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Kamala’s Brother-in-Law Set America on Fire

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When the new administration was looking for an attorney general, Ben Crump, the ultimate BLM lawyer who represented the families of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and nearly every BLM case, recommended Tony West. Al Sharpton also mentioned West.

West, Crump argued, had been the third-highest ranking official in the Obama DOJ, “led various efforts to reduce racial bias, improve procedural fairness, strengthen the relationship between communities of color and law enforcement, and hold police departments accountable.”

Or as the New York Times put it, West “launched an investigation into the 2014 shooting death in Ferguson, Mo., of an unarmed 18-year-old black man, Michael Brown, by a white police officer”. Michael Brown had assaulted a store clerk and then the police officer who shot him in self-defense, but West proved to be a crucial link in the chain that unleashed BLM on America.

The ‘Ferguson Effect’ and the lies around the shooting of Michael Brown would help cripple policing and lead to race riots and then a crime wave spilling across the nation’s cities.

West had helped start the fire that burned down the country and killed thousands of Americans.

Crump however pointed out that West had another major asset besides the Ferguson Effect, he was also “the brother-in-law of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.”

Big Government is indeed a small world.

While Biden’s inner circle proved wise enough not to bring in Kamala’s family into the cabinet, West wasted no time rushing in to consolidate Kamala’s position during the Biden palace coup.

The New York Times described West as her “secret weapon” who, coincidentally, was in Kamala’s residence when Biden ‘dropped out’ and ‘worked the phones’ helping “her reach out to would-be supporters” and “his own network of donors and business contacts”.

Since Kamala was in D.C. and West works for Uber in San Francisco (but also has a home on Martha’s Vineyard), thousands of miles away, he might not have just dropped by for a visit.

And West indeed worked fast.

Shortly thereafter, West pressed Kamala to bring in his former boss, Attorney General Eric Holder, to ‘vet’ vice presidential candidates. And West put himself on the 5-person vetting team. When Kamala picked Gov. Tim Walz, it was really the old Obama DOJ team that got it done.

Derek Anthony ‘Tony’ West, married to Kamala’s sister, Maya Harris, a radical ACLU activist, have been the power couple behind Kamala’s political career. Maya was the campaign chair of her sister’s 2020 presidential campaign. And when Kamala headed to her presidential campaign headquarters back then, Maya and her husband were by her side.

Maya was credited by campaign staffers with wrecking the campaign and this time around, Kamala’s campaign is officially being chaired by Biden’s old campaign chairwoman, Jen O’Malley Dillon, but West is very clearly acting as the unofficial chair of the 2024 campaign. West, who formerly co-chaired her transition team, has emerged as its number two.

The infighting between Kamala’s sister and campaign professionals likely made donors leery of allowing Maya a similar role, but family has always been in charge of her campaigns and career. Kamala’s vice presidential office fell apart the way her campaign did with most of the staffers heading out the door. CNN reported that “some fear the vice president is, as she has often done in her political life, leaning heavily on her sister Maya Harris, brother-in-law Tony West and niece Meena Harris, whom they sense exerting influence over everything from staff hires to political decisions.” There is every reason to believe that Maya, her daughter, and husband are still at it.

Maya, Tony West and Meena all have radical politics. Maya, an ACLU veteran, had previously been a top Hillary adviser, while West serves on an Obama Foundation Advisory Council.

Both Maya and West defended Islamic terrorists. At the ACLU, Maya Harris had campaigned against the War on Terror and West had defended the ‘American Taliban’: John Walker Lindh.

When Jews had accused CAIR, whose leaders had praised Hamas, of terrorist connections, Maya Harris rallied on its behalf, claiming that CAIR has “been a leading organization that has advocated for civil rights and civil liberties in the face of fear and intolerance, in the face of religious and ethnic profiling.”

Some anti-corporate activists are concerned about West because of his work for Pepsi and Uber, but there are more urgent issues from his record on BLM to his role in the slush fund from bank settlements misdirected to radical leftist political allies of Obama.

Under former Attorney General Holder, West negotiated massive “settlements” with banks over their actions involving the financial crisis. The settlements were attacked by activists for providing nothing or next to nothing for the victims in the financial disaster and by conservatives because they amounted to banks paying off the Obama administration’s backers.

The ‘slush fund’ amounting to between $1 and $3 billion was directed to leftist groups like ACORN and La Raza. And a House Judiciary Committee investigation obtained documents showing that West’s team had deliberately screened out conservative groups.

West’s deputy had emailed the Office of Legal Counsel asking, “[c]an you explain to Tony the best way to allocate some money toward an organization of our choosing.” Explaining the final settlement to the press team, West’s deputy wrote that the donation provisions require banks to “[m]ake donations to categories of entities we have specified (as opposed to what the bank might normally choose to donate to).”

Such a level of corruption is concerning. West has suggested that he will go back to working at his extremely lucrative position at Uber after the election, but Crump’s op-ed touting him for Attorney General suggests that he was interested in that role. And might be yet again.

While serving at the Justice Department, West had praised Al Sharpton, linked to years of racial violence in New York City, including the Crown Heights Pogrom against Jews, the assaults on Asian groceries and the Freddy’s massacre of Latino women, for his work on “reconciliation”.

Sharpton brought up West’s name during discussions about Biden’s next attorney general. He warned that there should be no hesitation in providing Tony West with a “waiver”. A possible reason for such a waiver would have been to exempt West from anti-nepotism rules due to Kamala’s position. While the Biden team did not listen to Crump and Sharpton, and did not pursue such a waiver, it is likely that Kamala would be more motivated to do so than Biden.

Tony West helped set America on fire by legitimizing BLM assaults on law enforcement and the justice system. He brokered some of the most corrupt settlements in the DOJ’s history.

And the next time you see him, he might be the attorney general.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.

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