (gašam), and creation (nudimmud), and one of the ANUNNAKI. :idea:

        He was later known as Ea or Ae in Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian) religion, and is identified by some scholars with Ia in CANAANITE RELIGION. :idea:

        The name was rendered Aos in Greek sources….

  • beLIEve

    Imho the WAR “in play” at the moment is……Cain v. Abel…..$PAWN of the DEVIL v. Children of the DIVINE Creator :?:


    Multiple Stabbings By Muslims Across the UK, Dad With Stroller Stabbed in the Neck

    Sunday, August 25, 2024



    IT might have been a FAILED CHILD ABDUCTION event :?: :idea:

    The ATTACKERS might NOT be MUSLIM :?: :?: :evil:



    Posted on May 31, 2018


  • JP

    I was silenced when I started the Annapolis Tea Party by the establishment

  • BruceWinshipWright

    I used to love this guy, Alex Collier, about 30 years ago. Later, however, I learned that the earth is not a spinning ball racing through space but

    really is some form of Stationary Terrarium. While there may be all sorts of creatures living in the lands beyond the Antarctic Ice Wall, I simply

    have never seen any of them, myself. The truth is OUTER SPACE IS JUST ONE MORE LIE. These aliens from outer space that Alex Collier

    talks about, are, in my opinion, just more lies. Alex Collier has made a good living being an interesting LIAR. He’s very clever but still a liar.

    Michael Jaco is a CIA stooge who has probably serviced many Glory Holes. He certainly never tells us anything of substance. He’s a distraction

    enabling the enemy to deceive us, steal from us, and kill us.

    All of thee sleazy and treasonous turds, like Michael Jaco, Dr. Charlie Ward, Juan O’Savin, Scotty McKay, and virtually EVERY big podcaster

    have signed NDA’s (Non Disclosure Agreements) so that they are legally bound to be TRAITORS.

    The criminals running our government today are literally MURDERING American men, women, and children, with BIOWEAPONS, yet

    scumbags like Jaco, Charlie Ward, and all the rest of this TREASONOUS TEAM OF PODCASTERS are literally enabling Tyranny & Murder.

    Hopefully, something good is happening, but we have all been “treasonously” kept in the dark for the past 5 years.

    ALEX COLLIER CANNOT PROVE ANYTHING HE PREACHES. He is a master Bullshit artist, yet Jaco is sucking it all up, like the moron he really is.

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