When they can't refute your points, they resort to deflection tactic of attempting to attack the Source (or Grammar, or word-choice, or Spelling, or whatever other distraction they can think...
Article shortcut: https://tinyurl.com/NothingButDeflections
aka: The Alinsky tactics of the Left
[New book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
http://terrorstrikes.info / http://terrorstrikes.info/synopsis / http://terrorstrikes.info/about-the-book]
September 2023 note: an updated version of this will be coming soon (likely in October) to TheLibertyBeacon.com – ”Leftist’s and the 7 D’s”… “Dodge, Deflect, Distract, Distort, Deceive, Discredit, Deny”
Whether it be BeforeItsNews or any Internet site (even established MSM sites) that people use to anchor their Articles, when they can’t defeat your arguments they try to deligitimize the Source location (or, in general, can’t refute provided facts directly maybe even not shared via an Article – out of desperation SLANDER, the last resort of the Scoundral – my just launch baseless ad hominem Alinskly style attacks (DuckDuckGo search him if you are clueless who he is and the Fascicrats’ (related: http://tinyurl.com/Fascicrats) never-ending use of his “Rules For Radicals” outline))…
[ Sat Feb 19 2022 brief update: brief companion article added:
Getting FLAK? You know you're over the target!!!
/opinion-conservative/2022/02/as-the-saying-goes-incoming-flak-clear-indication-youre-over-the-target-you-know-youre-effective-when-they-start-trying-to-smear-you-again-3619573.html ]
Any given “PIECE” depends upon the CREDIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHOR not necessarily the Platform on which it is posted! This particular post, as are many of my pieces, are either posted or cross-posted on #B4IN Platform (yes, I am well aware of, and steer clear of (several, discredited, out-right) MORONS that do indeed also post here – they have nothing to do with MY FACTUAL POSTS and I nothing to do with their GARBAGE) but the whole Platform becomes a convenient DODGE/DEFLECTION when a #Libtard cannot refute my FACTUAL and/or REASONED THOUGHTS (not FEELINGS) pieces!
Ever notice how people who are incapable of putting together any coherent refutation of what someone says in an Article have to resort to the usual tactic of #deflection by trying to attack the source location (or inpune the grammar or something else) of any such Article?!?! Often, they probably hadn’t even bothered to read what it is they insist has to be invalid (just, cuz, you know, they don’t like the Source) after just reading the headline and it upset their feelings and therefore try to keep others from engaging in actual thought and discussion about the content of said Article!
And, Heaven forbid, don’t accidentally spell a word incorrectly… Some will be so enraged at your words but know they cannot refute them but be unable to resist to lash-out and attack the incorrect spelling… If you ever do, and the Trolls respond – reply: ” Note that there is always someone that knows they cannot refute the SUBSTANCE of the words of something, but is so enraged they cannot resist having to attack an accidental incorrect spelling of a word instead to try and be dismissive of the overall thoughts/points/substance they know to be valid and therefore deem “dangerous” if others were to read them that they have to try and convince others to not read said words! lol “
And, now you have this Article to share and bolster any responses you choose to make versus their desperate dismissive assaults!
April 2023 update: Like I say in /books/2022/12/how-to-write-a-book-and-get-it-published-want-to-really-influence-discussions-publish-your-thoughts-its-easier-now-than-ever-2551972.html you don’t want to be a Grammar-NAZI online, but you want one editing your book (see the part about Mallies Sports Bar and Grill)!!!
Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.
more: http://TerrorStrikes.info
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Take that GRAMMAR NAZIs.