Highlights of most of the ‘The Biblical Events’, one before The Book of Genesis, and then through to the Book of Revelations as a tool to study ‘The Bible’. ...
Highlights of most of the ‘The Biblical Events’, one before The Book of Genesis, and then through to the Book of Revelations as a tool to study ‘The Bible’. REPRINT
To be a help for your ‘Faith of God’ grow in you!
Highlights of most of the ‘The Biblical Events’, one before from time before the Creation of Garden of Eden and Man, Satan’s Deception, Fall of Man, and Prophecy Fulfillment of the Coming of The Messiah, Ministry of The Holy Spirit, Miraculous Birth of Jesus and His Ministry, Jesus’ Death, Resurrection and Ascension, Period of The Control and Suppression of The Word of God, Religious Persecution and Death of Millions of Believers of God’s Word, Rescue and Deliverance of the Gospel through the Word of God through Martin Luther, Salvation by Grace through Faith and not Works, Repentance, Receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord TO BECOME BORN AGAIN AND BE ABLE TO LIVE REST OF ONES’ LIFE ON EARTH ‘IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD NOW’ AND BECOME THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, IF ONE LOVES GOD AND OBEY HIS WORD THEN THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL MAKE THEIR ABODE IN THEIR SPIRIT ALONG THE PROMISES OF GOD, RESURRECTION, RETURNING OF JESUS , CAPTIVITY OF SATAN FOR 1000 YEARS, SATAN AGAIN BEEN RELEASED FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME AND THEN HIS FINAL DEMISE FOREVER AND THE BELIEVERS TO LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN IN THE MANSIONS JESUS HAS PROMISED HE HAS PREPARED FOR US AND RULE WITH HIM.
(The following summary is not all inclusive of many other Biblical Events.)
Martin Luther: Translating the Bible in the Face of the Catholic Church | Cody Crouch