1340 B.C. Ancient Hieroglyph Solves ‘Riddle of Ages’ – DNA, Origin of Human Race, Nephilim, Genesis – Uncovered as Never Seen Before!
From The New Kingdom, Amarna period, 18th dynasty, c.1340 BCE – The House Altar depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Three of their Daughters is currently housed in the Ägyptisches Museum/Neues Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
As featured in National Geographic’s ‘Pharaohs of The Sun’ this limestone Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph contains the most prolific insight to the origins of life.
The decryption of this hieroglyph, unveiled through a series of supernatural image transcriptions and a gift of wisdom from above, solves the riddle of ages!
“This is a story about the human race: A Kingdom Divided. Jesus said any kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; a house divided cannot stand. What is it about the human race as a species? – Our advances in technology are used for the military industrial complex, in order to destroy ourselves. It does make sense.. somethings wrong…
What would make brother turn against brother? Why would a species destroy itself?” – (Prelude to Kingdom Divided DVD)
I can show you the DOOR: But only you can TURN THE KEY:
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It doesn’t make sense when you spend a few moments and consider why brother would fight and war against brother. When the generations came from the same grand parents of all time. We are all related if we take our lineage back far enough. So who and why would we choose to allow ourselves to be divided, unless……
Interesting but you have to improve your manners. Sniffling nose and throat clearing without saying “excuse me” does not a manner make.