Biblical Demons Unleashed in Scion xD 'Fable of Deviants' Bizarre Commercial!
“In a world that is bland, colorless and cold; where venality grows like a fungus or a mold – there live the boring sheeple that look just like each other. A darker force slides into town unleashing demon brothers! Here come the little deviants, they come from underground. They’re rising from the depths to take those sheeple down! The sheeple are compliant and make for fine ingredients. For customizing anything – here come the little deviants!“ (from Scion xD ‘Fable of the Deviants’ Commercial)
Scion, the defunct car company by Toyota as of August 2016, released a paranormal advertisement campaign like no other to promote their vehicles.
This is the most absurd and eye opening commercial you may ever witness! This commercial ensembles something much more than cars .. it depicts the exact spiritual warfare that is accurate throughout the biblical prophecies! Find out what they were really selling in this bizarre ‘Fable of Deviants’:
This ‘car’ commercial uncovered in the featured video is one of a series of the ‘Fable of the Deviants’ commercials you may recall when Scion was still in business. In fact, the ‘Fable of the Deviants’ campaign was so well developed and funded it even included a full multi-level computer game by Scion! The main theme of the computer game was to parade an urban city as a little deviant (demon) and chop the heads off of sheeple (people who were dumbed down to the sense of roaming cattle) and eat them!
Looks like they were advertising much more than vehicles! Who knows if this is why the company failed? It seems the underground ‘deviants’ or demon creatures may have been operating the company behind the scenes from the start!
I can show you the DOOR: But only you can TURN THE KEY:
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ALL of this IS ” The Jonathan Kleck’s ” work from YouTube!!!
YOU ARE a fraud.
YOU ARE a liar.
None of this is yours … Pathetic this is what you stoop too and what you do when you obviously haven’t been called and are using someone else’s calling!!
The bottom line is he is getting the word out! Doesn’t matter where it comes from. God Bless him.
have you seen the new kia logo, whats that all about