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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Planet X: ‘Monster’ Planet Just Discovered That Was Thought Impossible To Exist! (Video)

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A giant planet – the existence of which previously thought extremely unlikely – discovered around a small star by an international collaboration of astronomers, with University of Warwick taking a leading role.

Image above is an artist’s rendering of the red ‘monster’ planet – Mark Garlick, University of Warwick.

NGTS-1b is the largest planet compared to the size of its companion star ever discovered in universe – contradicts theories that a planet of this size could not be formed by such a small star Discovered using the state-of-the-art Next-Generation Transit Survey observing facility, designed to search for transiting planets on bright stars.

NGTS-1b is 600 light years away from us – it is a gas giant the size of Jupiter which orbits a star only half the size of our Sun at an extremely fast pace.

It’s amazing that they keep finding new planets, habitable exoplanets, Stars and even they have confirmed the existence of a planet nine but nothing is said about planet X also called Nibiru, except that it is a hypothetical planet and doesn’t exist.

The late Zecharia Sitchin wrote numerous publications on the planet Nibiru.

The planet Nibiru associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology is a central element of Sitchin’s theory and he claims it was a tenth planet (twelfth to those who included the Sun and Moon) which followed a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system every 3600 years and was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in Genesis.

Despite Sitchin’s theory we cannot say for sure if Nibiru is real or just a hypothetical planet, though it is worth mentioning that the existing of a Nibiru solar system has been mentioned by numerous ancient civilizations.

Maybe they are not telling us everything about this ‘monster’ planet, but for now it is just another new discovered planet rather than part of the Nibiru system, which next passage is in the year 2085 according to Sitchin.



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    Total 8 comments
    • unidentified

      strange they found gigantic gas giants light years away that shouldnt even exist yet they still wont show us a true picture of this so called planet

    • Anonymous

      Brother Pritchett,

      According to your headline, you are calling that planet “Planet X”? Or, is this a click-bait headline? I’m confused here. I thought Planet X, aka Nibiru was hiding just behind the Sun. You can easily see it with the $99.95 BINNER SOLAR GLASSES. Have we got two Nibirus now? Sweet Baby Jebus, we are screwed, blued, fried, died, and layed aside. :cool:

    • Techguru

      Dude, Give it a rest on this Planet X crap. Its just another bullshit theory like the flat earth stupidity that’s floating around.

      • Jeffery Pritchett


    • The Ferrett

      “flat earth stupidity” huh? Debunk this:

    • The Ferrett

      Not convinced . . . then try this one:

    • The Ferrett

      Still think a flat earth it’s bullshit . . . ? Then what about typing in “Flat Earth” into youtube and see what you get. So called “Flat Earth Debunkers” are outnumbered 100 to one!

      The debunkers attack the Flat Earthers largely with ridicule and scorn. They hardly ever tackle the issues raised in a logical, systematic manner simply because the pro flat argument is so strong.

      Only those with the courage to go far enough down the rabbit hole will understand why the need to believe the globe earth is so important to those who are deceiving us. This link is a good pl;ace to start:

    • Anonymous

      Astronomy accepts the existence of binary and trinary star systems, but every one of those can’t be the Nibiru system.

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