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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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"America's Color Revolution" Brought To You By The US Intelligence Community & Coming To A City Near You

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State of the Nation

Who doesn’t know that the C.I.A. has been pulling off color revolutions around the world practically since it was established in 1947?

Well, it was only a matter of time before the very same subversive acts of outright sedition were used against the American people by the US Government.  And so they have been, especially since the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks which were perpetrated by the Bush Administration, U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces, and various other organs of the U.S. Federal Government including the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.

Surely folks everywhere are well aware by now that the now pervasive and obviously manufactured chaos, confusion and conflict in all 50 states are all a part of a highly elaborate conspiratorial criminal plot to forever destroy the American Republic.

It’s as though The Powers That Be are throwing every single treasonous tactic and treacherous strategy at the USA, which they have successfully used in carrying out other color revolutions across the planet.

Really, how could so much go wrong, particularly since Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama first took office in 2009, but especially since Donald Trump occupied the Oval Office.

However, what’s quite inconceivable at this late date, is that so many Americans are still so clueless … and oblivious to so much hard evidence of color revolution activity every day of the week now.

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Banana Republic USA

Of course, the best indication that the USA is under withering attacks by its own intelligence community is the spate of blatantly malicious and frivolous prosecutions of Trump throughout the 2024 election cycle.

The electorate has been watching the Uniparty Keystone Cops go after Trump in a manner that we don’t even see in the most corrupt of Banana Republics.  And that’s very bad news for the American people…that these communist-directed corruptocrats, traitorous government officials and career political criminals feel they can act with such impunity that they can imprison a former POTUS with no threat of consequences for their institutional crime sprees.

When we say “impunity”, we’re talking about this naked election interference by the perfidious spooks and kooks who populate the exceedingly corrupt intel community.  Be sure to read every name in the published list to understand who these shameless traitors to the Republic are.

Why haven’t these 51 traitors from the US Intel Community
been prosecuted for blatantly rigging the 2020 election?!

It’s noteworthy to point out that these same hardcore color revolution criminals are attempting to overthrow the government of Georgia at this very moment.

US behind two recently failed ‘color revolutions’ – Georgian PM

Treacherous US Intel Community Fails To Stop Critical New Law
In Georgia Designed To Prevent Color Revolutions

Let’s not forget that the C.I.A. has a LOT of history in toppling American presidents and puling off coups in broad daylight during our most recent era.

The Company, as the CIA is well-known throughout global intel circles, (i) assassinated JFK, (ii) forced the resignation of Richard Nixon, (iii) attemoted to assassinate Ronald Reagan, and (iv) even set up Bill Clinton with the Monica Lewinsky scandal to compel his compliance with various orders from his secret masters.

KEY POINT: Nothing spells “BANANA REPUBLIC” more than when the hidden controllers fabricate absurd criminal charges out of thin air, and then railroad the identified enemy through a ludicrous Criminal Injustice System process as they just did with Trump.  Truly, that date of that scandalous conviction was the day that the United States of America morphed into a full-blown Banana Republic.

Back to 2024

Let’s be very clear—WE HAVE HUGE PROBLEMS.  Bigger than those ever faced by the American people since the founding of this Republic.

And those problems are not just coming from the extremely powerful, pervasive and dangerous intel community. See: PATRIOT ALERT! National Overview of Fusion Centers

Not only does The Company exert complete command and control over the entire U.S. Federal Government, it also oversees the Fortune 5000 companies worldwide.  That’s why it was named The Company.  Because when you totally control all of Corporate America, including the entire Military-Industrial Complex, what can’t you control.

KEY POINT: This is why those 51 traitors felt so immune to any type of retributive repercussions after knowingly rigging the 2020 POTUS election.  It’s also precisely why CIA agent Hunter Biden gets away with his crime waves across the planet with not so much as a slap on the wrist.  These wily turncoats take care of their own more than their own mothers.

But the real problem that We the People are confronting this campaign season is that the perps behind the scenes know that their time is up.  There is simply too much raw truth about everything being disseminated everywhere to the point that the US citizenry will soon be ungovernable.  TPTB know this and are under pressure to lock the whole place down with all deliberate speed.

This is why there is such a HUGE push for the sovereignty-busting Pandemic Treaty.  And, why they’re so determined to carry out their long-planned Bird Flu Plandemic this year.  These communist clucks are really desperate, and therefore as brazen and reckless as ever…so nothing is beyond them.  They already released the deadly COVID-19 bioweapon and lethal weaponized vaccines and flipped the switch on 5G and drop poisonous chemtrails on US 24/7 … … … so what won’t they do?!

American Bolshevik Revolution

There is no question that, when these treasonous perps have sown the seeds of chaos, confusion and conflict to a sufficient level nationwide, they will push the button on their long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.

BE AWARE! These are the two primary drivers of
the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.

This is really how their highly organized color revolution will unfold.  And the unparalleled and extreme polarity being engendered by this election is setting the stage for the clash of Americans on the Right against those on the Left.

As for what can be done to counteract this NWO globalist scheme to overthrow the Republic:


To be continued —

State of the Nation
June 3, 2024

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    • GJ

      You forgot the simple fact that the same CIA overthrew the US Government back in November of 1963/starting with the execution of a sitting President. Then shortly after they installed this Donkey and Elephant show in DC. Since that date the inbred billionaires have been calling all of the shots in the US100%. AIPAC the most powerful lobby in DC still not registered as foreign agents! Why? I don’t know maybe the fact that the US has given untold billions to this same group of people every year. Your money. Ask yourself where in the Constitution does it say you have to fork over half of your yearly salary to these puppet idiots in DC that send it off to their bosses and get a small kick back check in the mail. When you are ready to do some housekeeping let me know. Because everyone in DC is in on this generational international criminal syndicate and in need of a lead lobotomy.

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